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As we left off, Prescott was under attack by the bandits that had a mark on their necks, or also to say their called as "New Frontier"
according to Clem and (YN) knowing they somewhat know these bandits...the gang they drove and met up at a road down the east and re group...

Tripp: Eleanor! Thank god.

Eleanor: Can't believe it. All of our friends, our people...oh Conrad.

They all see Conrad looking down, dead quiet for what not only happen to his home, but what they did to his wife...

Javier: I'm sorry Conrad.

Conrad: You're sorry? ..You're SORRY?!? You're the reason why they came to Prescott in the first place! She's dead cause of you!

Tripp: Conrad, easy buddy. None of this is his fault.

Javier: Bullshit! Francine, Prescott! All that happen, cause of this washed up cheap walked into our home!

Javier: Hey back off okay?! You're not the only who lost somebody okay?! ...So...say what you got to say.

Conrad: Ha, is that suppose to make me feel better?!

Eleanor: Conrad please.

Conrad: All I know, if it wasn't for HIM-

Suddenly, a gun was heard by emptying the clip, and to see Gabe aiming the gun at Conrad...

Gabriel: Back the fuck up!

Javier: Gabe, no! It's not necessary!

Gabriel: What?! Yes it is, I'm trying to help!

Javier: I know you do, but not like this.

Clementine: Lower the gun Gabe.

(YN): Easy dude, don't do anything dumb.

Javier: Don't Gabe, this isn't how it works. Cause if you shoot an unarmed'll regret it for the rest of your life, you hear me?

Gabe looks at Conrad..Gabriel: ...Don't touch my uncle again.

He puts the gun away and walks away...

Javier: Gabe!

Clementine: Let him Javi.

(YN): Yea, from what I can see, he's not taking it well for what happen to his sister and Kate.

Javier: ..I know.

Conrad started to cry from losing his wife and sits down aside the truck...

Eleanor: Conrad..

Conrad: ..We have to go back, and bury her.

Tripp: I wish we can bud, but we can't. Prescott is over run now, we can't go back.

Eleanor: Well we aren't safe here.

Clementine: What about Richmond?

(YN): We heard about that community not that long ago, heard there's food, people, and a hospital as well.

Conrad: No..! ..All I want is to find the motherfuckers who did this.! They took my home! They took my...go damn it!

Javier: You want revenge? You're gonna need help, and getting to Richmond is the only way to do so.

Tripp: Richmond huh.

Eleanor: It's something at least.

Conrad: ...Yeah, fuck it. Let's go.

Tripp: That's the spirit man.

As Tripp and Eleanor try to comfort Conrad, Clem and (YN) notice Gabriel standing off the road...

Clementine: Come, let's talk with him.

(YN): Mm.

They both walk and approach to Gabe...

Clementine: Gabriel?

Gabriel: O-Oh! H-Hi, there Um..

Clementine: It's Clementine, and he's my partner, (YN).

(YN): Whats Good.

Gabriel: Nice to meet you, Clementine, and (YN)...

(YN): Sorry about your sister, so fucked.

Clementine: We both are. It's tragic, and really shitty to loose somebody...we both know how it feels.

(YN): ...

Gabriel: ...I just wish we went back...and bury her.

(YN): Don't worry, we gave her one, a proper one, not much, but she got one. Oh, and also...

(YN) pulls out a tape player from his pocket and hands it over to Gabe...

Gabriel: Mariana's tape player.!

Clementine: Something to remember her.

(YN): Don't loose it.

Gabriel: ..*smiles* Thank you.

Gabe then approaches to Clem and hugs her, which Clem will let it happen...but gage was hugging her for quite long...and (YN) steps in...

(YN): Okay, I think that's enough there.

Gabriel: O-Oh, sorry.!

(YN): Mm.

Clementine: Hehe.

Javier: Come on guys, got a long drive ahead of us.



The next day on the road, Tripp stops at a near gas station and notices the road is block by some cars and notices Javier and then arriving and telling them to stop, Javier gets off the car..

Javier: What is it Tripp?

Tripp: Bad news. We got cars clogging up the underpass. Too many to drive through. We're gonna need to move some out of the way.

Gabriel: I wanna help.

Javier: Good.

Eleanor: I'll stay with Kate if anything.

Javier: Sure, yell if anything happens to her.

Tripp: ...It's awfully convenient the pass is blocked like this.

