Chp.2 FlashBack#1: Kenny's Sorrow Sacrifice

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From what you read last at the last chapter, y'all maybe be wondering: what happen to Kenny? Or worse, what happen to AJ? ...Well let's have a little flashback little by little...starting off with none other than the boat god, Kenny. A year ago before Clem and (YN) were at Prescott, they and Kenny, and AJ were driving down the road, as (YN) was taking the wheel, and speeds up and drifting a lot when the turn hits. After some turns and drifts, (YN) hits the brakes and stops the car. And from Kenny and Clementines expression in (YN)'s driving skills, they look scared out of their lives of how fast (YN) was drifting and driving.... But as for AJ, he was laughing and enjoyed it as (YN) grabs and holds him...

(YN): Aww you like how fast I drove, do ya goofball?

AJ coos and chuckles...

(YN): Haha! I know you do.

Kenny: J-Jesus son, don't you think you can ease up the speed?

Clementine: Yeah, you didn't even let me put on my seatbelt.

(YN): Whoops, my bad, heh. Guess my driving instincts took over, hehe.

Kenny: It's alright (YN), besides, you're good at driving, just ease up on the speed.

(YN): Heh, gotcha old man.

Kenny: Alright then, Clem, you're next.

Clementine then takes the wheel as she starts to drive the car and (YN) at the backseat holding AJ...

Kenny: Okay, so far so good Clem. Get it in first gear's is the hardest part.

(YN): Yeah, just stay on the road, most important rule there. Try shift the gear to second?

Clem grabs the stick to second shift gearC and gave the car a little boost...

Kenny: Good, not bad at all. Especially for a first time, but just ease up on the clutch a little smoother, alright?

Clementine: I wanna do it again.

Kenny: You will, and next time just be gentle.

(YN): Say, what's the plan for now?

Kenny: Ah yes, once we get down to Florida, we'll ditch the wheels and I'll make a sailor outta the two of you, mark my words. You two little buddy.

AJ: ....

Kenny: ...*sighs* I just can't get him to talk. It's usually for his age.

Clementine: The heaters broken, he's cold.

(YN): Well only makes sense to head to Florida sooner than later for little AJ to warm up. Leave all the snow behind.

Kenny: You said it (YN). Enjoy summer everyday, and hell, might get me some shorts while I'm at it.

Clementine: Yeah, no kidding. The sooner, the better. It's freezing outside.

Kenny: No more winters ever again guys. And I'll teach AJ here to fish, how to swim. We'll watch the sunrise every morning, all four of us.

(YN): ...Only problem is that we won't go anywhere doing 25 miles an hour...Clem?

Clementine: Oh shut up.

Kenny: Hehe. Alright Alright, shift it to third, get it real cooking.

Clementine shifts the stick gear to third, and giving the car more boost...

(YN): Alright!

Kenny: There ya go Clem!

(YN): Now at this rate, we'll get to Florida faster, and hell even be a better driver than me.

Clementine: That better not be sarcastic.

(YN): ...Or was it? Hehe. You did great Clem. Proud of you.

Kenny: Yeah hon.

Clementine: Thanks you two. I really appreciate it you two.

Kenny: ....You know, I've always dreamed about the day I'd teach Duck to drive...but now, you two are the best second chances I could ask for.

Clementine: No worries Ken.

(YN): Glad to hear it old man.

Clementine: ...Say, where's your blanket Goofball?

(YN): Hmm, could've sworn it's here. Hey old man, think you can look around where your sitting?

Kenny: Sure. But I swear that kid never makes a peep, who knows how long he's gone without a blanket. Duck was gabbin a mile minute at his age, not full sentence, but was something.

Clementine: There isn't wrong with AJ, he'll talk when he's ready.

(YN): Yeah, maybe he's waiting for the right time to speak.

Kenny: I know, I know, just a bit odd at his age. Then again, Albert Einstein didn't talk til he was four and look how he turn out, heh-

Clementine: Crap!!

Clementine began to loose control over the wheel, it was out of control too as she tried to keep it steady...

Kenny: I got it! Turn the wheel!

(YN): No don't!

The car was moving crazy left and right...and to then for the car to crash towards a pole...
Clementine slowly wakes up and hearing AJ crying and (YN) grunting and holding him as they were on the floor...

Clementine: AJ! (YN)!!

(YN): W-We're fine, you?

Clementine: Same.!

(YN): And Kenny??

Clementine: Kenny are you-

Clementine notices Kenny wasn't on the shotgun seat, and seeing the window broke, and from a far distance, Kenny was lay there, the crash cause Kenny to fly off the car and crash to the floor...

Clementine: O-Oh god!!

(YN): Crap! Old man!!

The two while holding AJ exit the car and rush over to Kenny and seeing him on the floor, (YN) hands AJ to Clem and checks on him...and gladly he's awake...

Clementine: O-Oh shit! Are you okay Kenny??

Kenny: I-I'm fine, I'm fine...I-Is AJ okay?

(YN): He's fine, and Thank god you're okay, you got us worried for a sec. Here, let me help you.

(YN) grabs Kenny's hand and pulls him up to get him up....but Kenny falls back again...

Kenny: I..I don't feel anything..

(YN): O-Oh! That's good, heh I mean for a old man like you the pain doesn't bother you-

Kenny: N-No! I mean...I don't feel...anything...m-my legs...I can't feel them! I can't..get up..!!

Clementine: O-Oh no! Not like this!

(YN): I-It's okay, it's okay! I can carry you to the car!

Kenny: N-No, I don't...shit.! It ain't gonna work!

Suddenly they notice walkers started appearing out of the forest, knowing the car crash made a loud noise and lead them here...

Clementine: Shit! (YN)!!

