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Couple of days have pass now...and things are looking far, but still more argument has been going on in the motel between Kenny and Lilly about staying/leaving the motel. Lilly wants the group to stay, but Kenny wants to leave somewhere else safe, and Lee agrees to him, they have to leave eventually...but Lilly disagrees...and not only she does...she then finds out that someone in this Motel, amongst the a traitor. Lilly began finding out that someone in the group has been stealing supplies from them for themselves, she don't know who it is, but will find out and get to the bottom of Lee goes in and talks with her about it...

Lee: ...Hey.

Lilly: ...Hey...sorry about me riled up.

Lee: Don't need to apologize...just came here to follow up what you said about supplies being stolen.

Lilly: Do you know what's going on?

Lee: No, Just heard about you mentioning it.

Lilly: And you just came here to confess?

Lee: Look I'm not stealing shit okay? I came to help.

Lilly: ...There's a traitor Lee, here, somebody, one of us, he/she out there, they've been taking things.

Lee: For real? Who? What you got?

Lilly: Yes for real, and I don't have nothing yet, I just know...and I know what they've been stealing, the good stuff, antibiotics, oxy, fuck anything with optimum in it, and I keep my own, I'm a fucking mess right now, and can't be dealing this right now.

Lee: So you want me to look around?

Lilly: I want you to poke around.

Lee: ...Hey, what's that under your bed?

Lilly pulls out a broken lamp, glass shattered and won't turn on...

Lilly: Found it at the garbage, we don't just throw equipment, we fix it.

Lee: Hmmm...okay, I'll poke around a bit.

Lilly: Thank you.

Lee then walks out of the room with the broken lamp....and then...

Duck: A mystery!

Duck heard everything, startling Lee...

Lee: Jesus, Duck.

Duck: Sorry...Uhm, I heard you guys talkin.

Lee: And you need to unhear all that-

Duck: Can I help??

Lee: Wha-son, did you not hear what I say?

Duck: I did, but I wanna help, Clem and (YN) always help you, and I want to...You can be the greatest detective, and I can be Dick Grayson, your ward!

Lee: ....

Duck: Thats Robin.

Lee: I know who it is........Okay, you can help, but don't tell anybody.

Duck: Secrecy!

Lee: Yeah, good.

Duck: ...So, what I do?

Lee: Look around here and find anything that seems odd, suspicious and let me know, think you can do that?

Duck: I'm on the case.

Duck then roams around and helps Lee look for anything suspicious and some he does, Lee then notices Carley upstairs at the second floor of the motel...he walks up and approach to her...

Carley: Talked with Lilly?

Lee: Yeah, she's saying about supplies being taken somewhat.

Carley: Oh really?? Weird.

Lee: Yeah, and broken equipment too, but I'll look into it.

Carley: Thanks for doing that.....Lee?

Lee: Yeah?

Carley: I know this is out of the blue....but I've been thinking a lot...about you.

Lee: ...I think about you too.

Both gently smile at each other....

Carley: is small.

Lee: Heh, your small.

Carley flusters and to look away...and to then give a serious reaction and respond to Lee..

Carley: You're a convicted killer.

Lee: Jesus Carley..!

Carley: And I think people should know. Not cause they deserve to and not cause you're a bad man. It's the opposite of those two things. Look people need to know because we're hanging by a thread here and I can't see Lilly talk about you without thinking it's the next thing she's going to say. You don't have to tell everyone, but think about who you trust and take the opportunity while you have it.

Lee: ...

Carley: Ugh, god I hate it when you do that. Don't you hear what I'm saying? Larry's gone, but he knew, if he didn't tell Lilly outright, he probably said enough to make her wonder. And I know you may told Kenny when we met in your parent's drugstore even though the first thing I ever said to you was to keep a damn lid on it....I'll tell you what I would tell anybody, apocalypse or not, there comes a time when you can get out ahead of something like this and discuss it on your terms. Do it before that chance is taken away.

Lee: ...You're right, I'll let them know.

Carley: Good, I think it's for the best.

Carley smiles...and to approach Lee closer, and landing a kiss on his cheek...

Carley: Don't call me small~

She slowly backs away as The two gently smile at each other as Lee walks away and to get to he does, he finds Clem and (YN) together drawing, he approaches to them...

Lee: Hey little ones.

(YN)/Clementine: Hey Lee.

Lee: Enjoying drawing?

Clementine: Yup, we're drawing leaves.

(YN): Yeah, just like at our school.

Lee: Thats good. Listen, I need to talk with you two.

Clementine: Okie Dokie.

(YN): Whats up?

Lee: ...The day you two and I met, I was in a car accident.

Clementine: We remember, you're leg was bleeding.

(YN): Yeah, really bad.

Lee: Yeah, but that car I was in was a police car, and I was on my way to jail for committing a crime...I need to tell you both now, cause I don't want you two to hear it any other way.

Clementine: Oh..okay.

(YN): We understand...

Lee: ...You have anything to say?

Clementine: ..Not really.

(YN): No, I don't think so....but it doesn't matter, you're a good guy.

Clementine: Yeah.

