Chapter Nine

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Studying in the lunch hall was a special kind of torture. First it was the noise, then it was the smell. The smell almost had Will gagging. The scent of cafeteria food wafted toward them, dozens of burgers, chicken, and fish, and that horrible oily smell that came with fat-fried chips, and the egg salad Tara munched on—all of it was over whelming him. Will was exhausted, and his resilience was at an all-time low.

"How are you done already?" Cassie pouted at him, a high-lighter perched in her hand. She'd been assaulting the page with it.

"There's not much work outside of class," Will replied briefly. His teeth ached. His back ached. His skin ached. His discomfort made even his brain ache.

"Lucky," Cassie murmured.

"My course is like that too," Luke endeavoured the join the conversation. Will was shocked. He'd seemed so enamoured by Dune's presence Will was beginning to suspect he hadn't noticed anyone else at the table. Dune hadn't been as involved, but that had seemed through a conscious effort on his part not to focus only on Luke.

"Is that why you're not doing any work?" Tara teased.

Luke's stoic expression wavered. He shot her a look. Dune's gaze darted quickly between them, and he kept from making eye-contact with either after the remark. Dune looked pleased. Will was hit with the smell of the eggs again. He turned his face pointedly away from Tara, hoping that it smelled better next to Cassie.

"Yello everyone," A young man threw himself into the booth next to Cassie. She jumped. The only thing Will took-in of the guy was that he was young, and his arm had landed itself across Cassie's mid-section, his hand on her thigh. She was in a skirt, and the edge of fingers disappeared under the fabric.

Will seized his wrist. "Watch it."

The young man looked at him with pale green eyes, and a long, gaunt face. The sides of his head were shaved into patterns, and the egg smell was replaced with perfume. "So sorry big man," He said, sardonic. He pat Will's shoulder.

Will stiffened.

All the discomfort rushed to anger. Heat prickled into his nerves. It was like the adrenaline buzz he got in matches.

"Stephen," Tara called. "I thought you said you weren't coming?"

Stephen gazed right at Will. That smile didn't fade, but discomfort flared in his eyes.

Cassie sneezed, and scooted against Will, the only way she was no longer being squished by Stephen. Will could feel her tension. It didn't help him calm at all.

"Guys, come on." Tara huffed. "Will he only fell, and Stephen don't be such an asshole."

"Till the day I die." Stephen replied with a coy smile. "You trying to break my fucking arm?"

"Sit over there." Will told him. To his utter amazement, his voice came out normal. Friendly, even. The pressure he put into that crunching wrist was enough of an outlet that his voice needn't be affected.

"Will." Tara admonished.

Will felt her scowl. He remained looking at Stephen, who raised his free hand in surrender. "I'm moving." He promised.

Despite the promise, Will was slow to release him. Stephen moved into the seat away from Cassie, and they were left in awkward silence. It annoyed Will that Stephen didn't seem the least bit concerned with the tension he caused. Irritated, Will glanced at Tara. "Friend of yours?"

Tara let out a huff, and Luke seemed embarrassed by the way he suddenly fidgeted and avoided Dune's gaze. He was right to avoid it, Will thought. It didn't matter how much he laughed at Luke's jokes, or exchanged snapchat info and Instagram follows and talked about going to the cinema—Dune would put his friends first. And Cassie's pinched features was enough to show even a total stranger that she wasn't pleased, never mind her best friend.

Will took the initiative. "Fancy a walk?" He asked Cassie.

Stephen rolled his eyes.

Cassie nudged his foot and gave a short nod. Her smile was forced toward Tara. "We'll be back in a few."

Will led them through the cafeteria, toward the concourse that stretched the length of the college. He would have brought them down to the riverside to explore the running trails he'd been checking out, but it was raining down. Grey and overcast. "Sorry," He said. "I know I made that awkward for you."

"It was already awkward for me," Cassie tugged at her skirt, pulling it down a little. "Do you think that was on purpose?"

Will gazed ahead, but felt her inquisitive gaze on the side of his face. He put his hands into his pockets, his palm tingling still from the contact. His immediate impression was yes, but the others sitting at the table made him pause. Tara and Cassie were getting along. Veronica was cool. Dune and Luke were... Will scowled.

"I dunno," Will said forcefully. "If it was Gale or one of the guys back home, I'd be able to say no. But I don't know him."

Cassie touched his elbow, and her gaze on him was worried. Will let the angry slip away with a long breath. He didn't apologise again.

"James would do that on purpose."

"James has had his lights knocked out for trying it," Will replied.

Cassie raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were going to knock someone's lights out for a second there. So much for the cool guy impression you're trying to give off." More life went into her voice. "Mr I don't have to do homework because I'm busy winning competitions and joining every sports club known to man."

Will allowed a reluctant smile. He nudged her with his elbow, noticing how short she was, her eye-line coming just shy of his shoulders. "I'm only trying them out."

Cassie hummed. Their walk brought them into the IT building, where the halls were quiet. Cassie picked out a spot next to the radiator and sat onto the floor. Will joined her, but paid more attention to the numbers on the classroom doors opposite him.

