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3 months have passed now since escaping from the pharmacy, and now Lee and the rest are staying at the Motel...while waiting for help, they then met with another fellow friend who came with some supplies, his name is Mark...

He worked at Robin's Special Air Force, and got to meet Lee and the far things with Mark there has been changing a bit, Larry and Kenny always fighting, especially Larry arguing with Lee, Lilly trying to calm her father down, and Kenny struggling to get the RV vehicle for Clem and (YN), the two still stick together and to be on Lee's side no matter what the meantime, Lee, Kenny and Mark marched their way out of the forest to go hunt for food as Kenny goes solo and Lee with Mark...

Mark: Damn, nothing yet.

Lee: Still gotta keep looking.

Mark: Damn, can't believe we through all that commissary food in just 3 months. Seems like so much.

Lee: Maybe you should've opened the door.

Mark: Yeah, except the fact we NEED food.

Lee: Doesn't matter what it is, I'd take it, we all do...we're all hungry.

Mark: No kidding.

Lee: Don't worry, we'll manage without food.

Mark: Maybe. You know, some of them aren't too happy about the way Lilly is handling rations.

Lee: She knows it's important to keep the adults fed and functioning.

Mark: Hmm, say, think Ken is having more luck than us out there?

Lee: I sure hope so.

Mark: Yeah, between the food, and him and Lilly fighting all the damn time. Things are getting pretty Tammy back at the Motor. You know he's been talking about getting the RV working and taking off.

Lee: Kenny won't abandon us, he's a good man. But still, he's got a family to take care.

Kenny: Hopefully, and yeah he does, I but can't blame him though, you heard Larry going off on him last night? What's the old guy's deal anyways? And in particular, he's got a pro whom with you too.

Lee: It's he is. But he thinks I'm a danger to the group, and with Clem and (YN) as well.

Mark: Tch, he's crazy, you're a good guy Lee, HES the one putting us in danger.

Lee: Hmm.


???: AAAAAAGH!!!

They heard a yell from a distance...

Mark: Shit! Was that Kenny?!

Lee: Don't know! Let's go!

Lee and Mark rush over to see what was the commotion about, hearing the yelling was getting closer and closer, until they found the yelling...and to see two teenagers, helping a teacher, who's leg got stuck on a bear trap...

Mark: Jesus Christ...

Travis: O-Oh no! No not again! Please don't kill us! We just wanna help our teacher!

Then, Kenny shows up...

Kenny: Mark! Lee! What happen?! Y'all alright??

David: G-Get it off! Get it off me! Please!

Ben: Travis, maybe they can help!

Travis: No Ben! These might be the guys that raided our camp!

Kenny: What guys?! And why is there a fucking bear trap out here?!

Lee: Okay listen! It's okay, we won't hurt you!

Travis: Don't listen to them Ben! P-Please just let us go man!

Kenny: Kid chill out, we'll help you out if you just shut the fuck up!

Mark: This is fucked up Lee! We gotta help him

Ben: Please!

Travis: Ben shut up! My dads special forces I know what I'm doing-

Ben: Just try everything you can, help our teacher please man!

Lee: Was he bitten??

Ben: What?! No, he's not I swear!

Lee: Okay, we gotta get him out of there!

Kenny: Fine, but make it quick!

David: Oh thank god, thank you! H-Hurry please..!

Mark rushes to unlock the bear trap...but it's stiff and not lose...

Mark: O-Oh fuck! The trap's been altered! There no release!

Travis: ...O-Oh no!

Suddenly, they heard groans, and to see walkers appearing from the forest, approaching them...

Kenny: Shit! Walkers! It's now or never Lee!

David: P-Pleeeaaase...! Help!

Lee: Okay! Mark keep the boys back, Kenny keep them away from me!

With Mark keeping her boys back, Kenny watching Lee's back...Lee started to think what to do...he was holding an axe, and David's leg is stuck and trap won't lose only way to set him to Cut off his leg...

Lee: I'm gonna cut it off...I'm sorry.

David: What??!! N-No No No! Try the trap again! NO!!!

Lee then swings the axe, hitting David's leg several times and to then ending up cutting it, freeing him from the trap as David stops yelling and to fell unconscious...

Mark: Oh god! Is he-

Lee: He's passed out!

Kenny: Okay, he's alive! Grab him and let's get going!

Mark picks up David on his back as they
make a run for...but...

