Chapter One

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Celesti's POV

Running. This is a terrible way to defeat Dementors and Death Eaters. I held my wand out behind me and thought of my happiest memory. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!" A bright blue light shot out of my wand, chasing the dementors away.

This was my chance to run through the city we were in. It was a stronghold of where the Dark Lord's former followers were, least, that's what the Ministry told me. Per usual, someone misinformed them, and the whole city actually was mainly Muggles and some wizards. Yet, the Death Eaters started to stir up trouble and caused the city to start burning to the ground. It didn't help that some of my fellow Aurors were eager to fight.

I tripped over a loose cobblestone in the street, and fell. I caught myself on the ground, checking to make sure that my wand was still intact. I looked up and saw a Death Eater standing over me, the bright red eyes glittering with malice, "Prepare to die, Gryffindor!"

I held my wand up and shouted out, "Protego Maxima!" At this moment, I just wanted to be in a safe place. I saw the wand that the Death Eater owned casted a red streak; it hit my shield. All I did was hold my wand up, praying that my shield would hold up. Unfortunately, darkness started to intertwine with my shield, and I yelled out in determination to save my skin. Not even meaning to, I closed my eyes to focus all of my strength into this one spell, in order to live through this battle.


I opened my eyes and felt the warmth of the sunshine hitting my navy cloak. Where was I at? This can't be Britain, it was cloudy back there. I rolled over to get up and shook my head, trying to snap out of it. I had a battle to fight, and needed to return to fighting as soon as possible. I looked around me as I sat, noticing that my wand the hands of a creature wearing a pink suit.

The creature was waving the wand around in circles, seeing what it was. I got up and yelled, "Drop the wand please, or the Ministry will have to further interfere!"

It looked at me and smiled...what the hell is it?!?! It's a cat in a onesie, and I had to shake my head. My goodness, I had to be poisoned or affected by the spell! The cat approached me and held it out, "Wait, so this is a magic wand?"

"Yes, and that is mine. Please hand it back." It can talk too?!?! May Dumbledore save me now.

"Can I cast a spell please?"

"I don't think that's possible, and are you even real? Where am I?"

"You're near Sabertooth, I think. I kind of got lost."

"You're lost? I'm lost too. But can you please hand me my wand back?" Whatever this illusion was, I wanted to go home. No, I needed to go home!

"Just let me try it out please!" The creature started to swing it around, and blue sparks came out of it, attracting the attention of everyone around us. The creature looked at the sparks in awe and turned to me, "Where did you get this at?"

"Somewhere, far, far, away from here. Now give it back!"

The creature approached me, so I bent down to the ground to grab it, but another voice yelled out, "Frosch! There you are! Don't tell me you got lost again!"

The creature-a Frosch, ran towards its buddy, my wand still in its grubby hands. Frosch spoke, "Lector! Look what I found!"

I chased after the Frosch, yelling, "Get back here!"

Lector was a cat...that stood on two legs and had a blue jacket on it. What in the world is this place? Lector sighed as he approached the Frosch, "Is that a mythical magic wand? How did you get it?"

I caught up to the creatures and bent down, "It's mine and I dropped it, okay?"

Lector and Frosch jumped at my voice, and the Lector looked at me, "Who are you? Sting, help!!!"

"I'm Celesti Gryffindor, an Auror for the Ministry of Magic. You have my wand."

Frosch looked at me and to Lector, "She's nice, Lector! She's also lost too!"

Lector looked at me, inquiring about my intentions. He...I guess, looked at me and nodded, "True, and I'm sorry about Frosch. We're both lost. How about this? We'll give you your wand back once you return us home!"

You have got to be kidding me! I sighed as I smiled at them, "Fine, we have a deal. Just one rule-don't go casting spells willy nilly! The Ministry already has an inquiry on me probably because of what happened earlier."

Frosch jumped up and hugged me, "Thank you so much!"

I've gotta admit that these creatures are cute, so I hugged back, "You're welcome. Just one question: where is your home at?"

Lector lifted up his jacket and showed me a logo of a saber tooth tiger, "Sabertooth! We're near the guild, but Frosch got distracted by a large thump noise. Frosch gets excited easily, so I chased Frosch over here."

