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With Tripp tagging along with Javi and them, Conrad and Ava staying with Eleanor. Javier and the others make their way over to the area where they got the truck. They jumped and cross through roofs and to head over to the freeway Highway road...David walks up to Javier and to ask him...

David: Javi.

Javier: Yea?

David: Back at the square...when we found Kate, she hugged you. Why was that? Just wondering.

Javier: Well, guess she liked me more?

David: ...Not a great time to joke around Javi.

Javier: ...I know.

They all arrive at the freeway road as David and Javi clear some walkers out of their way and continue walking down...Javier then notices Gabriel looking a bit down...

Javier: You okay bud?

Gabriel: ....When I was little, dad use to ask me what I wanted to be when I grow up. And I pointed at him, he always liked that, heh. But...*sighs* I've always thought he's a great guy, making him smile, every time.

Javier: David May not be perfect, but isn't the worst model in the world.

Gabriel: Maybe...but he told me once "Never be like your uncle." He always tell me that. "Don't be a man who relies other people to solve your problem. Cause you're not a man at all." I used to think he's right, but not anymore likely...and now I wish to grow up like you more Javi.'s hoping.

Javier: Oh, Thanks buddy, means a lot.

Gabriel: Sorry never really said it before, should of.

Javier: Thanks a million.

Gabriel: You're welcome a million. You've take good care of us, and now Dad needs to be taken care of, he needs us.

Javier: He does buddy.

As they keep walking, they all stop and notices the road broke down and a helicopter in balance between those roads, David made sure to not let Gabe fall, but Gabe doesn't want to be treated like some little kid again, like he always says to Javier....

Clementine: I know Gabe doesn't see it, but David is really trying to look out for him.

(YN): He may not be doing his best job, but no one gives a rule book to raise a kid.

Javier: And Sure as shit they don't.

Clementine: It's just one thing I don't get though...Did David really think he was helping AJ by letting him go? Why did he stop guarding him?

Javier: Maybe you two should ask him. Maybe it might be...he just didn't care. Not everyone is like you both, not everyone wants to take care of a baby.

(YN): I guess not, but after all the work you put in, so ouch into your heart-

David: AJ was a brat.

Clem/(YN): ....

David: He lived with me after we kicked you both out. And I had already raised two kids-thought it be a piece of cake. Heh, not with that tyrant.

Javier: Is that why you gave him away?

David: ....We had a bad winter, destroyed everything crop we had. I couldn't leave Richmond, and AJ couldn't stay in Richmond. I gave him to Lingard and told him to take him somewhere more safer and be saved from his life...I miss that brat.

Javier: Sounded like it was your only option. You did the right thing.

David: I hope so, I always think about it everyday if I did the right thing....Clem, (YN), It wasn't easy, but remember as far I know, I thought I lost two of my kids. Wasn't any easier with three. So for now on, I'll keep you guys alive, all of us alive. Hope that's enough...enough for atonement.

(YN): But he was your responsibility. No matter what!

David: I was for the best.

Clementine: You thought wrong.

David: ...Maybe I did.

They walked away from each other and to go back to planning how to get across the other ride of the road with the chopper out of the way....Javier gave an idea, looking at the propeller and holding it, he notices they can use the propeller to swing themselves and hang on and to get across to the other side of the road...

David: You're not thinking...

Javier: It's that, or we go back.

David: If that's your plan, then we should go from lightest to heaviest. That way it won't break on the first swing.

Gabriel: I'll go first.

David: Okay, get a long run up, but not too far. If you take too many quick steps, you'll propel yourself upwards-

Clementine: David, he's got it.

(YN): Yea, he can do it.

Gabriel: They're right, I do.

David: ...Okay, then.

Gabriel takes some step back, and to run off the edge and to leap and hang on the propeller and made it to the other side of the road. Next it was (YN), he easily makes it, then Clem, makes it, then Kate, makes it and then David, makes it as well....and only leaves us Javier and Tripp....suddenly, they both heard noises from behind, and see a lot of walkers heading towards their way, and started to walk through the barricaded cars...

