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As we left off, the group met Omid and Christa, as the two will join along the ride to Savannah, and to arrive couple hours later...although they need to slow down the pace for Omid, knowing he injured his leg badly back at the train....
As they all got off, they make their walk to the shore to get on the boat Kenny planned, but on the other hand, Lee won't go anywhere yet until he finds Clem's and (YN)'s parents, and finding out who has been speaking with them on the walkie he hold onto it...

Clementine: Can't I just hold it? Just for a little while? We're almost there where my parents-

Lee: Not now Clem, maybe later, okay?

Clementine: ...Okay.

(YN): Lee...are you okay? You seem...worried.

Lee: I'm fine son, don't worry...How's Omid?

Christa: His legs getting worse.

Omid: I'm fine.

Christa: You're not fine, you need to rest, Lee, he needs to rest!

Lee: Mm, Kenny, how far till we get to the shore?

Kenny: Should be couple blocks up ahead.

Christa: And there will be boats?

Lee: Sure as hell better be.

Kenny: There have to be, have to be.

Suddenly, a bell rangs...

Ben: The hell? A bell?

Christa: Maybe this city's not dead after all.

Kenny: No! We have to keep moving, no one can just ring that bell. It's automatic.

Lee: What kind of bell goes off 20 past the hour??

Suddenly...Lee notices someone on top that rang the bell and escaping...

Lee: Someone's up there!

Kenny: Wait what??

Lee: I know what I saw! Someone's up there alive!

Then, Clem's walkie talkie began to static up...and the person who's been talking with the kids began talking again..

???: If I were you, I'd get out of the street, now.

Christa: I thought you said that thing doesn't work!

Lee: ..So did I.

Lee tried talking to the person in the walkie talkie...

Clementine: It's him.

(YN): Clem...maybe whoever that person was, saying he has our parents, doesn't seem safe. I mean, why would he don't want Lee to know??

Clementine: It's not true (YN), he has my parents, yours too! And yes, I know he doesn't want us to let Lee know, but-

Chuck: ...Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

Kenny: What you're yammering about now?

They notice behind, a bunch of walkers approaching to them cause of the bell...

Chuck: It tolls for thee...


Lee and the others began making a run for, as more of them began appearing out of nowhere, Chuck uses his shovel to fight them off, Christa helps Omid make a run for, Kenny finds a gun to to shoot them off...more kept coming and began surrounding them...suddenly, Clem and (YN) got separated as Clem was with Ben and them two surrounded by walkers as Clem began shaking in fear...

Lee: No! Ben help her!!

Ben didn't know what to do, was was scared out of his life...and all he did was running away and not help Clem...

Lee: Goddamn it Ben!!!

Lee rushes over to Clem for the save, but luckily (YN) appears and began swinging his bat, hitting them towards their heads...

(YN): Are you okay?!

Clementine: Y-Yes!

A walker appears behind them as Lee rushes over to save them, But Chuck come to the rescue and saves the kids...

Chuck: Go on get out of here! I'll catch up with y'all!

Lee: Thanks!

Lee and the kids make a run for...

Kenny: Come on! River street is up ahead-

More walkers blocked there way...

Kenny: Oh give me a fucking break!!!

Christa: Wait, where's Chuck?!

The all notices him fighting off the walkers...

Omid: Oh shit! He's in trouble, we gotta help him!

Chuck: I'll be fine! Just go!

They all make a run for, and luckily to find a mansion house and a huge backyard for them to hide as they close the gates and for the walkers to keep moving away...

Ben: Man...that was close...

Kenny: Too close.

Christa: Omid!

Omid was on the floor, as his wound reopen again from the runaway...

Christa: Your wound reopened! It's gonna get infected! Guys, we gotta get in that house now and find a way to help Omid!

Kenny: We'll try, besides...this house here is barricade.

Lee: Yup, let's see if there's a way in.

But before he does that, Lee walks up to Clem...

