Chp.9 Flashback#3: David's True Colors

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We then take a look at another flashback when Clem (YN) and AJ were in New Frontier still. AJ has got sick and needs medicine, Clem and (YN) found the medicine they needed for AJ to cure, but David didn't wanted to give it to them for some reason. One night at a campfire, Clem, Holding AJ, and (YN) arrive at a campfire where David, Ava and his men were there, they sneak around over to the tent where they have medicine ... as Clem sits AJ on top of a box, she and (YN) startled to see their doctor, Dr.Lingard on the bed...

(YN): Doc's out cold

Clementine: He looks very tired, the yes days it all.

AJ began coughing and didn't like the sickness...

Clementine: Shh Shh, it's okay, it's okay AJ. We're gonna get you the medicine you need.

(YN): Don't worry champ, you'll be okay afterwards. Tch, can't believe David.

Clementine: ..Let's just get the medicine (YN).

(YN): Right, Right.

(YN) pulls out a piece of paper and reads the name of the medicine for AJ..

(YN): "Vancomycin" hopefully they have it.

(YN) searches through the medic aid kits for the medicine, and there to find the medic e they needed...

(YN): Found it, yes

Clementine: Great.

But (YN) also reads that the medicine is needed to be taken by a syringe, a needle...

(YN): Shit.

Clementine: What is it?

(YN): ...The medicine needs to be taken by syringe.

Clementines: ...You don't mean we have to...oh shit.

(YN): ...It has to be a needle Clem, which is the slightly problem of it, but it has to be done.

He again look s through the aid kit and finds the syringe..he injects the medicine with it and fills it up...

(YN): Don't worry AJ, you'll be better once you get this medicine.

. . . Suddenly, Dr.Lingard finally awake...

Dr.Lingard: Clem, (YN).

Clementine: Dr.Lingard, what's wrong with you?

(YN): Yea, you don't seem okay.

Dr.Lingard: I'm fine...but please you two, don't use that medicine. That's the last of it, and will be wasted on AJ. I told you both...

Clementine: It's the only thing to save him.

(YN): The hell you want us to do? Keep him more sick? Not on our watch.

Dr.Lingard: I'm sorry, even if it's valuable for him, it won't work...I'm sorry, I tried...I really did.

(YN): Like ir or not Doc, it's gonna help him a lot.

Dr.Lingard: ...Please, I beg of you both, put the drugs back before anyone finds you guys here. You know what they do to thieves here.

Clementine: ...We have to try.

Dr.Lingard have a disappointing look for trying to wane them to not use the last medication on AJ, but it's needs for him. Clem raises AJ's sleeve up as he notices the needle and began to be scared of it ...

Clementine: It's gonna be okay goofball.

(YN): I know buddy, it's scary by seeing it, but don't you worry, it's gonna be quick, just be brave for us champ.

Clementine: You got this buddy.

(YN) aims the needle at AJ's arm, and to quickly stab and inject the medicine in his arm, but only to make AJ cry of how the needle hurts him...and with him crying, it got David and everyone else's attention..

David: What the hell is this?!

Dr.Lingard: I told them it was a bad idea...

David: Paul, are you fucking high, again?! Hey! Pull your shit together before the others see you! And you two! The fuck were you thinking?! We told you those drugs won't help him, how can both be so stupid! So selfish!

Clementine: What else can we do?! We have nothing to loose, AJ was gonna die if we didn't give him medicine!

(YN): What you want us to do!? Leave him still sick and die without any medicine?!

David: He's gonna die anyway! And that one there, could of been someone else live, some in this camp!

Ava: David, come on. They're just trying to help their kid.

David: They helped enough! We should have left them back at the woods!

David: Hey watch it David!!

Clementine: Don't say that, look! It's helping.

Dr.Lingard: It doesn't work that bought him a peaceful moment, nothing more...I wish I could tell you it could save him, but that's the reality.

Clementine: Then it was worth it.

(YN): You're Damn right, we'll do it again within a heartbeat!

David: Without a go damn thought for anyone else. We open our open for you, made you one of us, and this is how you repay us!? By stealing!? You two broke our rules, violated our trust!

(YN): Hey, we made the right call, which one you refuse to make!

David: Well I'm making one now. You two are done for! Get your stuffs, and get out! I'm sorry you two, but you brought this upon yourselves.

Clementine: Tch, fine by us.

(YN): Fuck this. Come on, let's go. Have a better place for AJ.

David: ...Who says you two are taking him?

Clementine: Wh-What?!

(YN): What!?!

David: No, he stays. Can't take him with you guys.

Clementine: Don't you guys dare touch him.

(YN): You all better step the fuck back!

Dr.Lingard: AJ can't travel, all we can do now is make him feel comfortable here-

(YN): We aren't leaving without him!

Ava: (YN), Clem, let him go. It's the best for both of you to survive better.

Clementine: Ava?? Seriously?!

(YN): You fucking bi-

Suddenly, David strikes a punch to (YN) as he falls to the ground...

Clementine: (YN)!!

Then, David pulls Clem and Ava quickly grabbing AJ away from her...

Clementine: NO!!! You monsters!!

(YN): Nrgh!! <Hijas de la->

(YN) tried to charge at David and the others, only for David to pull out and point the Tun at him...

David: Don't make this harder for you and Clem.

(YN): Harder?! The hell David!? What about the brand you gave us, huh?!

Clementine: What was it all for!? We are still with you!

David: ...Not anymore.

(YN)/Clem: ....

Ava: ...Let them say goodbye to him, we owe them that much.

David: ...Fine. You two, say your goodbye, and leave. Please don't make me regret this.

(YN) was furiously angry the fact they took AJ away from Clem and him and wanted to fight them, but only for Clem to accept this "mistake" they made and have (YN) Accor y it as well...(YN) didn't had much of a choice, it'll just make things worse for both of them if they try fighting. So, the two of them approach to AJ, being held by Dr.Lingard as the two started to feel emotionally sad...AJ then holding both Clem and (YN)'s hand...

Clementine: ..We love you, goofball..We love you.

(YN): We...We won't forget you champ, that's a promise..

David: Clem, (YN)....come on.

Clem and (YN) gave one last good look to AJ...and to give him a gentle smile, and to walk away...and only to then hear AJ's very first words out of his mouth...

AJ: Clem...(YN)...

They both look back with a smile on their faces to hear his very first and last words...leave him for good...


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