Chp.8 Unexpected Plot Twist

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As we then left off, Conrad has hold (YN) and Clem hostage and to then tell the others that they "are" from the new frontier, which they aren't anymore according to them. Once they reach to the entrance of Richmond and to find out New Frontier took over, they met the leader, and the leader turn out to be unexpected surprise by Javier and Gabriel, as the leader of the new frontier happens to be Javier's brother, Gabriel's father, David Garcia, who they thought he was gone for good, but turn out to be not true...and here he is.

Javier: Brother!?

Gabriel: Dad!?

Clem and (YN) whisper...

Clementine: What the-

(YN): Fuck!?!David: it really you?!

Back to David...

David: Is it really you guys?!

Javier: God! You have no idea how great it is to see you!

David: Heh, got a pretty decent idea.

Gave rushes and hugs his father...

Gabriel: I knew you were still alive! I knew it!

David: Great to see you too son! ...Hey, weapons down, this is my family here!

David's men lower their weapons down...

Javier: David, you have to let us in! Kate doesn't have much longer!

David: Jesus! Kate!!

Kate: D-David??

David: I'm here honey! I'm here now! What the hell happened?!

Javier: She got shot, we manage to take the bullet out of her, but she's still bleeding. We need your doctor David, now!

David then grabs and holds Kate...

David: ...Thanks Javi, for bringing her here. Max! She's coming in.

Max: But she-

David: She's my wife. What? Want her to die?

Max: N-Nope! Didn't say that.

David: ..Don't worry honey, our doctor will fix you up right, you're gonna be fine.

Gabriel: I'm going with you.

As David takes his wife Kate to the doctor and Gabriel going with him, David's men aim their weapons at Javier and the rest...

Female Bandit: Sorry, but the rest of you have to go straight to quarantine.

Tripp: What for?

Female Bandit: All new I comers check in for bites, and answer some questions. It's how we keep it safe for everyone.

Clementine: Yea, right.

(YN): <Púras mentiras>

Female Bandit: Something you wanna say, son?

(YN): You're a bitch.

Javier: Hey cool it...Okay, let's get it over with.

Tripp: Javi?

Female Bandit: Make my job easy will you? Listen to your friend.

Tripp: ....Fine, whatever you say.

Female Bandit: Follow me.

With that said, Javier and the rest were taken to an underground basement for "quarantine" as his brother and gave took Kate to the doctor, but only thing that leaves Javier concern is that why would David not take Javier with him?? And why hasn't he came back home during the whole apocalypse???
As time pass, they were take down to a basement and Eleanor to be found there...

Eleanor: Tripp!

Tripp: Oh god! Eleanor!

They hugged...

Tripp: We found the car without you in it...I don't know what to think.

Eleanor: That engine up and died. I came here looking for help, and this happen...and I've been so worried about Kate. I told them she really needed a doctor. They promise me as well. Please tell me she's okay?

Javier: She was still in the car, and she's getting a doctor. Which is good, for now.

Eleanor: Oh thank god...I'm sorry again Javi, I should have never left her, and didn't had a reason to believe them.

Javier: ....

Tripp: ....

Eleanor: What??

Tripp: ...The people here in Richmond, Eleanor...their New Frontier.

Eleanor: What?!

Tripp: They took over before.

Eleanor: O-Oh god.!

Tripp: Ho Ho! You ain't even heard the worst part yet: One of his brother.

Eleanor: !?

Tripp: And also, I didn't even know you had a brother.

Javier: So he's my brother, so what? I haven't seen David in years. It's just been me, Kate, and the kids those whole time.

Eleanor: Nobody's implying anything Javi. Look whoever this guy is, he can't be all bad, right? I mean, he help Kate.

Tripp: Course he did, she's his damn wife.

Eleanor: ...You're kidding?? married with your brother?? And the way you two act each other...

Javier: David was gone...I had to step up, make sure the family is okay. It's not like I walk away from her. From any of them.

Tripp: But family drama aside, hope you know I ain't gonna be too friendly with New Frontier. I know you didn't have much stake at Prescott, but they burn our home to the ground for no fucking reason.

