Chp.6 The Pharmacy Pt.3

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And so, we left off with Lee and Carley leaving to go and save Glenn at the motor not far from the pharmacy, in the meantime (YN) keeps and eye on Clem, and to then roam around the store and find anything for her to eat...he looks at the cabinets, empty, shelf's, nothing at all, but what he did find was some batteries...2 of them..

(YN): Maybe Lee can use them for something.

He keeps roaming around, and luckily, he managed to find 4 chocolate bars...only he decided to have 2 for Clem and 2 for himself...but theme again...there's Kenny, his family, Doug, Lilly and her father...and he felt kinda bad for not even handing one of he'll only give two out...he walks over to Kenny...

(YN): Hey.

Kenny: Hey (YN).

(YN): Is Duck okay now?

Katjaa: Yes, and luckily no bite marks.

Kenny: Thank god, if it wasn't for that shooting lady...I don't know what will happen-

Katjaa: Don't think of it too much Kenny.

Kenny: Yeah, I know .

(YN): Mm..Well if it makes him feel better...I have a bar he can eat.

(YN) hands Duck the bar...

Duck: Oh cool, thanks!

Katjaa: Thats really sweet of you (YN), thank you.

(YN): Your welcome, just wanna be helpful.

Kenny: Well I appreciate your help son.

(YN) nods and to walk away...and to then have the nerve to approach to Lilly and her father...and gave this annoyed look, knowing how her father can be...

(YN): Uh..Hey.

Lilly: Hello.

(YN): ...Your dad's a jerk.

Larry: What?!

Lilly: Was that really necessary??

(YN): What? Being truthful here.

Lilly: Well you're not helping kid, and about my dad, yes I know he can be, but he doesn't mean it...

(YN): ...*sighs* Okay look, it's not much I can do but here...

(YN) gives Lilly the candy bar...

Lilly: You sure? What if you want it?

(YN): I got two for me and Clem.

Lilly: Oh, okay...thank you, that's sweet of you.

(YN): Mmm, well see ya.

(YN) walks away towards Clem and sits down with her...and handing her a candy bar...

Clementine: Oh wow! Thank you (YN)!

(YN): Your welcome, eat up.

The two then untapped their candy and to eat their chocolate bar...and to chat for a bit...

Clementine: (YN)?

(YN): Yeah?

Clementine: What do you think of Lee??

(YN): Lee? ...Well I mean he's cool...actually yeah, he is cool and has been nice to

Clementine: I think he's nice too, and's just...

(YN): About what that lady said about him??

Clementine: don't think...he actually...killed someone like for real...did he?

(YN): Of course no...I mean Lee doesn't seem much of a bad guy, he's really cool. And besides, if he were a bad guy, he would never taken us with him and would've just left us back there, would he? And beside, he did said what he killed was one of those things that tried eating his wife in bed.

Clementine: Hmm, yeah, you're right.

(YN): ...Don't worry Clem, we can trust him much, he can help us through this and take us back to our parents.

Clementine: Yeah, you're right.

With (YN) finishing up his candy before Clem, he then looks over at he guards up the front door...

(YN): Hey Clem, I'll be back quick.

Clementine: Okay, be careful.

(YN) leaves his bat to Clem and walks up to Doug...

(YN): Hey.

Doug: Oh hey little man.

(YN): Why are you standing close to the door? Don't those things see you?

Doug: Nah, they won't, besides it's safe, it's not suicidal. Hey, wanna come with me and check it out outside?

(YN): Um...sure, I guess.

Doug: Cool, just don't make too much noise or we don't wanna end up bringing them here.

(YN): Okay.

And so, Doug and (YN) exits the building and to be out of the cage around the entrance of the pharmacy, and as they stood our raise the cage, they see a bunch of walkers roaming around the streets...

Doug: Jesus, their everywhere...

(YN): ...a lot.

Doug: Huh, don't seem to be scared, aren't ya?

(YN): No, not really. Guess it's cause they don't see us, and we're safe here.

Doug: Could be..hey look!

(YN) and Doug looks over to a walker, that seem to be stuck on a pole...

(YN): Woah...that one...kinda looks like...Lee..??

