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As we left off, Javier and them manage to get the truck, and to escape as well, with just a slight single problem, leaving (YN) behind, which he was the one that chose to do so so he can buy some time to not get caught and flee away with no problems. (YN) was left behind and to deal with New Frontier's bandits and some couple walkers...
Later, the sun was setting up, it was morning, Javi, Kate, Gabe and Clem were still in the truck waiting for (YN) to come back, but also waiting on Ava's call to make sure every bring goes as plan...Clem was worried sick for (YN) though, and she couldn't stop looking out...

Gabriel: Hey, Clem..??

Clementine: ..What is it?

Gabriel: ..I know you're worried sick for (YN), and I get it. But, from what I see, he should be okay.

Clementine: I just...just can't stop thinking about it. I know he helped us escape, but leaving himself behind was dumb....I just hope he comes back and is okay.

Gabriel: ...Hey, don't you worry. For what I see, (YN) is a strong dude, I've seen him a while, the way he kills those <muertos> single hand-idly with no problem, I can tell he knows what he's doing, and I know he can take care of himself back there. So...don't you worry, he'll be fine. And as of right now...I got your back.

Clementine: Heh, thanks Gabe, that's nice of you.

Gabriel: You're welcome. Say, want me to teach you to play euchre?

Clementine: Heh, that's not a real thing.

Gabriel: It's a card game, it'll be fun.

Clementine: Alright, Alright.

As Gabe tries to keep Clem cheerful and not worried much for (YN), meanwhile, Kate and Javi were at the front relief to hear that Gabe is helping...

Kate: You know, it's nice to have kids sitting at the backseat again. Really takes you back, does it?

Javier: Yea, you're right...this is nice. If only I can close my eyes, and re open them to see some nice things.

Kate: know, when the sun rises up fully, it's going back to fight...and I've been thinking...i could've done better for Mariana and Gabe...I just...wish I could give them a better childhood.

Javier: ...That's why we're doing this, right? So he can have a better life after everything's said and done?

Kate: Heh, you're right....I know you know, Javi, that having you with me, by my side all this time...makes the difference. You're so sure of what you're doing, you didn't ran away, and could've, but didn't.

Javier: I think it's just...who I am, you know? Who I am now at least.

Kate: I get it...but there is no graceful way of me to say this, but I'll say it anyways...I know we had moments, you and I. And...there's always a little hot, and little confusing and maybe some of them didn't mean to be at all. And before what happens tomorrow, I need you to know...whatever this thing is between us, I wanna give it a chance, and knowing that David is back in our lives now makes this...more complicated. you feel the same way? I just wanna know before things go crazy...No pressure or anything...I know...

Javier knows what Kate is talking about...
After the whole apocalypse happen, it was just him, Kate Gabe and Mariana, David was no where there due to take his and Javi's mom to the hospital after being hit by their dad who turn into a Walker after his death. Javi has been always there for Gabe and Mariana, especially for Kate, always by their side, even before the apocalypse too. Javi and Kate always supported each other, and always treated each other well, unlike David, who rarely does and only focus on his job at the army. But as for Javi knows, he knew that maybe his relationship with Kate can work for her better than David' his response...

Javier: We can give it a try. Let's go for it.

Kate: Oh my god, Really?!

Javier: Yea, really.

Kate: So, are we Gonna...

Javier lands a kiss on Kate's lips, leaving her speechless and blush...

Kate: O-Okay. Yeah! ..shit, we're doing this. But, you do realize we're gonna have a weird chat with David, right? I mean, It's the right way, he's got the sense to pull it away.

Javier: That would be the stand up thing to do in this situation. Can I just say how lame it can be as well?

Kate: Oh, It's super lame, hehe.

Suddenly, the walkie Howe's off and Ava responds with a panic voice...

Ava: Javi! Its an execution over here! They're planning to hang David in front of the whole crowd. Get over here now! But don't bring the truck, if you do and they see it, they'll kill him right away! Just get over here-

Her wallows gets cut off...

Javier: Shit! We got to get over there now!

Javier Gabe and Clem got off the truck and Kate stays...

Kate: I'll hang back here with the truck.

Javier: Keep the walkie close by, we'll tell you as soon we get David.

Kate: Good luck.

They both gave each other a kiss as Kate close the door as Javi Gabe and Clem March their way over to the square...

Clementine: Ava got cut off by the sound of it. Wish we can know what we're dealing with now.