Jesus: After everything you folks told me, I'm guessing I'm not finding my people alive.

Tripp: Hell Javi, they killed your niece! Shot Kate! For all we know, your brother could've been behind all of that. Even if it wasn't his idea, if he knew about it and didn't stop it, that shit can't stand.

Javier: Well that's one hell of an accusation there, Tripp. You really think he shoot his OWN family? You really think he do something like that? After how he reacted the condition Kate was?

Tripp: Could be, so he could put on a show.

Javier: That's crazy.

Jesus: Hmm, Clementine, (YN), you two were both at the new frontier. Did you both knew David?

Clem and (YN) were both sitting at the benches as (YN) had his head down and Clem responds...

Clementine: Yeah, we both know him...and if we are both honest here: ...He's not a good guy.

Tripp: Is that right?

(YN): ..Let me add more into it: He isn't just a bad guy...he's a one <bueno para nada hijo de puta> ...good for nothing son of a bitch. And if he was behind the attack of Prescott, we wouldn't even be surprised.

Javier: ...He does have a temper, took some brunt's of it a few times.

Clementine: I can imagine.

(YN): That why you're called Fresh Meat.

Javier: ...

Tripp/Eleanor: ....

Conrad: What happen at the gates, and the fact he's your brother. That doesn't change anything. I'm gonna find the bastard who killed Francine. I'm gonna be asking questions what went down at Prescott, and won't stop till I get answers.

Javier: We need to make them think we're playing along here on their rules, go along what they for now. And when the time is right, that's where we demand justice.

David: Hey.

David appears and calls Javier...

Javier: H-Hey man.

David: I would have been here sooner, but I had to go take care of some...things.

Javier: ...Right.

David: Come on, Kates asking for you.

Javier: What about my friends?

David: They're not invited. Come on brother.

Tripp: Looks like the rules don't imply to everyone, huh?

David: That's right. Some people get out early, other stay a long fucking time.

Eleanor: Tripp, just drop it okay??

Tripp: ...

Tripp backs up...

Eleanor: Javi, just go...we'll wait.

Javier: I'll be back as soon as I can.

As Javier goes following his brother, and as David was about to close the door on the others. He then realizes Clem and (YN), and stares at them as Clem stares at David back with an angry look, and (YN)...just glaring down at Dave, clenching both his hands and wanting to approach to him...

Clementine: (YN)...

Clem stops him from trying to approach to David, and keeps glaring at him...David then shuts the door and takes Javi with him with Kate.
Some time goes by, it was about to turn dark any moment now, and yet Javi hasn't came back yet, which made Eleanor and the others worried...well, some of them.

Eleanor: What is Javi taking so long?

Tripp: Ain't sure. Just hope he comes back.

Conrad: Or maybe he's planning to stay with his brother and join his side.

Eleanor: No, that won't happen. Javier won't do such thing.

Conrad: Just saying, getting a feeling he might end up joining the new frontier like these two here.

Clementine: Fuck you Conrad.

Conrad: Hey I'm not the one who fucked up and join new frontier by "accident".

(YN): ...We had no choice...the only reason we did was for the best for AJ.

Conrad: I call that bullshit.

Clementine: Hey!

Conrad: No! I don't care what happen to you guys before, but you two should have never came to Prescott! If y'all didn't, none of that would have happen!

(YN): ...Well it did.

Conrad: The fuck?!

Conrad approaches close to (YN) right informe of him...

Conrad: You act like all of this is normal!?

(YN): Get away from me, Conrad, not in the mood.

Clementine: Conrad please-

Conrad: I don't give a fuck how you feel! You're not the one who lost somebody! I lost somebody! And whoever this "AJ" is, guess you didn't even tried your best to protect him-

(YN) aggressively stood up from the bench, and to glare down at Conrad's eyes...Conrad wanted to say something back...but not as of right now, from seeing (YN)'s eyes, of how angry, pissed, and literally inches away to strike Conrad just by looking at his hands clenching tight, he knew if he kept won't end well.

