Chp.1 Prescott

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As you guys have read from the prologue, Javier has been kidnapped by bandits, and their lead, Max. He was taken by one of his bandits and is tied up both hands. He tried to free them, but couldn't and tries to talk to the bandit...

Javier: H-Hey my family! Where are they?! What did you do to my family!?

Bandit: ....

Javier: Tch, fucking asshole.

Bandit: Just do us both a favor and pretend you're still asleep. I wouldn't start talking if I were you. You're even lucky we do things a certain way, I was already tempted to put a bullet on your brain for what you did back there at the junkyard.

Javier: Hey look, what happen to him was an accident.

Bandit: Yeah right. Keep talking and we might find out some similar accidents, get what I'm sayin?

Javier: Please, you have to believe me. We are just-

Bandit: Not another word! Or god so help me, I'll put a bullet on your brain! We still got a long way to go and I ain't gonna listen to-

Javier: Look out!!!

Suddenly, a tree collapses on the road, which the bandit turns the wheel and loses control on the truck and crashes....Javier wakes up before the bandit, and luckily finds a gun as he snatches it and gets off the truck, also to realize the bandit wakes up and makes a run for. Javier chases after him.

Javier: Hey!

He aims at the gun to the bandit, and to then shoot him down knowing he didn't stop...

Javier: Damn it...

But then...he hears a shotgun pump, and to slowly turn and slightly see somebody behind him with a shotgun on its hand...knowing he wasn't alone anymore.

Javier: Fuck...*sighs* Okay, you got me...

Javier drops his gun...

???: Thats good, just keep looking forward.

Javier: Look, I just need help, please!

???: Not what it looks like to me. Seems like you can handle yourself well.

This person sounded very familiar, but a. It mature though. It happen to be a teenage girl, and to be wearing a family hat that she would always wear and never loose it for good...she is None other than Clementine.

She grabs Javier's gun and takes a step back again aiming her weapon....

Clementine: Okay, now don't do anything stupid, cause I'll shoot a lot quicker than you.

Javier:'re a kid?!

Clementine approaches to the crash van, and Javier noticing and seeing her messing with a trap that's attach to a tree, which she was the one that made the tree fell...

Javier: Wait, you did that?!

Clementine: ...I was trying to stop the truck. Guess it didn't turn out very well...shit.

Javier: Why do you need it for?

Clementine: To drive. Okay, put your hands up and close your eyes.

Javier: Wait hold up, I'm the victim here.

Clementine: We all are.

Javier: Oh? So it's okay for you to rob me??

Clementine: I gotta get some payment from rescuing this chocolate bar you got-

Javier: No wait! That's my little nieces, she loves chocolate, more than anything...I promise it to her, please.

Clementine: ...Fine.

Javier: Thank you.

Clementine: Now, I want you to count to 100, eyes close and don't look back.

Javier: Wait Wait! It's...Its my family, I need to get back to them. We were attacked and...and I need to know where I am! We driving down at the 522 and that's where we found the junkyard, and I know they're still there. I need to get back to them.

Clementine: ...I know where that is, and you said you were driving?

Javier: In our van yes.

Clementine: ...Okay, I'll take you there, if you let me have your van. I get you there in one piece, then I drive

Javier: What? That van is our only home.

Clementine: I take that as a no then.

Javier: Well how about you just give me directions like a normal person?

Clementine: Or how about I shoot you, and take your van any way? Besides, it's a better deal for you...let's go.

Clementine takes Javi with her to the camp she's staying...

Javier: Is this really necessary? Taking me like a hostage?

Clementine: I don't know you, and don't trust you, and I won't take any chances. So it's safe for both of us when you're tied up.

Javier: Hey, I get it, you're being cautions, I understand.

Clementine: Glad we understand each other.

Javier: ...Names Javier by the way, but they call me "Javí" in short.

Clementine: ...Clementine.

Javier: Well, nice to meet you Clementine.

Clementine: If you say so.

They kept walking down, as Clementine felt a bit incautious around Javier knowing he doesn't seem much of a threat, but still...suddenly, a Walker appears, scarring Javier, Clementine jumps in and to pull her knife out, kicking the Walker down and to stab it's head....

