Chapter Eight

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Will put the little slip of paper with the waitress's number written on it into his pocket and left the cafe with a caffeine buzz. He stood under the arch-way, sheltering himself from the drizzle, and opened his texts. Gabriel wanted him to come over. Will blamed the amount of time he spent at Gabriel's house for the reason he didn't know his roommate yet, and he wondered if it was okay to be intruding all the time.

Will called him. "I'm going to hang around the shopping district until the rain eases off, do some college work."

"Are you parked on campus?"

"I am," Will answered. He moved out of the way as a group went into the cafe. "And I didn't bring a jacket, so I don't want to risk a cold before the match."

"Uh, huh? And how often do you go training in the rain?" Gabriel sounded amused.

"Only when I get to shower right after," Will pointed out. "I'll see what time I end up heading home and let you know if I can make it over."

"You're near enough the place we had lunch the other day, right?"

"Yeah, same district."

"Let's have dinner out. I can drop you over to pick up the car afterwards. Would that suit?"

Will hadn't eaten yet, so it didn't not suit him. "I could be down for that."

Gabriel's voice perked up. "Great, I'll meet you there in half an hour."

Will answered the snaps from Cassie about drinks tonight, then got his hood up. The drizzle had escalated into a downpour. He dashed across the street to the cover on the other side. Even at a quiet time the streets were filled with people. There was always noise and buzzing. It made Will feel as though he should be doing something like all the other people walking around with such purpose. His mom would fit into this kind of environment, and it made sense to him that she'd been raised here. His dad wouldn't.

Will claimed the same seat as before. On an impulse, he ordered another coffee. It settled him. He went through his bag and got out a copy and his phone. He was able to get access to the questions they'd been assigned for next-week online. The work wasn't hard. It wasn't anything more difficult than the leaving cert had been, and in fact, so far everything had been manageable. That it was manageable offset his disinterest in all of his classes.

Will got another coffee. As he drank it, he wondered what on earth was going on with him at that exact moment. Why was he drinking more caffeine? Why was he feeling wired? Not in a caffeine way, but in a he-needs-to-be-doing-something kind of way. He got out his phone, and text Cassie and Dune to occupy himself. If he wasn't meeting Gabriel, he would have gone for the car by now regardless of the rain.

Gratefully, Gabriel came in at only ten minutes to seven. He had on a cap, that he shook out in the doorway, freeing hair that was curling and sticking up. He spotted Will and flashed a smile. Before he came over, he turned to the woman who had come in after him and said a few words to her, nodding in Will's direction. They walked over together.

Dressed eerily similar to how Miss Sparrow did for class every day with a grey pencil-skirt and a white blouse, Will guessed co-worker, also similar to Miss Sparrows relationship with Gabriel.

"Hey, sorry for making you wait." Gabriel slipped into the booth opposite Will, and the woman sat at the chair on the end. "This is Edith, and Edith this is Will."

"Hi," Will shook her hand. "I'm going to guess you two work together?"

"I teach History at DCU. It's lovely to meet you." Edith smiled at him.

Will wanted to sneak a glance at Gabriel to get some hint from him about her, but couldn't think of a way of doing it without being obvious. Did she just tag along? Had Gabriel wanted them to meet? Was she joining them for dinner?

"I'll get those out of your way," Will took back the sheets he'd ripped out and stuffed them into his copy.

"Do you have a lot of work to do?" Gabriel asked him.

"Just a few things here and there." Will said. "Although we did divvy up the work for that group project, so I could be getting a start on that."

"Oh yeah? What jobs did you end up getting?"

"Research, a lot of it." Will sifted through his pockets and dug out the work sheet. Tara had printed off a copy for everyone. When he unfolded the paper the list, unfortunately, hadn't gotten any shorter.

"Can I see?" Gabriel asked.

As Will was passing it over, a little slip of paper fell onto the table between them. Will didn't get the chance to snatch it back, since it landed writing side up, and they all looked.

