Chp.9 St.John's Dairy Farm Pt.1

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As we left off, Lee and the others have now discovered from Ben, that no matter if you're bitten or not, no matter how you'll come back alive, and turn into a walker...and then suddenly...

Carley: Back off!

Carley shouts, aiming her gun at the outside of the street, and to see two survivors with a gas tank with them...

Andy: Woah lady relax, no need for trouble, me and my brother here just wanna see if y'all can help us with some gas-

Carley: I said back off!

Lilly: Carley relax.

Lee: Listen, we don't want any trouble.

Andy: Of course, we understand and don't want trouble as well, but it would be a big pleasure if y'all help us and part some extra gas before we leave?

Carley: ...Why you need gas?

Danny: Our place is protected by electric fence, generators provide by electricity.

Andy: Our generators ran out of gas. Look, we own a dairy farm a few miles up the road, if y'all will be willingly to lower your guns, we can talk about some trade?

Danny: Like say, how y'all doing with food? ...We got plenty at the dairy.

Andy: So, what y'all say??

Back with the others...

Lee: ....What you guys think?

Kenny: I ain't sure, I mean they seem fellow survivors to me...Lilly?

Lilly: ....Lee, why don't you and Mark go check it out and see if it's legit?

Carley: I'll come with if anything's seems fishy.

Andy: So, we got a deal?

Lee: ...Yeah, you got it, in exchange of some gas, you'll give us some food, and also to check to see this dairy farm as well

Andy: Great, and no worries, you're welcome to check it out.

Lee: Then it's settled, give me a sec.

Lee approaches to (YN) and Clem...

Lee: Clem, (YN), I need you to stay put here, Mark and Carley will go with me to check out this farm, don't worry, I won't take long.

Clem/(YN): Okay.

Lee: Good, Ken, look after them will ya?

Kenny: You betcha pal.

Lee: Thanks, Mark, Carley, let's go.

Lee, Mark, Carley, and brining Ben somehow all of the sudden go with Danny and Andy to take them to their dairy farm....while heading over there through the forest, they then encounter other survivors that aren't too friendly with...their known as bandits, and are more likely to kill anyone for food...when they ignore it and it's over, they continue to head to the dairy farm....couple minutes later, they then arrive and to see a huge house nearby with a field and everything and electric fence as well...

Andy: Here it is folks, St.John's Dairy Farm. Y'all can see how we kept this place safe.

Ben: So..does the fence keep the walkers out?

Andy: You betcha! They fry like bugs in a zapper. We're pushing 4000 volts through that thing.

Carley: Wow, I'm gonna assume that's a lot.

Lee: So, no accidents have occurred here at all?

Danny: Nope.

Andy: Safer here than out there.

Carley: This place does look untouched, you never knew the rest of the world is in ruins.

Andy: It's worth protecting, hence all the juice. 

Then suddenly, someone comes out of the house and happens to be a lady...

Brenda: Why, I thought I saw y'all coming here with company boys.

Andy: Folks, this here is our mama.

Brenda: Afternoon y'all, I'm Brenda, and welcome to the St.John Dairy.

Andy: Mama, this here's Lee and his friends, we convinced him and them to come here and stick around with us for a while.

Danny: They got other friends staying at the Motel.

Brenda: Oh my goodness, that place is vulnerable. Have you got someone with survival experience to lead your group?

Lee: We work together, plus we got plenty of people that have experience with military skills.

Brenda: Well that's good to hear. But now that y'all here, we'll make sure your safe and comfortable.

Lee: Thanks for having us, we brought gasoline for good faith.

Carley: We're all incredibly hungry as well.

Brenda: Well luckily for y'all, I made biscuits, fresh and baked.

Carley: Amazing!

Danny: Well can't get stuff like that anymore, not without cow and milk with butter.

Brenda: That's right, hopefully our Maybelle will make it through this bout of whatever she's got and be for us for a good while.

Mark: Oh don't worry, we've got a vet. We can bring her here and help y'all out.

Brenda: Oh my! Our prayers have been answered.

Mark: Yeah, and we can bring our whole group here for the day.

Brenda: Well how about this, y'all go get your veterinarian friend here and I prepare some dinner for all of us, a big feast on mothers house, it be nice to have folks here to help us out. Danny son, why don't you come and help me out on the kitchen.

