Chp.8 Feeding

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As we left off, Lee was given a tough choice to who to feed with only six snacks with him, and 10 of, he roams around, but first he walks up to Katjaa first...

Lee: Is he going to be okay?

Katjaa: I don't know, but can you help me out here?

Lee: Sure, what you need?

Katjaa: Just apply pressure here while I close this up.

Lee: Got it.

Lee Helps Katjaa...

Katjaa: You know I thought I started getting use to it here at first sewing people up, but I mean come on, cuts and bruises is one thing but...this man has no leg!

Lee: ...I did the right thing.

Katjaa: I know you's just, it can be scary sometimes...well you've done enough here, thank you Lee, why don't you go and check the others. I need a little space here

Lee: I Understand.

Lee leaves Kat alone for some space as he goes and approach to Clementine, where she's drawing with Duck, alongside with Carley sitting down and Ben...well not doing so good...

Clementine: Hey Clem.

Clem: Hey Lee.

Lee: Say, where's your hat?

Clementine: I lost it.

Lee: Really? How??

Clementine: I don't know, lost it a couple days ago, but don't worry, (YN)'s looking for it.

Lee: I see, mind if I help too?

Clementine: Sure, that'll be nice, thank you....Lee?

Lee: Yeah?

Clementine: Is that man going to be okay?

Lee: Don't worry, he'll be fine.

Clementine: Oh, that's good.

Lee: Anyways, here, got you a snack, knowing you seem hungry.

Lee gives Clem a slice of apple...

Clementine: I love apples! Thank you Lee.

Lee: You're welcome.

Clementine: Is there more?

Lee: Yeah, but for only for one each Clem.

Clementine: Oh okay, thank you again Lee.

Lee: Any time sweetie, enjoy.

Ben: Hey Uhm...mister?

Ben calls Lee...

Lee: Yeah?

Ben: Is my friend going to be okay?

Lee: Yea, don't worry, Katjaa will do her best.

Ben: ...Can't believe you chopped off his leg.

Lee: There was no other way son. So, who are you people?

Ben: I'm Ben, Ben Paul, that over there is my teacher, Mr.Parker, he's the barn director at my school. We all came down from Stone Mountain for the play offs when...when...everything happens...

Lee: Holding it up okay?

Ben: W-Well...I have to keep on thinking something to help out to forget, you know? Something.

Lee: I'm sure you did what you could.

Ben: Yeah...maybe.

Lee: Relax, we'll get your friend well.

Ben: I hope so.

Lee then walks away and to walk up to Carley...

Lee: Slept better yesterday?

Carley: No, not really, I know we should be grateful for beds, but no, not.

Lee: ...Pharmacy?

Carley: Yeah...

Lee: You know, Lilly has put me in charge to hand out food.

Carley: Ugh, can't be easy job.

Lee: It's not...I won't be able to feed all of them, what should I do?

Carley: Well, if you want to be on Lilly's good side, give Larry some, although he can be a dick sometimes. On the other hand, giving some to Kenny and his family will appreciate you, and will decide to take you and the kids that RV one day.

Lee: What about you?

Carley: We all need food Lee, I can't tell you what to do. But whatever happens, I know you'll o the right thing.

Lee: Thanks, want something to eat?

Carley: Oh...sure yeah.

Lee then gives Carley a bag of chips...

Carley: Thanks Lee.

Lee: No problem.

And so, Lee walks away, he walks up to Duck...

Lee: Hey Duck, want a snack?

Duck: Oh yeah!

Lee gives Duck beef jerky...

Duck: Oh man I'm starving, thank you Lee!

Lee: You're welcome.

Lee then has three more snack left, which is beef jerky, a bag of chips, and cheese and crackers, he walks over to Mark and Larry, as the two were working on the fence...

Larry: Will you hold the damn thing?!

Mark: S-Sorry, I didn't knew I was getting this weak.

Larry: Oh, want me to cheer ya up? I got 60 cents in me pocket if you don't shut up and quit being such a pansy.

Lee: Need any help?

Larry: Nope!

Mark: Actually yeah, mind you give us that axe for a bit?

Larry: Yeah, give us that thing.

Lee then hands the axe to Mark...

Mark: Thanks.

Larry: Hey I'm the one doing the working here, you didn't think of giving it to me?!

Mark: Come on Larry give him a break, why do you always think he's a danger to our group?

Larry: Oh? Is that what YOU said?

Lee: Yea, that's right!

Larry: And what are you going to do about it?!

Mark: Hey, you two need to relax, you guys aren't going to get along if you keep fighting!

Larry: Tch, like if I will ever be friends with him!

Larry looks away and Lee to shake his head...

Lee: Anyways, Mark, want a snack?

Mark: Sure.

Lee hands him cheese and crackers...

Mark: Thanks Lee.

Lee walks away and to to go find (YN), he walks into one of the hotel rooms and spots him, he sees him going in room to room in the motels...he gets curious and goes up to him. Lee enters the room where (YN) entered, and to see him scouting around with his bat...

(YN): Ugh, where can it be??! It's gotta be here.

Lee: (YN)?

(YN): AH!!!

(YN) startled and quickly swing his bat to Lee and to accidentally hit the lamp and Lee dodging it...

(YN): O-Oh crap! I-Im sorry! I didn't mean to Lee, honest!

Lee: Hey Hey, it's okay, don't worry, I scared ya, so it's my fault.

(YN): Phew...*sighs*

Lee: Everything alright?

(YN): no! I can't find Clementine's hat.

Lee: I know, she did.

(YN): She told you?

Lee: Not too long ago.

