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As we left off, Clem was relief to find out (YN) was alive and not dead. Also, Kate arrives at the square with the truck, only to then crash through the walls, and the truck exploding....which means she's done for inside....but not just that, with the walls being destroyed, walkers started coming inside the community....

Javier: Oh Fuck! Kate!!

Conrad: Go!! I'll go find Tripp!

Conrad makes a run for to go looking for Tripp, Javier rushes over to get Kate out of the truck, only for some walkers to get in his way, he pulls out his gun and began shooting them down and out of his way, as he did, he arrives at the truck, looks inside and notices Kate is no where to be found...

Javier: Kate?! Kate!!

He looked around to find her, but to then spot David...

Javier: David!

David: Javi!! Where's Kate??

Javier: She's not here! She must've gone out.

David: What?! ...Javi, if something bad happens to her, if you gotten better hope she's alive!

Javier: Well shut up  and help me find her then!!

David: What you think I'm doing!

Javier and David makes a run for to go finding Kate while walkers roam around and eating people alive in the community. Suddenly, David spots Kate, and runs over to her, but only to think it was her, but was wrong to then find out it was a walker. The Walker tried to eat him as Javier quickly saves him and shoves her away and to then try attacking Javi....then, somebody swings a crowbar at the Walker, killing it and saving Javier, and finding out it was Kate, who is alive

Kate: I found you!

David: Kate! Oh thank god-

Kate: I'm glad you're alive.

Instead of Kate going to David, she instead goes to Javi and hugs him...which made David confused and not knowing why she didn't notice him at all...he walks between them and to shoot down a Walker...but instead of shooting it down, he brutally began stomping the Walker with frustration...

Javier: David?

David: The hells the matter with you two?! Focus on your surroundings!

Javi spots Gabe with Clem and (YN) fighting the walkers...

Javier: There's Gabe and them!

Kate: Let's go!

Javi and them rush over to Gabe and the others, they arrive to them on time...

Gabriel: Javi!

Kate: Gabe! Are you alright??

Gabriel: I'm fine.

David: Inside!

They all rush inside the building and to shut the door lock from the walkers...

David: Everyone okay?

Gabriel: Yea.

(YN): Well...not everybody.

Kate: Oh my gosh, (YN)! What happen to you??

(YN): Joan.

David: Joan did this to you?

(YN): Yeah, after Javi and them got away with the truck, I stayed back to save time for them to escape...bastards got me good, and Joan too. But seems like she won't be breathing anymore, if you know what I mean...heh.

Clementine: You...You were the one that shot her??

(YN): Yup...I manage to grab one of their sniper rifles. And had to take her down before she tried killing any of you guys...good think I arrive in time...

David: Huh, that was...something (YN)...thank you, for saving me, Ava, and all of us.

(YN): ...Don't think this makes us even, David...

Clementine: ...

David: ...I understand. Okay, we need to check the other entrances, make sure we're safe. Gabe, wanna come and help me out?

Gabriel: O-Oh, sure dad.

Javier: Just be careful out there you two.

David: Don't worry, we'll watch each others backs.

Clementine: We can help too.

(YN): Yea.

Gabriel: Okay.

Clem and (YN) left with Gabe and David to check other entrances as Kate gave a worried look somehow...

Javier: Hey, don't worry, Clem and (YN) is with them.

Kate: It's not's...let just...oh gosh, I'm all over the place. I need to focus on something, just need to...focus...

Javier: Let's see if there's survivors we know, they can be alive.

Kate: I-I don't wanna think about the many people that died...cause of me.

Javier: Kate?

Kate: ...I'm just glad...Mariana didn't live to see all of see how her father is see what I've done to this community...she be scared, scared that the <Muertos>....would be coming for her next...she'd never trust us again...and I don't blame her...

Javier: Hey, we can pull this through, together.

Kate: But what about the people here?! They aren't lucky as we are...I did this, to them...that hole I did, was all me...this is all my fault.

Javier: Hey, I'm just as responsible as you are.

Kate: But you weren't behind the wheel. And I won't leave until I fix this, all of it...let's fix this, as best we can.

Javier: Of course Kate, we can do this.

Kate: I don't know how, but we have to try and make it work and me feel better you're helping out and here as well.

Kate and Javier walk upstairs and to then arrive at the floor where bunch of people were hurt from the crash, they all gave a disgusted look at them for what they did, and made Kate gee bad about it...the two of them walk pass them and arrive to the room, and to find Eleanor with a survivor, and isn't happy to see Javier after what he said at the square...

Eleanor: You got a lot of nerve showing up here, after the bullshit you said! You're so unbelievable!

Javier: Oh?! I got a nerve?!? No! Everything that was happening is cause of you! All that was your fault! The nerve of you blaming me!

Eleanor: I told you I didn't wanted to leave! But you didn't listen, and Joan did!

Javier: And for that, you put Tripp in danger by being held as a hostage!?!

