Chp.14 The Train

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As we left off, Lee and the rest have abandon Lilly for the actions she has it/ just Lee, Ken, Kat, Duck so far, (YN), Clem and Ben....
One morning, Kenny stop the RV as a train was blocking their way...

Kenny: Damn, roads block...and we gotta deal with this.

Kenny stops the RV, as everyone gets off and observing the train...(YN) and Clem got off the RV...and to look at Kat, holding Duck, as he look very sad, and not to goo at all as they go and sat down on a log together while Ben, Lee and Kenny observe the train...

Ben: Think there's a way around it?

Kenny: Don't look like it, on foot maybe, but can afford to do that now.

Lee: Well this area seems safe, all this brush will stop anything from creeping up on us.

Ben: Why don't we take a look around?

Lee: Yeah, me and Ben will check it out, everyone can relax here, (YN), Clem, stay close with Kenny and them okay?

Clem/(YN): Okay.

Katjaa: Also Lee, if you come across anything to drink, I think Duck's a bit dehydrated.

Kenny: It's a freighter hon...but be careful you two.

Lee: Right.

Lee and Ben approach to the train closer, as they open one of the boxcar door, got in and to surprisingly see some supplies, that were used...

Ben: Woah!

Lee: Looks like someone's been living here.

Ben: Seems like it, think they're gone?

Lee: I hope so, but looks recently use, so be on your guard and keep an eye.

Ben walks around and see anything he finds, Lee then spits out a clipboard, and to have a map...

Lee: A map...this train heads to the coast, Route 27, Savannah...that's where we're going!

Lee also luckily finds a bottle of water for Kat, he hops off the boxcar and to head to the others and hands Kat water...

Lee: Here you go Kat.

Katjaa: Oh thank you Lee.

Lee: No is he?

Katjaa: ...I don't know, tired, but it could mean a lot of things, right?

Lee: Yeah, his body is fighting whatever's in there.

Katjaa: Exactly.

Lee: So...has Clem or (YN) have said anything? Like about Duck? Lilly? ...Or Carley...? I'm worried about them.

Katjaa: ...No, those little ones are a puzzle.

Lee: Yeah, they are.

Katjaa: Poor Carley...god, where did yesterday go?

Lee: ....I don't know.

Katjaa: ...Are you okay? I know you two had a fond together, especially her with you.

Lee: ...I was, this may not be the time for falling love, or a romance and all but...I was fond with her, yeah. Anyway, let me know if anything changes here.

Kat nods as Lee approaches to Kenny and hands him the map...

Lee: Seems like our trip has gotten better.

Kenny: Woah! Is fucking way! These tracks....lead right to Savannah! Holy Hell, can you guys try and see if you can move the train, we might be onto something!

Lee: Yeah, we're on it.

Lee walks away, and to see Clem and (YN) sitting down together, as they both waved at Lee and Lee waves back...he then walks up and to head to the very front of the train where the controls are, as he does, Ben was there, as the two tried opening the door, and managed to do so...they got in the cab, Lee sees a button blinking...

Ben: Push it.

Lee: Push it? You serious?

Ben: Yeah, look.

Ben pushes the button, and that started up the train as steam began flowing around...

Lee: Okay, I'll give you that.

Ben: Yeah, it's just the brakes.

Kenny appears...

Kenny: this fucker works? Hell yeah! I'd be damn, But how do we get it moving?

Lee: Ben?

Ben: No clue.

Kenny: Hmm, well Lee, try to find something around here to start it off, Ben why don't you go and look after the kids and Kat, I'd appreciate it.

Ben: Okay.

Ben walks off as Lee looks around to see anything to start the train and get it to move...he then finds a notebook, with instructions to start it off...but some pages were missing...however, there's writing still....Lee needed something to shade the writing and to read it....he finds a pencil, and to shade off the writing, and to read all the controls of the train..

Lee: Got it.

Kenny: You can read it now?

Lee: Yeah, just gotta follow the steps here to get it start it.

Kenny: That great man!

Lee walks over to the controls, and to to turn on and press buttons to turn on the train...and as he did, the train began to start to move...only problem seems the train might be stuck...

Kenny: Aw what??!

Lee: Shit, seems like the rest of the train are still attached back there. I'll handle it.

Kenny: Yeah.

Lee walks out, and to then find some tools in a cabinet of the train...he grabs a big wrench to loose up the train...he goes and walks over to whatever the train is he does, he then lifts the pin with everything he has...and did it, and for the train to be loose...

Lee: Got it.

As Lee goes back and enters the boxcar with used supplies....he then heard a voice...

???: You touch any my stuff?

Lee startled and to turn and see an old mature homeless man in the boxcar...

Lee: ...I don't mean no trouble, only thing I took was the map for the train route.

???: Thats fine, you can have that, got it up in my head....names Chuck, Charles if you're fancy.

Lee: Lee.

Chuck: That guy in the cab and the people outside are your crew?

Lee: Yeah.

Chuck: Hmm, I saw you coming through here, was going to scare the pants off ya.

