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After the flashback, Clem and (YN) were both in the tunnel with Javier and the others as Jesus leads them the way to Richmond, and hearing that the New Frontier has took over Richmond, meaning Eleanor and Kate might be in danger, and need to get there before they do...but, Clem and (YN) can't hide their secret anymore of them use to be from the new, they had no choice but to tell it to Javier as the others walk...

Clementine: Javi.

Javier: What is it?

Clementine: ...We need to talk to you.

Javier: About?

Clementine: Look, Me and (YN) have...ran into a group before we met you, and we regretted it.

Javier: ...I'm not following here.

(YN): The New Frontier...that was the group we've been with before.

Javier's eyes widen with shock as Clem shows her mark on her arm and (YN) on other arm too...

Javier: Holy..shit! two were with those monsters?!

Clementine: They're not monsters...not all of them, like that. Look we don't want you to forgive us, we want you to understand...we had no help...we couldn't find any food nor water at all...

(YN): At first we thought we didn't need They're help, but then again...they were persuasive.

Javier: Please tell me you're both not still with them.

(YN): No. never.

Clementine: We just wanted to explican, if they are really taking control over Richmond, we can't let them see us.

(YN): Once we've reach to the other side of the tunnel, we're leaving.

As they all arrive to another tunnel, Javier flashes the light around to find the way to Richmond...but Javier soon flashes to the right and spots lots of walkers down and they turn around...

Gabriel: They're everywhere!

Tripp: Fuck! Keep sharp!

Two walkers appeared and tried to sneak up behind Gabriel...

Javier: Gabe!

But suddenly, Jesus comes to the rescue and began using Jujutsu martial arts moves and kick down one Walker and to then grab the other one by the neck and toss body him to the floor as Javi stabs it on the head...

Gabriel: Holy shit...!

Javier: Over there! Let's go!

Javier and them make a run for over to the tunnel and to then find themselves a train blocking the way...

Tripp: What the fuck?!

Jesus: I didn't expect a train here.

Conrad: Can't we go around it?! If we can't find a way around, we're dinner!

Javier: Let me try opening it!

Javier runs to the back door of the train and started jabbing the doorknob and manage to open the door and everybody rushing in and shutting the door...

Clementine: Walkers are still following us. (YN) and I will block the door. You guys go ahead and make sure it's clear.

Jesus: Make it fast, we'll wait.

Javier: You guys-

(YN): Just go fresh meat, we got this. Don't worry.

Clementine: Go Javi.

Javier: ..Okay.

Gabriel: Be careful you guys.

Javier and Gabe made a run for with them others as (YN) started holding the door shut as Clem looks for something to barricade the door and not have walkers barge in...she then finds a pole attach, but won't come off yet, she began yanking it and pulling it with all her force, and she did. She quickly rushes over to (YN) and barricading the door...

Clementine: Okay, we have to move.

(YN): Let's go.

As they make a run for with them others, suddenly Conrad appeared out of nowhere and aiming a gun at them...

Conrad: If I were y'all, I wouldn't touch your weapons.

Clementine: The fuck Conrad!?

(YN): Fuck is wrong with you??

Conrad: I heard you both. Think I'm stupid? I know where you both EXACTLY came from.

(YN): Hey, whatever you heard from us, it wasn't what you think.

Conrad: Bullshit. Show me your arms, now!

Conrad aims his gun at they slowly reveal their marks to him...

Conrad: I fucking knew it. You're one of them! Tell me, what other bullshits you shoved us in our throats, huh?!

(YN): Look say what you wanna say, but what you heard is bullshit. We aren't with them.

Clementine: ..Not anymore, trust us.

Conrad: Trust?! How can we trust y'all if you two use to be with those new frontier motherfuckers? The way I see it...if we bring hall there, they'll give us whatever we want.

(YN): Oh Ho! Trust me <amígo> those assholes won't bargain with you if I know what you're trying to say.

Clementine: You don't know them, they aren't like us, they're monsters.

Conrad: We don't know, if we try. It's our best option to do so, and you both know it.

Clementine: Go to hell Conrad! If you wanna shoot us, then do it!

Conrad: Don't test me girl!

Conrad snatched Clem and holds her as a hostage and aiming the gun at her...

(YN): <Cabrón>!!! Let her go!!!!

(YN) pulls out his and aims it at Conrad..

Conrad: Nobody has to shoot anybody!

(YN): You started!! Now let's her go damn it!!!

Conrad: This is how it's gonna be son, and we all step into the sunshine.

Clementine: Damn it, Conrad!!

(YN): You mother-

Conrad: Don't take another step boy! You both know this will work, just give up, and walk with me and the others to Richmond...and they'll give us what we want.

(YN) was trembling with rage against Conrad holding Clem as a hostage, Clem can tell from (YN)''s eyes that if he tried to shoot and misses, then Conrad will do the same...and won't let it happen..

Clementine: (YN)...just drop it.

(YN): Wh-Wha.??!

Clementine: Drop your gun...we're going to Richmond.

(YN): What?! Clem! Are you-

Clementine: What choice do we have here?! Even if we do wanna leave....we still wanna know where "He" could've done to AJ!

(YN): ....AJ.

(YN) shuts his eyes for a sec...and to open them....

(YN): ...Okay, Conrad...we give up.