Doug: I don't know what you're talking about, but that walker there seems like he works here at the pharmacy cause of the outfit he's wearing, and look, he's got keys hanging on his pockets! But, if we're gonna have to get them...gotta deal with these first, have them go ...Hmm, if only there was a control here to work with those TV's there to distract them.

(YN): ...Wait, a remote control?

Doug: Yeah, a universal one, it can be any.

(YN): You know, I think there's one in the room where I was with Lee and Clem, be right back quick!

(YN) gets in the building, and to rush over to the room, as he does, he looks around, and to check in the desk and to luckily find a remote, he grabs it and heads back to Doug he does, he hands it over to him..

Doug: Nice! Okay, I think I could program this remote to those TV's across the street, hope the power is still on though.

After pressing buttons for a code, Doug aims the control to the TV's across the they all turn on surprisingly...

(YN): Cool!

Doug: Awesome! But, that only gave some to their attention...we need something else-

Lee: (YN)!

(YN): ...Uh-Oh.

Doug: Shit, it's your dad, let's go in quick!

(YN): He's not my dad...but okay!

The two quickly get back in, as they do, they see Lee, Carley, and Glenn returning back as (YN) rushes to Clem and Lee...

(YN): Hey Lee.

Lee: Where have you been???

(YN): Uhm...I was...helping Doug...

Lee: (YN) I told you to keep an eye on Clementine, NOT leave her alone.

(YN): I-I know...I'm sorry...I just...wanted to help, that's all.

Lee: ....*sighs* I know you do son, I know...

Clementine: Also Lee, he did keep an eye on me, he gave me a candy.

Lee: Oh really??

(YN): Y-Yeah! Yes I did, I also gave one to Duck...and Lilly...

Lee: Well that's good to hear.

(YN): Mhm, oh! And also, I found these batteries.

(YN) pass them to Lee..

Lee: Oh, I was looking for some for the radio Carley was looking at, but you did, thanks (YN). Be right back.

Lee walks away as (YN) walks up to Clementine ...

(YN): I'm...Sorry I left you alone Clementine, I was..stupid to do that...I just wanted to help out...

Clementine: You're not stupid (YN)...and it's okay, I know you like helping.

(YN): ....Thanks.

The two smile at each other, as Lee came back..

Lee: Right then, so (YN), Clem, I want you two stay close and put okay? Gotta go look for some keys to get in to grab some pills.

Clementine: Okay.

(YN): Okay...oh wait! Lee, I think I've found them!

Lee: You did??! Where??

(YN): Outside with Doug...but it's on of those walkers that has the keys in his pocket...and it looks a lot like you.

Lee: ...Y-You don't say?

(YN): Yup, Doug can tell you.

Lee: Okay...well I'll go get them, stay here you two.

Lee walks over to Doug...and to give this worried face to hear (YN) saying that there's a walker stuck on a pole, that looks a lot like him...

Lee: Doug, (YN) told me you found the keys outside??

Doug: Yeah, check it out yourself, come.

Doug leads Lee outside, as he does, the two stood out the cage, as Lee then sees the walkers with the keys in his pockets...and stuck too...

Lee: Aw man...

Doug: You know him?

Lee: ....Yeah he's...he's close to me.

Doug: Sorry about that.

Lee: It's fine.

Doug: If we could just get these walkers away from us, one of us can quickly head to that one and snatch the keys away from it, we just need the TV to make more noise...but how can we break the window??

Lee looks around...and to see a brick near by...and knowing that it's kinda far to reach...and notices the cage locked up...

Lee: Doug, do you know the safe combination?

Doug: ...Uhhhhh...

Lee: ...You mean to tell me no one in there as ever told you the safe combination??

Doug: ...Not even one of them.

Lee: *sighs* ...Wait.

Suddenly, Lee notices something...he realizes he brought an axe with him back at the motel saving Glenn with Carley...he goes back in and brings it with he does, he uses the axe to break the lock, opening the gate quietly and to reach for the brick...he grabs it, and to toss it to the window where the TV's are, and to break as the TV's are now louder to hear, causing the walkers to lure them towards it...

Doug: Way the go!

Lee: Yeah, be right back with them.

Doug: Got it!

Lee then exits and to walk across to the walker that's he does, he observe him...and to feel bad knowing who this walker actually's his brother.

Lee: ...Hey bud...I don't know what happen to mom and dad, if you were'll die for them so...I assume that's what happen....

