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Back in right now, Clem and (YN) told everything to Javi about their story with Kenny and Ava, and understand....
(YN) finished stitching Javier and Clem cleaning him up afterwards...

(YN): Alright, done.

Clementine: What you think?

Javier: I owe you both.

(YN): Added to the pile.

Javier puts back his shirt on and his scabbard with his bat...

Javier: You two coming?

Clementine: We...still have to ask Lingard about AJ.

Javier: Oh, right..

Dr.Lingard: Clem, (YN)...hello there...

(YN): Speaking of.

They notice Lingard finally awake, and yet tired as his eyes were fully red due of drugging himself a lot...

Dr.Lingard: Javier...I heard what Joan has done, and is plotting. To think she locked you and David up to rotten in the cell down there...where is David? I hate to think about what Joan might do to him, despite all her pleasantries, she's a cruel bitch.

Javier: Joan took him before I got out, haven't seen him since.

Dr.Lingard: That poor bastard...he's not getting out. Guess..there's one way to get away from Joan within these short days..

Clementine: Why do you care David got out? He deserves for what's coming to him.

Dr.Lingard: If you think that, you don't know him...

(YN): Bastards the huge reason we lost AJ.

Dr.Lingard: ..When AJ recovered, David was the one who stepped up, took care of the responsibility of that kid.

(YN): You say that if that's a good thing he's doing, consider the piece of shit he is.

Clementine: And we really doubt he was a positive influencer.

Javier: Guys come on, David can be a good father.

Clementine: Maybe with his kids.

(YN): Yeah, doesn't mean he'd be good with AJ.

Dr.Lingard: You should. David Garcia is a good man, and I stand by what I said...

Clementine: If David's taken such good care of him, then why the hell he tell us to ask you where AJ is?

Dr.Lingard: ..Thats What's this is about then? both wanna know where the boy is? ...Very well, I'll say...but on one condition...

Dr.Lingard grabs a needle an a medicine, injects the medicine and fills it up...

Javier: What do you want?

Dr.Lingard: ..I...I just want to die..I want you to inject this into me...

Javier: Hang in there, tomorrows another day.

Dr.Lingard: ...I can't...when your brother found me, he...he got me to care about everything I given up on, my life, other people...even this god damn place...without him around...I don't wanna care anymore....

Dr.Lingard gives Javier the needle as a trade for him to tell Clem and (YN) were AJ can be, he will say only if Javier agrees to inject Dr.Lingard with the drug medicine and ending his life...

Clementine: Javi, we have to know, we've look for too long.

(YN): And he's the only chance we have to look for AJ, we've came this far, and we can't loose this...come on.

Javier: ...Alright, I'll do it.

Dr.Lingard: ...Thank you.

Javier then slowly injects the mwdincw into Lingard's arm...

Clementine: Now, where is he?

Dr.Lingard: ....He's at the McCarroll Ranch, few miles west of here.

Both Clem and (YN) felt relief to hear the good news...

Clementine: He's really alive.

(YN): <Gracías a díos> ...Thank god.

Dr.Lingard started to loose unconscious, yet to say he has some breathes in before he dies from that drug medicine...

Dr.Lingard: Don't forget to stick around and...hang on the after part...I...I don't want to become like those monsters....and...don't forget...j-joan is...looking for you...and your family and friends...don't...lo...

Dr.Lingard slowly lost unconscious, as Javi checks his pulse, and doesn't feel nothing and knowing Lingard is no longer alive...

Javier: I got this.

Javi pulls a knife out and to stab Lingard directly to his head in order for him not to turn...

Clementine: ..Finally.

(YN): Let's move.

Javi, Clem and (YN) exit the room and to find Gabe and Ava with duffle bags filled with weapons and make there way back to Kate and everybody else...
Later, They arrive and to find Eleanor Tripp and Conrad in the living room...

Tripp: Javi! You're back, and...Clementine, (YN).

(YN): Thanks for the warm welcome.

Tripp: Just...didn't expected to see you both....Holy hell Javi, your shoulder, you okay?

Javier: I'm good, not as worst as it is.

Eleanor: Kates laying down on the other room for a bit.

Javier: Good.

Tripp: So, you got the guns Huh?

Gabriel: We got them alright!

They all grab their weapons for each other...but as for Conrad, he didn't wanted to.

Javier: Conrad?