(YN) drops his gun and kicks it towards him, and Lets Clementine go as he picks up the gun and aims it at them...

Clementine: That doesn't mean we surrender cause of you, it's cause we want to go and see the bastard that took AJ away from us.

(YN): Hopefully he got teeth still so I can brake some of them.

Conrad: Don't know what y'all talking about, but let's go, now.

Clem and (YN) both walk down and Conrad behind them aiming his gun at they reach to the other side with the others, they notice Conrad aiming the gun at them...

Javier: Conrad!?

Gabriel: What are you doing!?

Tripp: Conrad, man, why the hell you're aiming the gun at them??!

Conrad: Y'all wanna tell them, or should I?

Clem/(YN): ....

Tripp: Well?? Why the hell is Conrad aiming that gun at you guys?

Javier: Clem, (YN), what happen??!

Jesus: Hey come on now, let's take a deep breathe here-

Conrad: They're New Frontier. They've been all along.

Gabriel: What??! You two...are one of them!?

Javier: ..Fuck.

Tripp: Wait, you know about this Javi?!

Javier: ..They just told me about it, but trust me, they're not with them anymore.

Conrad: Bullshit. I'd put my money on it when they see them, they'll be really happy to see them again.

(YN): ...Use to.

Clementine: Think what you guys think, but we aren't with them anymore...and the only reason we're coming is because we have unfinished business with the bastard that took someone away from us.

(YN): Fucker will lay if something bad happen to him.

Javier: Ok look, we will deal with them, but right now we need to find Kate and Eleanor.

Tripp: Right, let's move out.

Tripp and some of them found out that Clem and (YN) both use to be in new frontier, they make they're way to their base, but first they need to find Kate and Eleanor...
As they walk down the street, they realize that it seems to be quiet, too quiet...

Tripp: Why so quiet? Thought they pop out and spot us marching down the streets.

Javier: Don't get too cocky, they could be watching.

Tripp: Copy that.

Suddenly, as they give a turn, they spot the vehicle Eleanor and Kate were in and made a run for towards...and find Kate...

Javier: Kate!!

Javier brutes in the car...

Javier: Kate, Kate can you hear me!? Please say something!

Kate surprisingly is alive and wakes up...

Kate: ..Javi?

Javier: Yes!

Kate: ..Could use something to take off the edge right about now.

Javier: Heh, very funny.

They hug and were relief to see each other again...Javier pulls her out of the car as Gabriel runs and hugs Kate and hugs her as he too was relief to find her okay...

Tripp: Where's Eleanor?

Kate: She...She went ahead to get help, but she never came back.

Tripp: Damn it! They must've got her.

Javier: Jesus, how much farther from their compound?

Jesus: Not too much far now, couple blocks at most.

Javier: Okay, we need to move quick, Kate can't hold much longer. So it's time to walk up to their front door and pay a little visit.

Conrad: So we're doing it my way?

Javier: Not Really, but so were clear, you follow MY lead, until my people are safe, understood?

Conrad: Fine.

Javier: Let's go.

Some time pass, Javier and then we're walking down couple of blocks, and to spot a front gate up ahead...

Jesus: There it is, New Richmond.

Javier: We're here Kate, im gonna get you inside okay?

Kate: ...Javi..if they can save about you and I go finally to that trip in Norway? Remember?

Javier: As long it gives us time to hit the slopes, I'm in.

They arrive to the front gate...

Tripp: Jesus, there is a solid possibility this ain't gonna go our way. If you wanna stay behind, I wouldn't blame ya.

Jesus: Hey, this what I came in the first place.

Javier: Here goes...Hey!!

Up at the balcony of the front gate, we then see Max and some of the bandits, aiming their guns at them down...

Max: You again?! You must have some death wish.

Javier: She needs medical help!

Tripp: And you have one of our people!

Max:Uh-Huh, what's your point?

Clem and (YN) both took a step front as Max barely recognize them...

Max: What the-Clementine and (YN)! Heh, how long has it been?

Clementine: Not long enough. 🖕🏼

(YN): 🖕🏼🖕🏼

Max: Heh, they got you mix up in all this? Who is they to you? Don't seem like they're here with a choice.

Javier: They're our friend, which means what we're doing right now doesn't sit real well with me. But if we can get inside those gates, Kate will die!

Max: ...Alright, you have my attention, but I be lying that you got me convinced. Go get the boss, he's wanna see this.

Bandit: Got it.

Max: Now, drop your weapons nice and slow.

Conrad: Not a chance!

Jesús: I think maybe it's a good idea to play along here, at least for now..?

Max: You do what I say, I'll see that as an expression of good faith, nice and easy.

Javier: ...Everybody, lower them.

Max: Guess you're serious about this after all.

The gate opens as more bandits appear out of the gate with their weapons, and the boss of the new frontier appearing as well...

Boss: What the hell is going on out here?

Max: They said they aren't here to hurt anybody, so I was trying to see if they-

Boss: god!

As the boss took a good look at Javier and them...his expression change into a shock surprise look, and so did Javier and Gabriel for some if the boss know them two...Gabriel then said...

Gabriel: Dad?!

Javier: Brother!?

The boss of the new frontier, is none other than Javier's brother, and Gabriel's father, David.

Clementine: What?!?

(YN): The Fuck!!?


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