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As we left off, Lee and the others managed to enter the house thanks to Clementine's help for opening the door for they got in and felt alot more safer in there, Omid tests on the couch and Christa looking after Omid rests, the others began to roam around the house mansion a bit...until Christa bumps into both Lee and Kenny..

Christa: So, are you gonna tell me about the walkie talkie suddenly working?

Lee: I was going to tell you, Ken and I found out yesterday.

Christa: So you were keeping it to yourselves from us? Great.

Kenny: Look who gives a shit about the damn radio?! I'm more worried about whoever it was out there ringing that bell, bringing the dead onto us!  It's like they don't want us to make it to the river!

Christa: What makes you think it's not the same person? Whoever was in that radio was close enough to see us and we didn't see anyone other than the one in the bell.

Kenny: Cause that doesn't make a lick of damn sense, why bring out the dead like that and try to warn us about it afterwards?

Lee: I don't know who they are, but I'm pretty sure their not friendly.

Kenny: Damn right they aren't! I'm telling you, those bastards don't want us near the river, it's like they want the boats all for them! But we'll see about that!

Christa: Look I'm not going out, Omid needs to rest!

Lee: I know he needs it, I understand, but I'm on Ken's side, once it's quiet outside and down silent, we'll head out to the river together.

Kenny: ...Suit yourselves then, but I ain't going to spend time here and not let them take any boats left there that'll take us to freedom.

Christa: Very well then...although, this house does seem secure,  it what if someone's in here hiding?

Kenny: Hmmm, okay,  Ben and me will take upstairs, Lee, you got down here, make sure you check every door.

Lee: Got it.

Kenny and Ben both walked upstairs and Christa to go look after Omid...Clem and (YN) approaches to Lee...

Clementine: Can we help?

(YN): Yeah, it'll be boring if we just sit and do nothing.

Lee: I think you two little ones have done enough help, but why don't you help Christa keep an eye on Omid and make sure he rests.

Clementine: Okay.

(YN): Sounds...helpful I guess, come on Clem.

(YN) and Clem walk to the living room with Christa as Lee roams around to check every door...

Christa: Hey kids.

Clementine: Hi Christa.

(YN): Omid okay now?

Christa: He's fine, for now, just glad he's resting...still, make me worried that if his leg is infected from the open wound...god I hope nothing bad happens.

Clementine: Don't worry, Lee will find a way to help.

(YN): Yeah! He always finds ways to help out!

Christa: Heh, you two sure admire him, don't ya?

Clementine: Yeah, he's really nice.

(YN): And awesome!

Christa: That's good to hear...say, Clem?

Clementine: Yeah?

Christa: ...Lee told me your walkie talkie works.

Clementine: Yeah..??

Christa: And...Well, we were wondering who was that man in that walkie talkie? He seemed to know you and (YN)?

Clementine: O-Oh..

(YN): ...

Christa: It's okay, you aren't in trouble sweetie, you can tell me...what does he want?

Clementine: ....It's juts a friend.

(YN): Not really...he just began talking to us in that walkie talkie a while ago...I don't think he's friendly, but  Clem does.

Clementine: He is (YN), he doesn't wanna hurt us.

(YN): You don't know that Clem, I mean we can't just trust him-

Clementine: But I asked him for help about finding our parents, I told him they were at Savannah, and he will, he sounded nice, and he said he's got our parents, safe with him.

(YN): ...Yeah, he does, but still, why tell us?? We don't even know him.

Christa: Clem, I think (YN)'s right, I don't think this "friend" of yours doesn't want nor want to help you, he-

Ben: Lee!!

They heard Ben scream, as Lee makes his way over and to rush at Ben...

Lee: What's wrong?!

Ben: You need to get upstairs now! ...It's Kenny!

Lee rushes upstairs with Ben, and to arrive at the hallway to see a stairwell leading up the attic...

Ben: Kenny heard something up there, and went to look and see what it was, but he hasn't came back, I tried calling him and getting him down, and nothing.

Lee: I'll go, stay here.