Tripp: Im going last brother.

Javier: Tripp?? You don't have to-

Tripp: Just go before I toss you across the bridge.

Javier didn't said nothing back, he just goes along with it. Javier grabs the propeller, and to run and leap off....but suddenly, the helicopter started to loose balance and the propeller broke loose, still attach but falls as Javier hangs on into dear life...

Kate: Javi!!

David: Hold on brother!!

Clementine: Javi!!

(YN): Oh Fuck!!

Gabriel: Javi!!

Javier starts to climb up the propeller, and to then grab onto the poles attach on the road to climb up and made it....but then, he and the rest look back at Tripp, and walkers already approaching to him...and Tripp started shooting at them...

Javier: Tripp!!

Tripp: It's alright y'all!

Clementine: We should go back for him!

Tripp: Don't be fucking thick! I...I can handle this!

He then runs out of ammo...

Tripp: Shit.

(YN): Tripp!!

Javier: We can't just leave him! We have to try!

Tripp: Y'all head out now! I don't want y'all to see this!

With Tripp in a situation, inches away being mauled by walkers, Javi and then try to think how to save him, but how? If he's on the other side, and they are in one side.....(YN) thinks quickly, and to see Javi's metal bat with him, and the fact the gap isn't long, and can barely jump...

(YN): Javi, your bat!

Javier: What-

(YN): Give it, hurry!!

Javier gives (YN) his bat as (YN) runs over to the side and grabs onto a pole and aiming the bat straight...

(YN): Tripp!! I need you to give yourself some space, run as fast as you can, jump off and grab onto the bat!

Clementine: (YN)?!

Tripp: Are you fucking stupid boy?!

David: What are you doing, (YN)?! There's no way-

(YN): I know what I'm doing! Tripp!!

Tripp: Boy, just-

(YN): Just trust me on this! Come on!

Tripp: ....

Tripp gave some he then backs away, and Walkers were this close to grab him, and quickly runs over to the edge and jumps, and to manage to grab onto the bat, but with how heavy Tripp is, (YN) barely struggles to hold onto him...


Tripp: I-I can't! Bats too slippery with all the blood!!

(YN): F-Fuck!!!

Clementine: We have to help (YN)! Come on-

(YN): <¡¡A la mierda!!>

Before Clem ask the rest to go help (YN), (YN) did the unthinkable...while holding onto the pole and the bat that Tripp is holding and fue of how heavy he is...(YN) uses his whole arm holding the bat, to pull Tripp up, leaving them so surprise of how he manage to do (YN) pulls Tripp up, he then felt something on his shoulder, his muscle pulled as he got Tripp back up...

(YN): A-AGH!! Shit!!

Clementine: (YN)!!

Clem and them rush over to them...

Tripp: Holy shit boy! You alright?!

(YN): I-I'm fine...guess I pulled a muscle when pulling Tripp up...but it was worth it.

Tripp: I don't even know how you were capable to pull that stunt out...but you did. Thanks (YN), I owe you, big time.

David: Good job (YN). Okay, let's keep moving-

Clementine: No. we can't. (YN) can't continue walking with the condition he is.

David: ....

(YN): I think...I can fix this.

Clementine: What?

(YN) gets up, holding his shoulder and walks up to a truck...he takes a deep breathe in...and out...

(YN): Hope this works...

(YN) rams his shoulder to the truck, and heard something pop from his shoulder, as if something pop back in as he grunts in pain....

Clementine: (YN)?!

(YN) slowly rolls his shoulder and turn out to be fine...

(YN): Phew...much better.

Clem hugs (YN) and felt better he isn't any hurt at all...and from the looks of it from Gabe, he can tell how much they really care for each other...which he's happy for, and supports it.
Later, it was dawn, Javi and then arrive to the area where the truck is located, they were all at the water tower and noticed bunch of walkers roaming around the area, which will be difficult to get through with barely weapons on them...