Conrad: Not convenient at all if you ask me.

(YN): If we move that car there, we should be good to go, least giving us some space to pas through.

Javier: Yeah. Come on, let's get to work and clear it out.

Tripp: You guys go ahead, Javi, word with ya?

As the rest look around, Javier approaches to Tripp...

Javier: What is it?

Tripp: ..Conrad don't look too good.

Javier: ..Tell me about it.

Tripp: Listen man, about what he said last night...he didn't mean it. He's a good man, known him a long time, as of's a dark day for him.

Javier: Don't worry, I understand.

Tripp: Thanks, also, keep an eye on him for me, all right?

Javier: Gotcha.

As Tripp tries to find a way to love the car, Javier notices (YN) and Clem open a garage door and open the hood on a truck and holding some jumper cables ...

Javier: Seems like your guys found something.

Clementine: We did.

(YN): We can connect the cool of this truck to the car over there, use the jumper cables of the truck and Tripp's, it can help pull the car out.

Javier: Sounds great. Tripp.

Tripp approaches...

Tripp: What happen?

Javier: Think you can pop the hood of your truck and use your battery?

Tripp opens the hood of his truck...

Tripp: Y'all better not mess up my baby here.

(YN): Yeah Yeah.

(YN) connects the jumper cables to Tripps truck and the old buster truck as Javier pulls and extends the hook to connect the car blocking the way...

(YN): Hope this works.

He presses the button as the hook started to extend back, and pull the car out of the way...

Gabriel: Awesome!

Javier: There we go. We're set. Eleanor, be ready to set when it's moved. We'll be right behind.

Eleanor: Will do-

Suddenly, with moving the car and making lots of noise, walkers started appearing out of the road, and also on the trees and bushes ...

Eleanor: Shit!

Tripp: Get the walkers!!

As the others take down the walkers, Javier rushes to the car and to stab and shoot down walkers that true to break in the car, Clem and (YN) help Javi and to shoot down more walkers that's blocking the way...

Javier: Eleanor now! Go, just drive! Get Kate to Richmond!

Eleanor steps on the gas and drives off, taking Kate to Richmond...

Javier: Their through! Let's go!

Tripp: Can't! Our problem got more problematic now!

More walkers kept appearing and started surround them...

Javier: The roof!

They rich over to the building at the gas station store, and spot a ladder to climb up, they all rush to climb to the roof while shooting down walkers. They luckily arrive at the roof, but still, they look down and notice a lot of walkers roaming around, and nowhere to run.

Tripp: Goddamnit! Knew this place didn't felt right.

Conrad: The hell we gonna do now?!

Clementine: We have to come up with some plan.

Tripp: Oh great, a plan! Sure, who would thought of that. That's great!

(YN): You done?

Javier: Hey calm down, okay? We wait up here and have them move away.

Clementine: That could take days. We'll be dead by then.

Tripp: Great, just fucking great! What the hell are we gonna do now!?

Clementine: Calm down.

Tripp: Calm down!? I ain't gonna fucking calm down!! Eleanor is out there alone right now!

(YN): Hey back off Tripp!

Conrad: Oh piss off (YN)! We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for the two of you!

Gabriel: Thats not true!

(YN): <Oh pudréte Conrad>!

Conrad: Why don't you drop some balls and say it in English, boy!

(YN): With pleasure! Fuck you, Conrad!

Clementine: Easy, (YN).

Conrad: Oh, got your bitch to back you up?

(YN): Watch it!!!

Clementine: Fuck off Conrad!!

With them arguing, Javier spots something at another roof building, hiding behind a billboard...

Javier: Woah Woah! Stop, there's somebody there!

Conrad: What?

Tripp: Shit! I saw it too!

Javier: Get down!

They rush and took cover behind some vents...

Gabriel: Is it a trap?!

Tripp: Just keep your heads down, may have a rifle. I don't know about y'all, but I like to have my skull intact.

Javier: Hey!! Whoever you are out there, we don't want any trouble, okay?

No response...

Javier: The hell? ...Okay, I'm going to see and find out, rat of you stay here, I'll yell if anything.

Javier pulls his gun and rushes over to the building by crossing a platform on top of the tunnel and to reach over to the roof where he spot the stranger that's been watching. As he got there, he finds him still crouching and looking away, he slowly approaches to him, aims his gun...and to poke him behind the head, only to realize it was a trap, as the head fell and turn out to be a ball with a beanie..

