Chp.10 St.John's Dairy Farm Pt.2

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As we left off, The whole group arrived at the dairy farm, and with Mark being checked up by Brenda and Kat, the others look around for a bit and the kids swinging at the swing...Kenny pushes Duck for a bit on the swing as it was Clem's turn....

Clementine: Hey (YN), wanna push me?

(YN): Sure.

(YN) puts his bat down as Clem sat on the swing and (YN) pushing her gently...

(YN): How are you?

Clementine: I'm okay (YN). You?

(YN): Same, I'm just worried about Mark.

Clementine: You think he's gonna be okay?

(YN): I think he will, Katjaa will fix him good and better.

Clementine: Yeah, she will. The farm here looks pretty when we got here.

(YN): Yeah, it too.

Clementine: What?

(YN): Nothing!! N-Nothing...*blushing*

Clementine: Oh...(YN), Do you think things will be better soon?

(YN): ...I just hope, it sure when, but one day.

Clementine: Me too. I just hope those bad guys don't get us like they did to Mark.

(YN): I won't let anything bad happen to you like Mark, I'll always protect you.

Clementine: I know you will, and I'm grateful you do, cause you my best friend.

(YN): Heh, yeah.

With Clem getting off and letting Duck swing again...Lee approaches to Kenny...

Lee: Glad their having fun.

Kenny: They sure are. Hey, I've been meaning to ask, find anything around here?

Lee: No, not yet, still making sure this place is secure enough, in case we decide to make a long term solution.

Kenny: Good to

Lee: Everything alright?

Kenny: Yeah...I just hope they feed us, on our way over here I was getting dizzy, hand shaking, cold sweats, thought I was gonna pass out.

Lee: Well luckily they have food here.

Kenny: Yeah, but I ain't talking about one meal, ya know?

Lee: I hear, I guess Lilly wasn't thrilled being here after all as the way I see her.

Kenny: Eh, I could give two shits about what she wants, Duck and Katjaa need food and I ain't going to sit around at the motor inn and watch them starve to death, you're with me on this right?

Lee: Of course man, Lilly's judgment is clouded.

Kenny: Damn right, boy I tell ya, Duck didn't look so good on the walk over to this place.

Lee: Man, well if things go smooth here, he and Kat have a better life here.

Kenny: Yeah, I hope so too pal. Duck, Clementine and (YN) need a place to be safe to stay.

Lee: Of course, well I'll have a look around.

Kenny: Sure, just don't wait too long so you can go out and scope the bandit camp, it would be a good opportunity to see what's their relationship between them.

Lee: Right, I'll see what I find out.

Lee walks away and to the walk over to Lilly who's with her father at a porch...

Lee: Hey Lilly.

Lilly: Hey, so is Mark going to be okay?

Lee: He will, he's in good hands.

Lilly: Good, I'm just glad both of you don't get killed, that would be worse.

Lee: Yeah, but how do you feel about leaving the motel?

Larry: It's a welcome change of scenery.

Lilly: ...I don't know Lee, if we stay where we were, then Mark wouldn't have ended up with an arrow.

Lee: Yeah, I know...also, I take it that you and Ken didn't make up on the way here?

Lilly: I tried seeing things from his POV, having a wife and kid, but gambling about their life is stupid if you ask me.

Lee: Mm. Well I'll look around here.

Lilly: Okay.

Lee walks away and to then head over to Andy and Danny at the porch of the house...

Lee: Fellas.

Andy: How you feelin Lee? Look I'm again so sorry about earlier, we should told you how dangerous it was.

Lee: No shit.

Danny: Nobody is safe here till we fight back.

Lee: But how?

Danny: The two of us should go out and do recon, and mount up for some revenge.

Andy: Hell yeah.

Lee: So who the fuck are they anyways in the woods?

Andy: We don't know, but we think it's some of em used to work at the dig box up the way here.

Danny: Save loths .

Andy: Yeah, anyways their nutty as hell and get mad when their hungry.

Danny: So you're ready to head out and find their camp?

Lee: Yeah, it'll be a good opportunity to find out what we're up against. Let's do it.

Andy:I'll stay here and look out the fort.

Danny grabs two rifles and to hand one to Lee as the two walk up to the gate, Clem and (YN) rush over to Lee...

Clementine: You're going now?

Lee: Yeah, I'll be back quick and soon.

Clementine: Please be lucky.

(YN): And please be safe.

Lee: I will.

Lee leaves with Danny and head to the forest...

Clementine: I hope he makes it out.

