Chp.12 Flashback #4: Campfire with Kenny

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With one last flashback, before Kenny's sad death, let us take back a while back when he was still alive :,) ...
One night, Kenny, Clem, (YN) and AJ were having a campfire for the night, Kenny went to go get wood as Clem and (YN) were with AJ making shadow animals to keep him entertained...

Clementine: Hey goofball, look, a butterfly.

AJ: *Laughs*

(YN): You like that little guy? Here, got you a better one....a dog, bark bark.

AJ: *laughs*

Kenny: Down boy. Heh, that's one pretty good dog.

Kenny comes back with wood for the fire...

Kenny: You know, I've always do that one for Duck. Her laugh his ass off.

(YN): Yeah, he would.

Clementine: Definitely.

Kenny: Mm, anyways, (YN), grab lighter on the duffle will ya?

(YN): Sure.

(YN) walks over to the duffel bag to grab a lighter and approach to Kenny to light up the campfire as he put some woods he brought back with.

Kenny: Voila.

(YN): Yup.

Clementine: Guys!!

Kenny and (YN) both turn and to spot two walkers appearing out of the woods and coming after Clem and AJ with no weapons on her...

Kenny: No!!

(YN): Get away from them!!

(YN) quickly makes a run to save Clem and AJ as he strikes a punch to one of the walker's face, then to tackle and drop it on the floor and brutally stomp its head into pieces and then to again swing another punch to the other Walker behind push it to the tree and to then stomp its head towards and them the head splatter all over as those two walkers were done for...Kenny pulls out his gun and made sure there ain't no more coming as (YN) walks up to Clem and AJ...

(YN): You two okay?

Clementine: I should be asking you the same thing. But...yea, we're okay.

AJ began observing (YN)'s hands, as of he wanted to know if he was okay too and wasn't hurt by the walkers he attacked...(YN) pats him on the head and smiles at him...

(YN): Don't worry champ, no bites, not bitten.

Clementines That's a relief.

Clem carees (YN)'s cheek as (YN) gently smiles...then, Kenny looks at them with AJ of how so close they really are than before, not only does he picture them both as best friends...more like parents, of how they always take good care of AJ.

Kenny: You know, for the first time, I saw you both holding AJ, just...looked so natural. Somewhere up there, his momma and papa is looking down you two, grateful for what you're doing. Always putting him first.

Clementine: You've done as much for AJ as we have.

(YN): Yea old man, you even kept your word that you'll raise AJ in good hands.

Clementine: Rebecca and Alvin will be grateful for you too.

Kenny: True, but also...from what I see, you two are the only mom and dad he's got.

They walk and to say on a lot together and to chat about parenthood...

Kenny: Protective, loving, caring...All the things a good parents needs to be and all at your age. But parenthood is one hell of a motivator, heh, that's for sure. That kind of love...

Clementine: It's worth fighting for.

(YN): We owe it for Becca and Alvin.

Kenny: I know. .....(YN), what I did to Carver...your father, I did it for you, and Clem.

(YN): ..I know, and it's a good thing you did, for both of us.

Clementines Of course.

AJ: *cough*

Kenny: Oof, kids as sick of the cold as I am. So, I've been thinking: It's no use of us surviving here, hoping that Wellington will take us in someday. I bet if we can find some good people down in Florida? Even a little friend for this little goofball. Wouldn't that be nice? Could use the company...hell, I know I do.

(YN): ...As much we really want to go and have AJ make a friend....

Clementine: There won't be good people out there.

Kenny: ...That's cause we keep loosing Sarita.

(YN)/Clem: ....

Kenny: That day, at Howie's did your best to save her life. I've never thank you for that.

Clementine: You're welcome Kenny...although, I could I've done more.

Kenny: Don't say that darling. I know it was hard for you.

(YN): Sarita was good people, lucky you found another sweet person besides Katjaa.

Kenny: Heh, seems like it....There's something that Sarita will always say "Family is what you make it." She was right...heh, I'm sorry for all this sappy shit. I guess I'm just...happy, huh. First time in a while.

(YN): That's great to hear.

Clementine: That's all we want from you.

Both Clem and (YN) and gave Kenny a hug together at once to make him feel more better ...

Kenny: Heh, alright alright alright, enough sap Kenny.

AJ: *chuckles*

Kenny: Now, how about this one little guy.

