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As we left off, Lee and them got raided by bandits at the motel by surprise, and not just that, walkers as well, but luckily they manage to escape the motel thanks to Kenny fixing the RV and leaving with it for good...on the road, they drove still as they still panic and freak out about the incident...

Kenny: Kat, you okay?! Shit your bleeding on your head-

Katjaa: I'm fine Kenny!

Ben: Oh shit! Oh shit!

Carley: Everything's fine Ben-

Lilly: No, it's not fine! We need to figure how this happen?! Someone have done this!

Kenny: Well you're lucky we have this RV. Now settle down, the bandits had us for weeks

Lilly: But this is different, someone was working for them, slipping supplies for them without us noticing.

Kenny: Look calm down will ya??

Lilly: No I won't! Lee just found bag of supplies outside the wall!

Lee: ...It's true.

Lilly: So...Carley? Care to tell us??

Carley: Oh fuck off! Why me?

Lilly: Because you're in no position to make a decision to make demands.

Lee: Wait, why Carley? She's trustworthy. She's not a traitor Lilly.

Carley: Thank you Lee.

Lilly: She can fight in her own battle, unless there's something going on that implicates both of you.

Carley: Don't be ridiculous.

Benn: H-Hey look, everything fine now, can we just ignore it and just enjoy the fact we escaped??

Lilly: No, we won't!

Carley: Or if we just eat when we arrive, and talk about this.

Ben: Y-Yeah, that's better.

Lee: Lilly, it's better off you let it go. People make mistakes and yeah, this is a fucking Doozy, but Carley won't do such a thing like that, and I know her well.

Carley smiles...

Lilly: Then what do we NOT forget? Honestly, tell me! Kenny can kill my dad, Carley stealing from us, where is the line!?

Ben: But none of us stole anything!

Lilly: ...Or was it you?

Ben: What?!

Lilly: Or maybe the both of you did this! I've seen you two together lately! But Ben...look into my eyes, and tell me that you have nothing to do with this.

Carley: Lay off from him Lilly.

Ben: I-

Then suddenly, a loud thud was heard, as it felt like Kenny ran over he stops the RV, everyone gets off besides (YN) and Clem as (YN) keeps Clem out of the argument and not have her scared...and Kenny checking...

Kenny: Well shit, hit a walker, I'll handle this.

With Kenny trying to take off the walker off the RV, Lilly again goes off arguing with Ben...

Lilly: Now, since we got time...

Lee: Lilly...

Lilly: ...Lee, I need to get to the bottom of this! Now Ben, Carley-

Ben: Please just chill out! I didn't do it!

Carley: Lilly, you can push around Ben, but don't push me as well!

Lilly: I'm sorry Carley, but I'm guessing it's really the both of you.

Ben: No!!

Lilly: Just say it!

Carley: Leave him alone!

Lilly: Just say what I want to hear, and I'll stop!

Lee: There's no way Ben, especially Carley would do this Lilly, I mean what if someone sneaked in our camp.

Lilly: That's ridiculous Lee, is that what you think??

Lee: Yeah.

Lilly: Oh really? Kenny?

Kenny: I don't know, fuck just stop it okay?

Lilly: Well your votes count with you and Kat.

Ben: We don't need votes! What will it take?! Anything for you to trust me! I-Ill go get more food, medicine-

Lilly: You think any of that is good for now?!? Just look at you, sounding pathetic!

Lee: Ben, just stop panicking okay? Just take a deep breathe and calm down.

Lilly: Lee you're not helping!

Carley: Just stop this fucking bullshit okay?! Lay off from Ben and just forget it!

Lilly: Shut up Carley! No one's talking to you! Now have until that walker is unstuck that it was you, or Carley...or the both of you!

Ben: What?! But I-

Lilly: Tell me now!

Carley: You know what Lilly? You think you're some tough bitch don't ya? Like nothing won't hurt ya? But I'm real life, you're nothing but scared little girl! Get the fuck over with it! Do me a favor and take a page from Lee's book for bloody once!

Carley shut Lilly up with that....and Kenny mange to take off the walker off the RV...