Javier: The hell??

Suddenly, he felt a presence of somebody behind him, aiming at his head behind...and to find out it was the stranger that Javier spot hiding here...

???: I'm not holding a toy, so drop yours, and I won't hurt you.

Javier drops his gun...

???: Now then, I ain't gonna shoot, unless you make me. I just wanna talk, just a word.

Javier: So talk.

???: Okay. So, you, the two guys, the kids, the women in the car...I saw you split up, and heard about the argument of yours just now. You're friends over there wont shoot me, right?

Javier: No, they're good people. They lost...a lot.

???: Sure, we all had.

Javier: ..Recently.

???: Ah, fresh wounds. That makes sense. So, y'all going to Richmond? That tells me you got something going on down there. Question is, who's wide are you on?

Javier acts quickly as he tries to take the strangers gun off his hands, but the stranger was taking more the advantage band was aiming his gun underneath Javi, until luckily, Clem and (YN) rush to save him aiming their guns at the stranger...

Clementine: Don't move.

(YN): Drop it <cabrón>.

The stranger listened, and to drop his weapon and raising his arms up as Trip and the others arrive aiming their guns at the stranger...

Tripp: Well, is he one of them?

???: Woah man, what do you mean by "them"? Who's "them"?

Tripp: You know what I'm talking about: The New Frontier.

???: What?? No, I ain't with them. You got the wrong guy.

Tripp: Javi?

Javier observed, and to then look at his neck...and doesn't have a mark like the bandits...

Javier: He's clean.

???: See? Look, I'm on my way to Richmond, just like y'all. I lost touch with some good people of mine when the New Frontier took over.

Tripp: !!?

Clementine: ...What did you say?!

(YN): Come again!?

???: The New Frontier. They took over Richmond...don't tell me you didn't know that?

Just as he said...the new frontier, the ones that run over Prescott, and shot Mariana...are at Richmond...which means Wleanor and Kate are in trouble...Clem and (YN) both gave a feared look in their eyes, and (YN) to began pacing around, panicking and Clem as well, but also trying to calm (YN) down...

Gabriel: Fuck! Kate!

Tripp: Oh god. Elabore..Kate! They're heading right in the middle of those assholes!

Conrad: At least now we have an excuse to go after those Motherfuckers!

Gabriel: What are we gonna do!?

Javier: Let's calm down.

Tripp: Calm down?! Calm down!! How the hell you want us to calm down about this!? They're gonna fucking kill them!

Javier: Not if WE get to them first.

???: There's a old train tunnel there that runs under the James river...

As the stranger explains them a way to get to Richmond, Javier notices (YN) still pacing around, panicking as Clem tries calming him down...

Clementine: (YN)!

(YN): Shit shit shit shit!! Damn it!!

Clementine: (YN)!! Calm down.

(YN): How can we calm down, Clem!? Those <bastardós> are there! And if they are, there's a slight chance they have AJ!! And not only that...if they see us there, and us with fresh meat and his gang...they'll know we were one of us.

Clementine: I-I know, but...if we only tell Javi about how we REALLY know them, maybe he would understand.

(YN): Clem, Im sorry, AND no offense...but are you out of you're mind??!

Clementine: What else can we do?? It'll be worse if we don't tell him the truth.

(YN): ...Fuck, Just...Fuck!!

Clem grabs and holds (YN)'s hands...

Clementine: Hey, just relax okay...there's still hope hope that our little AJ is still there. So for now...try to calm down, okay?

(YN): ...Okay.

Clem gently smiles and carees (YN)'s cheek...

Clementine: Good.

(YN): *smiles*

Javier: Clem? (YN)?

Clementine: Javi.

Gabriel: Clem, Everything okay?

Clementine: Y-Yea, we're fine.

(YN)): ..Yeah.

Javier: ...Okay. We're about to to head there.

???: Ready? Let's get moving then.

Javier: Wait hold up...what do we call you?

???: Sorry, forgot to introduce myself. It's Paul, but my friends call me Jesus.

Jesus was now an ally with Javier and the rest as he leads them over to Richmond to get to Eleanor and Kate before the New Frontier...
As for Clem and (YN), the two were worried about the New Frontier taking over Richmond, and they're more worried about saying that they have AJ...
What do they mean???


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