Chp.4 Prescott Under Attack

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As we left off, some bandits attack Javier and the others, and killed his niece, Mariana, and shot Kate, still alive, but wounded. Javier left with Eleanor to take Kate and Gabe back to Prescott as Clem and (YN) stayed and taking care of the bandits, and soon they get flashbang by them and took cover...
After a while, they both sat up...

(YN): Clem, you alright??

Clementine: I'm fine..I'm fine.

Clem then gives (YN) a punch to the shoulder.

(YN): Ow. What??

Clementine: Don't do that! Grabbing that could've killed you!

(YN): ...Sorry, Clem.

Clem hugs (YN)...

Clementine: Just don't scare me like that again.

(YN): ..I promise.

The two then got up together, and notices everything was quiet...

(YN): Seems like they got away.

Clementine: Who were they?

(YN): I'm not sure.

Then, they both spot Mariana's body on the floor there, as the two approach and seeing her dead and shot by those bandits...they felt bad knowing Javier had to see his own niece get killed in front of him...(YN) grabs and picks her up...

Clementine: ..We should burry her..for Javi and his people.

(YN): Thats the plan.

Clementine goes and finds a shovel as she started digging a grave for her...after a while, (YN) goes in the grave, and to place her there with her arms on top of her and shutting her eyes and to climb back up...the two looked down at her for a second, and (YN) began praying silently in Spanish...

(YN): ...<en el nombré de padre, el híjo, spírito, santó...amén jesùs.>

Clementine: May god bless her soul.

(YN) then grabs the shovel and starts burying her...
After a while, Clementine then created a cross and places it on Mariana's grave....

Clementine: It's not much, but it's the best we can do.

(YN): No worries. We did what we can...damn, feel bad for Javier.

Clementine: ...Wonder how-

Suddenly, they heard grunts, as if they sounded like Walker grunts, the two pulls their weapons out and followed the grunting sound, and got closer and closer...and found the Walker, and that Walker happens to be one of those bandits that were shot by them...Clem shoots the walker on the head...

(YN): ...Wait, what's that on its neck?

(YN) got closer to the Walker and to see its neck...and find this mark that seem permanent Capricorn symbol...and (YN)'s eyes widen ass backs away and started to seem angry about it...

(YN): No, no fucking way!

Clementine: (YN), what is-

(YN): It's them Clem! Those commie fucks!

Clem also took a closer look at the mark...and she too also notices the symbol mark on it..

Clementine: Oh shit..! No!

(YN): Of course it has to be them! The New Frontier!! If they are somewhat here, then.... "HE" is here too! That prick!

Clementine: Okay, Okay! Let's just...oh god!! You don't think he.-

(YN): That bastard better not done nothing terrible to AJ!!!

Clementine: He won't! I just...why are they even here??! ....Unless...

(YN): They're gonna go after Prescott! Shit, Javi and the others!

Clementine: We gotta warn them!

(YN): Let's go! They left one of their cars here!

Clem and (YN) rush over to a vehicle as (YN) tries opening the door, only to be locked, he without hesitation punches through the glass door and opening the door from the inside and unlocking the other door for Clem. The two got in as (YN) goes underneath, pulls out the wires from the car and began attaching them, and starting up the car and to drive off to Prescott...
Some time later, at Prescott, Kate got her wounds treated by Eleanor, she's okay for now, but needs more medical treatment than just bandages. With Eleanor taking care of Kate, Javi and Gabe were outside of Prescott and to then spot (YN) and Clem arriving in the car...

Javier: You guys!

Gabriel: You're okay!

Clementine: No time to talk! We're in trouble, all of us!

Javier: What??

(YN): News flash fresh meat, we got company that'll arrive any sec-

Suddenly, they heard loud cars and trucks coming from woods and see the headlights as well...

(YN): Shit, spoke too soon!

Tripp: You guys! Get in inside now!

They rush down back, Javier told Gabe to go with Eleanor as he Clem and (YN) head up to the entrance gate porch with Tripp and Conrad...

Conrad: I thought you kick them two out?

(YN): Nows not the time Conrad.

Tripp: Enough..they're here.

Suddenly, two cars and a truck pull up to the entrance, and those bandits with the marks on their necks again appeared, with weapons...

Tripp: We know them...those are the freaks that brand themselves.

(YN)/Clem: ...

Then, one of the bandits, Max spoke...

Clem/(YN): *whisper* Max..

Max: I wish we hadn't had to come all the way out of here, but unfortunately Badger here said you attacked first, saying your fired him.

Clementine: *whispers* Ugh, Badger..

(YN): .. *whispers* Fucking hate that guy.

