Chp.11 St.John's Dairy Farm Pt.3

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As we left off, Lee and (YN) have found Mark...with his both legs chopped off, and telling them to not eat dinner....knowing that what they made for to eat was nothing but human meat...or in case, their about to eat Mark's legs for dinner...(YN) grabs his bat and quickly rushes down to the dinning room as Lee follows him, as they did...they see some of them eating...and Clem was going to eat...


Clem: Huh??

Everyone startled as Clem puts down the fork...and didn't ate...

Kenny: Jesus (YN), you found something?

Lee: Whatever you do, don't eat!

Kenny: What's going on??

Larry: Aw sit your asses down you two, this lady here built us a meal for us to enjoy!

Lilly: Yeah, what's gotten into you two?

Brenda: Oh he just had a start.

Larry: Probably use some god damn manners-

(YN): That lady is crazy!!

Lee: Mark is upstairs with his legs cut off!

(YN): And you're all eating him!!

Kenny: Hey, your scarring is here you two.

Lilly: Okay what the hell is actually going on??

Larry: You two should be a shame!! This lady here has did everything for us to enjoy a meal and you two are acting up! You don't have the decency to behave!

Lee: You know what?! Fuck you Larry! Eat that "meal" if it makes you feel better! See if all I care!

(YN): Yeah, enjoy it!

Larry: With pleasure!

Larry then East his "meal" with no hesitation...but Katjaa knew she a had a worried feeling about the meal too and Mark not shown up for a she quickly takes Ducks plate away...

Duck: Mom! I was eating that.

Katjaa: Listen Duck.

Danny: ...Everything would of tune out okay for you folks.

Andy: He would have died anyways! We gotta think about living!

Brenda: Settle down boys....growing up in rural Georgia, you're taught to not waste. It's how I was raised and how I raised my boys. Now, you got monsters roaming around, they do nothing but eat people! And do what? Nothing but eat until their rotten.

Lee: You're all sick...sick in the head!

Brenda: Now Lee that's not very nice to reply.....but...Andy's right, we go after folks who are gonna die anyway, one way or another.

Danny: ...Like y'all.

Lee: Kenny get your gun!

Andy: No one's going nowhere!

Andy pulls and points his gun at Kenny and Danny grabbing his rifle...

Danny: We got lots of use of you right here.

Larry: Wh-What the fu-what?!? The fuck!?

Clementine: (Y-YN)!! Lee!

Andy then grabs Clem by the hair, holding her hostage...


(YN) tried saving Clem, but Danny quickly hits (YN) behind his head with the rifle, knocking him down unconscious...

Clementine: (YN)!!


Danny: Don't.Move.

Danny aims his rifle at Lee....then suddenly, they all heard thuds on the Shira's and dragging sounds too...and for Mark to appear....

Mark: S-Someone....heeeeelllllp...!!!

Larry: Jesus!

Kenny: O-Oh fuck!! Mark!

Lee looks back at Clem...

Lee: Clementine-AGH!

Danny knocks Lee down as well unconscious....
Later on, we then see Lee slowly waking up, and to find himself locked up in a freezer with Lilly, throwing up, Kenny panicking, Larry banging on the door bragging about it, and Clem on the floor holding (YN) as she tried waking him up...

Larry: Open the fucking door! I'll tear you all apart!

Kenny: Will you stop that banging?! We gotta find a way out of here!

Clementine: Come on (YN), please wake up, you did before and now you can again...! Please, wake up!

Lee: C-Clementine.

Clementine: Lee!!

Lee stood up and to approach Clem with (YN) still unconscious....

Lee: He hasn't woke up?!

Clementine: N-No! I'm trying too wake him up! ....Lee, they tried to make us eat Mark!

Lee: But you didn't, did you?

Clementine: No-

Larry: The rest of us damn it! If you and that boy didn't drag your feet-

Lilly: Come on dad,  nows not the time.!

Larry: Those two evil fucks...made me eat...human! And now I know-

Lilly: We'll deal with it later dad!

Larry: Hmph!

Lee: ...Are you okay Clem? They didn't hurt you right??