Javier: Ava could have problems with the walkie, batteries must've died.

Clementine: Maybe.

Gabriel: Then we're gonna have to find out once we get there. I'll be ready.

Javier: Alright.

Later, Javi Clem and Gabe arrive at the square, and to find a lot of crowded people and up front, there we see Clinton...

And Joan, the person behind all the raids and looting, and yet blaming it on David and Javier.

And not just them, we also see David with a rope tied around his neck, standing on a chair, and ready to be hanged.

Joan. David Garcia must be punish for what he has done!

Javier: Shit

Gabriel: Oh fuck.

Joan: For years now, Richmond has been governed by one simple principle; string council, strong community. But unfortunately, the actions of one of the members of that council, our security expert, David Garcia, has put us all in danger.

David: She's lying! To all of you!! Don't listen to her!

Joan: I am sorry I have to show you this, truly I am. But you all need to see. Just look what he's done!

Behind some curtains she has, they were pulled and to be shown two dead people, Badger, and Dr.Lingard inside in coffins as the crowd gasp with terror...

Joan: Look what he had ordered his brother to do and the rest of their people to kill our doctor! And happy for it! Is this who he is any for charge?? This cruel!? Not if I had to do with anything about it!

Gabriel: O-Oh no! He's...he's gonna die, this can't be happening...this can't.

Javier: Try to keep your cool, she's smart, but we're smarter.

Joan: Ah, Javier! Glad to see you've crash the party.why don't you come out here and show your face, these people really like to hear what you have to say.

Javier: Happy to!

Javier walks up and reveals himself to everybody...

Joan: Now Javi, we both know you killed Dr.Lingard. Why Javi?? Why would you do that to us??

Javier: Dr.Lingard had a problem, he couldn't stay out of his own supplies. He asked me to put him out of his misery, I only did what he asked me to do so.

Joan: Sorry to disappoint you Javi, but it is too late for us to believe you. You killed the only surgeon we have in our community and back up your story. Also, I had a very interesting conversation with your friend Eleanor last night, right, Eleanor??

Javi looks around, and spots Eleanor with a guilt face...but also admitting at the same time...

Eleanor: That's...right.

Joan: She said you came here cause you wanted to save your brother. Didn't think you would actually pull it off.

David: Why punish David??! If you knew we be coming for this, why bring him into this then?! Why out a rope around my brothers neck?!

Joan: This community deserve justice, and they will get it, one way or the other. But also, there's people here that don't last long out here in Richmond, being them out!

Joan order some of her men to bring out two hostages that seem familiar, one of them is Ava, and the other is Tripp...

David: Ava!!

Javier: Tripp!

Joan: David wanted to tear this whole place down, he told his people to where to find our gun supplies, and sure enough, they picked us clean. You really think you could ride into town and stage a coup? With our damn weapons? Something like that? I can't let it go. You've put me in a No situation here, so I'll be doing the same thing to you. Both of them deserve to die for their crimes, however Javi, I let you spare one of them, just one.

Ava: Hell no!

Tripp. the Fuck?!

David: Joan!!

Javier: If you're gonna punish anyone, punish me only, not them!

Joan: So ready to sacrifice your life for others, how thoughtful, but I am not done with you yet.

Clinton: Joan, what is this?? We never agree on taking hostages.

Joan: It's really up to Javi, is it? All eyes are always him? Well, maybe this will make up his mind. Boys.

Suddenly, some bandits behind Javi Clem and Gabe aim their weapons at them...

Joan: Come on Javi, who will it be?

And now, Javier has to make an ultimate ultimatum, who gets to live, who gets to die, Tripp, or Ava...
And he chose...

Javier: Let Ava live. David believe in her.

Eleanor: Javi!! No!!!

Tripp: Javi, what the Fuck?! I trusted you man! And you threw me under the bus!? ..Go to hell!

Joan: ..Shoot her.

Javier: Wait what?! Don't shoot! I chose her to live!

Joan: You did, but there's one thing you're not understanding: Betrayal.

David: Joan wait!! You can't do this to her!! She's one of us! Think what you're doing!

Ava: This is fucked!!

Joan: I can do whatever I want!

And Joan then notices Clem with Javi and Gabe...

Joan: You, girl, you must be Clementine, right?

Clementine: The hell is in it to you?

Joan: Oh nothing, just wanted to let you know that I also payed a little visit to a friend of yours last night, does the name "(YN)" sound familia to you?