Lee: Heh, thanks little ones. Okay now, you can go back drawing.

Lee then walks away, and to look back at them, to see them not worried at all...he felt he goes up to Katjaa and Kenny...

Lee: Hey you two, how are y'all?

Kenny; Good, just having a spat.

Katjaa: Just having a relaxing moment for once, how are you Lee?

Lee: Good, Good...Ken, you got a sec? I need to talk with you about something.

Kenny: Sure pal.

Kenny then follows Lee to have their chat...

Lee: It's serious.

Kenny: Oh no, what the she-devil did to ya?

Lee: Shut up man...look Kenny...I was...on my way to prison three months ago.

Kenny: ...No shit?

Lee: No shit.

Kenny was surprise to hear something about Lee, knowing he was being sent to jail before all this, he observes Lee for a moment...and to respond...

Kenny: It wasn't for touching kids was it?

Lee: Gah man-come on Ken!!

Kenny: What!? I gotta ask!

Lee: No! ..I killed a guy on a fight.

Kenny: ......Hmm, must've been a real piece of shit if you had to haul off and kill him.

Lee: So, we're straight then?

Kenny: ...Lee, look at everything this mess has got us doing now. Look I'm sorry for what you've went through, but hey, does Duck feel safe around you?

Lee: Yeah, of course.

Kenny: Then drop it, you don't need to worry, it's alright...but I appreciated.

Lee: Thanks, can you bring Kat so I can tell her as well?

Kenny: Sure.

Kenny walks over and to tell Kat and to talk with Lee. She walks up to him...

Katjaa: Hey Lee, what is it?

Lee: ...Katjaa, you've always looked at me with kind eyes and I wonder if you would still do that if you knew I was a convicted felon.

Katjaa: My goodness, for what?! How ouch trouble did a teach like you get into?!

Lee: Well, plenty, but it had nothing to do with all was for murder.

Katjaa: Wh-Why?!

Lee: ...He and my wife...

Katjaa: O-Oh..oh gosh. Lee, I'm truly sorry, but-

Lee: No Kat, I just...I just want to know...if you're still okay with me being around?

Katjaa: ...Lee, sweetie, from what I see, you aren't a bad guy after it doesn't matter...but I really appreciate it for being honest with me and Kenny.

Lee: ..Thanks Kat.

Katjaa then goes sitting back down with Kenny, as Lee goes up to Ben, as he was on-top of the RV, keeping a lookout...

Lee: Hey Ben.

Ben: What's up Lee?

Lee: I need to tell you something.

Ben: Sure, is it about my watch?

Lee: No, you're doing fine...listen, I was...on my was on my way to prison three months ago before all this.

Ben: W-Woah! Seriously? What, uh, what were you in for?

Lee: ...It's not important. Just, if you hear anything, it's probably true, and now you know.

Ben: ...Thanks for trusting me man, I...uh-

Lee: Ben, relax.

Ben: O-Okay.

And now, Lilly is left to be told...He walks over and to enter her room and to sit down...

Lilly: What is it?

Lee: ...I need to tell you about something...I was...on my way to prison three months ago before all this.

Lilly: ...You really think that's news for me?

Lee: Just wanted to come clear.

Lilly: Really? Does that involve about killing me dad too?

Lee: ...

Lilly: Anything else?

Lee: ...No.

Lee walks out, and with that said, Lee has told the group about him being a convicted felon and sent to prison three months ago before all this...he goes upstairs on the second floor to tell Carley about it...

Carley: So?

Lee: I told Kenny about who I am, and he was cool about it, just worries about his family.

Carley: See? That wasn't so hard, was it tough guy?

Lee: I told Katjaa, and she took it fine.

Carley: Of course she does.

Lee: I told Clementine and (YN).

Carley: How they handle it?

Lee: ...I don't know, those two are tough to read.

Carley: They adore you, don't worry.

Lee: I hope...and Uh...I told Ben.

Carley: Ben?! ..Funny you picked him.

Lee: Low risk.

Carley: ...I'd take it he didn't know what to do with the information?

Lee: Not even a little, he's just happy I told him something....and...I told Lilly.

Carley: ...

Lee: You were right, she and Larry spoke, obviously....Heh, guess it all went well as as you expected. Anyways, I'll talk to you later.

Carley: I'll talk to YOU later~

Lee then walks down and to then start the investigation and helping Lilly out...he then stops, and finds broken glass on he floor, he observe it and to notice the broken glass match with the lamp...also, he then sees something on the wall, an x mark, drawn there...and written by chalk...then, he notices something else drawn too...and as he was about to look at it, he heard running footsteps behind, and (YN) rush and to block Lee's way...

Lee: (YN)?? What are you doing?

(YN): Nothing! Uhhhh, what you're doing??

Lee: I'm kinda busy here...can you, scoot a bit-

(YN): No!

Lee: Wha??

(YN): I-I mean, why??

Lee: ...(YN)...are you hiding something from me?

(YN): N-No!! ...Maybe...I don't know.