Javier: You're good.

Clementine: ...

Javier: Okay look, you don't wanna talk, that's fine, but can I at least get that gun back so I can protect myself?

Clementine: For all I know, you'll turn around and use it on me.

Javier: If you do, we can protect each other.

Clementine: I give you a weapon, I can't take my eyes off from you. At least this way I know what I'm up against.

Suddenly, they both found a group of walkers roaming around the middle of the street as they both hide behind a boulder...

Javier: <Muertos>, Looks like they caught up on us

They quietly make a run for without being seen by them...

Clementine: <Muertos>??

Javier: What do you call them?

Clementine: Walkers.

Javier: ...What do you call them when they run?

Clementine; They're all fucking walkers, okay? ...Look, I'm not used being around other people...not for a while anyway...usually it's just us on our own.

Javier: ... "Us"?

Clementine: ...I have a partner, well not really...more like my friend. He and I have been this close since then.

Javier: ..Oh, so you and this friend of yours survived together since the day this shit started?

Clementine: Yeah...but we had some other people that looked out for us back then.

Javier: What happen to them?

Clementine: ...Same thing that happens to everyone.

Javier: Sorry...but, where is he?

Clementine: Where I'm taking you.

Javier: ..How come he isn't with you?

Clementine: ...He has..a lot in his mind, he's not himself lately for a while.

Javier: Ah, I get it.

Then, they stopped for a moment and to find more walkers down the path...

Javier: Shit, more of them.

Clementine: We can't stay here longer. The town is right up ahead, we can stay there until the herd is clear, Otherwise, we're Walker food, thing you can do that?

Javier: What?! We can't! What about my family?

Clementine: And I need that van! But right now, you need to trust me.

Javier: Oh? Like the way you trust me?

Clementine: ....Don't make me regret this.

Clementine pulls her knife out and cuts the tie off Javier hands...

Clementine: Come on!

The two made a run for down to the town where Clementine is talking they arrive, they notice more walkers surrounding the main gate entrance....

Clementine: Run to the gate, I'll cover you!

They make a run for towards the gate as Clem began shooting down walkers covering Javier...but as they get to the gate, it suddenly closes...

Javier: Hey!

Clementine: Open up!

At the top of the entrance, we see a person, with a sniper rifle, shooting down walkers...

Tripp: Can't open the gate till you clear them out, can't risk it!

With that said, Clem and Javier use their guns to shoot down the walkers to clear them off...Clementine pulls out a gun she has with her, but as she pulls the trigger, the bullets won't shoot...

Clementine: Fuck! The bullets won't shoot!?

A Walker approaches to Clem and attacks her and trying to eat her, Javier tried to help her but two walkers approached to him and try shooting them and doesn't have the chance to save Clem....
Until suddenly, at the top of the main gate, somebody was rushing down, leaps off the gate and to land on top of the Walker that was trying to eat Clem and stomping its head...he reveals himself as a teenage boy, with an short undercut hairstyle, black leather gloves, black boots, black pants and shirt that has a red skull behind and has a flame tattoo on his whole left arm...and to be none other than (YN)...

Clementine: (YN)!

(YN): You okay?!

Clementine: Im fine, thank you!

The man, Tripp opens the gate...

Tripp: Get your asses inside now! Come on!

Clem, (YN) and Javi rush in, and then somebody riding a horse arrive in mere seconds as the man closes the gate...

Tripp: God effin damn it Francine, one of these days those doors are gonna close and your ass will be on the other side.

Francine: Heh, well if that happens Tripp, I promise I'll eat you first.

Tripp: Mmm. Anyways, you two: Clementine? (YN)? You two staying longer here?

Clementine: No, we-

(YN): We need to keep moving. Once those walkers pass, we will be on our way.

Clementine: ...And also (YN)..we need to take this guy to the junkyard.

Javier: My family is there, hiding from some bad dudes.

Tripp: Well shit, truly sorry to hear that. The herd out there rolled pretty quickly, hoping they leave as soon as possible. So, keep your heads down, and stay out of trouble. Got it?

Javier: Heh, I don't start trouble, I finish it.

Tripp: Ha, okay Captain Big Nuts, we get it. But if I ever catch you "finishing" while you're in town, you're definitely "finished". Now piss off, got shit to do.