Gabriel's had to tilt his head to read it. Edith nudged Gabriel with her elbow. She looked amused. "Are you going to call her?"

The question alone told Will she didn't know who she was coming to meet with Gabriel and also explained why Gabriel hadn't kissed him in greeting like he had before. Will felt a small sting, minuscule, and admittedly it got a little bigger when Gabriel didn't add anything the lines of 'well I hope not since he's my boyfriend.', but looked similarly amused and raised an eyebrow at Will.

"I'm not," Will answered Edith. "I didn't want to leave it on the table for someone else to come across." Or her, while she was clearing the table. Though was taking the number and never using it any better?

Gabriel picked up the piece of paper and turned it over. "A regular occurrence, I'm guessing?"

"No." Will answered.

"I don't believe that for a minute," Edith laughed. "Come, tell him Gabriel or else you'll miss the chance at all."

"Tell me what?"

"I am very close friends with an event manager. She works at the 3 arena, and it just so happens two tickets have come floating by." Edith took an envelope out of her purse. "I mentioned them to Gabriel, and he said you liked Imagine Dragons, so I thought you two could go. If you want them of course. There's no obligation—they're free tickets, nobody is missing out if you use or don't use them. It's totally up to you."

"That's really generous of you," Will said carefully, confused once again. So did she know?

"I know you have college tomorrow, and it would be a late one if we did go." Gabriel got his attention. "I'd like to, but if you're busy, it's no problem."

Imagine Dragons was one of the bands Will listened to when running. It was also the music he'd been blasting when Gabriel had come home yesterday. Will sipped his coffee as he sifted through his thoughts. He'd been feeling so restless all day, and he had an abundance of energy—maybe a concert was exactly what he needed? Well, not what he needed, but it would provide a distraction to the weird anxiety in the pit of his stomach.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Will asked. "With work and everything?"

"I'm miles ahead on prep," Gabriel reassured him.

"Okay? That's a yes?" Edith stood just as the waitress came down to take their order. "Have a fun date." She winked at Will and took her leave.

Will waved goodbye. Her last sentence sealed the deal. She knew. Gabriel had told her already. Will was so relieved he sank down. He was being ridiculous. Gabriel had told his mom about him. He wasn't hiding that Will existed.

"Will?" Gabriel was looking at his phone. "We'd better go if we want to make it before the gates open? You're sure this is okay, right? You weren't just saying that to be polite?"

"I've never been to a live concert before."

Gabriel took Will's hand as they stood up out of the booth. Gabriel had a small smile. "Not many opportunities for that out your way. Unless you like trad."

"Which I don't."

Gabriel chuckled. "I don't mind it."

Will frowned at the back of his head. "No way."

Gabriel led them through the drizzle, taking it slow. "Are you okay? You definitely want to go?"

Will picked up on the careful tone Gabriel used. It reminded him of the way Gabriel had reacted when Will went for a second run the other day. He swallowed. "I uh," Will didn't have time to think it through with Gabriel waiting for his answer. "I guess I was just caught off guard by her."

"Are you bothered by it?" Gabriel asked further. "Edith wanted to meet you. I thought it would be okay to introduce you two."

"No, I'm not bothered. Just I wasn't sure when you sat down if she knew or not." Will explained. "I wasn't sure how to... act."

Gabriel stopped walking. Will could see his car parked near the entrance of the almost deserted lot. "Will."

"It was just—" Will started. "It wasn't anything, I just didn't know. That's all."

Gabriel waited, giving Will the chance to add more if he wanted. When he didn't Gabriel took his hand back. His fingertips were a little cool in the rain. "There's nobody you have to pretend around." Gabriel met his eyes. "And when I say nobody, I mean nobody. Now, with this fresh start, you're not my student. You're eighteen."

Will glanced around to be sure nobody was listening. He didn't spot anyone, and Gabriel waited until he had his attention before continuing.