Kenny: Okay, now what the fuck is the pro-

Suddenly, a gunshot was Carley was shot in the head, dropped Lilly was the one that shot her....Lee was stunned to see what she did to her...he quickly pins Lilly to the RV...


Lilly drops the gun...

Ben: O-Oh...fucking shit...!

Kenny: Holy fuck...! ....Nrgh! Everyone, in the RV now! Lee, let her go and get in, we're leaving this crazy bitch!

Lilly: ...Lee, she couldn't been trusted, you know that...she may be innocent for you, but inside she might of been playing us...I swear, please.

Lee was holding back he began grunting silently....and to take one deep breathe, let's Lilly go....and responds...

Lee: ...You're not coming with us.

Lilly: N-No! Don't do this, I-Ill die out here!

Lee: ...Not my problem, and I.don'

Kenny: You're a murderer Lilly! We can't have you with us after what you did to Carley! Jesus!

Lilly: I'm a murderer!?! You had Lee this whole time-

Kenny: I don't care what he did before!

Lilly: What?! H-He told you?!

Kenny: Yeah, all of us! And If we keep you with us, how long will you get one of us next?!

Lilly: I-...I was just trying to help and protect all of us...I...don't have anything left...I'm sorry..

Kenny: ....Get in Lee, let's go you guys.

Kenny and Ben got in the RV, as Lilly stood there, guilty and sad the fact she's about to be left behind for what she did....Lee kept glaring at her...s he turns to Carley...lays down and to slowly shut her eyes...and to get up...and to walk in the RV....and to drive off...leaving Lilly behind.

(YN): Lee? What happen???

Clementine: We heard a shot...where's Lilly??

(YN): And Carley?

Lee tried his best not to he took a breathe, and says...

Lee: ...Lilly shot Carley.

(YN): ...Oh.

Clementine: ...Oh...but why??

Lee: ...It's hard to explain it...but, let's not talk about it, okay? Just go and have a seat.

(YN)/Clem: Okay.

Both walker over to the couch and sat together...and then Katjaa calls Lee...

Katjaa: Lee, a word please?

Lee walks up to Lee notices Duck looking a bit...pale...

Lee: Is...Duck feeling alright?

Kat then shows Lee Duck's side gut...and to see a bitten mark....which means Duck has been bitten back at the motel...

Lee: ...What the fuck...

Kenny: ...Happened during the raid.

Lee: ..So what's the plan? Never had a bite victim in our group before.

Katjaa: ...I'm going to keep an eye on him and see what I can do.

Kenny: We keep the same plan unless something changes. East. Important to stay honest each other.

Lee: ...Right

Katjaa: ....Also, if you could tell the kids, we would appreciate it.

Lee nods...and to walk back to Clem and (YN), as he sat between them...

Lee: ....Ducks been bitten.

Clementine: Wh-What?!

(YN): No way..!

Lee: He got bitten by a walker back at the motel from the raid.

Clementine: ...I...don't feel good.

(YN): ...I...*sighs* I can't....believe it...

Lee notices the two of them worried and scared the fact they heard Duck was, he wraps his arms around them...and says...

Lee: I'm glad I met you both.

The two gently smile at him...

Clementine: We do too.

(YN): Yeah, you're a cool know, back at the treehouse where we heard you, I was this close dropping my bat on your head.

Lee: Heh, that's nice.

Clementine: But he didn't though.

(YN): Yeah, luckily.

Lee: Thanks.

With the three of them sitting down together, they took a nap, and so as Lee....
But as he took a nap, he woke up for a bit, and to hear groaning and he looks at both (YN) and Clem...moving...and to then sit up and noticing them two were walkers!

Lee: What the?! (YN)! Clem!! What happens?! AH!

(YN) and Clem try to eat Lee as he tried fighting back...but couldn't as they were close to bite him on the neck...
Then suddenly, Lee quickly wakes up, as he realizes that it was a dream, and it was day light already...and to see both Clem and (YN) sleeping together...and to hear Kenny...

Kenny: We got something up ahead.


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