Clementine: Yeah, I'm okay.

Kenny: Lee, those psychos have my family, and were locked up in a damn meat locker! We gotta get the fuck out of here!

Lee: I hear ya.

Clementine: I-I'm scared Lee...and (YN) hasn't woke up yet!

Lee: It's okay, don't be scare, just stay out with him and keep trying to wake him up, I'll find us a way out of here.

Clementine: O-Okay.

Lee then roams around the meat locker, while Larry isn't helpful enough to even help and kept barging and yelling and banging on the door as Lilly tries calming him he decides to help Kenny to escape this room....and then, he notices a air conditioner on the wall...

Lee: Hmmm, what if-

Larry: I-I'll brake the damn door down! And O-Ogh!!! URRRGH!!! Aaagh!!

Lilly: D-Dad?!

Larry: O-Oh god...!

Larry then got a huge heart he collapses to the floor and Lilly rushes over to him...

Lilly: N-No! Dad! No dad! Come on! He's got a heart attack!

Lilly began giving her father chest compressions with her hand, trying to get him back up..

Kenny: Oh shit, is he dead?

Lilly: No he's not dead idiot! Someone help me now!

Kenny: Fuuuuuuck, if he's dead-

Lilly: He's not DEAD!!

Kenny: ...Lee, you know what has to happen. Think about it, you saw that poor bastard at the motel, how fast he turned-

Lilly: What the hell you're saying!?

Kenny: Lilly I'm sorry, I'm truly TRULY am, a few minutes, we are going to be stuck in here with a 6ft four three hundred seriously pissed off old dead guy!

Lilly: Fuck you!! Lee!!

Kenny: We can mourn him later, but right now we need to keep him from coming back!

Clementine: No!!

Lilly: Damn it Kenny, he's not dead!

Lee: Ken we can't kill him if he isn't dead!

Kenny: But think about it man, remember how hard it was for you to get that monster off from Katjaa?! And Larry's twice his size!

Lee: Look Kenny back at the drug store, we all thought Duck was bitten and I gave him the benefit of doubt.

Kenny: But that was different, Duck wasn't bitten! But come on, We know this guy isn't going to make it....remember what Ben said...destroy the brain. Come on Lee, you know I'm right about this, you've got my back on this right? Like always??

Lilly: God Damn it Lee I need you!!

Lee now has to make a tough choice...either help Lilly bring her father back alive....or agree with Kenny and kill him before he turns into a walker...
He chose Kenny's side, knowing well if he does help Lilly bring him back alive...he'll turn into one of them no matter what...

Lee: ...You're right Ken, let's get this over with.

Lilly: You fucking monsters!! BOTH OF YOU!!

Clementine: I don't wanna see!

Clem rushes over to (YN), hugging him and looking away...

Lee: I'm sorry Lilly.

Lilly: No!! NOO!! Get off from me!!! Please don't!!!

Lee grabs Lilly, shoving her away from Larry as Kenny grabs a salt lick, walks over and to then drop it on Larry's head, smashing his head into pieces....and Lilly to crawl over to her father...and quietly sob...

Kenny: ...God help us.

Lee: ...We had no choice, Lilly, I'm sorry-

Lilly: Fuck you two!!

Then, Clem began crying as Lee heard her....then suddenly, Lee also notices (YN) waking up as he slowly opened his eyes...

Clementine: (YN)!!

(YN): Clem?? ...Ugh my head.

Lee: (YN), are you okay?!

(YN): Yeah, I'm fine-OOF!

Clem hugs (YN) tight, happy to see him awake...

Clementine: I'm happy you're awake! *smiles*

(YN): *gently smiles* No need to worry anymore-

And then...he sees Larry's body on the ground, head smash, Lilly quietly crying still and Kenny covered in Blood...

(YN): Did...I miss something??!

Lilly: ...A lot!

Clementine: Kenny...smash Larry's head.

(YN): What??!

Lee: We didn't had no choice Clem, I'm sorry...

Clementine: ...Is it because so he won't turn into a walker?