Lee looks terribly upset knowing his brother is one of them...and he knew what he had to do...

Lee: ..I'm sorry man...I'm sorry I wasn't here...but I knew you'd be there to take care of's nice seeing ya...

Lee gets up, grips the axe...and to then swing it towards his brothers head, killing he broke down a little, but stood strong as he got the keys...and runs back with Doug as he and him entered back the building...

Doug: Man that was close.

Lee: ...But we did it, that's all matters.

Lee approaches to Lilly..

Lee: I got the keys.

Lilly: Great! Oh gosh you're amazing! Thank you so much, let's get in there.

The two walk over to the room, as they entered, Lee uses the keys to open the room where the pills he does and enters...the alarm of it goes on...

Lee: Shit!

Lilly: We gotta hurry!

Lee and Lilly rush to grab the pills they needed and some others as much as they can...knowing with the alarm going on, that can lure the walkers towards them...

Doug: Guys! There coming!

Katjaa: Duck, get ready baby, we're leaving!

Kenny: I'm gonna start up the truck at the back!

Lilly: Please hurry! I have to get my dad out of here!

Kenny: I don't plan dilly dallying! Honey take Duck into the office and barricade the living hell out of the door behind me! Glenn, when you hear me honking at the back, get the people out of here!

Glenn: Got it!

Kenny: Carley and Doug, ima use defense to keep them out to give us time! And Lee, ima need that axe if I ever run into those bastards on my way!

Lee: Here ya go!

Kenny: Thanks!

Doug: Their trying to break in!

Kenny: Shit! Okay you three hold them off and I'll honk when it's time to leave!

Lee: You two, stay away from the windows.

Clem/(YN): Okay!

(YN) holds his bat, ready to protect Clem at any cost if they try to break in the window as Lee goes help the others hold off the door as Glenn goes to Kenny to help him out with the gas...

Doug: L-Lee! If we don't make it through, I just wanna're a great guy!

Lee: Don't say that! We will make it through this!

Carley: Doug, if WE don't make it...I just wanna say-

Suddenly, the walkers broke in from the windows, as Carley quickly pulls her gun and starts shooting them, but runs out of ammo and goes to her purse and grabs more as Doug goes and tries barricading the windows and Lee holding of the door himself...

Clementine: Oh no! Lees in trouble!

(YN): Crap! ...Oh! Clem, try to find something that can help Lee trap the door close! Don't worry about me, I'll keep them out! But hurry!

Clementine: Okay!

Clem runs to look for something to help Lee keep them out from braking in the door...then, one of the walkers came in as it was approaching to Lee, (YN) rushes as he swings his bat and a mange to bust his head off and dropping him down...

Lee: Good hit!

(YN): Thanks!

Lee: Wait wheres Clem-

Clementine: Lee!

Clementine comes back and brought The cane Lee's father once used...

Lee: Good thinking!

Lee grabs the cane and to lock the door with it and to keep them out from coming in...until suddenly...

Doug: AGH!! Help!! Get them off from me!

Doug was in trouble as one of the walkers grab him by the window...

Carley: Ahh!! Help! I'm out! I need ammo in my purse!

Carley was in trouble too as one of the walkers grab her foot...and now Lee has to make one tough decision...who to save? Carley? Or Doug...
Lee notices Carley is closer, so he helps her first as he grabs the ammo from her bag, tosses it to her as she quickly reloads and shooting the walkers approaching her...Lee goes trying to save Doug too...but was too late...

Doug: AGHH!!!! Help!!

Clementine: NO!

(YN): Doug!!

Carley: O-Oh no!!

Kenny comes...

Kenny: Hurry let's go!

Carley goes with the others...Lee and the kids as well...until...

Clementine: AAH!!

One of them appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Clem from her leg as she trips...

Lee: Clementine!!


(YN) rushes to the walker, leaps and to brutally land and stomp on the walkers head and repeatedly stomping his whole head and blood splattering everywhere..
After that, (YN) picks up Clem and runs off with her as Lee behind them making sure they get there safe...until Larry steps in Lee's way...

Larry: You're not coming with us you son of a bitch!

Clem/(YN): No!!

Larry punches Lee, knocking him down and leaving him behind...until Kenny shows up later...

Kenny: I'm not letting anyone getting eaten alive, especially a good friend like you!