(YN): Don't worry Clem, he will.

Brenda: Hey little ones, do you wanna see Maybelle?

(YN)/Clem: Maybelle?

Brenda: Our cow, in the barn.

Clementine: Oh yeah!

(YN): Sure!

Brenda: Well follow me then.

Later, in the forest, Lee and Danny walk around the first and to find the camp. They quietly sneak up and to see tents, and lots of food supplies stacked up on a table...Danny looks in the tents,'s clear...

Danny: Clear, besides this camp is too small to be their base.

Lee: Thats what I think too.

Danny: Anyways, try look around and see what other shit they stole from us.

Lee looks and see some boxes that are empty, but to see stack of boxes that have food...

Lee: Hey, they got boxes from the dairy here.

Danny: ......Probably got to keep and save it, fuckers crossed the line now.

Lee also finds a camera...

Lee: Found a camera too, but it's dead.

Danny: Oh....good. What else they have here? Probably something good to grab and get a move along.

With Danny looking around, Lee walks over to the tent Danny was...he goes in and looks in the tent...and see two sleeping bags...and to find a doll...

Lee: Ahh man...a kid was mixed up to this too?

Danny: WAS, more like.

Lee looks around more in the tent...and to then caught his attention that he spot....he looks under the blankets...and to surprisingly find Clementines Hat, here, at a campsite...knowing she didn't lost it at the motel...and somewhat ended up here far away....which is more confusing.

Lee: The hell??? Wh-

???: Don't fucking move!

Danny: Shit!

Lee quickly exits the tent, and to see a lady, with a crossbow aiming at him and Danny...and seem to be in no shape at all...

Jolene: I ain't going back, you tell Jolene here she ain't going back!

Danny: Hey we had a deal! No shooting as long we give you food! The fuck happen?!

Jolene: You made a deal with them! I'm not one of them! ...Oh I know you! I know who you are, and what you do!

Danny: You don't know me!

Jolene: Stealing my shit! Stole everything from me!

Danny: You people stole us first!

Lee: Why are you alone up here? What happen?

Jolene: Well that's a HELL of a question mister! They told me I'd be safe with who lived here, but was a lie! We weren't safe! Not for me...and not for my girl! They didn't treat her nice, nor at all, took her away, into the woods, they didn't told me where, no matter how much I begged! But all they did...was laugh! But don't worry, I killed them all, and I ain't going no wheee till she comes back! One way or another...she'll come put your damn guns down! If not, I'll have to shoot a nice sharp arrow between your eyes!

Lee: Hey, tell me! Where did you get this hat?!

Jolene: The little girl you were with.

Lee: So you stole it from her!!

Jolene: So what if I did?! You stole here from me!

Lee: ...The hell are you talking about??

Jolene: You know what? Screw this, I ain't shooting between your eyes, I'm going to shoot this arrow right into your balls! And hang them, and then shoot everyone at the barn!

Lee: Look there's two of us and one of you, not matter what, one of us is gonna kill you.

Jolene: Like you got the balls! They could kill me, but tried! Taking all the dead folks as much you want, but we will make more! Go on, tell him boy! Tell him what you do with dead-

With no hesitation...Danny shoots Jolene straight to her head, and her body to drop forwards....

Lee: ...You straight up murder her!

Danny: She had it coming Lee, pointing that arrow to my forehead.

Lee: ....

Danny: It's a clean shot, good shooting, still, what a waste.

Lee: So...that's it? We're going back??

Danny: If they ain't here, then I don't know where they are. And it ain't a good idea to go tromping through the woods looking for em, so yeah, we head back, once they see this, they'll get the message. Come on.

Danny grabs the crossbow as he and Lee leave the camp and head back to the barn...
Later on, it then turn a bit dark as they arrive at the barn...

Danny: Man, that's one hell of a ride.

Lee: Jesus Danny.

Danny: Aww you ain't getting soft on em are ya? After what they did to your friend.

Brenda: You're back.

Danny: Yeahh, handled it momma.

Danny walks away, as Brenda sits down on the porch, and give a disappointment look as Lee walks up to her....

Brenda: This isn't what Terry would've wanted...

Lee: Terry?

Brenda: My husband. Miss him every day.

Lilly: Then screw or up for everyone then!

Kenny: Oh calm down princess I'll do it myself!

Lee notices Lilly and Ken arguing again and walk off opposite directions....

Lee: What's up with them?

Brenda: I don't know, scrabbling things, a lot of heat on your group right?