Lee: Thats right....look, I know you were scared, but I want you to be strong for this, can you do that for me??

Clementine: *sniffs* Okay, I'll...try.

Lee: Good, and besides, (YN) is here with you, so stay with him while I try finding a way out of here.

Clementine: Okay.

As Lee walks away...(YN) tried getting up, but Clem doesn't let him...

Clementine: No, you need to rest for a bit.

(YN): B-But I wanna help Lee.

Clementine: I know, but please stay with me...please.

(YN) can see the frighten look Clem has knowing their locked up in the nest he rest on the floor with Clem...

(YN): Okay, I'll stay with you.

Clem gently smiles and hugs his arm...Lee then roams around the room and to look at the air conditioner again that's on the wall...

Lee: I wonder...there oughta be an air conditioner behind this unit....maybe big enough for one of us to fit.

Kenny: I don't know pal, seems like a long shot.

Clementine: Does it come off??

Lee: It should, I have multi tools to take of the screws-and they took it...of course they did, shit!

Clementine: Maybe something else?? I got a rock.

Lee: A rock won't help, but a coin might do a trick, so you have one?

Clementine: No.

(YN): Oh! I got one! I think...let me see...

(YN) swatches his pockets...and luckily finds one...

(YN): Aha!

Lee: Nice!

Kenny: Alright!

(YN): Here ya go Lee.

Lee: Thanks.

(YN) gives Lee a quarter as Lee goes back to the air conditioner, and to then manage to use the coin to lose up the screws, taking them off and the whole air conditioner and found a way out...

Kenny: There it is Lee, our ticket out of here.

Lee: Yeah, but it's too small. Maybe one of the kids can fit in.

Kenny: Looks like it can go over the other side of that door.

Lee approach to the kids...

Lee: know one of you don't have to do this.

(YN): I don't mind, all I want is to go home.

Clementine: Me too.

Kenny: We all do kids, and this will help us get home.

Clementine: ...I'm a bit scared.

(YN): Don't worry Clem, I'm coming with.

Clementine: But-

(YN): I don't care if I'm hurt or not, I can let those jerks try grabbing you again!

Clementine: ...Yeah, you're right.

Lee: You two ready then?

Clem/(YN): Yeah.

Lee: Alright, me and Ken will help you two give a boost.

And so, the kids approach to the air conditioner as Lee picks Clem up to the vent and Kenny giving (YN) a boost up as well as the two crawl through the they do, they gave some turns as (YN) made sure Clem doesn't get lost....a minute later, (YN) found the way out of the vent as he jumps off, and to then catch Clem as well ....they arrive to this other side of the room...a room that's nothing but a blood bath...

(YN): Ugh, I'm gonna be sick.

Clementine: Smells gross.

(YN): Hey look my bat!

(YN) walks over to the table and to find his bat here...then, he notices the door slightly open...he takes a peek and notices that outside is the barn, and there's Danny patrolling the exit...(YN) quietly walks up to Clem...

(YN): Someone's out, we need to be quiet.

Clementine: Okay.

The two quietly open the door for Lee and Ken...

Kenny: Yes, way the go you two!

Lee: But did anyone see you two??

Clementine: No, but (YN) saw a man outside.

Kenny: Really?? I'll take a peek.

Kenny leaves the Lee tries to combine Lilly to leave with them...

Lee: Lilly...we need to go-

Lilly: Leave me alone.

Lee: It's not safe in here-

Lilly: God damn it Lee...I didn't even get to say goodbye...

Lee: ....

Kenny: Lee, I think I got an idea, come over.

Lee: Coming, Clem, (YN), you two stay here and take care of Lilly.

Clementine: Okay.

(YN): Got it.

Lee leaves the meat locker room to approach to Kenny as he was holding a Hay Hook...the two look out and see Danny still patrolling...

Lee: So what's the plan?

Kenny: We can probably sneak up on him, so stick behind me, when we get to the front, grab his gun.

Lee: Sounds good.

Kenny: Okay, stay close.

