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As we left off, Lee and Kenny left off to river street to find a boat to work and to leave together, in the meantime, Christa, Ben, Clem and (YN) were in the house, checking on Omid as he still sleeps, which made Christa and Ben to sleep too...(YN) too...but as he began to get a little nap, he notices Clementine not around with him...

(YN): Clementine?? Clem!

(YN) roams around the house and looks for her, nowhere to be found in the house, and not even at the backyard...knowing it's still foggy....but suddenly, outside the fence, he sees her, walking over to where Lee and Kenny head...

(YN): Clem!!

(YN) quickly exits the yard and to rush over and to reach to Clem..

(YN): Clem!!

Clementine: (YN)!!?

(YN): Clem what the heck are you doing?!?

Clementine: I-I was going to find Lee and-

(YN): Alone?! Out here?! Knowing there's walkers who can appear out of nowhere and grab you!?! Clem, what were you thinking!?? Why did you left my side!?

Clementine: A...A-Are you...angry at me..?

(YN) can hear Clem's tone feeling he calms down...and replies...

(YN): I'm not Clem...I'm just..upset and scared you walking alone, out here especially...I don't want want nothing bad happen to you, nor nothing or no one to hurt you....I don't know what I do if that happens.

Clementine: ...I-I'm sorry, (YN)'s just...I still...want to find Lee, so if he found my parents...

(YN): ...We'll find our parents here, and that is for sure. Lee said...

He grabs her hand...

(YN): We have to stick together as a group.

Clementine gently smiles..

Clementine: Yeah, okay.

(YN): Good....well, since we're out here...and the others not knowing us here...we'll go and find Lee then.

Clementine: Really?! ...O-Okay!

(YN): Yeah, but stay close to me, okay?

Clementine: Okay!

The two held hands as (YN) hold his bat to hit any walker that tries approaching to him and Clem....they walks straight down the street to go and find Lee
Later, they arrive to a dead city, where the buildings are silence, nothing on the street, and foggy still...and then, they heard sounds, and a thud, like if someone fell to the ground around the corner...

Clementine: What was that?

(YN): Stay close.

Clem gets close to (YN) as she and him began to walk up to the corner of the building as (YN) grips his bat to swing on time...
As they did, they see Lee, standing on top of someone...

(YN): Lee!

Clementine: We found you!

Lee: Clem?! (YN)?!?

Lee was surprised to se them out here alone...the person Lee has on the ground puts its hoodie down...and to reveal its hair to resize it was a female...

Female: You're not from Crawford?

Lee: And you're not the guy at the radio.

Female: Obviously not. Full marks of observation...mind I get up?

Lee: Slowly.

Lee backs up with the kids, as the female gets up and to pull her mask and revealing her face...Kenny shows up too..

Kenny: Lee! What happen? Who's this-a-wait (YN)?! Clementine?!

(YN)/Clementine: Hi.

Lee: Not now Ken...okay, we don't need no harm, we're friendly. So, tell us who you are?

Molly: Names Molly.

Lee: Hey Molly, I'm Lee, this here's Kenny, Clementine and (YN). Not looking for trouble.

Molly: ...So you're not from Crawford then.

Lee: No, I'm from Macon, Kenny's from Florida.

Kenny: Yeah, so what's the deal about this Crawford place?

Molly: You sure you wanna know? ...When everything got to shit, people gather together and seal off that whole neighborhood with walkers, folks will do anything to stay alive. Stop the dead getting in.

Kenny: Why?

Molly: Let's just say they have a zero tolerance policy for anyone who or can't live on the rules.

Kenny: So how you know we aren't them?

Molly: ...They don't allow kids, no children in Crawford anymore.

Lee: What do you mean "No children?"

Molly: No children, no elderly, no one with an advance medical condition, basically no one who's a burden to the community. Crawford's all about the survival at its fittest.  That's how they survive, while the rest of the world went to shit.

Kenny: Jesus...

Molly: Well just the opposite.

Lee: So, what exactly they do with the "Burden"??

Molly: Well, you've met them already.

Kenny: ..Fuck me...

Molly: Yeah, anyone who got sick, too old, or figure not to strong to survive, their the meal tickets for the walkers.

Lee: So, how you knew all this?

Molly: Everyone in Savannah knew, what was going on inside, is like a ghost story, but this one's true.

Lee: Hmm, so do you know who's been ringing those bells at town?

Molly: Yeah, me.

Kenny: I fucking knew it! Lee I knew there was someone fucking with us! And it's her!!

Molly: Calm down grandpa, and I haven't been following you, I don't even know who you people are.

Lee: Look calm down Ken, it was a guy that sounded on the radio.

Kenny: Yeah, well ringing the bells this morning almost got us killed!

Molly: That's the idea genius, that's how I get around. I ring a bell in one neighborhood to attract the local geeks towards it, but some time to scavenge the area. But it's pretty easy, their bunch of dumbasses to move slowly, that's why you gotta be quick enough before they wander back. Okay look, I know you aren't from Crawford, but who are you? What are you doing here?