It was the day that Clem and (YN) thought that everything will be fine, if they stick together as one team, one family and always have each others back...
But that didn't end so well after what happen to Kenny, and what David did to take AJ away from Clem and (YN) afterwards. In the woods, Clem and (YN) both walk through the woods, and to head towards the house shelter, as they went inside, Clem sat on the bed, feeling utterly sorrow for what David did, and (YN) to feel the same way, but also utterly angry as well as he was sitting on the floor leaning against the door....

Clementine: ...(YN).

(YN): ...

Clementine: ...I'm gonna sound stupid about this, but...did we do the right thing?

(YN): ...Why is that even a question?

Clementine: ...

Clem stood quiet knowing telling (YN) that just made him a bit more annoying, but (YN) didn't mean to make sound annoyed by it, he stood up, walks over to Clem and sits down with her arms around her...

(YN): ...Sorry, didn't mean to respond you that way.

Clementine: You're okay...I shouldn't have ask that, so stupid.

Suddenly, they heard noises coming outside, they both quickly rush out to see what it was Clem quickly pulls her knife and (YN) yo wipes his metal bat out to see who it is, only to then find out that Ava appears out of the bushes...

Ava: Woah there, its just me.

Clementine: Ava?

(YN): The fucking audacity of her to show up.

Ava walks towards them with a duffle bag...

Clementine: What are you doing here??

(YN): More importantly, the hell you want?

Ava: I'm glad I found you both. Look...I know this is hard for both of you, I'm so sorry, about AJ, really, I am...what happen wasn't easy for us.

Clementine: Please...tell me he's okay. Please.

(YN): Careful what you answer.

Ava: Relax, he's as good as he can be, which isn't great. Here, I brought you guys this, not much but it's the best I can do.

Ava drops the duffel bag on the ground as Clem opens the bag, and her and (YN) noticing some supplies, snacks, drinks and medical supplies...and then, they spot something that caught their attention, a drawing, (YN) grabs the drawing paper, and the drawing has three persons on it, the two big persons had names above them, and those names were (YN) and Clem, and the small child holding hands was AJ, it was scribble and scrabble, but they can tell what AJ was trying to draw...Clem and (YN) got emotional seeing this drawing made from AJ, and also feeling happy that AJ still remembers them no matter what.

Clementine: Look (YN)...our little goofball drew us. *sniffs*

(YN): ..Y-Yea, he did.

Clementine: Ava, thank you.

Ava: You're welcome, consider it a piece offering....We care about you two. Just try to we've that even if it feels wrong, people still try to do the right thing for you guys. Listen, it's dangerous out here, and right guys are hurting. You both need to keep a level head.

Clementine: We can maybe find some others, a town maybe.

(YN): If were lucky.

Ava: We all have to fit in somewhere, right? Just because it didn't work out on us, doesn't mean you won't find happiness somewhere else. For me, staying alive make me find people I can trust on as much they trust on me, that's what the New Frontier has been, a silver lining, made me feel like damn, kept me going. You'll find yours, I know you both will.

Clementine: ....We use to have Lee.

Ava: Lee? two never mentioned him.

(YN): It's complicated, not in bad way....he took cared of us for a while until...

Clementine: ...We lost him.

Ava: ...I'm sorry to hear that, but he's still with you here, your hearts, so as AJ. But you wanna know something? Since the day I met you guys surrounded by hell, you two and AJ were light in the darkness, hope for a better world, that's who y'all are. Promise me you will not loose that light? Please?

Clementine: ...Okay, yeah. We promise, right (YN)?

(YN): ...Sure.

Ava: You two are tough. Don't change....I should head back now, before they notice I'm gone. Those good people you mentioned before, the ones that be out there, there's an old airfield about ten miles from South, it's called "Prescott", there's definitely hood people there. I'm sure they'll take you both in....good luck.

Clementine: Thank you, Ava.

Ava: Good luck you two.

Ava then leaves back to her campsite as Clem and (YN) went back in the shelter with the bag of supplies ....

Clementine: ...So, now what?

(YN): ...Before we go after AJ, we'll soon head over to that town Ava mentioned about it. Once we do and lay low for a while, we'll go and get AJ back, may take a while, but it's worth it, you good with that?

Clementine: Definitely, as long we take care of each other, and have our backs.

(YN): *smiles* good. Let's get some rest then.

(YN) and Clem walks over to the bed as they both lay down together knowing there's only one bed to lay on, at first they felt a bit shy and bashful, until Clem says...

Clementine: (YN)?

(YN): Yea?

Clementine: ..You Don't mind if know...

Without even going any further, (YN) wraps his arm around Clem and scoots her close to him as she Blushes...

(YN): Comfortable?

Clementine: *smiles* ..Definitely.


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