Ken and Lee leave the slaughter room, and to then quietly sneak up to Danny...and to hear him rant about some stuff about Andy....the two were getting closer and closer to him behind...until...

Andy: Danny, what are you doing outside the barn?

Kenny: Shit! Hide!

Ken and Lee hide behind a fence and hearing the brothers talk...

Andy: Look stop standing out the twin like a weirdo, momma said we can't keep that many folks alive. Pick one to keep, and kill the rest.

Danny: What about the kids?

Andy: Not enough meat on their trade.

Andy leaves and everything seems quiet...and hear footsteps in the barn...knowing Danny is in the barn...

Kenny: He's in here??

Lee: I don't know.

Kenny: Take a peek.

Lee then takes a peek out....and suddenly, as he does, Danny aims his rifle right up in Lee's face...

Danny: Knew I felt someone hiding-

Lee: Bastard!

Lee quickly moves his gun away as he stabs Danny with a Hay Hook, Kenny then charging at him and to strike a punch at Danny, causing him to trip and get his leg stuck on a beat trap...

Danny: AGH!!!! Damn it!!

Kenny: Where's my family asshole!?!

Danny: Y-You can't have them, especially the vet! We need her!

Kat: NO!!

Kenny: Katjaa!! Come on Lee!

Lee: Go find her!! I won't be far behind!

Kenny: Right!!

Kenny rushes out the barn to find Kat and Lee stays and to grab a hay fork and pointing it at Danny grunts in pain and chuckles...

Danny: Eeeurrgh!!! H-Hehe, go ahead Lee, kill me and use me! It's how the world works here, give part of others can live!

Lee: Thats why you killed that woman in the woods, she was gonna spill everything!

Danny: Y-You weren't ready to hear all that Lee...had to stop her! You gotta keep me alive, if you don't, meats get tainted! You can't eat it!

Lee: You're already tainted!

Danny: B-But I know you won't kill me, you're a coward! Hehe!

Lee: NRGH!!

Lee strikes the Hay Fork towards the hays aside Danny....leaving him alive...

Lee: Thats not how the world works now! You won't make me kill you!

Then, Lilly, Clem and (YN) arrived with her holding a rifle...and seeing Lee didn't killed Danny...

Lilly: Fuck you Lee, you leave that piece of shit alive but murderer my father...asshole.

Lee: ....

Clem/(YN): ...

Katjaa: AAAH!!! No don't!!

Lee: Katjaa!! Lilly, please take care of them!

Lilly: ....

Lee rushes out the barn...and as he leaves...he then hears the cornfield making if someone was approaching...and then, surprisingly to see Carley and Ben...

Lee: Carley!

Carley: Lee? Is everyone okay?! We heard screams!

Lee: They attacked us!

Carley: Really?!

Ben: I knew it! I knew we shouldn't believe them!

Carley: Well, how many are them?!

Lee: Two left....Larry's dead, and they chopped off Mark's legs and tried feeding them to us!

Ben: Aww Sick!

Carley: Jesus...!

Lee: Katjaa and Duck are stuck in that house, and I don't know where the fuck Kenny is!

Carley: Okay, we're gonna come in and help!

Lee: The main gates too dangerous, go around the fence and see if there's a back way in. I'll keep looking for Kenny.

Carley: Got it, Ben stay close, and Lee, be careful.

With Ben and Carley finding a way in...Lee rushes to the house and finding Kat, Duck and he got closer, he heard Kat screaming again...he then crouches and to sneak up the house...and to see Brenda's silhouette shadow on the door entrance...

Brenda: Danny?? Is that you?? What's going on out there??

Lee: Brenda! Where are Katjaa and Duck!?

Brenda: Oh god...come here!

Katjaa: Let me go!!

Lee rushes and to barge in the house as see Brenda holding Kat hostage with a gun in her hands...

Brenda: D-Don't move Lee! Get back! You just HAD to go snooping around!

Lee: let her go Brenda!

Brenda: D-Don't take another step, just leave us be!

Brenda began walks backward upstairs holding Kat hostage still...

Lee: Think about what you're doing, it doesn't have to end like this.