Tripp leaves...

Javier: Jesus...

Clementine: Tell me about it.

Clementine walks up to (YN) as she and him hug...

Clementine: Thanks again (YN). *smiling*

(YN): You already know Clem. No matter where you are, I'm there for you.

He notices Javier...

(YN): So, who's the fresh meat?

Clementine: This is Javier, I'm taking him to the junkyard for his family. Javi, this is my friend I was talking about, (YN).

Javier: Nice to meet you man.

Javier offers him a handshake, but (YN) just looks at it...and replies...

(YN): Yea, nice to meet you.

And walks off...

Javier: ...Really?

Clementine: Like I said, he's not himself lately...anyways, welcome to Prescott. Come on.

(YN) Clem and Javier walk down as Javier started to observe the town, Prescott., noticing some people here, little houses as well, vehicles and horses too. Clem and Javier walk in a bar...

Javier: Oh man! I haven't been in a place like this since...well, my old days.

Clem then spots somebody in the bar, and wants to have a chat with...

Clementine: (YN), he's over there.

(YN): What about Eli?

Clementine: He ripped me off with the guns. Bullets didnr shoot at all.

(YN): What?! Asshole.

Clementine. Hey listen, Javier, we gotta do something, so hang tight here.

Javier: Woah wait, what should I do?

Clementine: I mean..try making new friends here?

(YN): If you think you can.

She and him walks off towards a room as Javier roams around the bar...and walks up to the stool and meets the bartender, and the lady he saw earlier with the horse...

Javier: Excuse me?

Francine: Oh hey, you again.

???: Hold on a minute don't I know you from somewhere?

Javier: I'm not sure, do you?

???: ....Garcia! Javier Garcia. Heh, for what is worth, I think you got screwed on gambling. A life time banned, shit. Should had a 20 year career.

Javier: Honestly, I don't think about it anymore. The past is the past.

???: Heh, whatever you say man. Anyways, I'm Conrad.

Conrad: And this here is my wife, Francine.

Francine: He runs this place, and I take his money.

Conrad: Yea well, that's cause I'm letting you win.

Francine: Whatever you say hon.

Clementine: Don't you turn away from me!

Javier and then heard Clem yelling at the other side of the room as he goes over and checks and notices her and (YN) arguing with a guy name Eli...

(YN): Hey! She's talking to you dipshit!

Eli: Hey, you already know, both of you, deal is a deal, and it's done.

Javier: What's going on?

Clementine: This guy ripped me off! We traded a crate of batteries, perfectly ones, and he gave us a box of bullets that won't fire!

(YN): You could I've gotten her killed!

Eli: Oh yeah? And who the fuck are you? Bodyguard or something?

Javier: They don't need a bodyguard, they can take care of themselves, believe me.

Eli: Oh yeah well, you can even prove those bullets are real that trade you.

(YN): Oh yeah!?

(YN) grabs Clem's gun and aims it at Eli...

Javier: W-Woah hey!

(YN): Nah, he knows the bullets don't work! Listen to this fuck head, he knows they aren't real and doesn't even feel nervous at all! Look!

He pulls the trigger, and a bullet didn't shoot out, but Eli thought it did as he got nervous for a sec...

(YN): Clem could've died cause of him!

Eli: Motherfucker!

Clementine: (YN) look out!!

(YN) acted quickly as Eli tried stabbing (YN), (YN) punches Eli towards his gut, grabs him by the shirt and headbutts him and lands sitting on the chair...

(YN): Wanna play stupid games?! Cause I got a stupid prize for you to have!!

Eli: O-Okay, Okay..!! Let's cool down, okay?! Listen, acted crazy, and I was too...we out of hand...

Clementine: Just give us what we owe!

Eli: O-Okay! I trade some batteries and-

(YN): We doesn't need batteries damn it! What we want is bullets that actually shoo-

(YN) again pulls the trigger by accident...and a bullet actual shoots out and to shoot Eli straight to his head, and the gunshot alerting the bar...

(YN): Oh...<Mierda>!

Clementine: Oh no!

Conrad comes in with a weapon...

Conrad: Drop your weapon now!