(YN): Mmm, I just don't know where it is! I checked all the rooms, upstairs as well and nothing! This is the last one...and I guess it's not here too...fuck!

Lee: Swear.

(YN): O-Oh!'s just...Ugh!

(YN): I know, you're trying hard, don't worry, I'll help you find it.

(YN): Thanks Lee...I just wanna keep Clem happy...can't have her sad all day...I have to keep her happy.

Lee: I know son, I know. Come, let's go out.

(YN): Okay.

Lee and (YN) exit the they do, (YN)'s gut growls...

Lee: Hungry aren't ya?

(YN): Yeah...

Lee: Here, have this.

Lee gives (YN) a bag of chips...

(YN): Aw sweet! Thanks Lee!

Lee: You're welcome.

(YN): Wait, did you gave Clem snacks too??

Lee: Sure, a slice of apple

(YN): Oh, okay good. She loves apples, and I mean she does.

Lee: Heh, I know.

(YN): Thanks again Lee.

Lee: No problem.

(YN) walks over to Clem and sits down with her as Lee then walks over to Kenny, as he was sitting down at the couch...

Lee: Here Ken, you must be hungry.

Kenny: How about my boy? He eat yet?

Lee: Yeah, I gave him some.

Kenny: Then sure, hand it over, thanks pal.

Lee: Anytime.

Lee was now out of snacks as he walks over to Lilly as she was sitting on top of the RV, keeping an eye out...

Lilly: Not much of an easy job, isn't it?

Lee: Never said it was...I don't envy you, I don't know how you have the strength to do this.

Lilly: I don't have a choice.

Kenny: Hey Lee, got a sec?

Lee: Oh sure.

Lee walks up to Kenny...

Lee: Hey thanks for looking out for me and my family.

Lee: Anytime Ken, so what's up?

Kenny: I have an offer for you...I wanna say if you can come with me, leave this place with my family.

Lee: What?

Kenny: Listen, you've been good to me and my family, and you also stood up to Larry back at the pharmacy store, I won't forget that, that's why I'm asking, but Think about it man, I know you and I are both tired being stranded here, we need to keep moving, just you me, my family, and (Yn) and Clem...and maybe the others...unless Lilly and Larry tries to behave.

Lee: ...You know, the coast is clear.

Kenny: Right? Besides, you earn that ride with me for being on my side pal, and welcome too...but still...I guess SOME people won't be happy about your choice.

Lee: Yea-

Larry: You're out?!

Larry approaches to Lee behind...

Larry: Where is MY food?!

Lee: I'm sorry, there's none left.

Larry: Well you keep treating people like this, then your days with this group is numbered.

Kenny: You're one to talk old man

Larry: Yeah?! Well I don't see any of you working on the wall!

Katjaa: Ken, Lee, come please.

Lee and Kenny leave Larry and to walk over to Katjaa as she finished up...

Kenny: ...He didn't made it, didn't he?

Katjaa: No, he didn't, he lost too much blood.

Kenny: *sighs* God damn...getting sick of this shit.

Katjaa: Ken come back-

Lee: Let him Kat, he just needs time.

Katjaa: I know...but the man you brought, I tried, but wasn't ever going to survive.

Lee: least it isn't our problem anymore.

Katjaa: What about the other kid?

Lee: Well he-

Katjaa: AAAAH!!!

Lee: Shit!! Katjaa!

Suddenly, the teacher woke up and to suddenly turn into a walker, trying to eat Katjaa as Lee pushes him away saving her...

Mark: Lee!!

Lee: Mark, the axe! Hurry-AUGH!!!

The walker grabs Lee, trying to eat him as Lee tries figuring back...he then kicks the walker off the truck as the walker tries to climb up after him...but (YN) rushes and to swing his bat towards the head and hitting it serval times....and killing it...

Clementine: Lee!

(YN): You alright?!

Lee: Yeah, I'm fine, thanks (YN).

They all approach and gathered up...

Larry: God damn it! Why the hell did you bring him?!

Lilly: Dad clam down it wasn't-

Larry: You would have got us killed asshole! And-

(YN): Shut up old man!!

Lee: (YN)!

Larry: Hey, don't talk to me like that boy!

(YN): Then don't talk to Lee like that!

Clementine: Y-Yeah!

Kenny: Hey, idiot!

Ben: H-Huh?!

Kenny: You said he wasn't bitten!!

Ben: What?! But he-

Kenny: We told you point blank "Was he bitten" and you said no!

Ben: But he wasn't bitten, I swear!

Kenny: Well your "Not bitten" friend here came back to life and almost killed my wife!

Ben: What?!...Wait, you all don't know??!

Kenny: The hell are you talking about??!

Ben: ......It's not the bite that doesn't, you come back no matter how you die...if you don't destroy the head and brain, that's what's gonna happen to all of us.

Kenny: No fucking way...

Lee: ...So...we're all infected?? ...everyone??!

Ben: I-It seems like it Yea...I guess...

Katjaa: He's right...I didn't see any bite marks on him, not at all. No wonder there's more of them.

Kenny: Jesus, so if a family of 6 drives off on a van and end crashing and die, and you turn into those things?? Holy hell.

Ben: All I know is that I seen this happen that turn out like them and wasn't happen at my school, we were all hiding in the gym, and this cheerleader we know couldn't take it, so she took lots of pills....and ended her...and then the next day...we all checked on her and...god...

And now...Everyone is in more deep trouble now...not only they are aware from getting eaten or bitten by the walkers...but to know that no matter how you die without being'll come back alive...and turn into one of them....
Then suddenly....

???: Hello??

Carley: Back off!!


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