Lee: We're looking for a boat, get our people too and get out of here to find somewhere safe.

Molly: Huh, Good luck with that, Anyone with a boat took it out here as soon as people started eating each other. Anything left behind, Crawford strip em for parts, cars too.

Kenny: No..No No! There has to be one!

Molly: If there has one, I wouldn't be here still, trust me, I looked every city up and down, left and right.

Kenny: ...Goddamn it! Fuck!!

Molly: Hey, keep it down will ya?

Kenny: ...Shit.

Suddenly, Molly startled and to see walkers coming...

Molly: Great, we got company.

Kenny: Shit! Isn't that-

Lee: The way we got here, yeah.

Clementine: Isn't there another way?!

(YN): Like a short cut??!

Lee: Molly, is there-

Molly makes a run for to the alley, as Lee and then chase her and seeing her using a pick axe to clump up the balcony's...

Lee: Hey! You're just leaving us here?!

Molly: Hey sorry, I just miss the part where our conversation lead us to a Problem!

Clementine: You can't leave us here!

(YN): Yeah, please, help us go back home!

Molly: ......Fine! Make it fast!

Lee then gives Clem and (YN) a boost up to Molly, and giving a boost to Kenny as well...Lee notices the walkers approaching closer, Kenny helps Lee give a hand to climb up, but slips and falls as the walkers getting closer, Lee tries to run, by the other side was blocked by walkers too...he was surrounded...until he finds a manhole, leading to the sewers...that was the only way to escape, he then tries opening it, but won't budge, Molly tosses her pick axe to him as Lee uses it to open the manhole, and it did as he goes in...

(YN)/Clem: Lee!!!

Kenny: Come on kids!

Kenny Molly and the kids kept climbing up and to reach in a room in the building and to exit fast and to head straight to the house...
Minutes later, they arrived as Christa was awake...

Christa: Kenny! Kids!! Where have you two been?!

Clementine: U-Uhm...Uhh..We-

(YN): We left to go look for Lee and was my idea to do so, sorry, I know I wasn't, but...I just wanted to know if we were sure he found our parents.

Christa: Oh my god...don't ever do that, understand?!

(YN): Yeah..

Christa: ...It's fine either way sweetie, just, don't do it again....and who's this?

Kenny: ...Molly.

Molly: Not looking for trouble, so don't bother asking.

Christa: Hmm, wait where's Lee??

Kenny: He was surrounded by walkers, luckily he a mange to get away with them to the sewer...I hope he makes it out.

Christa: God hoops he does...So, about the boa-

Kenny: Don't bother...our friend here told me everything and...guess they got any.

Christa : Fuck...

Clem/(YN): Swear.

Christa: Sorry.

Kenny: Welp, guess we're waiting on Lee, hope there's a bottle here to sober up.

Ben: Uh, I don't think that's a good idea-

Kenny: No one asked you kid.

Ben: ...

Molly: Well if you don't mind, I'll just make myself at home then, and wait for Lee to give me back what's mines.

Christa: Do what you want.

They all left and to do their own for Clem and (YN), (YN) head outside the backyard and Clem following him...
They approach to the little garage house as the two sat together and lean towards it...

Clementine: ...Why did you lie?

(YN): Huh?

Clementine: About earlier, I was the one to go look for Lee about our parents...and you took the blame for it.

(YN): ...I didn't wanna see you sad and upset again...I don't like it when your sad, I did it so. All I care, I keeping you safe, and making you happy.

Clem then felt a bit better...she moves closer to him aside, and to lean her head to his shoulder...

Clementine: That's nice of you.

(YN): *smiles*

Clementine: Hey, (YN)?

(YN): Yeah?

Clementine: ...I'm happy I met you, besides Lee.

(YN): ...Heh, I do too, a lot.

Clementine: Hey, do you think there's something in here??

(YN): Beats me, you think there's something we can use??

Clementine: Maybe, let's see.

The two got up, and to then approach to the door of the garage, it had a lock...(YN) grips his bat, aims the lock, and to hit it serval times...and for the lock to brake free...the two peek inside...
And what they saw is use surprise them...literally.

(YN): Woah...there's one here??

Clementine: I guess, you think Kenny-

Lee: Kids??

Suddenly, they heard Lee and seeing him surprisingly alive, he then was relief to see them as he rushes up to them as he and the kids hug...

Lee: Hey little ones.

Clementine: You're okay!

(YN): So happy you are!

Lee: Heh, of course I am...what are you two doing??

(YN): O-Oh! We've found something in there!

Clementine: Yeah, come and look!

Lee approaches to the garage door, opens it...
And to be left he sees a boat in that garage, knowing there was on here this whole time...

Lee: Holy shit.

And then, Kenny appears outside he saw the boat in the garage too....he drop down to his knees...and all he can do is smile, as his plan still keeps going...
And the answer to leave and go somewhere safe.


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