(YN): Alright Old Man! We're leaving!

Kenny: N-No! Don't!

(YN) uses his strength to grab and hold Kenny up onto his arms and he and Clem holding AJ make a run for down the car, by realizes walkers were blocking their way, so they make a run for down to the woods...

Kenny: (Y-YN).! Drop me, now!

(YN): Stop saying shit like that old man!

Kenny: Please (Yn)! I'm just...slowing you guys down!

Clementine: No Kenny! We are not leaving you! We're gonna make it! Just-

(YN) trips on the floor and drops Kenny...

Clementine: (YN)!

(YN): Im fine! Come on old man, let's-

Kenny: N-No!! Just..stop it son!

(YN): What?! The hell?! Why-

Kenny: (YN)...Clem...just don' ain't use.

He leans towards a tree...

Kenny: ...It's..Its alright...

(YN): N-No! God..Damn it old man, don't do this again!

Clementine: Please Kenny...*sniffs* we don't wanna loose you..!!

Kenny: I-I'm sorry you two...but I guess...this is my time...the way I am right now, you carry me...I'm just slowing you both and AJ down...

Clem and (YN) both began shedding tears the fact they have no choice but to leave Kenny behind, and he wanting to happen too and have them leave with AJ. Walkers started approaching closer and closer...

Kenny: (Y-YN), there's no time...give me your gun..!

(YN) hands Ken the gun...

Kenny: Now...I want you two to keep running and don't look back...I don't want you both see me get chewed up by those fuckers...go! Now!

The two then gave Ken one last hug and Kenny can hear them crying as he too began to shed tears the fact he will see them one last time...

Clementine: D-Don't you worry Ken, AJ will be safe with us..

(YN): We'll take good care of the little guy, we promise..

Kenny: I know you two will..I wouldn't trust AJ with anybody, go..!!

The two stood up, and slowly backing away, seeing Kenny one last time...and to turn and make a run for and not looking back....walkers began approaching to him close...

Kenny: Alright, you dipshits...I'm here, come and get me..!!!!

Walkers approach to Ken as he tries to fight them off, not mattered if he gets bit or eaten up, he'll do anything to distract them for going after Clem (YN) and AJ...he kept fighting and fighting, chewed up as well and gave everything to fight off the walkers...
Later, it was now night, Kenny was suddenly still alive, but almost out of time, as he was chewed up, bite marks around him...and loosing breathe...he looks at the gun, and realizes he has one bullet left...and he'll use it on him...ending himself, and not turn into Walker
He slowly aims the gun at his head...shuts his eyes close...and began having flashbacks from the day it all began, the day he met Lee, his best friend, the day he met Clem and (YN), the day he and then spent some time together...and to see Katjaa and Duck, his wife and son smiling together with him in one of his flashbacks....

Kenny: (YN)...Clementine...I'll miss you both...take care of little AJ...

And then...he pulls the trigger...and to shoot himself in the head and dies...
Suddenly, somewhere in an afterlife, we see Kenny sleeping, leaning against the he wakes up and stood up and realizes he's in a grassy area, and the sun being dawn...

Kenny: The hell? I could've sworn it was dark. What in the-

Sarita: Kenny, over here.

Kenny: Th-That voice..!

He turns...and to then spot a cámbiale person he met after he escaped Savannah...his girlfriend, Sarita.

Kenny: Sa..Sarita..!?

Sarita: It's good to see you again Kenny.

Kenny without hesitation, he rushes over her and hugs her...

Kenny: Sarita!! My goodness, I'm so happy you're here! B-But, how???

Sarita: That doesn't matter Kenny, what matters is that you're finally here, cause there's some like ale people I met waiting for you too.

Kenny: Wha-

Duck: Dad!! Dad!! It's me, Duck!

He then turns, and was yet surprise to see his own son, Duck rushing down to him...Lenny she'd tears, couldn't believe to know he gets to see his son again...he runs up to him, and to grab and pick him up and swings him...

Kenny: Oh duck!! My boy!! My sweet dear little boy!

Duck: Dad!! I miss you so much!

Kenny: And I miss you a lot as well son!

While he and Duck were hugging, he hears footsteps coming close...and to see somebody with him and Duck, he looks...and was his wife, Katjaa...

Kenny: K-Katjaa.!

Katjaa: Kenny, we've been waiting my love.

Kenny began to weep quietly to see his wife as well, and is heavily happy to see his family again, they all gather around and hug each other...

Kenny: It's's alright, I'm here now. And this time...I ain't leaving.

Kenny then notice Sarita standing there, smiling and relief to see him happy back with his family...

Kenny: O-Oh. Sarita, Crap...I know you and I, well-

Sarita: It's alright Ken, all that matters is that I am happy for you that you're with your family once again. And I'll be here to support you guys.

Kenny: Thank you, Sarita.

. . . Then suddenly...

Lee: Hey Ken.

Kenny: Lee..?!?

He notices Lee aside as he comes walking towards him...

Lee: Hey man, how are you?

Kenny: Lee! Oh man! It's great to see you again pal!

Lee: Heh, good to see you again friend. Glad you're here man, got some new friends here that wanna see you. Even Omid and Christa are here too

Kenny: Really?! Great! Hey, is there by any chance there's a couple name Rebecca and Alvin?

Lee: Sure, they wanna know how the kid is.

Kenny: Oh I got lots so stories to tell them about little AJ, that's for sure! Haha!

Kenny, Duck, Katjaa and Sarita walk together and Lee follows...Lee stops for a sec, looks up to the sky...and to think of the two kids he has token care of, who always like them, care for them, fed them...and made them how to survive on their own together.

Lee: Clementine, (YN)....keep on living you're doing great.


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