Eleanor: I..I didn't knew she would do that!

Javier: Then what gives?? Why the hell you told Joan what we were up to?!

Eleanor: I..I was triaging a bad situation. Their doctor is dead and before you guys fucked it up, there walls worked......It's not only about me, I can actually save lives here. Not just stitch them up and hope for the best. These people will die if I don't help, Javi.

Kate: ....I know she...well, fuck us over, but at least she's helping them. She is trying to make things rights. That's worth forgiving, right? That counts.

Javier: ....Even if she did fucked us over, Eleanor is good people, and she's one of us. Maybe she forgot it, but I haven't.

Eleanor: ...Thank you, Javi.

Javier: And Tripp won't forget about this either.

Eleanor: R-Right...I'll have a word with him...hope he's alive out there.

Javier: Don't worry, Conrad's looking for him.

Eleanor: Good.

Eleanor goes back helping the patient....

Kate: We should help, not everyone here is guilty.

The female patient spoke, her name is Fern...

Fern: Did..Did you see a little girl out there?? She was right behind me..

Eleanor: I'm sorry, but I didn't see any little girl.

David and them enters the room and finds Fern crying...

Fern: First my Rufus, and little baby girl. *sobs*

Javier: Rufus??

David: He was her husband, until you shot him.

Javier: ...

David: What's going on with her Eleanor? She's one of my people.

Eleanor: She'll be alright, not bitten or anything, but she...lost her daughter out there.

Javier: Christ...there's nothing more worse than loosing a child.

David: Tell me about it.

Eleanor: Give her some privacy. It's the least we can do.

Kate: ...I wanna help too.

Eleanor: ..Okay, well-

Fern stands up, pulls out her gun and aims it at Javier...

Javier: Woah what the-?!

Fern: They're all fucking dead cause of you!!

Javier: Hey, easy. We're-

Fern: You fuckers blew a hole on our wall, got my little girl killed! Richmond was fine until you all stupid asses showed up!

David: Fern, lower the gun!

Fern: We're dead fucking meat cause of him, David!

Javier: I didn't mean for this all to happen, I'm so sorry about your daughter.

Fern: You can apologize to her face in just a second!

David: Fern, stand down, that's an order-

Suddenly, Kate steps up and stands in front of the gun...

David: Kate, no!

Javier: Kate!? Don't!

Kate: Fern...this is all cause of me, all of this was me, I caused this whole mess. I killed your daughter...please, forgive me, it's all my fault.

Fern: ....

Javier: Fern, don't aim that gun at Kate...I barely had family with me and lost one of them, so please...don't hurt her.

Fern doesn't even know what to do anymore, either hurt them for what happen to her daughter, or forgive them....until David out of nowhere grabs Fern's arm, brakes it and drops the gun as she cries in pain and drops on the floor...

Eleanor: Oh god!!

Kate: Fern!!

Javier: Holy shit! Oh my god!

Gabriel: O-Oh!?

David: You're welcome, Javi.

Kate: What are you doing!?

Gabriel: This isn't right!

Clementine: David!

(YN): Jesus man!

Javier: Did you really have to break her arm?! That wasn't necessary!

David: Okay, don't thank me.

Fern slowly crawls away, for David to aim his gun at her, as Gabriel rushes to stop him and David to swing and hit Gabriel and dropping him on the floor...

Javier: David!!

David: O-Oh god! Gabriel! I-I'm so sorry, it was an accident I-

Gabriel: You we're going to kill her!

David: But she was going for her gun-

Gabriel: Look at her!!

David looks at Fern, and to see her trembling in fear in the corner...

David: I-Gabe I-

Gabriel: She can't even stand up! What the hell is wrong with you?!

David: Gabe...I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to hurt you nor to do know that, right??

David suddenly notices Eleanor, Kate, Gabe, Clem and (YN) looking at him, as if he was becoming a threat...

David: Why are you all looking at me??

Javier: They're scared, David.

David: Sacred of what?! I'm protecting them!

Kate: Then why are you swinging and aiming that gun at us?!

David notices of the way he's holding the gun and pointing at them, but won't Accor the the fact he's doing it...

David: So, I'm all alone then??

They stood quiet, and not even get close to David of how he's acting right now...he scoffs and puts the gun away...

David: Fine, you guys are on you're own.

David walks out of the room as Eleanor checks on Fern and Clem and (YN) checks on Gabe....

Kate: ...I've seen those eyes before of his, doesn't end well.

Javier: Tell me about it..

Kate: Would you...go and check up on him?

Javier: Sure..

Kate: Thanks, and careful.

Javier nods and to walk out to go check on David...Clementine notices (YN) still hurt and isn't treated from his wounds at all..

Clementine: You need to get treated (YN). Eleanor, do you have some bandages??

Eleanor: They're in the room, try not to waste a lot though.

Clementine: No problem. Come on (YN).

