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As we left off, David drove off with Gabriel after finding out Javier and Kate were secretly in love behind his back. Javi and (YN) go after them while Clem stays with Kate and Tripp to help out save Richmond from the walkers.
(YN) and Javier drove a car they got from the garage and to go after the road where David drove down. As night hits already, but also raining too. Javier and (YN) arrive to this area, where there's a bunch of ran over walkers and to then find the van that David was driving. They got off and to take down some walkers that are alive still, until they heard in the van...

Gabriel: Javi!! Is that you?! Open!!

Javier: (YN), get David! I'll get Gabe!!

Javier goes to get Gabe, and (YN) to get David, (YN) opens the door and spits David, as David felt worried the fact (YN) might stop him or hurt him, but he won't.

(YN): Don't worry, I'll help you.

David: I-I'm sorry.

Javier: I got you buddy.

Gabriel: Thanks.

They brought them to the sidewalk as Gabriel sat on the floor...

Javier: Gabe, are you alright?! Are you hurt?!

Gabriel: I-I'm fine, also not bitten.

Javier: Oh Thank god.

Gabriel: It's hurts. I...I tried to stop him Javi. That's why..we crashed.

David: ...

Gabriel: ...You came after me Javi, even after everything I've done.

Javier: What are you talking about??

Gabriel: I was always arguing, making life harder...I was always a bad son. If I were you...I wouldn't come after me.

Javier: Hey, don't say that. That's not true. You're a great son. Don't worry, it's not up to you to decide.

(YN): Yea man, from what I've seen so far, you're trying to be mature, I understand, also it may be difficult to do so, but you'll get there, you got this.

Gabriel: Thanks, (YN). You too Javi...from now on, I'll try to be better, I swear.

Javier was glad Gabe was okay, but as he turns to David, his brother, he can tell how awful he feels for what he did, and the fact he understood how he can be so hot headed....

David: Figured we'd be done, brother.

Javier: ... "You have to take care of each other." That's what pa said to me once.

David: ...Yeah, told me the same thing. Wonder what he said to me now? I wonder that a lot...

Javier: He'd say you fucked up, big time. He even called you <pendejo>, and maybe ask to play some dominoes, hehe.

David: Heh, you're right. That's exactly what he's do....but, I would never deserve to play that game with him, with either of you....I can't change Javi, I want to but...we're at war that's never gonna end. And here I thought we can pull this off, but was wrong at the end. I was kidding myself. We're....never going home, that hope died the same way we drove away...even the Same day pa die. That's the last lesson he taught me. I had to teach it or my son too, someone had to....finally.

Javier: Hey, no matter what, we're still your family. There's hope here, we will always be hope here brother...we can talk this through as well.

David: ...I rather take clarity over hope, brother.

Javier: ....We're going back to Richmond. We have to help Kate.

David: I cant. I can't face her, can't even look at her the same, not even my son...or yours. I can't. It's too much.

David began to walk away....

Gabriel: Dad....

Javier: Dave, come back with us.

David: Thanks, but too much has changed, Javi. I know it doesn't matter to you...but to me, it does.

Javier: Legacy, David. It's all that everybody leaves behind. Figure out the kind you want.

David stood there and gave some thought...but then again, he can't. He can't go back being the same how he is, even if he tried hard to change, it won't happen, never he said.

David: Goodbye, Javi...Goodbye, my son. Im sorry...i just can't.

He then walks away....Gabe wanted to call him back, but then again, even if he tried, he won't listen nor won't come he left it there, and turns around and walks away, Javi and (YN) did the same too...

(YN): Can't believe im saying this...but I feel slight bad for David.

Javier: I don't blame you. He chose this...can't blame him either. *Sighs* Poor Gabe...

(YN): Don't worry, he'll get over it sooner or later...besides, he said it himself he's gonna try mature himself.

Javier: I hope.

Later on, the sun was about to rise up soon, Javier, (YN) and Gabriel drove back to Richmond and to find the the community less with walkers. They notices people dressed up like knights, on horses attacking the walkers...

(YN): What in the hell??

Gabriel: Who are they?

Jesus: Ah, well that's some quiet familiar faces I see.

Suddenly, they spot someone familiar, it was Jesus himself.

Javier: Jesus! It's like I almost didn't recognize you.

Jesus: Once I got contact with my people, I head right here, make sure y'all folks are safe. Your other friends are safe as well, don't worry. Say, where's the leader one? Your brother of course??

Gabriel: ....

Javier: He's...not with us, he's on his own...if you catch my drift.

Jesus: Ah, I see. Guess things didn't work out between y'all?

Javier: You can say it like that.

Jesus: It's okay, I understand. Anyways, my people are almost done clearing the walkers here. Let me take y'all with the others.

Javier: Thanks man. Let's go.


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