Chapter 11- Early Heats and Getting Out

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Reaperela woke up in a room she knew it wasn't her room then she remembered the date and she was still in the dress.
"This is Dare's room" Reaperela said to herself she tried to get up but couldn't. Reaperela looked to her right to see Dare hugging her waist. Reaperela started to blush hard and she felt wet in between her legs then Reaperela sighed. "Really I'm in an early heat now great" Reaperela said sarcastically. Reaperela heard Dare growl then groans as she wakes up. Reaperela then realized that she still had her ears and tail out. So Reaperela put her shetland sheepdog tail in between her legs.
"Angel what is that wonderful smell" Dare said and Reaperela started to blush even more.
"Um I am in h-h-heat" Reaperela shuttered, Dare smirked and Reaperela saw this. "No ye aren't mating with me ye have a whole week to do it" Reaperela said blushing like crazy.
"Then why don't we do it tomorrow" Dare said.
"Ok but today we are going to get Angela free" Reaperela said blushing more by the minute because of her heat.
"How are we going to do that?" Dare asked.
"The only way I know how" Reaperela said smirking. "We are going to scare the Chief" Reaperela said.
"Yes" Dare said and Reaperela giggles at this.
"Ye are acting like a child" Reaperela said giggling more.
"What I haven't scared anyone in years" Dare said excited.
"Me too, ever since both me and Angela were 20" Reaperela said getting up then she remembered she is still in the dress and her clothes are probably an hour away. "Um Dare can I borrow some clothes?" Reaperela asked.
"Sure" Dare said getting up and goes to her dresser. "Pick what ya want" Dare said and Reaperela walked to the dresser. Reaperela got out a fall out boy shirt and sweatpants.
"Where is the bathroom?" Reaperela said.
"Over there" Dare said pointing her left but Reaperela's right. "Honestly I wanted to see ya naked" Dare said making Reaperela blush hard and her shetland sheepdog tail goes in between her legs. Reaperela then went in the bathroom and changed. Once Reaperela got out Dare was already changed and Dare looked at Reaperela. Dare then got a nosebleed, she smirks at Reaperela, then walks to Reaperela and hugs her waist. Reaperela started to blush more, her ears go down a little and her tail is still in between her legs. "Oh you are making it so hard for me to resist ya" Dare said going close to Reaperela's ears.
"D-D-Dare" Reaperela stuttered blushing more. Then Dare started to bite gently on Reaperela's ears and Reaperela started to moan a little. Dare smirks at this and she stops biting on Reaperela's ears. Reaperela then realized what Dare was trying to do so she growled. Dare chuckles at this and Reaperela growls louder. "It is hard enough to do things while I am in heat and ye are making it harder for me to deal with this" Reaperela said.
"Well after when we break Angela out we can mate" Dare said with a smirk.
"I haven't seen Angela all day yesterday I feel bad because she is locked in a room with nothing to do and she is afraid of small spaces" Reaperela said. "And I am supposed to be there for her and if she is alone with her thoughts then she might get more depressed" Reaperela said with her ears down, holding her head clearly worried because her eyes were glowing light pink and light green.
"Angel it is ok you will comfort her once we 'break' her out" Dare put air quotes on break and Reaperela giggles at this. Dare hugs Reaperela, she hugs back and Reaperela puts her head on Dare's shoulder with her ears down.
"I just hope that she didn't go insane" Reaperela said.
A couple of hours later With Angela
Angela was sitting on the floor looking through her phone with her ears down. She then saw a picture on Instagram with Reaperela asleep in the green, pink dress and Dare leaning down to kiss her. (Reaperela don't have her ears and tail out in the picture) Angela then saw the caption underneath it.
"Only a kiss of true love can wake her up and I am her true love" Angela read out loud and laughs. She looks to see who put it up even though she might have an idea who did. (Can someone make fanart of this picture on Dare's Instagram if someone does I will put it in this book *laughs*) "Dare Reaperela is going to be so mad with you once she finds out you did that" Angela said to herself laughing a little more. Angela then started to blush feeling wet between her legs. "Oh no Dare you didn't" Angela said having bad memories with her heat and then feeling more wet. "Yep she did" Angela said then sighed. "Well we are both in heat it is Dare's fault for making Reaperela go into an early heat witch made me go into a early heat as well" Angela said. "I hate it sometimes that alter egos and counterparts can feel each other's feeling and if one goes into an early heat the other goes into an early heat as well" Angela said a little annoyed. Her tail goes in between her legs not wanting the smell to get out. Then Reaperela came in with Aires and Dare. All three of them could smell that Angela is in heat but it didn't bother Aires and Reaperela. Reaperela then goes up to Angela and hugs her. Angela then sees that Reaperela has her ears and tail out.