Ben: Travis! Behind you!

With Travis not paying attention, One of the walkers drop Travis to the ground and began eating him up alive...

Travis: AAAAGH!!!! BEN!!

Ben: NO!!!


Meanwhile, back at the Motel, we see the others spending time in the motor, Larry fixing the barricade, Katjaa keeping an eye on Duck as he was coloring, Carley keeping an lookout, Lilly on top of the VR keeping an eye as well, Clementine kicking the soccer ball...and (YN) designing his bat, as he had nails around the upper tip of his bat to make it stronger, as he uses a rock to nail the nails deeper inside...and using one of the baseballs he's got, and drawing Larry's face on them, he hits them, bouncing them on the wall...and also keeping an eye on Clem...he approaches to her...

(YN): Hey Clem, wanna hit Larry's face? Makes ya feel better.

Clementine: Wh-What???!

(YN): You know...the baseballs, I drew his face on them.

Clementine: O-Oh, that, hehe, you drew him funny.

(YN): And ugly too.

Clementine: *giggles*

(YN): Hehe...but are you okay?

Clementine: Yeah, I'm okay (YN), it's just...I lost my hat.

(YN): O-Oh! I..just found that out you don't have it on ya..where did you lose it?

Clementine: I don't know, it was couple of days ago...

(YN): Well don't ya worry, I'll find it for you.

Clementine: Okay, thank you. *smiles*

(YN): Your welcome. *smiles*

Lee: Lilly!

Clementine: Lee?!

(YN): Come!

(YN) grabs Clem's hand and runs over to see Katjaa opening the door for Lee and the others...

Katjaa: What happen?!

Larry: Who the hell are these people!?

Kenny: Kat, can ya fix him?!

Katjaa: Put him on the truck, I'll see what I can do!

Lilly: Lee! What the hell are you thinking?! You can't just bring new people here?!

Kenny: Hey about you calm the hell down will ya?!

Lilly: No I won't! I want to why it was a good idea for you dumbasses to bring more people here!

Lee: He would have died if we left him!

Larry: So what?!

Lilly: We are NOT responsible for any survivors that come across to us! We have to focus OUR group right now!

Carley: Wait Now hold on a sec, we haven't even talked to these people Lilly, maybe they can help us.

Mark: Come on Lilly, their people! They try to survive just like us. We got to stick together to survive.

Lilly: The only reason we let you in here was cause you had food! But now we are almost out and only have one week's worth and not enough for all of us! And I suppose you aren't carrying grocers with ya, right?!


Mark: You know what, you guys fight it out...welcome to the family kid.

Mark walks away...

Ben: ...Th-Thanks I guess??

Clementine: Hey...come with us, see what I drew.

Ben: What?? No, I-

(YN): *sighs* Just come dude, you don't wanna get in it.

Clem and (YN) take Ben with them to keep him out of the argument...

Kenny: Ya know Lilly? You like to think you're the leader of this little group, but we can make our own goddamn decisions! This isn't your own personal dictator ship!

Carley: Okay I'm out of here, I can't stand the two of you being a problematic power struggle.

Carley walks away as well...

Kenny: You know, you may be in charge of all this, but you don't get to choose about one else idea!

Lilly: Hey I didn't make myself the leader, but everyone was happy to have me distribute the foods when there's enough to go around! But when we are out, suddenly I'm a god Damn nazi!

Lee: Kenny's right Lilly, yeah you may be in charge and all, but you're not in charge of others people's lives you know?

Kenny: You see? So he made a choice, end of story Lilly.

Kenny walks away as well...

Larry: Well we can all agree that my daughter here has got more balls than any of you combined!

Lilly: Dad, please, why don't you go help Mark with the wall.

Larry: Fine.

Larry walks away as well...

Lee: Look omce Kat patches him up, you can send him and the kid out of here see if all I care if it makes you feel better.

Lilly: Lee, it's not easy for me doing this! Everyone hates me cause I'm the one that rations the food! But you know what, I can't do it, or tonight, you'll have to do it.

Lilly walks over to the backpack, grabs the snacks there's left and hands them to Lee...

Lilly: Hope you can handle it, good luck! And there's not enough for everyone.

Lilly walks away to her Lee was given by the only seven snacks they have left, Beef Jerky, A slice of apple, two bags of chips and two pairs of cheese and crackers...and there's only 10 of them plus Lee...
Who will he feed???


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