Lee began climbing up the stair well, arriving in the attic, and to see Kenny on his knees...

Lee: Kenny?

Kenny: ...

Lee began approaching to him closer behind...

Lee: Ken, you okay man?? *sniffs* Ugh Jesus! The hell is that- ..........Oh my god....

What Lee saw that Kenny saw left him he and Kenny sees a little boy, who happens to be in his underwear only, and also to be a walker...his body was nothing but bones, as if he hasn't ate...

Kenny: Kinda looks like Duck, don't he?

Lee: It's a kid...the bell happen to him?

Kenny: Nothing...I guess he was hiding up in here, and starve to death.

Lee: ...Jesus...

Kenny: I..I don't know if I can do this Lee, I mean...

Lee: ...I know you can do this Ken, that boy needs our help, your help, send him his way up there.

Kenny: I know, I just...oh god...

Lee pulls his gun, and leaves it on the floor for Ken...

Lee: I know you can do it Ken.

Kenny: I-I know, but...I couldn't even do it for Duck, my own son

Lee: Ken, that was your one flesh and blood son, no parent should ever do that, but I can assure you, you can be strong for this boy, come one Ken. I know you're strong for this.

Kenny: ...O-Okay then.

Kenny grabs the gun, stood up and to walk over to the walker kid, he then looks at him, and pictures Duck...he shuts his eyes, slowly aiming the gun at him to his head...and to look away...and to shoot him dead...Lee then walks and to pick up the kid onto his arms...and to exit the attic and to fight him up. Lee arrives at the backyard again...and to approach over to the burial where the dog was buried, and to put the kid in there with the dog together for the dog to not feel alone and be with the friend he has, and to buried them on the ground...
As he finishes up, outside it was foggy, and suddenly....Lee sees a silhouette outside the gate, a person standing, starring at him...and to run off...

Lee: Hey! Hey! You come back here!! Are you the one that's been talking to Clem and (YN)?!? I'll kill you!!

Christa: What's going on Lee?

Lee: ...Saw someone standing there by the fence, watching us.

Ben: Walker?!

Lee: No, too fast, he ran like hell when I spotted him.

Christa: Was it a man or woman?

Lee: Didn't had a good look.

Christa: ..You don't think it's the man on the walkie talkie??

Kenn appears...

Kenny: ...

Lee: Kenny?

Kenny: I'm fine pal...I'm What's the ruckus?

Ben: Lee saw someone outside the fence stalkin us.

Kenny: What?! Who??

Lee: Not sure, he ran off before I got a good look.

Ben: I don't like it one bit, not one bit.

Christa: Same, walkers is one thing, but having someone stalking us is another problem too.

Kenny: Alright that's it! I think we've stayed here for long time, time to get back on track! Go down to the river, and get ourselves a boat.

Christa: I don't think Omid is ready to walk yet Kenny.

Kenny: Well he sure better be ready, cause I'm going down to river street and find us a boat. And as soon she's ready to go, we're moving.

Lee: I agree with Ken, the sooner we get the hell out of here, the better.

Kenny: Then hell, what are we waiting for? Me and Lee can go and search for the boat, Christa you can stay here and look after Omid, don't wanna pressure anything.

Christa: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Ben: Can I come?

Kenny: Nah, you'll just slow us down, just get ready once we scout and find the boat.

Clem and (YN) heard them talking about going onto the streets again...

Clementine: Wait Lee, can we come too?? Maybe we can find our parents while looking for the boat.

(YN): ...

Lee: Not right now sweetie.

Clementine: promise we were gonna go find them when we get there, you promise on the train.

Lee: I know I did sweat pea, and didn't forget it. But Savannah here is far more dangerous than I thought it would be. We all need to stick together as a group, okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Kenny: Daylights burning, gonna go grab my gear and start heading out.

Clementine: Come you two, let's go see if Omid if he's resting well.

(YN): Yea, that would be cool, come Clem.

Clementine: ...Okay

(YN) grabs her hand and to walk with Christa and Ben inside as Lee and Kenny get ready to head out to the streets and to head to river street to find themselves a boat...



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