Lee: ...

Chuck: But I couldn't force myself to do it. Anyways, already met everyone outside, they are warmed to me right in direct sunlight.

Chuck and Lee hops off the boxcar and to approach to the rest...

Clementine: Lee! You met Chuck too?

Lee: Hey sweat pea, and two have candy?

(YN): Yeah! Chuck gave us candy, all of us!

Katjaa: It's so nice to meet someone normal for a change, if it's too much to ask, we'd like some company for once.

Chuck: The pleasure is mines, and would like to.

Lee: Well in that case...Welcome.

Chuck: Thank ya.

Lee: You met Kenny too?

Chuck: The man sure does love the raid as much as I do.

Lee: That's certain.

Lee approaches to Clem and (YN)...

Lee: Hey little ones. So, the candy Chuck gave y'all, was it good?

Clementine: Yea!

(YN): Delicious!

Lee: No funny aftertaste?

Clementine: No not really.

(YN): Wow, train is cool.

Lee: Cool isn't it?

(YN): Yup!

Clementine: I guess, scary kinda.

(YN): Aw don't be, riding on a train can be cool!

Clementine: You think?

(YN): Sure!

Then, Kenny appears...

Kenny: So Lee, we're cut loose and good to go?

Lee: Seems like it yeah.

Kenny: Ha, great! Alright y'all, gather everything you need and let's go.

They all head over to the boxcar and Kenny noticing Chuck...

Kenny: Want a ride?

Chuck: Sounds like you're taking my home.

Kenny: Take that as a yes then?

Chuck: Haven't find anything better here than creepin crawlers.

Chuck hops on the Clem and (YN) look worried for Duck...

Clementine: Duck's Sick.

(YN): He doesn't...look good.

Kenny: Get on the train you two.

Kenny gave this...bothered look when mention Duck not feeling they hop on as (YN) helps Clem getting on...

Katjaa: ...Duck is getting worse.

Kenny: Nonsense, let me look at him.

Kenny looks at Duck...and to see him more pale, and really tired...he then gave a little worried face...

Lee: ...We can't keep ignoring this, look at the kid Ken, this is happening.

Kenny: Ain't shit happening, and if it were, what can we do here? We got on the train and find something better, THATS the plan!

Katjaa: Ken I think Lee just wants to talk through.

Kenny: It's talked through, get on Kat. Look I'll be upfront, and don't wanna hear nonsense.

Kenny walks away to start the train to move...Lee and Kat are worried the fact he didn't seem to care about Duck not feeling they got the the train began to move...and to head off to Savannah....
Some hours pass, it was cloudy and evening, as Clem and (YN) both were sitting together, still worried sick for Duck as he's being held by Kat, Lee and Chuck standing and Ben sitting down...then, Duck began coughing, coughing blood...

Katjaa: Lee! Lee, I need you!

Lee: Coming!

Lee quickly rushes over and to grab a napkin and to wipe off the blood off Duck...

Katjaa: Thank You.....He's out of time, we need to stop this train, please Lee.

Lee: ...I'll handle it.

Lee then walks away, waking through the boxcar and to arrive at the front, entered the cab and Lee to find Kenny...

Lee: Ken, you need to stop the train.

Kenny: ...

Ken ignores Lee then shows the napkin with blood to Kenny...

Kenny: ...What the hell is that?

Lee: Your son's blood.

Kenny: Get that out of my face, and get out of here Lee.

Lee: You know he's dyin.

Kenny: Nobody knows shit! He'll be fine.

Lee: ...Wake the fuck up man! This is happening, He's about to die and you're here ignoring him?!

Kenny stood up, glaring at Lee...

Kenny: Don't you tell ME to wake up. I got a REAL family I have to protect, not the fucking sham you got back there!

Lee: ...I don't know what the hells got into you, but you need to chill the fuck out.

Kenny: Oh? Do you want a piece of me, is that it!?

Lee shoves Kenny...

Lee: If that's one way of incongruous some sense into ya!

Kenny charges at Lee as the two started to grapple each other, Kenny was about to throw a punch but Lee acted quickly as he aggressively tackles Kenny to the wall and began to hold him off by his neck with his arm...

Lee: Katjaa told me to tell you to stop this train for Duck, and you bet your ass I'm gonna! Listen I had your back since the beginning! Don't make me fucking regret it Ken!

Kenny: Sh-Shut up!! I-I'm gonna kill you-

Lee: You wanna hurt people because you're afraid!? Well losing Duck ain't enough for ya?! Cause you'll FUCKING lose everything if you keep acting like this! I'll fucking kill you before I let that happen!

Lee then Let's go of a Ken began to catch some air...

Lee: ...I'm sorry, but-

Kenny:'re right...I just...*sighs and grunts* I...don't think I'm...ready...for this man...

Lee: ...Ken, all you need to know, is Kat needs you...Duck needs you more.

With Lee knocking into some sense to Ken, Kenny finally get to stop the train...
And to go and say his final goodbye to his own son.


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