Lee: Look, just let me see what you're not letting me and-

And so, when Lee takes a look what (YN) was hiding...he looks at the wall...and to see a drawing of a boy and a girl, holding hands with a huge big heart around them with smiles on their faces...

Lee: Ohh...well now-

(YN): Please don't tell Clem! *blushing*

Lee: Heh, okay, I won't...but, tell me, did you draw that big "X"?

(YN): No really, it wasn't there when I was drawing here.

Lee: Really...weird.

Duck: A clue! Oh hey (YN).

(YN): Hey.

Lee: Duck.

Duck: Hey Lee, what you think it is??

Lee: ...I don't think it's anything.

Duck: Maybe its a sign?

Lee: Hmmm, maybe it could be, pink chalk is..weird.

Duck: Okay, Back to investigating.

Duck runs off to investigate more...

(YN): Soooo, what's going on here??

Lee: Well...Duck's helping me with this investigation that I'm working on...say (YN), think you can tell Clem if she has pink Chalk?

(YN): Oh, sure, I'll ask her.

Lee: Thanks.

With Lee walking to keep looking for more clues...(YN) walks back to Clem and sits down with her...

Clementine: Hey (YN), like my leaf drawing??

(YN): Oh, yeah it looks cool.

Clementine: Thank you, so, what were you and Lee talking about??

(YN): O-Oh! Nothing, nothing that has to do with a drawing I did that has to do with you and me of course, hehe...

Clementine: ...Huh?

(YN): N-Never mind...oh but, Lee did ask me about a pink chalk, did you have one?

Clementine: No, I don't, I've been looking for it and can't find it.

(YN): Huh, weird...I'll be back Clem, won't take long.

Clementine: Okay.

(YN) walks up to Lee...

Lee: So?

(YN): She said she hasn't, nor has one too.

Lee: Weird...

Duck: Lee!

Duck rushes to Lee...

Lee: What is it Duck??

Duck: I found this piece of pink chalk and a scuff of it over the gate.

Lee: Really??

Duck: Totally, come and look!

Duck leads Lee and (YN) to the main he does, Duck takes his hand to he wants him to give him a high five...and so he did...

Duck: Cool!

Lee: Yeah, thanks for the help Duck.

Duck: No problem!

And walks off...Lee notices the gate slightly open.

Lee: Stay here (YN).

(YN): Ok.

Lee shoves the gate open, goes out and to see a little vent on the wall opened....he approaches it, opens it, and sees a small bag inside, he grabs it, and as he takes a look in it....he sees a bunch of medical supplies...lots of them...

Lee: Son of a bitch...

Lee goes back in as Lee tells (YN) to go over to Clem and stay with her and to go and talk with Lilly about it...

Lilly: So, what have you found, if you did?

Lee: I came up with this.

Lee hands her the bags of meds...

Lee: Bunch of meds in there, found it on the outside of the the vent on the wall, and a sign on the other side too.

Lilly: Holy fuck...someone is stealing from us, and worse, someone is trying to kill us too! ...Okay, we rally them up and have a search-


Lilly and Lee heard yelling outside, and to take a look at the window and see bandits broke in and to hold Ken and them hostage, while Lee sees Clem and (YN) hiding behind a garbage...

Lee: What the fuck?!?

Lilly: Fuck!!

Lee: What we do?!

Lilly: ...Try stalling them, I'll take them out without them noticing!

Lee: Okay!

Lilly grabs her rifle, exits from the window as Lee gets out and calmly approaches to the bandits...

Bandit: Hey you!! Don't you dare do anything funny!

Lee: Why are you doing this?! Just leave us the fuck alone!

Bandit: We won't leave until we get what we want, twice as much y'all got!

Lee: Okay then, how about a deal, sound fair?

Bandit: ...Heh, I suppose we can make a deal, with some rash terms and-UGH!

The bandit got shot in the head by Lilly, as Kenny and them scattered to hide and Carley shooting the bandits down, one of them tried escaping but Lee pulls his gun and shoots him behind...then, more of them merge out from the trees and began shooting...

Kenny: Lee, get those bastards and cover our people while get the RV started!

Lee: Got it!

Lee took cover as he mange to shoot down some bandits with the rifle...then, he sees Clem and (YN) hiding still...and have time to get in the RV...

Lee: (YN)! Clem!! Run!!

(YN) grabs and holds Clementines hand and to rush over to Lee and hugs them...

Lee: You two alright?!

(YN)/Clem: Yeah!

Lee: Good, now get in the RV now!

They both rush in the RV, as Ben and Carley too...Lee then notices Kat and Duck need help as Lee rushes and to shoot down more bandits with his he does, he sees walkers beginning to appear out of nowhere as well...and one to appeared behind Kat and Duck, as it caused them to fall to the ground and trying to bite them, but Lee luckily shot the walker, saving Kat and Duck as they rush in the RV...

Lee: Lilly! Hurry!!

Lilly: Going!!

Lee rushes in the RV, as Kenny manage to turn on the RV and set to drive...Lilly mange to arrive to the RV as they drove off and to escape the motel for good..
But it's not over Lilly wants to find our, who's been stealing supplies???


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