Brenda: I-I'll kill her Lee!! Stay back! Don't do anything dumb!

Lee: Let her go Brenda! Look around, this dairy was your pride, and now look what you done to it!

Katjaa: P-Please just listen...!

Brenda: Shut up and don't come closer Lee! I don't wanna shoot you!!

As Lee tried calming Brenda down still and her kept on walking upstairs back...suddenly something grabs her...and it was a half body walker...or happens to be Mark who turn into one, grabbing Brenda and began eating her and letting go of Kat...

Lee: Kat!

Katjaa: Andy took Duck! Where's Kenny?!

Andy: I said don't move asshole!

Kenny: Don't you fucking hurt him! Let him go!

They heard Andy outside as they rush out and see Andy holding Duck hostage with a rifle and Kenny trying to stop him...

Kenny: I said let him go!!

Andy: That ain't gonna happen!

Lee: Andy!

Andy: You!!

Kenny: Bastard!!

Kenny rushes to get Duck from Andy...but Andy shoots Kenny to the side of his gut as Kenny drops down...

Katjaa: KENNY!!!

Duck: DAD!!!

Duck began to cry seeing his dad shot and Lee try to calm Andy down by approaching him slowly...

Lee: Andy, let's calm down okay?

Andy: Who the fuck do you think you people are?! Look at what you done!

Lee: You brought this up yourself.

Andy: No way! You did this! All we wanted was a little gas! To keep our place safe-AUGH!

A shot was heard and to see Andy get shot from his ear, as Carley shot her when she and Ben entered...Lee then took the chance to rush at Andy, and to tackle him down as he and him fell off a little hill and crash through the fence...Lee tried getting up but Andy punts Lee to his face...he then turns off the generator, turning on the electric fence as well...

Andy: Get up! Get the fuck up!!

Andy grabs and drags Lee to the electric fence, and to try electric Lee's face towards the fence....Lee tried fighting back not too...

Lee: L-Lilly! Help!!

Lilly, Clem and (YN) were outside the barn...Lee yelled her for help...but Lilly just stood there...and ignoring Lee...and to feel bad still...So Lee manage to stay strong and fight back as he manage to strike a elbow hit to Andy's face, letting him go and falls back to the ground...Lee walks up to him, and began to beat up Andy into a pulp with no hesitation....everyone gathered around seeing him beating up Andy...Lee then got he left Andy beaten up, bruised up and nose bleed he gets up and let's Andy get up too....

Andy: Is that all you got Lee?!? Heh, you ain't shit!!

Lee: It's over!!

Andy: Fuck you!! As soon momma and Danny get out here, you''re all fucked!!!

Lee: ....They're not coming out

Andy: Wh-Wha...What...what do you mean...what do you mean?!?

Lee: ....

Lee ignores Andy, and to walk away as it then began to rain...

Andy: Don't you dare walk away from me Lee! Get back here and finish me!!!

Andy gets on his knees, begging Lee to finish him off knowing he's lost everything...but Lee didn't wanted waste time...nor doesn't wanna kill him...he spares his life...and walks away...Andy began to broke down in tears...knowing he's got nothing else...everything was lost for him...and with that, the generator ran out of the electric fence turns off...and seeing walkers approaching to the fence and getting in..

Lee: Come on, let's go.

With Lee and everyone getting out of the barn and heading back to the motel...

Clementine: (YN)!

Lee: Wha??!

Lee and then turned around, and see Clem and (YN) (YN) was holding his bat, starring at Andy...

Andy: The hell you looking at boy?!

(YN) grips his bat tight...and to rush at Andy and to swing his bat and brutally hit Andy fight in his face with nails attach to it, braking his jaw wide open...

Andy: U-UAAGH!!

(YN): ...That's for grabbing and hurting Clementine.

After that, (YN) walks away, leaving Andy on the ground as he grabs Clem's hand and walking away with Lee and the others...
And to head back to the Motel.

Later on that night, Lee and his group were walking down the woods, (YN) holding on Clem's hand, walking together, heading back to the motel as Carley approached to Lee...