Clementine: N-No...No you fucking didn't! What do you do!? WHERE IS HE?!?

Joan: Don't you worry, my men has taken good care of him, so you'll be seeing him very soon once I'm done with you and your friends.

Clementine felt fear and utter disbelief to hear what Joan said about (YN), she knew what she meant....and can be only mean one thing....(YN) is no longer here anymore...Clem broke and sobs as Gabe catches her and tries to comfort her...

Gabriel: Clem! I-Im so-

Clementine: YOU BITCH!!! I'll fucking kill you!! You hear me!? You're dead!! DEAD!!!

Joan: That won't happen, now shoot her-

Suddenly, a loud gunshot was heard, but sounded so far away...that wherever it was sounded from, Joan was shot through her forehead, and her body collapsing as people at the square started panicking around and another gunshot was heard again, and shot some of the bandits that was ready to hang David, Javier quickly reacts to take down the bandits that were holding him Clem and Gabe with a knife, stabbing them through their necks and to rush over to save David, Clinton tries attacking Javier but Gabe comes in and punches him and he goes untying Ava and Tripp as they go take cover and Clinton making a run for...

David: Bastard!! Get back here! Gabe, I need you to cover my back, we need to make things right!

Gabriel: O-Okay!

David goes after Clinton and Gabe follows but Javier stops him...

Javier: No! what's worth it? Helping him and end up getting hurt, or your life?

Gabriel: I...okay, I'll stay!

Javier notices some bandits shooting at Clem from a far distance as she was taking cover and shooting back...

Gabriel: Clementine!

Javier: Damn!!

Tripp: Fuck! Javi, go save her, We can-

Ava: Wait, look!

Ava points out something that she saw, Javi and them look at whatever she spot left them surprise and speechless...

With Clem, she was struggling fighting the people of new frontier but also feeling very sorrow after hearing what Joan did to (YN), she can barely fight back, she doesn't even know what to do, all she can think of is (YN), the one and only person who she ever has since the beginning, and now is gone and can't do nothing about it, she can't even think straight when it comes to go finding AJ as well....
Until suddenly, as one of the 4 bandits men approach to Clem and grab her, someone approach to one of them behind, and to swing a bat, hitting straight to its face and knocking them down, this person began charging at them and striking them down with the metal bat, one of bandits hit him with its weapon, but didn't do anything, as this person tackles the bandit, drops him on the floor and to brutally smash its head with the metal bat....Clem stood up to see who it was, and her eyes were widen open to see that the person was none other than (YN), who is surprisingly alive, yet beaten up and bloody all over...

Clementine: (YN)!!

She rushes to him and gives him a hug...

(YN): Clem...Im glad you're okay..

Clementine: I-I though...I thought Joan-

(YN): Killed me? ..That bitch wish she did, she doesn't even know how to tie me up properly ...

Clem gives a smile and gladly to see (YN) alive...

Clementine: Next time I'm coming with you.

(YN): Heh, yea...nrgh...not gonna lie, they got me good...

Clementine: hurry, take cover! Come!

Clem and (YN) rush over and to hide to take cover against the new frontier while more people began panicking at the square...

Tripp: Son of a bitch. That boy is still standing.

Ava: Heh, guess we now know who shot Joan-

Suddenly, tear gas has been thrown to Javier and them and began coughing a lot, and more of them were toss at the square, they try to outrun it, but also can't see through the smoke and don't know where to go...Javier tried his best to find Gabriel, but bumps into a bandit that is about to kill him with a knife...suddenly, the bandit gets shot, and Javier barely see who shot the bandit, and surprisingly was Conrad.

Conrad: Well, this is one hell of a situation, isn't it? Don't look so surprised, okay? Didn't get as far as I though.

Javier: Conrad! You have no fucking idea how great it is to see you man.

Conrad Heh, yea yea, don't get all mushy on me. I really was heading out, but something made me turn back. Good thing I did.

Suddenly, Javier hears a truck coming, turns and notices it's the truck they stole, and Kate driving it at the square to the rescue, but only to notice one of the bandits throws Molotov at the truck, causing Kate to loose control over the wheel and Conrad and Javier jumps out of the way and Kate crashing through the walls...

Javier: Kate!! I have to get there before-

The truck explodes, and also destroying more of the wall as well...but also the fact Kate is in the truck, meaning she must've not made it from that explosion....

Javier: KATE!!!!


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