Conrad: Nah, I'

Tripp: What took y'all so long though?

Javier: We went to see Dr.Lingard.

Eleanor: At night?? I'm surprised he's sober, must've been  stressful person to do a lot of work to look after a lot of people like this community.

Javier: He was...definitely not 100% sure right there.

Eleanor: ...Sounds about right.

Javi walks up to Clem...

Javier: Why don't you talk with Kate? She'll help you out.

Clementine: Okay...(YN)? Wanna come with too?

(YN): Oh haha, very funny.

Clementine: *giggles*

Clem walks over to the room where Kate is and talk over with her Period...

Javier: Okay, sun will be up anytime soon. Joan's people know we're hold up here, and they will be coming to look for us, all of us.

Tripp: Shit.

Eleanor: I mean...maybe it's not as bad as we think.

Ava: Fucking figures.

(YN): No way you're trying to say what I think you're gonna say?

Eleanor: They like me having around, that's how I can tell they need my help too.

Tripp: Just cause they like you, don't mean they will like us too. We can't wait around here to get shot, and no way we can't leave with that herd out there.

Javier: Hey, we can do this.

Gabriel: Yeah, we can do this, and we have to help my dad.

Javier: We got out a lot of tougher times before haven't we?

Tripp: I mean sure, but this is different. We can't just cut and run. Not with the here out there. Like it or not, we are stuck here. So how the fuck are we gonna get brakes off this thing?

Ava: Joan and her people are gonna be at the square, right? We need to being the fight to them.

Tripp: We go after Joan, our problem is solve.

(YN): I like it.

Eleanor: So, how do we do that?

Ava: Joan will probably have full security detail in it.

Javier: Best way to get rid of Joan, is to get David on top. If He's in charge again, things will go back again.

Ava: No arguments there.

(YN): ...I'll have to think about that.

Tripp: After we take Joan out, we're gonna need some way to get out of this mess. I don't know about the rest of you, but not much of a runner.

Ava: We have a big truck. We use it to ram walkers and self defense. It's busted up a little, but it's way better than nothing.

(YN): How far away is this truck? There's bastards patrolling in the street.

Ava: We've been expanding, making the safe zone bigger. It's about 5 minutes away from there, that's where it is.

Tripp: I can spit and hit it.

Suddenly, Kate and Clem comes out of the room and Kate noticing Javi's shoulder wound...

Kate: Oh my god Javi! Your shoulder! (YN), Clem said you knew what you're doing.

(YN): He's still alive and walking, is he?

Kate: Mm, but how the hell this happen?!

Javier: Not deep, just a cut, Clem and (YN) helped me sew it up back at the doctors.

Eleanor: It's fine Kate, from what I see, as long he keeps it clean, it should be okay.

Gabriel: Are we finish? Cause I don't wanna wait any longer. I wanna go after dad, and I have a bunch of ideas to do so.

Javier: Woah Woah Slow down bud, you're going way ahead.

Tripp: Who even says you're coming along kid?

Gabriel: Are you fucking kidding me?!

Kate: Gabe!

Gabriel: No! This is bullshit! I'm not staying behind.

Javier: Gabe, take a breathe bud.

Gabriel: He's my dad Javi! I'm going. I don't care if I get hurt, it's worth it to save my dad.

Javier: Gabe, cool it okay? We get it, you're tough, but we need you to focus and stay calm about this okay? We don't have to prove it all time, we know buddy. You're life is precious.

Gabriel: ...Right.

Conrad: Before you all make decisions that's who's coming and all, and do what...I'm setting this one out.

Tripp: Conrad??

Conrad: I'm sorry about David, I am. I just...don't particularly care what happens to the folks here in Richmond, after what they did to Prescott. Not my community, not my problem, I already do what I came here for.

Javier: There's good people living here, people who need help Conrad. You're just gonna walk out on them?

Comrade: Not saying I'd be gone forever, but I just can't get along with this....I'm gonna get some thing to wait out the herd. I'll attract less attention when I'm myself.

Tripp: Conrad, man.

Conrad: No goodbyes. I'll see you on the other side brother.

Tripp: ...I'll see you pal.

Eleanor: Tale care.

Conrad: I will.

Conrad leaves the room, and doesn't wanna be let of this knowing it isn't his problem, but will stick around....

Eleanor: Okay, besides that...We're gonna dive bomb Joan, and save the day, do we have to leave??