Clementine: Eli attacked! And tried to kill (Yn), we just-

Conrad: Shut it! You've done enough talk.

(YN): Come on Conrad, believe us!

Tripp: There's a herd out there and your fucking making-

Tripp appears and finds the situation going on...

Tripp: The hell happen?!

Clementine: Eli attacked first!

(YN): He tried stabbing me but I shot him, it was self defense!

Tripp: Okay enough, both of you...Hey you did she had to shoot?

Javier: What?! Dude, of course they're telling the truth. Besides, that guy ripped them off, and could've reach for about lgun and could've shot one of us if (YN) didn't stop him.

Clementine: See?

(YN): Believe us now?

Tripp: ..God damn it, doesn't matter, I'm putting you three under lock and key until I figure out what do with you.

Javier: Woah! Seriously?!

Clementine: What?!

(YN): Tripp, come on for real?!

Tripp: As real as it gets, now come on!

Later, Tripp takes them to a cage and locks them up...

Tripp: I outta punch your fucking lights out of the three of y'all. But, Eli was one grade-A-certified dipshit. Listen, here's what we're gonna do, I'm driving you to that junkyard myself, get you out of my hair, and don't have anyone say I did something right with someone. In the meantime, you three can sleep right here and think of what you shitheads have done earlier, on my terms and guideline, got me?

Javier: What? No way! I have to get back on the road, ASAP!

Tripp: Javier, I'm not negotiating here.

???: Oh come on Tripp.

Somebody overhears Tripp, and happens to be the medic of the town, her name is Eleanor...

Eleanor: It doesn't seem right to wait. From what I hear, this guy's people is out there and might need medic.

Tripp: ...No! No way! Not putting you in that kind of danger again, never.

Eleanor: That's not your call.

Tripp nods and to leave...

Eleanor: Sorry...I'm Eleanor.

Javier: It's alright...Javier, nice to meet you.

Eleanor: Nice to mee you Javier...Hey, don't worry about him, he can be overboard sometimes.

Javier: I can see that.

Eleanor: But hey, there might be another way out of here. We've got a rear gate, down the other of the air field. We don't use it much, but...we can leave tonight. Slip through the herd, and head to the junkyard...and if your people needs, I'll be there for you.

Javier: Seriously? You'd do it...for me?

Eleanor: It's just...the right thing to do. Anyways, think about it, I'll be back in an hour.

She leaves...

(YN): You know..never thought she had it in her.

Javier: Yeah, shes...she's something.

Clementine: But the thing is, and maybe sound weird, but we still trust Tripp more than her.

(YN): Don't get us wrong, she's not bad So...what you think?

Javier: ...We're leaving tonight with her, even if he gets us there, it's worth it.

Clementine: Alright, we're in.

(YN): Yea. And...sorry about back at the gate...didn't mean to be a dick.

Javier: It's alright man, no worries.

Clementine: You know, when I met you...I'd thought you be just another Asshole like the rest.

Javier: Heh, and to think you were close to blew my head off.

Clementine: Yea, guess I made the right call.

(YN): Man, I guess I miss a lot.

Clementine: You sure did, heh.

Javier: Yea, Anyways, Eleanor will be a little while. How about we get some rest?

Clementine: Good idea. Im exhausted.

(YN): I'll get the lamp.

(YN) turns off the lamp as he then goes back with Clem. Javier lays down on some blanket and gets some rest as Clementine lays down on a bed and (YN) sitting on the floor aside her and sleeping with her...

Clementine: (YN)?

(YN): Mm.

Clementine: ...How are you?

(YN): ...Im...okay, I guess. Just...trying to clear my mind.

Clementine: ...Don't think about it much.

(YN): Don't think about it? Clem, how could I NOT, think about it after what "he" did? After what "he" took away from us??

Clementine: I-I know...I didn't mean it like that...sorry.

(YN) reaches for Clem's hand, and grabs it and doesn't let go at all...

(YN): Get some sleep Clem.

Clementine: ..Okay.

Now, you're maybe wondering? What are they talking about? What did Clementine meant be "he"?? Who is "he" ?? And most importantly, how did they ended up in Prescott?? Where is Kenny?? ....Where is AJ???


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