Clementine: Do you think the dead people saw us come over here?!

Lee: No, they didn't see us, we're too fast for them.

Clementine: But...I can still hear them.

Lee: Don't worry, they won't find us here, as soon we find a way in the house, you'll be alot safer.

Clementine: Okay.

Lee: Hmm, how's Omid?

Omid: I'm fine, thanks-

Christa: You're not fine! You reopen your wound and god who knows if it's infected or not! And I can't let it happen! Lee, you have to find a way in.

Lee: Don't worry, we're on it.

Christa: Good...thank you.

Lee: No probelm....say, Clem, where's (YN)?

Clementine: With Ben.

Lee looks over and sees (YN)...who suddenly began glaring at Ben as Ben tried his best to ignore him...

Lee: Oh boy..

Clementine: Is he mad at Ben??

Lee: Yea, seems like it.

Christa: I say you calm him down, or else he'll start swinging that bat on him.

Lee: I'm on it.

Lee walks over to (YN) as he then pats him on the head...

Lee: Easy there (YN), look, go and stay with Clem will ya?

(YN): ....

Lee: Please, don't do nothing that we don't wanna see...or you'll make Clementine scared.

(YN): ...Fine.

(YN) kept glaring at Ben, as he walks away over to Clem and for Lee to have a talk with him...

Lee: Ben, about what happen at the street...

Ben: I-I know! I'm sorry! I just froze up, I didn't mean to, I mean, you would too, right??

Lee: Just hear what I'm saying to put that girl in danger again, then there will be no walkers to stop me from hurting you, and of course (YN) too, he'll make sure of that as well.

Ben: I-I hear ya.

Lee: Good.

Lee then walks around and roams at the backyard, then to go walk approaching to Kenny as he tried opening the door...

Lee: You think someone in there?

Kenny: Nah, if it were, they would heard us coming in here and said something, they barricade the house real good though, I'll give them that.

Lee: Hmmm, what about that doggie door?

Kenny: Tries that, the fucker is somehow locked, who would have a locked doggie door?

Omid: I have, my neighbor had one just like that, it's radio controlled and wears a collar with a chip in so the door would only open when the dog gets close to it.

Kenny: We'll shit, everyday is a school day.

Ben: Alright so...where's the dog?

They look around as Lee spots a dog house, next to something buried, he walks over to it...and to think maybe the dog is buried in he grabs the shovel and digs, and as he does, he finds the dead dog there...

Lee: Ugh, smells...seems it's been here for a while.

Lee slowly grabs the dogs neck and to yank the collar off...and walk back to Kenny, he puts the collar close to the doggie door, and for it to make a sound and the light to bright, meaning it opened...

Kenny: Yes! We're golden! What you see in there?

Lee looks inside...

Lee: Man, this place looks empty.

Kenny: Can you try reaching the doorknob?

Lee: No, I can't. Too big to fit in...

Clem and (YN) walks up...

Clementine: Oh! I have an idea!

(YN): You do??

Clementine: Mhm, look.

Clementine rushes and to crawl in the doobie door and to go in the house...

Lee: Clementine?!

(YN): Clem!

There was silence for a bit...

Lee: Are you okay?! Say something!

(YN): Come on Clem!

Then, the door opens and Clem coming out from it...

Clementine: Ta-Da!

Lee: Ha! Good job Clem!

Kenny: Way the go hon!

Clementine: I did good, right?

Lee: You sure did. Okay, we can go in and have Omid rest in there.

Christa: Of course, come on honey.

Omid: alright.

Christa helps Omid walk in the house and everyone else enters, as (YN) approaches to Clem...

(YN): That was smart Clem.

Clementine: Hehe, thank you.

(YN): Yeah, but...please don't scare me like that next time! I though...something happen-

Clementine: It's okay (YN), nothing bad happen.

Clementine then holds on (YN)'s hand and smiles at him...

Clementine: I'm okay.

(YN): *blushing and smiling* Okay.


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