Lee: *sighs* Yeah you can say that, things don't go well when they work together

Brenda: Well it's probably the hunger talking. But don't you worry now Lee, you're all safe here and that's that, no trouble will happen here.

Lee: Right, thanks. I'll go look around.

Brenda: Now don't wonder too long, dinner will be ready any minute now. Oh, also Kat and the kids are at the barn with Danny and our cow, she's really a great kind woman and I appreciate her help.

Lee: Got it.

Lee leaves and to then walk his way over to Lilly..

Lilly: Oh hey, you're back Lee, so what happen? Did you guys found the bandits that shot Mark?

Lee: Not really...but we found a woman, taking all crazy with a crossbow...and Danny killed her.

Lilly: Holy shit! I mean, was she one of them?

Lee: I don't know, but I think she tried telling me something, but he went off.

Lilly: ...I don't like this Lee, I'd rather head back to the motor and to be least what to expect.

Lee:, what were you and Ken arguing about?

Lilly: He's losing it Lee, he comes over and saying to start searching around the barn and that these people are hiding something.

Larry: But you told him to mind his damn business right?! We are guests here and we don't need to cause any more trouble!

Lilly: ...What I think, I say we eat our food and make our way back, but seems your friend has another agenda.

Lee: I see...I'll have a talk with him.

Larry: You better not poke your nose too Lee!

Lee: ...Nrgh.

Lee walks away and to walk over to the bane and head in....he then finds the kids, Kat and Andy with the cow laying there...Clem and (YN) pets the cow gently...

Clementine: Woah.

(YN): I know, and Katjaa said she's going to have her baby tonight!

Katjaa: We'll see.

Then, Lee caught his attention with a look alike brick...looks white...

Lee: What's this?

Duck: Dad says it's a salt lick.

Clementine: Yeah, but Don't like it, it's pretty gross.

Lee: Did you lick it?

Clementine: .......I don't know.

(YN): *snickers*

Clementine: (YN)!

(YN): What? I didn't said anything, hehe.

Lee: Heh....Say, Andy?

Andy: Yup?

Lee: So Uh...when's dinner ready??

Andy: Hungry huh? Heh, don't worry. Momma is cooking up delicious grub for us to enjoy.

Lee: Thats good to hear....also, when me and your brother found this camp site, we found a lady who kinda knows Danny? ...And he killed her.

Andy: O-Oh, Uh, well you know him, likes to talk a lot and doesn't think before he does.

Lee: .....Right.

Andy: Yup.

Lee walks up to Clem...and to hand her hat back...

Lee: Found your hat.

Clementine: My hat! You found it!

(YN): What??!

Clementine: Thank you Lee!

Lee: Your welcome.

(YN): ...*mumbling* Lucky that's all.

Lee: Hehe...but listen, by any chance you gave your hat to a stranger?

Clementine: No.

Lee: Not even someone going in the motel and taking it??

Clementine: N-No.

(YN): Why?? Did...someone grabbed it??

Lee: It's probably nothing, just let me know if that happens.

Clementine: Okay.

Lee then roams around in the barn...and to spot a door at the back...that has a lock on it...and Kenny showing up...

Kenny: Found it too Huh?

Lee: What is it Ken?

Kenny: Lee, there hiding something, behind this door. When I came in here with the kids, I got a quick glimpse, boxes of stuff, something metal and sharp.

Lee: Don't get paranoid.

Kenny: It's my job to be, got my family in this farm. What about you? Clem? (YN)?

Lee: I'll protect them no matter what.

Kenny: I know you will, also having (YN) giving you help as well. Look, that guy with Kat, he locked it up REAL tight the second we came in, I definitely heard a noise in there. We gotta be sure, go on and grab a hammer so I can smash the lock and keep them out of my sight.

Lee: Now hold on Ken, think this through, what if smashing the lock will turn wrong, and make noise to have them beat you trying braking in this room, and will fuck your chance to get a good meal for your family and kids, use your head man.

Kenny: Well alright then professor, what you have in mind?

Lee: Let's see....guess it just has a lock then.

Kenny: know how to pick a lock, right?

Lee: What?! No, why would you say that??

Kenny:' know...Urban..

Lee: Aww you are NOT saying what I think you're saying.

Kenny: Jesus man I'm from Florida, crazy shit comes out in my mouth sometimes, sorry.

Lee: ...Hmm, anyways...look at the screws there, instead of braking the lock, we can use something to loose the screws up, have a peek inside, then replace it back like nothing happen.