Brenda and Danny head back in their home..

Carley: Why don't I head back with the food back at the Motel and rally up with the others and bring them here.

Andy: Might wanna take someone with you, member, the road out there is dangerous.

Carley: Thanks for the heads up.

Mark: Take this Carley, you'll need it. *gives rifle to Carley* Also you might wanna take Ben as well.

Carley: Okay, take care Lee, see ya in a while.

Carley and Ben walk back to the Motel...

Andy: Say Mark, Lee, why don't y'all take a look around for a bit, once ya get settled in, I could use some security on the perimeter.

Lee: Is there a problem?

Andy: Let's say sometimes the dead gets tangled up in the fence before they fry and ending up knock over the pole. So it would be a great help if y'all can help out the perimeter, can learn a bit about our fence, I'm gonna go top off the generator before they run dry, come get me when y'all ready.

Andy leaves....

Mark: Man, this place is incredible! They have food! And that fence, oh man! If we play our cards correctly, this might be a chance for us to stay, how you wanna play?

Lee thought about it...and gets a bit suspicious the fact their farm seem so nice and problems at all...he feels aware about that...

Lee: Before thinking about bringing the whole groups to stay here, we need to look around and see if this place is safe as they're telling us.

Mark: Right, obviously they think it's safe, also if it's even safe for the kids?

Lee: Yeah, checking the fence for the perimeter sounds like a good look for their defense.

Mark: Right, I'll keep my eyes open, and see what you can find from Andy.

Lee: Gotcha.

Mark looks around and for Lee to look around as far everything seems okay and Lee approaches to Andy...

Andy: Hey Lee, again, I'm thankful for your guys help, and from what I seen back at the Motel, you guys are armed up, You folks stockpiling, huh?

Lee: Yeah, anyone tries to fuck with us, they'll regret it.

Andy: Well, protecting your people is important, but in my experience people with guns on them can turn them into dangerous.

Lee:, an electric fence keeps out the walkers??

Andy: Walkers?? Is that what you called them? Haha, that's good. Well the old one wouldn't, but our forearm, Mac, he figured out how to amp it up with the generator, we used to sit out at nights and see them sons of bitches sizzle and pop when they get too close.

Lee: And these generators are powerful enough for the whole dairy?

Andy: We got lots, and we gotta keep teasing for fuel as much as we can. But they work together to do the trick, like us.

Lee: We can't be the first people to be invited to the dairy, right?

Andy: Well no, we did made similar deals with other folks for food, but ultimately they move on with the ones we contact get lost.

Lee: Hmmm, well, Me and Mark can help you fix the perimeter.

Andy: Oh good! The fence will stop a walker for 3-4 seconds, but gets overload if we leave husks out there.

Lee: You know Mark and I can clear up the fence while you finish up with the generators.

Andy: Well that'll be great. I'll turn off the northwest section and if you could strip them off and look for any weak points, that be great.

Lee: Sounds easy enough.

Andy: Just stay attended, never know.

Lee: Right, let's go Mark.

Lee and Mark both make their way to the perimeter of the they do, they began to chat...

Mark: So how does the place look? Safe?

Lee: Yeah it's pretty amazing what they done with the dairy, but let's see what it takes to secure.

Mark: Man can't wait for everyone to get out of there...besides Larry.

Lee: Say, why did you even told him what I said?!

Mark: I'm sorry man, but you even admit it informs of him as well.

Lee: ...That guys a piece of shit anyways.

Mark: Can't argue with that.

Lee and Mark finds a dead walker hanging onto the fence...

Mark: Found one...and it's dead.

Lee: Let's push it off.

Lee and Mark both grab the walker and to push it off to the other side...

Lee: Alright, let's see if there more.

Mark: Man once we get this fence up with all of us in here, it'll be a fortune. I mean, can you imagine it?

Lee: Yeah but it gets useless without gas, we need food, it the St.Johns need gas.

Mark: No many drivers these days though. But what you think about the brothers? They seem to tide it down pretty well.

Lee: What do you mean?

Mark: I don't know, I just mean they look decent enough, but if anything goes down, I'm your side, got your back

Lee: Thanks man. Look, there's another one.