Carley: Lee, I'd say I'm sorry for leaving the motel attended, but you know.

Lee: Glad you showed up, if you hadn't take that shot at Andy, we might not gotten out of there.

Carley: So...were they killing people? ...For food?!

Lee: ...Yeah, and Clementine almost ate some!

Carley: ...But?

Lee: (YN) stopped her in time...still, I can't leave them alone Carley, this fucking world, now. It's hiding unspeakable shit at every turn.

Carley: I hear ya.

They stopped for a moment as Lee goes approaching to Kenny and his family...

Kenny: Hon, Duck, why don't you give me and Lee a second?

Kat and Duck walk away, leaving Kenny and Lee alone about the "situation" they had to deal at the meat locker..

Kenny: There's gonna be a fallout.

Lee: ...For killing Lilly's dad? Yeah, I'd imagine.

Kenny: What do you think?

Lee: It'll be fine. Lilly will get over it, she has to. Besides, you're a better leader for us either way.

Kenny: You're damn right. Listen, that RV at the motel is ready to roll, I really want you to come with us, I mean it.

Lee: Okay, yeah.

Then, Lee looks at (YN) and Clementine taking to each other and hearing their chat...

Clementine: (YN)?

(YN): Yeah?

Clementine: You think those bad people are dead now?

(YN): ..Yea, the walkers probably got them, but they deserve it, they're bad people. Bad people need to learn a lesson, and for hurting you too.

Clementine: Okay...but thank you, for hitting Andy for me.

Clementine grabs (YN)'s hand and smiles at her as (YN) gently flusters and smiles back at her...Lee smiles in relief...until suddenly...

Duck: Hey dad, look over there.

They all look over where Duck was pointing at, and to see a car in the middle of the woods, Lee and Kenny slowly approaches to it, and nobody on it, but did found the keys to it..Suddenly, Kenny spot something from the back of the trunk of the car...

Kenny: Oh shit! Everyone look, there's shit tons of food and supplies!

Katjaa: Oh my! This food could save all of us.

Lilly: ...Not all of us.

Kenny: ....

Lee: ....

Ben: Look, we don't know if these people are dead.

Lilly: If they come back, then we are just monsters who came out of the woods and ruined their lives.

Duck: So, who's car is it dad?

Kenny: Don't worry about that anymore son, it's ours now.

Katjaa: It's abandoned Ducky, don't worry-

Clementine: What if it's not?

They all look at Clementine about her response...

Clementine: What if it's not abandon? What if it is someone's?

(YN)'s stomach growl and to stare at the food in that car...

(YN): I may not be ours, but whoever it is, they left it here, and...the food in there looks so good.

Clementine: Oh no, please tell me you're not saying what I think you're saying.

(YN): I-I'm sorry Clem, but...

Clementine: ...Lee?

Lee approaches to the kids, and give his response...

Lee: ...We have to take this Clementine, for us to survive.

Lilly: Since when were you in charged?!

Kenny: Hey, this is not the time, okay? Like it or not, we need the food and supplies, so come and open the trunk Lee.

Lee looks at Lilly, and her to look away as Lee walks over and to open the trunk and to then pass the boxes of food and supplies to each one of the group..

Lee: You know, we can actually survive through this.

(YN) helps Lee grab the boxes of food and supplies as well and giving them to the group, and to then spot a red sweater, that looks like it could fit on Clementine. He grabs it and approaches to Clem with the red sweater...

(YN): Look Clem! This sweater looks cool, it'll fit you nice and keep you warm.

Clementine: ..But it's not mine.

Lee approaches...

Lee: Well think of it as you're holding onto it. Once we find who's it it, you can give it back, okay?

Clementine: *sighs* Okay..

Clementine harsh the sweater, and to then walk away with her arms crossed, upset the fact (YN) and Lee chose the idea to "steal" the supplies...(YN) felt bad about it the fact she's upset with him...

Lee: It's alright son.

(YN): She's mad at us, isn't she? ...I don't want her too, but the food looks good, but then again...

Lee: She'll understand soon, it just takes time though.

(YN): ...Okay.


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