Kenny: Alrighty then, I'll keep an eye on Danny.

Lee: Andy.

Kenny: Shit. Whatever-

Andy: Can I help you boys??

Lee: .....Just checking out the barn here, never been in a dairy one before.

Andy: Hmmm, just don't roam around without me or Danny, the farm can be a dangerous place, you know, bandits and all...but also, do me a favor and don't Fuck around with that door. Momma doesn't like it.

Katjaa: Andrew I need your help.

Andy: Right away doc.

With Andy helping Kat with the cow, Lee exits the barn and to see Larry having a chat with Brenda and...well trying to get along with her....Lee then tries to find a away room keep Andy away from him trying to look what's in the door he and Kenny, he notices some tools at a table, grabs a pair clippers and screwdriver, walks back to a generator...opens the top with the screw, turning off the generator and to cut the wire of it...he quickly shuts it and to walk away like nothing happen....and to see Andy exit the barn and approach to the generator...

Andy: Fucking Andy where you find this piece of shit! Ugh damn it all son of a ...fuck! This light take a while...

With Andy being distracted, Lee walks back to the barn and head to the door...until they suddenly heard a bell rang from the house...

Duck: Mom dad! It's dinner time!

Katjaa: I know honey, Kenny, come on, it's dinner, don't make the children wait.

Kenny: I'll make an excuse for ya.

Lee: Thanks.

Kenny walks with the others over or the house for dinner, as Lee quickly uses the screwdriver to lose up the screws from the he does and manage to open the door....
What he saw inside made his jaw drop and surprisingly shocked....inside the door behind....was nothing but a blood bath, everywhere, saws, knives, jars of hearts in it, puddles of blood on the floor, on the wall too...bear traps too....

Andy: Boy, did you not hear the bell?

Lee: !?!!

Andy: Dinner time.

Lee: What the hell do you have in this room?!

Andy: Look, we have food here, but Danny and I still gotta do a lot of hunting to keep everyone fed, when we catch something, we skin it and dress it up back here, that's why Momma doesn't like it to do it in the house. Nothing to worry about friend.

Lee: ...Right.

Andy then takes Lee with him back home. As they arrive in the house, Lee hears them chattering and cannot wait to eat up, also...he notices a huge shelf blocking the hallway...

Andy: Sorry, we had to block the back door after a walker got upstairs. Don't worry, it was a while ago.

Then suddenly.....Lee sees a gun behind Andy's pocket...which got him more worried...

Brenda: Ooou! This is a delight! You all wait till I bring our meals and we all enjoy our food.

Lee: ...Say, where's Mark?

Brenda: Now don't you worry about him Lee, I brought him some upstairs, he's still resting.

Lee: Okay....mind if I wash my hands first?

Brenda: Bathroom right upstairs in the all, and be sure you clean them up tidy. (YN)'s upstairs too washing his hands.

Lee: Okay.

Lee leaves the dinning room and to head upstairs to the bathroom, as he did, he then notices a red wire on the floor....that leads him to a closet, that has a hunch of medical stuff...

Lee: Weird, why would a dairy farm have so much medical supplies??

He notices the red wire leads it to another room on the other he enters to the room Mark was in......
But Mark wasn't in the room, and to see (YN), as he startled a bit, gripping his bat...

Lee: (YN)??

(YN): L-Lee!

Lee: What are you doing here?? And where's Mark?? Brenda said he's here resting.

(YN): N-No he wasn't, I didn't even see Mark anywhere since we got here....I was gonna wash my hands...until I heard grunts here...and then more grunts behind this shelf.

Lee: Grunts???

Lee notices blood on the floor below the shelf...

Lee: (YN), help me move this shelf, but quietly.

(YN): Okay.

Both Lee and (YN) quietly move the shelf...and as they did....they found a hidden door....Lee slowly opens it.....and as he did...Lee and (YN) jaws drop what they saw...
They saw Mark, with both of his whole legs chopped off, blood all around him....

Mark: L-Lee....

(YN): ...O-Oh...Crap...!

Lee: Mark..?! Wh-What the bell happen?!

Mark: B-Brothers....

Lee: Wh-What the bell happen to you man?!

Mark: D-Don't...e-eat....dinner....

(YN): Don' dinner??!

Lee: ...No...No fucking way! ...Those people...cut off his legs...and cook eat!

(YN): E-Ew!! Then....oh no! Clementine!!

(YN) grabs his bat on the floor and rushing over to the dinning table...

Lee: (YN) wait!


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