Mark this time pushes the dead walker off, and to cut its hand off as it was stuck...

Mark: Ew man, I don't know how you're use with the smell.

Lee: Takes time, hehe.

They walk...

Mark: Man, I'm starving and just think about todays dinner. Still, thanks again for the rations Lee.

Lee: Yea no problem, I'm hungry as well, we'll ask for more after this.

Mark: Yeah, I'll suck it up. Hey look, I see another one tried getting in, seem tangled up trying to get in.

Lee: Alright, let's get it up and push him to the other side, thinking might pushing the leverage from other side too.

Lee and Mark got to the other side to push up the fence standing and to take off the walker off....
Until suddenly, the electric fence turns on...

Mark: Holy fuck!

Lee: The fence, they're on!

Mark: But why the hell would he turn them off when we're here?! He knows it-AGH!!!

Suddenly, an arrow came biting Mark from the back and hearing yelling...

Bandit: You owe us bastards!

Mark: What the?! Who are they??

Lee: I don't know, let's rush to the gate now!

Lee and Mark make a run for as the bandits began shooting more arrows at them and luckily to escape from that area....
As they arrive to the barn, and Andy seeing them...

Andy: Lee, Mark! What's wrong?!

Lee: We got ambush! I thought this place was safe!

Danny: Holy shit! Are you okay?!

Andy: *grunts* Fucking bandits, of course!

Brenda: Oh my lord! What happen to you sweetheart?!

Andy: Its those bandits from the woods mama!

Mark: Y-Yeah, I'm fine'll b alright when it's out, but damn it hurts.

Kenny: Hey y'all.

Suddenly, Kenny, Kat, Lilly, Larry, and the kids arrive and to see Mark hurt...

Kenny: What happened?!

Lilly: Christ, Mark are you gonna be okay?!

Mark: Yeah, I'm fine..I just...need to pull it out.

Brenda: Oh no honey, let Brenda here help you out, come on inside.

Katjaa: I'll come in as well to help.

Brenda: I say you're the vet?

Katjaa: Yes I am.

Kat and Brenda took Mark in the house to patch up the wound and take the arrow off from his back...

Larry: What the shit is this?!

Lee: We've got ambush and Mark got shot, bandits I guess.

Andy: They gave us lots of problems in the beginning, killing a bunch of our farmer hands, we were able to stop them.

Kenny: And you knew about them?!

Danny: Food for protection. Not like we have much of a choice, but they did stop hassling us.

Andy: Look we are deeply sorry for this, honest. We've never have them screwing us like this, not until we stop giving the food. Look we may agree with those people, but we will not STAND for this shit!

Danny: Ain't no way we let those sons of bitches get away with this.

Kenny: And you know where these assholes are?!

Danny: They're hard to pin them down, but I know one place they camp. So, when you're ready to scope out that bandit camp, come find us.

Danny and Andy go back what their doing...

Lilly: No way, and here I thought this place will be safe.

Kenny: Hey at least is way more safer than they motor motel back there, we'll all be fine here 100% percent, but what we need to do is find a way to get our whole group here to stay, take the place over if we can.

Larry: Woah, cool your jets there Rambo. They seem nice people, let's not do anything that get us thrown out before we eat.

Lee: Well I'll go with Danny and head over to the camp these bandits stay and get rid of them for good. You guys should stay here and get to know Andy and their mom.

Larry: Well that's easy, I got plenty charm coming out of my ass.

Lilly: ...That's..very charming of you dad.

Lee: Wait, where Ben and Carley?

Lilly: Since those two at the whole food on their way back to the Motel, Carley volunteer to stay behind and watch over the motor inn to get back.

Lilly and Larry walk over to a porch to sit down...Andy approaches to Kenny and Lee as he notices Lee with (YN) and Clem, and Duck with Kenny...

Andy: Well I'll be, since you got kids here too, I took the opportunity to fix that swing there so they can enjoy themselves. Hope you kids love it.

Clementine: A swing! I love swings! Just like my treehouse (YN)!

(YN): Yeah!

Clementine: Come on!

Duck: Cool! Let's go

Clementine grabs his hand and to rush over to the swing alongside with play on the swing....
In the meantime, Lee then will talk with his group and see how far they like it here at the dairy.


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