"You're my boyfriend, no matter who's in front of us." Gabriel told him. "You don't need to worry about acting any certain way. Do as you'd like. Okay?"

"Okay," Will said. He tugged on the hand around his, and Gabriel gave him a questioning look. "Your boyfriend wants to you kiss him." He teased.

Gabriel, with a grin, obliged.

It was when Gabriel had his back turned that Will let his relaxed expression slip and rubbed his mouth. The knot in his core loosened. The anxiety he'd felt building since moving up here melted away. Will was left suddenly exhausted and relaxed.

Will put his hands into his pockets, his fingers snagging on the waitresses number. He studied the back of Gabriel's head, thinking over the lack of a reaction he'd gotten for it. "Are you annoyed?" Will asked him.

"I'm never going to be annoyed at you for how you feel." Gabriel answered seriously.

"I mean about the number." Will climbed into the passenger seat and shivered at the cool air waiting for them there. Gabriel had the engine started and the heating blasting in seconds.

"Am I annoyed?" Gabriel drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Will studied his expression, observing any signs of aggravation. There was none that he could see. "Well, realistically , that is going to happen often, isn't it?" Gabriel looked directly at Will once more. "You're very attractive. I can't be getting jealous of every single person that looks your way."

Will warmed. He, of course, was aware that Gabriel wouldn't have a hard time finding a partner if he wanted one. It made him feel good that out of everyone, Gabriel was choosing to be with him. "I dunno," Will continued. "She was cute. I might give her a text. Maybe you should be jealous?"

Gabriel, who had been about to drive, stopped. He took the car out of gear and lifted the parking break back up. Will repressed a smile. Gabriel's dark eyes glittered.

"Will," Gabriel's voice was loaded—with curiosity, with warning, with a 'why are you provoking me?'.

Will twisted toward him, clipping his belt off. "I might not," he said. He leaned until he could feel Gabriel's breath tickle his cheek. "Or I might? What do you think?" In Gabriel's space, he titled his head, leaning to see the number in his hand.

Gabriel covered his hand that held the paper, curved his fingers around until he caught the paper in his grip, and tore. Will couldn't help a small snicker.

"I'd prefer you didn't," Gabriel kissed his jaw, and added in a whisper, "Brat."


Will, closing his eyes, recalled the last time he'd been called that. In bed. Caught in the moment of rushed passion—and teasing Gabriel until impatience had made him speak in such a husky tone Will quaked. Will cupped Gabriel's cheek, and placed a kiss against Gabriel's lips, and then another. And another.

Gabriel released a hard breath.

His fingers slipped into Will's hair.

Will laid a hand on Gabriel's chest, feeling the hard plains of his body, the coiled muscles in his abs—which tightened under his exploration. His face was a furnace when he rested his hand close on the inside of Gabriel's thigh, aching to tease in wards. With considerable effort, Will broke the kiss. It was then he realised the hold Gabriel had taken of his wrist, stopping him from going further.

They were both breathing hard, affected by the intimate moment.

Will retreated, and Gabriel's dark gaze followed, with a look of someone aching to give chase.

It was difficult to cool down. Gabriel didn't let go of his wrist. Will drew his attention to it and lifted his eyebrow. "Should I keep going?"

Gabriel released him. "You're determined to torture me tonight, aren't you?" He was out of breath when he spoke.

"Oh, that was torture, was it?"

Gabriel muttered, "Stopping is."

Will discreetly ran a hand through his hair to fix the mess, only for Gabriel to look over and catch him doing it. Gabriel let out an amused breath. "Want me to help?"

Will put his forehead against the glass and it chilled his skin. Not chill enough. "Not with my hair," He murmured.

Gabriel's thumbs moved in a light caress over the steering wheel. He stared intently at Will. "Let's forget the concert."

"It's forgotten."

Gabriel got them onto the road, car pointed toward home.

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