Kate: We need to get down there and get those vehicles.

Tripp: Yeah, but how? We can't just ask those walkers to move out of the way.

Gabriel: What if we distract them with noise? We can use that generator down over there.

David: Heh, that's a great idea son. Definitely paying attention from now on. Proud of you Gabe.

Gabriel: ...Thanks, dad.

Kate: Still, we have to get to that generator.

Tripp: How though?

Clementine: ...Cut a Walker open, and cover yourself with its guts. Then you. An slip right through them.

(YN): Don't worry, they'll know you're one of them with the smell you're covered from the walker's guts.

Javier: ....

Kate: ....

Tripp: ....

David: ....

Gabriel: ....

Clem/(YN): What??

Javier: Oh, that's a great idea, gross idea, but great....could've save my water bottle.

(YN): So...who's gonna do it?

Clementine: ...You know, maybe Javi should.

Javier: Me???

Clementine: You do still owe me a ride when we met, and didn't happen. So...

Javier: ...If it makes us even then. I'll do it.

(YN): Hehe.

Clementine: Okay, once you cut a Walker up, reminder that it will smell so, so bad. Like worse than you think.

(YN): Think of it as if spoiled milk and rotten eggs had a child.

Javier: ....Thanks for the heads up.

Javier climbs down from the water tower and hides from the walkers, he pulls a knife out and to stab a Walker on its head and to open its stomach up and to grabs its guts and covering it all around him...

Javier's O-Okay, that should be enough.

Javier covered in guts calms himself and to walk pass through the herd, even how close he bumps into themC he remains calm and try his best not to react or cause lot of noise. He arrives to the generator and press the button to turn it on. With the generator on and making noise, the walkers go towards the sound as the rest climb down and rush over to the garage with Javi...

Clementine: You did it Javi.

(YN): Nice work Fresh Meat.

Javier: Now that were here, let's find something to reinforce like you said Dave, something help us to move around, safety.

Kate: We're saving the city before doing something else. Gotta find something to deal then alls with, we need the right vehicle.

David walks up to a van, that doesn't seem reasonable with the situation...

Javier: That's not gonna do the job man.

David: Yes, it is.

Javier: What are you doing??

David: The right thing. I'm leaving, we all are.

Javier: What?? And going where? You saw it yourself, we're surrounded.

David: I'm taking you all out of here. Tripp, Clem, (YN), you three help them keep safe. You're all coming too.

Tripp: Wait what?? What about Conrad and Eleanor??

Clementine: And Ava??

David: We can try meet them up before we leave. So Let's go, we can't wait around.

Kate: This is bullshit, David.

Javier: It is. And we are not leaving. Richmond will die without us.

David: They don't matter, Javi! Don't you get that?

Kate: This all started the day we knock on Richmond's door. We brought this on these people, all of us! We can't abandon them, not after we did to them!

David: We're going home Kate! Back to the last time we were a family. We're starting over, we're all together again, finally. It's day, new life.

Javier: What about here man? Make Richmond our new home.

David: Richmond is dead, Javi. I can't let the people I love die here trying to save the dead dream.

Javier: ....

Gabriel: I'm going with you dad.

Clementine: Gabe.

(YN): Dude.

Gabriel: He's my father you guys, I'm sorry both won't understand.

Javier: Think this over buddy.

Kate: Gabe, is this what you really want?

Gabriel: ...I know it's scary out there, but I have to.

David: You don't need to be scared Gabe. I won't let what happen to Mariana happen to you. You have my word, I will protect you, the right way.

Javier: We've always hope you come back man...wish you seen her again...her smile, was like sunshine.

David: And I won't miss it with my family now.

Gabriel: ...This what I want.

Kate: I...I understand, Gabe. But...I'm still going back. I won't be able to live up myself if I don't do something right about the mess I did.