"Will." Cassie's voice had lost its playfulness, instead there was a carefulness. Will repressed a sigh.

"I know." He told her. "I know, I overreacted. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Cassie picked at the edge of her skirt. "I don't like what he did either, and it's not that I have a problem with what you did."


"I've never seen you react like that before. Even when you and Dune were fighting before, you were always reluctant to ever... fight." Cassie went quiet as a group of students walked by. Will felt Cassie's gaze on the side of his face. "Are you okay?"

Will wasn't sure why he'd reacted that strongly. It wasn't just because of what Stephen had done—though that had made him angry. "I'm tired," He could only shrug. He couldn't answer her when he didn't even know what was going on with himself. Maybe it was because he hadn't really felt like getting out of bed this morning. And he hadn't the day before, or the day before. But what was he supposed to do about it? He was getting enough sleep, it just didn't seem that it was adding up to enough rest. Will changed the topic. "How are you getting on?"

"Good," Cassie answered brightly. "I like going out with Tara, her dancing skills—" she let out a laugh, "they are impressive."

Will rested his head against the wall, debating just going home and sleeping the day away rather than attend class. "As impressive as Eileen?"

"I've never seen Eileen dancing. She good?"

"She is. We should invite her and Gale up here for a night out." Will remarked. He always liked hanging out with Eileen, she was easy fun. And she could play volleyball with him. Though he doubted that would be enough incentive to have her come all the way to Dublin. Maybe Jack would come up for a game? Will didn't bother thinking about why that invitation wouldn't go down well.

"Want to ditch?" Cassie asked.

Will peeked out at her through his lashes. "Really?"

"Yeah, lets go binge Netflix at mine." Cassie stood and offered her hands out to him. "Come on. I've hardly gotten to relax since moving up here, it'll be a nice break."

Will took her hands, aware that until he'd clearly needed a break Cassie had showed no inclination whatsoever in taking one. "Sounds good."

"I'll text Dune, let him know." Cassie took out her phone, and they went in the direction of the parking lot. Will had been around early enough to get space for parking today, though only just. The size of the parking lot compared to the amount of students was a joke. "I'll invite him along but, he's—"

"—Quite taken with Luke." Will finished.

Cassie jabbed his ribs.

"What?" He asked, knowing well.

"Don't be jealous." Cassie said. "You have had plenty opportunity to make a move on Dune, and you have told me repeatedly that nothing will happen between the two of you. Though... has seeing him interested in Luke changed your mind?"

"No." Will replied. He took in Cassie's frown and realised how cold his voice had come out. Cold enough to be an insult to Dune. He nudged her. "We're just friends. I mean it."

Cassie didn't look convinced.

Will and her went out into the cold, and he recalled again how hard getting out of bed this morning had been. How Gabriel had rubbed his back and mumbled for Will to stay with him.

"I'm seeing someone." Will said.

He passed by the crosswalk into the student parking lot and was a few feet ahead before he noticed that Cassie was no longer by his side. He turned and took in her shocked expression. She surged over to him. "Who?" Cassie asked. "Show me a picture?"

Will continued walking. He got out his phone, but there were no pictures there to show her. Usually it was the people Will was with that took pictures, and he then got them through Facebook or snapchat. But Gabriel didn't take photos. He got up Facebook, where he wasn't friends with Gabriel, but able to find his profile. The picture was a handsome one. He was on the beach with a brown Labrador on his lap. It was so sunny Will doubted the photo was taken at an Irish beach. As they climbed into the car, Will interrupted Cassie's unending questions by handing it to her.

Cassie looked at the photo, then back to Will. Then to the photo, then back to him. "No." She said.

"Ran into him when we moved up here." Will told her. "Got talking, and...." He shrugged, leaving the rest to her imagination. Cassie's eyes glittered.

"Really? Really?" Cassie pressed.

"Yeah," Will watched her buzzing, and couldn't help but smile. "Did I do good?" He asked.

"That's crazy," Cassie laughed. She picked up her phone and snorted at whatever she read. "And now Dune's off for a date."

Will glanced at the screen. "Did he use the word 'date'?" He asked.

Cassie showed up the screen.

Dune: Have fun, I'm going a date with Luke. Talk later.

Silently, Will started the engine.

Cassie was still shaking in disbelief. Suddenly, she turned to him. "Did you still call him Mr Graham?"

"That would be weird."

"And do you like, talk about school?" Cassie bit her lip. "This is tough to get my head around. Super cool, but crazy."

Will kept his eyes averted, starting to feel uncomfortable. "We talk about college." He answered. "Why don't you put on some music there? The port is next to your foot."

Cassie ignored the port. "Do you—"

"I'm uh—Cassie, I don't really feel like talking about it right now." Will interrupted, too anxious to hear what the next question would be. Cassie, once again, looked surprised by him. Quietly she got the port and played music.

Will's eyes burned as he stared ahead. Had he snapped? Was she upset? Did he need to apologise?

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Cassie shrugged him off. "We can just chill out. No interrogation."


Will didn't really feel okay.

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