"Angela ye could come out ye can leave this room and never come back" Reaperela said letting go of Angela then seeing the picture on her phone. "Dare did ye post a picture of me and ye on Instagram?" Reaperela said a little pissed.
"Yeah" Dare said.
"Ye are so lucky that I am in heat because I would have punched ye to the wall" Reaperela said.
"Wait I can get out" Angela said as her tail wags making the smell more noticeable.
"Yes my little lass I had a talk with the Chief" Reaperela said.
"More like threaten" Dare said. "Reaperela was sexy when she did that" Dare said again making Reaperela blush. Reaperela then gets up and helps Angela get up as well.
"Come on lass lets get ye out of here" Reaperela said. Both Angela and Reaperela walk out of the cell with Aires and Dare close behind. Once Angela was outside the room she was scared and excited to be out. Angela was scared because she is in heat and she doesn't want to be taken advantage of. Angela was also excited because she wanted to see The Night monster, she felt safe with him and he was her mate in her eyes.
"Can I go see Night?" Angela asked in a soft voice.
"Of course go see ye mate I will come with ye" Reaperela said. Then Angela started to run to The Night monster's room with both Reaperela and Dare following her. Once Angela got there she saw James guarding the door. She started to get scare then whimpered thinking he might lock her up again. Reaperela saw this then went up to James and growled at him. "Don't ye dare trying to lock up my little lass again or ye mess with an angry Inu alter ego" Reaperela said growling loudly. James looks terrified and lets Angela past. "I should kill ye for locking up my little lass" Reaperela said again. Angela then went inside The Night monster's room.
"Night are you ok" Angela said looking through the dark room then she saw his glowing yellow eyes. Angela was then tackled down in a hug and Angela started to giggle when The Night monster pet her ears. Angela's tail wags like crazy making her heat more noticeable to The Night monster.
"I was so worried about you Angie I thought they were going to hurt you" The Night monster said trying his hardest to ignore the smell of Angela being in heat because it is driving him wild.
"I am fine Night" Angela said giggling more forgetting her problem down below. (Angela^: If you know what I mean | Dylan^: that's what she said | Angela^: god fucking Dylan why) The Night monster couldn't take the smell anymore and he kissed Angela. Angela kissed back then The Night monster slide his hands down Angela's more curvy body. Angela started to blush hard and put her arms around his neck. The Night monster pulled away then goes to her neck.
"I know you are in heat and you smell wonderful" The Night monster said and Angela started to blush harder. Angela then realized what he might do and got a little scared. The Night monster saw this then stopped himself, and he started to worry about Angela. "What's wrong?" The Night monster asked.
"Well I had bad experiences with my heat and it is my first time" Angela said. (Wow I don't know if there is someone that is 35 and is still a virgin) Angela then looked down in shame with her ears down. The Night monster then lifted her chin so she can look him in the eyes.
"It is ok Angie I can wait till you are ready" The Night monster said.
"Thank you Night" Angela said looking back up at him and her ears go back up.
"Anything for my Angie" The Night monster said then he kissed Angela's forehead. Then The Night monster got up and helps Angela get up. The Night monster picks up Angela bridal style. Angela yelps in surprise not knowing he was going to do that. Angela puts her arms around The Night monster's neck afraid of being dropped. "I am not going to drop you" The Night monster said looking down at Angela.
"I know but I just can't help being afraid of being dropped" Angela said. "You know I trust you right" Angela said looking up at The Night monster's eyes.
"Yeah and I trust you too Angie" The Night monster said and Angela started to blush hard. Then The Night monster lays down on the floor and puts Angela on top of him. Angela keeps looking in his eyes and starts to fall asleep on him. The Night monster saw this and wraps his arms around her waist. Angela's tail started to wag liking that The Night monster's arms are around her making her feel safe. After a couple of minutes Angela fell asleep in The Night monster's arms.

Hi guys sorry that this took longer school was getting in the way and writers block as well. Aires, and Dare doesn't belong to me, Dare belongs to wolfgirl574 and Aires belongs to sonadowlover2003 anyways I hope that you all liked chapter 11 this chapter has 1,856 words and I will see you all in the next chapter bye~

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