David: Tch, you won't be able to live at all if you do that. Richmond is compromised, doesn't matter if there were six of us trying to save it, or six hundred. We all die. I know a loosing battle when I see it! Everyone get in, that's an order!

Kate couldn't stand David anymore of how he's becoming, and how he is right...Kate walks up to him and slaps him.

Kate: How fucking dare you! What would it take, David?! What will it take to show you that you don't get to do that? We are NOT your soldiers! So run away home, be a deserter! I am DONE with you! ....Let's go Javi.

David: What? Why the fuck you think he go with you??

Kate walks up to Javi, and to land a kiss on his lips and Javi takes it...and David saw everything...

David: What the fuck is this?!

Javier: David, I'm sorry, but Kate deserves someone better, I've seen how you always treat her back, yeah. Kate and I...are in love.

(YN): Here we go.

Tripp: (YN), you're not helping.

(YN): Good.

And now, it all makes sense to David, how Kate always treat Javi different, how she always look out for him first, the way she hugs him and interacts with him....and finding out she and Javi were together behind his back the entire time....

David: I should've known. I should've know the night pa died. The night you weren't there. Blood is worthless to you. Just like he was to you. Just like I am to you. Well it's time for you what blood really means!!!

David strikes a punch to Javi...

Kate: David!!

Gabriel: Dad!!

David: What you gotta say for yourself, brother!?

Javier wanted to fight his brother back....but he doesn't want to deep down. He remembers the time he and David found out their father had cancer. That day, his father told him this ...

"It doesn't matter if you both don't get along, you two are brothers, no matter what. No matter if you guys don't talk a lot, don't get along, you both are still brothers no matter what. Promise me this, you'll always support your brother and love him no matter what."

He remembered that he promise his father before he died, that he'll support David no matter what, and love him. So instead of fighting back, he says...

Javier: I love you.

David then heard those words from Javi, and felt this feeling he has coming out of him, and not wanting to fight back....

David: N-No! No!! You don't get to say that!!

David attacks Javier and drops him on the floor ...

David: How fucking dare you!

Kate: David, enough!! You're gonna kill him!

Tripp: Cool it man!!

Javier: I..I love you bro!!

David: N-No!! Stop saying that!!!

Tripp: Hey!!!

He began punching Javi and tried choking him....

David: You're not taking my family away from me!! I..I'm gonna fucking kill you!!

Javier: ....I love you, brother.

David: NOOOO!!!!!

As David choked Javi and Javi trying to not let that happen....Tripp appears behind David, aims the gun at his head as David notices...

Tripp: Enough, I said.

David slowly gets ups and backs away from Javier, Tripp aims the gun at him still, and to shoot, but to shoot a Walker trying to creep up on David...then they all notices the walkers coming this way due the generator off, they all rush back inside the garage....but as for David, he takes Gabriel with him and shuts the garage door on Javier and them...

Javier: What the hell he's doing!?

Javier and Tripp open the garage door, and to see David take off on the truck with Gabe...

Javier: No!!

Clementine: He took him!

(YN): We have to get him back!

Kate: Shit!

Tripp: What now?!

(YN): ....I got it. Me and Javi can go after David and Gabe. Kate, Tripp and Clem can go save Richmond.

Tripp: That...doesn't sound as bad.

Kate: I can deal with that.

Javier: Same here.

Clementine: (YN)...

(YN) grabs a and holds Clem's hands....

(YN): I'll be fine Clem. Don't worry, I'll be back in no time.

Clem gently smiles, and to slowly land and give (YN) a kiss on the cheek...

Clementine: Be careful.

(YN): I will.

Kate: Okay. We can take that bulldozer.

Tripp: Good Thinking. Look, there's weapons we can use!

Javier: Okay, sounds like you guys got it cover. Me and (YN) can take that far to go after David and Gabe.

Kate: Careful you both.

Javier: We will. Let's go (YN)!

(YN): Right behind ya.


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