Tripp: Hell yeah! We're out of here. Handful of us against...everyone out there, everything out there as well...that's durable.

(YN): Seems legit.

Javier: Okay, are we in on this?

Tripp: Hell, I'm still in.

Ava: I promise David I always have his back.

Clementine: Let's do it.

(YN): Fuck yeah.

Javier: Good, me Clem, (YN), Gabe and Kate will go after the car.

Tripp: Alright, me and Eleanor will get some supplies. Take a walkie, I'll let you know when things go off.

Javier: Ava, take the other and lee checking in.

Ava: I'll get my stuff and meet you at the square.

Javier: Okay, let's move out.


Later on that night, only few hours for the sun set to rise, Javi and then arrive to the area where Ava told them about the truck at the safe zone. They notice the warehouse building has lights on, which means there might be people patrolling around, and need to be quiet about it.

Javier: Clem, (YN), you both come with me to get the truck. Kate and Gabe, you guys hang back here, be ready for anything.

Gabriel: Maybe I should go with you??

Javier: Gabe-

Clementine: Actually, I was hoping you kinda stay here and watch our backs on this one. Don't wanna get surprise while we're out there, think you can do that?

Gabriel: O-Oh. Yeah, sure. I can do that.

(YN) Mind: ..Thats one way for him to agree one..

Kate: Okay, Gabe and I will be fine out here, you three go.

As Kate and Gabe stay back for lookout, Javi Clem and (YN) both went in to walk and find the truck, they then spot a wall that's barricading and walkers on the other side...they keep walking and to approach to the garage, quietly open the door and to find the truck Ava was talking about..(YN) approaches to the front wheel seat door, and to try figure out if the truck will set off the alarm or not...

(YN): What are the chances?

Clementine: 50/50.

He opens alarm set off...

(YN): Heh, smart ass.

But as he manages to open the door, inside the garage on the other side through a lookout where some little house, and to see lights turn on and people waking up and talking as he, Javi and Clem duck down and Kate and Gabe arriving...

Kate: Sorry, but I've seen some of them getting up, early risers. We need to get moving now.

Gabriel: What now??

Javier: We can't start the engine, not without attaching a lot of attention. Kate, you steer, and the rest of us get behind the truck and push. See if we can get a distance on a head start.

Kate gets on the truck as Javi Clem (YN) and Gabe get behind the truck and to start pushing it out of the garage ... as they push it out the garage Kate got off...

Kate: Don't think these guys will hear it out from here. Anyways, I put it on neutral, conduits find any keys in there...guess you'll have to hot wire it.

Javier: Seems like it. Give me a sec.

(YN): Fresh Meat, here, found these cutters while scoping around.

Javier: Thanks.

(YN) gave Javi cutters to cut the wires and strip...

Javier: Okay, here goes...

Javier quietly destroys the box where the wires are and use the cutters the cut some of the wires and to connect the battery to the ignition, first he twists both blue and red wires for light...but as he turns on the light for the truck, it caught the walkers attention and to broke free from the barricade ...

Javier: Shit!

Javier quickly connects the red and green wire to start off the truck and to turn on luckily...

Javier: Yes! Get on!!

As they all get on the truck, the people of Richmond heard the truck barely outside and rush out and spot them...

Bandit: Stop them!!

Clementine: Shit! Let's go (YN)!!

As Clem gets in the truck and waits for (YN) to get in, he then stood there for a sec...

Clementine: (YN)! Come on, let's go!! What are you doing?!

(YN): ...Saving some time!

(YN) shuts the back door and leaves himself outside as Clem panics to see (YN) not getting in...

Clementine: (YN)?! What are you doing!?

(YN): Don't worry Clem! Just tell Javi to drive now!! I'll take them down so they won't follow you guys!

Clementine: What?! No!! Don't be stupid!! (YN)!!!!

(YN) looks back at Clem and to give her a gentle smile...

(YN): I'll be okay, don't you worry.

Clementine: ...(YN)...

(YN): Hey Fresh Meat!! Drive!!!

Javier: (YN)??!! What-

(YN): Step on it Damn it!!!

Without wasting time, Javier steps on the gas and drives off out of the area, leaving (YN) behind as he wants to save them time to loose the bandits, (YN) looks and notices the bandits runs at him as he cracks his knuckles and started walking towards them...

(YN): Let's make this quick.


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