Kenny picks Lee up as the two rush away from the Pharmacy...and leave the area for good.


Moments later as they left the pharmacy, they all arrive to the Motel where Glenn was stuck...Lee and Kenny killed some walkers there and piled them up out of the streets to build a wall around the motel...Glenn on the other hand had bad news: he had to leave and go after his friends, which is okay, Lee accepts that, and Glenn appreciates it. So he leaves...Lee then walks up to Kenny...

Lee: Hey Ken.

Kenny: Hey man, close call back there. Tch, that old bastard thinks he can get away with it!

Lee: Don't worry about him, but thanks back there.

Kenny: No problem, that's what friends are for, looking after each other.

Lee: Yeah.

Kenny: You said you want kids once, right?

Lee: Huh, I did...yeah.

Kenny: Well Clem and (YN) ain't your kids, and can't treat them how they are, but you can take care of them, hell even a father can.

Lee: You're a great dad Ken, I know it, and again, Thanks.

Kenny: You got it pal, got you're back.

Lee then walks away and to go up to Carley, who seems to be...down since they arrived...

Lee: okay?

Carley: ...I'm fine thanks...considering well...

Lee: I do, yeah.

Carley: I just...couldn't stop thinking about Doug, we could have saved him, could we?

Lee: It happen pretty fast

Carley: I know, it's just stupid that...I barley like him when we first met there, he even was the one that saved me as well, he was a good guy and all...and I didn't even get the chance to tell him...

Lee: ...Well I bet he liked you too.

Carley: Heh, he better. Anyways, I'd rather be alone, if you don't mind.

Lee: I understand.

Carley: ...Wait, Lee?

Lee: Yeah??

Carley: ...How'd you choose? We both needed you...and you picked me.

Lee: ...I was going to help you both.

Carley: But you chose me first.

Lee: I know...

Carley: I just wish we both made it out know?

Lee: Me too...I'll leave you be.

Carley: Mm.

Lee then leaves Carley alone...meanwhile, with (YN) and Clem, (YN) notices Clem a bit sad...

(YN): Hey, you okay?

Clementine: N-No..! I got..grabbed again.

(YN): I-I know, but hey, I was there, Lee as well.

Clementine: A-Ans my walkie talkie broke...Glenn had the other one...

(YN): Oh...I'm sorry Clem.

Clementine: Thanks, I know Lee wants me to be tough like you...I'm just...sad...and I *sniffs* Know it doesn't make any sense, but that's how I use to take with my mom and dad and...and now their gone.

(YN): H-Hey Hey, it's okay! It's okay Clem, no need to cry okay? Please....look, Don't worry, Lee said they'll find us here, he's sure of it, and I trust him, why? Cause he's a good guy, and you should too...

(YN) holds Clem's hand...

(YN): We both do.

Clementine: ...*gently smiles* O-Okay.

Lee was relief that Clem has someone like (YN) to keep her company with him being busy...suddenly...

Larry: Hey Lee, come here for a sec.

Lee grunts and to walk over to Larry...

Lee: What is it?

Larry: Tell me, do you like my daughter?

Lee: ...Well, her father did tried killing me a while..

Larry: That's the point, so if I were you, stay the fuck away from her!

Lee: Or what?

Larry: Or Uh...everyone will know you, Lee Everett is a killer, and you had to do something for you to stay alive. I know who you are, and I don't give a shit what happens to you! But if anything happens to my daughter or those kids you got, then you watch your ass!

Larry then walks away...and Lilly to approach to Lee...

Lilly: Hey Lee.

Lee: Hey.

Lilly: My dad would be dead if it weren't for you.

Lee: That guy Doug is dead, cause of me.

Lilly: Don't be like that, you're only one man...we're lucky to have you.

Lilly smiles at Lee as Lee smiles back...and to then what gunshots out of distance...

Kenny: I hope that's the sound of us winning.

Lilly: Me too.

Kenny: These motor inn's are pretty defendable, we block off the entrances, with some cars and have one of us keep a lookout until the military rolls through.

Lilly: I actually agree with that plan.

Lee: Me too.

Kenny: We've got beds, water, and light importantly, there's worse places to call it home.

Lilly: Yeah, you're right. You know guys, it's gonna be okay.

Or Will it be okay???


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