(YN): Watch.your.FUCKING.mouth.

Conrad: ....

Clementine: (YN)..

Tripp: Easy there. Conrad? Come on man, leave him alone..

(YN) kept glaring at Conrad as Clem slowly backs (YN) away from him and goes sitting back down...

Jesus: As of now, I say we don't speak anything else that'll make us turn against each other.

Eleanor: Sure...I just-

Suddenly, Javier finally appears ...

Eleanor: Javi!

Tripp: About time.

Jesus: So, what happen?

Javier: ...Well...

Couple minutes later, we then see Javier and the rest finally out of quarantine, but unfortunately they got kicked out of Richmond, and leaving Eleanor again. Javier has told them that whatever happen between him, his brother, and some people that they talked with didn't wanted Javier here due to what happen at the junkyard and when Javier "stole" Max's gas tank. As they got kicked out, Ava rushes and to drop a bag for Javier and running back in as the gates shut close...

(YN): ...Figured it didn't go so well.

Clementine: Obviously.

Tripp: Did you piss in someone's oatmeal back there? Thought you were gonna play along?

Javier: Everything was going first. I don't know what happen back there.

Tripp: Yeah well, I know what's gonna happen out here.

Javier: Let's just see what they gave us in that bag.

Tripp: Knowing them, it's probably a butter knife and a piece of gum.

Jesus: They could've shot us.

Javier: More than once.

Tripp: Oh, how fucking neighborly.

Javier opens the bag Ava gave, and to then pull out a metal bat, and something wrapped to it...

Tripp: What's that??

Javier: Looks like a map. Ava did said David packed the bag.

(YN): Cool bat and all, but why have it tied up on it?

Javier: Heh, guess David's sense of humor is always poorly time.

Javier grabs the map and takes a look at it, and to look at some direction David put...

Javier: Some of these areas are marked clear, pretty sure right here is where David wants us to meet.

Tripp: We don't even know where the hell we are on this map.

Javier: From looking the map, I say we're moving North. And to find North...

Jesus: We need to find the North Star, and from seeing up the sky, we head straight down there.

Javier: Perfect, let's check what else is in the bag.

Javier scoops more out of the bag and turns out to be weapons, a gun, knives, hatchet, and a flashlight and a pick axe...they all each grab a weapon, even if they have their own, still for a backup. (YN) then picks up a gun, and then sees Conrad, as he was empty handed....

(YN): ...Here.

Conrad: ...Nah, take it.

(YN): ??

Conrad: Take it, call it as an apology...that man back at the tunnel...that wasn't me. So, I insist...take the gun.

Tripp: Conrad man.

Conrad: I'll find something else, don't worry.

(YN): ...Take it.

Conrad: What? ..You sure?

(YN): Yeah, with one metal bat i have, Im good, besides you need the gun more to get the guy who killed Francine, right?

Conrad: ...You bet your ass.

Conrad gets the gun...

Tripp: Alright, nobody fires a single shot not unless you're in deep fucking fried, hear me? We don't wanna attract walkers. Let's go.

And so, they make their way up to North to meet up David at a building, on the way there, they bump into some walkers and taking them down and kept walking down the woods...

Clementine: This is a bad idea.

(YN): Tell me about it, is filling that prick's map led us to some walkers back there. For all we know, he's trying to get rid of us.

Javier: Guys, come on. He's my brother. I get it your angry at him-

(YN): You don't understand my anger!

They all stopped and looked back at Javier (YN) and Clem hearing (YN) raise his voice a little...

(YN): You have no idea what that so-called brother of yours took away from us! So get this through that fresh Brian's of yours, Fresh Meat: Brother or not, you can't trust him anymore! ....We learn that the hard way...

Javier: ...

Clementine: We didn't need people again, but we had no where else to go. The new frontier gave us these marks and made us their people.

(YN): And as we did join them...they promise they help "him"...but that turn out to be a fucking lie.

Clementine: A big one.

What do they mean by "not trusting David anymore"????


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