Clementine takes (YN) with her to the room to heal his wounds up. (YN) sits downs on the bed and takes off his shirt as Clem grabbed the medic supplies with her, she began clean the blood around the wounds, after that, she uses rubbing alcohol on the wounds which didn't bother (YN) at all...

Clementine: Let me know if it stings.

(YN): You're okay, doesn't bother me..

(YN) notices Clem was looking a bit down and yet seem somewhat worried...

(YN): Clem, you okay?

Clementine: Y-Yea, I...*sighs* I just..I thought...I lost you for a sec.

(YN): ...

Clementine: What Joan said back there...I somewhat believe it, I didn't even think straight...I wasn't even...myself.

(YN): ...I'm sorry, Clem. Maybe I shouldn't done that to make you think that way...but I had to to give time, and do something to help.

Clementine: I know you did..but still, next time I'm coming with, no matter what.

(YN): Heh, Of course.

Clem then started putting bandages on (YN)'s wounds and was finish as he stood up from the bed...

Clementine: All set.

(YN) puts his shirt back...

(YN): Thanks, Clem.

Clementine: You're welcome, (YN).

Both approach and hug, and to then look at each other and they gently smile and blush....and soon, their eyes lock on, as the two then held hands and both slowly were approaching closer and closer to each other's face, like if they were wanting to land a kiss to each other....

Ava: Yo.

The two startle as Ava enters the room...

Clementine: Ava!

(YN): <Carajó>, couldn't you knock first??

Ava: Whoops, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt.

Clem/(YN): *blushing and looking away*

Ava: Anyways, wanted to check by.

Clementine: We're...okay, just had to treat (YN)'a wounds after what Joan did to him.

Ava: Damn, sorry to hear that.

(YN): It's fine, she ain't our problem anymore.

Ava: That's a relief. Come on, Tripp's here, Conrad too.

Ava, Clem and (YN) walk out of the room and to find Tripp as well as Eleanor was hugging him and feeling awfully guilty...

Eleanor: I'm sorry Tripp! I didn't mean for this to happen! I...I didn't wanted this..

Tripp. it's okay, it's okay Eleanor. I know, you weren't thinking straight, and even I told you alot of times to not say a word.

Eleanor: I-I know, I'm so sorry Tripp.

Tripp: It's fine Eleanor...just be glad we're both alive, all of us.

Eleanor smiles...

Clementine: Glad you guys made it safe.

Conrad: Glad we did, lucky we didn't get our asses bitten by walkers.

Tripp: So far, it ain't looking good out there. We need to come up with something to get rid of them.

Kate: Let's go find Javi and David, maybe they got something in mind to get this through.

Tripp: Right, I'll come with.

Clementine: Same with us.

(YN): You bet.

Conrad: I'll stay with Eleanor.

Ava: Same here.

Kate: Okay, let's go, they might be at the top of the building. Let's go.

Kate, Gabe, Tripp, Clem and (YN) walk out of the room and to walk upstairs to the top of the roof building. As they arrive, Kate and them found Javier and David...

Kate: They're up here.

Javier: Kate.

Clementine: If I were you I'd be careful.

Javier: What-

Javier notices Tripp with them...

Gabriel: He, Ava and Conrad were outside still when me and Kate check the entrances again. The <Muertos> were everywhere, and got them inside in time.

Javier: You did good buddy...let me talk with him.

Javier walks up to Tripp...

Javier: Thank god you're okay, Especially Ava and Conrad! ......But uh, Tripp, about earlier...

Tripp: Yeah, about that....don't worry, I ain't gonna punch you in the teeth. Though, I got every right to do so.

Javier: Really? Figured you put up a bit of a fight.

Tripp: Oh, I'd love nothing more, but...I just...can't shake this slippery feeling I got. Like I'm...standing in shoes that don't quite fit...I mean you picked me to die, but yet someone was gonna die ain't sitting right though...not one bit.

Javier: I knew she wasn't gonna shoot you, and knew she tried to shoot Ava instead.

Tripp: Don't bullshit a bullshitter, partner. I ain't gonna why you picked Ava....let's just get this through and finish this.

Javier: Yea, of course.

Kate: Oh god...there's many down there. They're pouring in!

Tripp: It's even worse than you think. Streets are overrun. No where to go except inside the buildings. Those smelly fuckers are busting down every door, and we're sitting Goddamn ducks here. Everyone in Kate is...

Kate: Oh god. What the Fuck did we do.

Gabriel: What now?? I don't wanna die up here.

David: None of us as well son.

Javier: We watch out for ourselves, we're top priority.

David: Absolutely.

Kate: The best way to protect ourselves, is to protect this place.

David: Potentially, but with the streets compromised, we're gonna need some sort of reinforced mobility to get around. Javi and I talked about the armor truck you stole, there's more of them at the same place.

Javier: It's over at the motor pool at the water tower. We can use the highway overpass to get to the water tower. So without wasting time, let's get a move on.


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