Javier: Bullshit! They shot first! They killed my niece, a little innocent girl !

Badger: How many of my friends died cause of you, huh?!

Max: Sounds like a lot of he says, she says shit to me.

Tripp: Well the fuck y'all want? An apology?

Badger: What I really want if for my dead buddies  to be alive again! But I don't think that's too likely, is it?

Max: What my friend here says is that the fucker that shot first needs to come here, answer the justice, accept his punishment.

Javier: Let's just talk this through.

Badger: It ain't no simple! You killed one of us! Give it up now! Or else...bring her out!

Badger orders one of his men to bring out a hostage, and that hostage happens to be Conrad's wide, Francine...

Francine: Conrad!!

Conrad: Francine!! Hey, y'all hurt her, I'll kill you!!

Max: Woah Woah, Badger! The fuck? You didn't tell me you had a hostage!

Badger: Well now you know.

Conrad: It'll be alright baby!

Francine: I'm alright hon! Just give them what they want.

Javier: No! Why bring her in this? She's innocent. Don't drag her in our fight.

Badger: Don't want to, but I kinda want. Do it.

The bandit holding Francine pulls out pair of clippers and to cut off her finger...

Francine: AAGH!!!

Conrad: Francine!! O-Oh god! You Motherfuckers!!

Badger: Then come down here, or I'll chop the rest of them!

Conrad: Javi, you have have to go down, if not they'll kill Francine! Please man!

Tripp: Nobody's giving into them.

Clementine: Then we start shooting.

(YN): I call dibs on the bald headed fuck.

Conrad: Hey no! No fucking way, they'll kill her!

Tripp: Either way, they'll kill her no matter what...we gotta risk it.

Conrad: No, no way man! We do NOT fire while she's down there!

Badger: WELL!?

Javier: ...It's cool. Im coming down.

Conrad: Thank you.

Tripp: ..I don't know man.

Javier: ...Me neither.

Javier then lowers his gun, and to go walk down and go what they said to keep Francine alive...(YN) and Clem didn't like that it will not end well for the two of them, so Clem nods at (YN) and (YN) to quietly follow Javi...Javier arrives to the gate and exits outside with Max and the rest of the bandits...

Badger: Ha, Good man.

One of the bandits then grabs Javi in a full Nelson...

Max: Okay enough, let take him to the truck and get going-

Badger: No! I don't wanna wait that long.

Then, another bandit pulls a gun out and aims it at Javi...

Max: Jesus Christ! We got what we came for, now come on-

Badger: No, I wanna see him die for what he did!

Javier: Hey! We had a deal!

Badger: Well fuck the deal. I wanna-

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard, as the bandit that was aiming at Javi got shot by (YN) behind...

Badger: The fuck!?

Javier fights back as he broke himself free, grabs the clippers and stabs one of the bandits neck, pushes to Badger...

Javier: Francine run!!

Javier and Francine make a run for, but only for Badger to get up and shoot Francine behind, and killing her.

Conrad: NO!!!

Conrad fires his gun and shoots down some of the bandits and they fire back as Javier runs back inside with (YN)...

Max: What the fuck!! We don't have the go-ahead!

Badger: No! Fuck you and fuck the go-ahead! Ram the gate now!!!

One of the bandits got in the truck, backs it up...

Tripp: Jesus Christ!!

The truck then drives towards the gate and rams down the gate and the truck to flip afterwards...and inside the truck was filled with walkers as they broke out and to start attacking the people on Prescott and tear gas being thrown as well....

Tripp: *coughs* Shit..tear gas..!!!

Javier: I-I have to find Kate and gabe!

Tripp: Go man...I'll hold off these assholes!

Javier then starts rushing and to try to find Kate and Gabe through the tear gas...only to bump into couple of walkers and to kill then with a knife...

Gabriel: Javi!

He then heard Gabe's voice, and to find him and Kate with Eleanor...

Eleanor: Let's use that car! There's enough room for her!

Javier: Let's go.!!

They rush brining Kate in the car as they got in as well as Tripp pulls up with his van with Conrad...

Tripp: Head East! We'll catch up!

Javier: Okay!

Javi and them drove off out of Prescott, Tripp then spits Clem and (YN) both taking down walkers together as he opens the door for them...

Tripp: You two! Get in now!!

(YN): Let's go Clem!!

As they make a run for, Clem then gets grabbed by a Walker from her foot...

Clementine: Shit!!

(YN): Clem!!

(YN) rushes to save her as he punts the walkers head off and picking her up...

Clementine: Thanks!!

They make a run for inside Tripp's van and to then drive off out of Prescott...


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