Final Chapter

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Three days later, it took three days for Javier and his friends to fix the wall of Richmond, get them treated by Eleanor, and make the community better with a better leader, who it might be Javier and Kate running Richmond. One afternoon, Kate and Javier were inside a church building, and had a billboard of the good people they lost, and knew, like Javier's father, his mother, Mariana....and David, even though he's alive out there, but they'll have a picture to remember him.

Kate: I know...he's your brother Javi, and you miss him, but he brought this to himself, he wanted this...

Javier: I know, I just thought maybe we could have done something to fix it...but I guess not. We just need to move on, move forward. I'm sure he stays safe out there.

Kate: He know, usually the quiet scares me.

Javier: What about now?

Kate: There is still work to be done with. Here can come back soon...still though, I feel calm here, than being in an van with old streets and old lights. We earn this, Javi. We earn feeling calm and quiet. Let's...Lets start a family, you and I. A fresh start, what do you say?? ....It can be good for us?

Javier: ....You're on, let's start a family.

Kate: R-Really?? You don't think it's selfish??

Javier: As long I got you, I am not worried about it.

Kate and Javier smiled at each other and kiss, and soon to start a family, but they will see how far it goes between them. They walk out of the building as Kate goes to look for people that needs help, Javier spots Tripp and Conrad relaxing up front of the building and Conrad reading a book...

Conrad: "And yet death is not something you can ignore. It had its weight. It seemed to her she had better not form the practice of ignoring death. If she tried it, death will find a way to answer back-it would of take another of her love ones, to remind her to respect it."

Tripp: Heh, man, Francine sure knows her type of books.

Conrad: Yea.

Javier: Hey guys, what's up?

Tripp: Hey Javi.

Conrad: Yo Javi. Not much, just reading some old book Francine wanted me to read and get into reading books. You know, cowboys, and shit like that. Told her wasn't my style. She would insist though. Heh, and I'd insist right back otherwise.

Javier: She must've have good taste. Seems like you're enjoying it.

Conrad: Just...don't tell Francine.

Javier: Understood friend.

Eleanor passes...

Eleanor: Hey guys...hey Tripp.

Tripp: Hey, Eleanor.

Eleanor: I could use some help, mind joining me, Tripp?

Eleanor gave a look to Tripp, smiling at him as she walks away as Tripp looks at both Conrad and Javier...

Tripp: ...I will be right back fellas.

Conrad: Heh, sure, go ahead man.

Javier: We'll catch up.

Javier leaves as Well as Conrad continues reading his book...he then notices Jesus on his horse...

Javier: Heading out?

Jesus: Yes indeed. We came to put an end on the raiding. Looks like that's been done. Glad we got it settled, gotta move on.

Javier: We could use you man, why not stay here?

Jesus: Glad to, but we got other people depending on us Javi. Just the way it is.

Javier: I feel you.

Jesus: You know, I didn't meet people like you out there. Someone who's genuinely good. It was my pleasure. Second chances are on short supplies these days. That's what this place can be. If you let it. Trust me, life within walls is a hell of a lot different than life on the road.  Don't take shortcuts like Joan. Gotta do the right thing, always.

Javier: Absolutely, the right thing, no matter what.

Jesus: Good to hear. You're a capable guy, Javi. Change is in the air around here. And you can lead that change here, for the better good here.

Javier: You know what? I will, lead this place to a right direction.

Jesus: As far I am concerned, Richmond will be in. Ether hands with you than it will be. Be vigilant now, trouble don't stay far away.

Javier: Of course, take it easy, and stay safe.

Jesus nods at Javi as Jesus walks over to his people, teddy to leave Richmond....then, he spots Clem and (YN), as (YN) was cutting Clem's hair...

(YN): Hold still now, don't wanna make it look bad.

Clementine: You know I can do this myself (YN). I appreciate it and all, but it's not hard to cut my hair.

(YN): Last time you did it yourself, you almost looked exactly like a boy and almost didn't recognize you.

Clementine: *giggles* Shut up.

(YN): Kidding, Kidding. But for real...doesn't matter how you'll always look great to me.

Clementine: *blushing snd smiling*

Back with Javi, Gabe shows up...

Gabriel: Hey Javi.

Javier: Hey Gabe.

Gabriel: (YN) and Clem told me their heading out sooner. That's why I came here to say goodbye to them.

Javier: That's good.

Gabriel: ....You know, Javi...I don't know if you notice, but ever since I met them that day....I've ended up falling in love with Clem.

Javier: Heh, I can tell buddy.

Gabriel: You did??! ....Well, if you do, then yea. I was liking Clementine more and more, and thought about asking her how I feel towards her....but, as soon I saw her how she acts so different with (YN), on the other hand...she felt...more safe with him. Like she trusts on him no matter what, she even cares for him. And so does he to her as well....and that's when I thought she already has somebody with her.

Javier: Oh buddy, im so sorry...

Gabriel: It's okay, though. I'm happy that she and him have each others back, and care a lot each other. And I'll support them no matter what. Im happy for them.

Javier smiles to realize Gabe was okay with it, and the fact he can move on to find someone else for him....the two notice Clem and (YN) finishing up, as (YN) finish cutting clem's hair, and grabbing their stuffs...the two walk over to them...

Gabriel: Hey guys.

Javier: Leaving already?

Clementine: Yeah, it's time.

(YN): We have to Find AJ. We've already waited for so long, and we have no time to waste now...we have to see if he's okay....I just hope he remembers us.

Javier: Of course he will remember you both, who could forget you two? No one who knew y'all, I guarantee.

Clementine: Yeah, maybe...everyone told us that he was better off. We don't know if we were good parents, or not....

Gabriel: ....Do you both love him?

Clementine: With all of my heart.

(YN): He means everything to us.

Gabriel: Then of course you guys were.

Clementine: Thank you, Gabe.

(YN): Means alot to us man.

Javier: ...You know, after you guys find AJ, you guys are always welcome to visit here, if you want?

Clementine: Yeah, It's a deal.

(YN): If we do soon...and if we bring AJ back with us, will you reach him how to play too?

Javier: You bet. He belongs with you guys. Bring him back.

Javier gave hope to Clem and (YN) to bring AJ back with them, and hoping they find him too. Clem and (YN) felt grateful to hear that from Javi.
Later on, the gates of Richmond open as Clem and (YN) walk out of the community, alongside with Javi, Kate and Gabe. Clem and (YN) said their goodbyes to them and one last wave as well as they make their way over to go looking for AJ, and more soon to meet Javi and everybody else in the future.
More later on, inside the tunnel where they met Jesus, Clem and (YN) were already somewhat far from Richmond. Clem started shooting down walkers and (YN) beating them down with his brand new hardened wooden bat he got from Richmond. He then stop for a sec and called Clem...

(YN): Wait, Clem?

Clementine: What is it, (YN)??

(YN): ...Well, I know we have a long way to look for AJ. But before you do...there's, something I wanna tell you. It won't take long, I promise you....So, you and I both have gotten along more than ever, and...well I want to say that-

Clem smiled and approached up close to (YN), and carees his cheek...and slowly approaches closer and closer to him, as her lips touched his, landing a kiss. She slowly backs away and smiles still at (YN)...

Clementine: Does that answer your question?

(YN): ...Yes, yes it does.

Clementine: *giggles* Then there you have it.

(YN): Heh, cool.

Both again kiss each other, and to then continue making their way on the road as not only as best friends, but to finally say they are now love ones.

Clementine: We're gonna find you, AJ.

(YN): Hang on buddy, we're coming for you.


-Clementine and (YN)'s story will continue soon-

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