"Erm...The Ministry doesn't have a record of Sabertooth. I'm also betting that I was the thump noise Frosch heard." I looked around and saw a tall building that had a sabertooth tiger on it. Picking up the Lector, I placed him on my shoulders and pointed, "Is that your home?"

Lector nodded, "Yup! We'll start to head that way then!"

Frosch pointed in the same direction, "Lead the way, Lesti!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the cute nickname. If this is an illusion, then I might as well enjoy being with cute creatures. The two of them seemed so nice and well...innocent. I knew that until the three of us got to their home, I would have to guard them to the best of my ability. Little did I realize that their home was on top of a tall hill!

As we walked up the hill, I spoke out loud, "So what's with this Sabertooth?"

Lector responded, "It's only the strongest guild in Fiore!"

"Hold up...what's Fiore?"

"Well, you're standing on it, Lesti!"

Frosch turned to face me and smiled, "Are you really that lost to where you don't know where you are?"

"Well...remember when I said I got that wand far, far, away from here?" Frosch nodded as I continued, "It definitely wasn't from a place called Fiore."

"Then where is it from?"

"A place called Diagon Alley, in a shop called Ollivander's. I've had it since I was eleven years old."

"Where is Diagon Alley at?"

"A place called London, which is located in the United Kingdom."

"You weren't kidding when it was far, far, away from here!" Frosch looked at me, wonder filling his eyes, "How did you end up lost here?"

"Truth be told, I have no idea. I would guess a spell gone wrong, but Aurors like me are prepared for that."

Lector tapped my head, choosing his chance to speak, "What's an Auror?"

"We're special wizards tasked with protecting all mankind from bad guys. Well, the Ministry does that as a whole, but Aurors are the ones fighting in the field against the bad guys."

"So who's the toughest opponent that you have ever fought?"

"Hmm...let's see." I walked in silence, thinking of an opponent that would impress these creatures, "I've fought against a lot of things, but Dementors are scary. I hope that you two never meet one of those gits. Soul suckers for sure. I definitely wouldn't want to fight a Basilisk or a Dragon either!"

"What about Dragon Slayers? Have you fought those before?"

Frosch looked at me and frowned, "Have you ever fought Rogue before because he was a bad guy?"

"I actually don't know what a Dragon Slayer is. The Ministry doesn't have any classified as that. And as far as I know of, I haven't arrested anyone named Rogue either. As long as Rogue doesn't cause trouble, then I won't have to hurt him."

"Rogue's a Dragon Slayer. I'm glad you haven't fought him."

"Trust me, I don't plan on fighting Rogue either."

Lector gasped as he saw the building coming closer, "We're almost there!" He then tapped my head, "Will you ever have to fight Sting?"

"Hopefully not. Like I said before, as long as String obeys the rules set out by the Ministry, then I won't have a problem with Sting."

I looked ahead at the building and saw that it was a lot darker than it appeared in the city. Squinting a bit, I saw the darkness move...and it looked ghost-like. Lovely, Dementors.

They were circling around the building, so I stopped in my tracks. Lector whacked my head once more with his paws, "Why did you stop? We're home."

"And as such, I need my wand back. Now. Dementors are here for some odd reason."

Frosch jumped out of my arms, my wand still in its hand. I bent down to the ground and asked the creature, "Can I please have it back?"

"Yes." It handed me one of my prized possessions: a seven inch cherry wand, with a phoenix feather core, topped with a quartz crystal at the end. The handle was engraved with vines and had a few stars at the top of it. Frosch smiled at me, "Here you go, Les. Time to go home!"

Both of them started to run off, but I grabbed them by their collars on their clothing, "Not so fast. Your friends are in danger. Stay behind me, and I'll get rid of those shadows."

The two of them hugged my legs and I could feel them tremble. Lector looked at me and nodded, "Please save Sting."

Frosch looked at me, "And Rogue too!"

"I will. You're safe as long as you stay with me." I started to feel the temperature drop as the dementors approached us, but I couldn't waver now. I pointed my wand at the creatures and took in a deep breath, recalling the smiles of the two creatures along with my happy memories. I let the strength of those moments flow through my arm, as I shouted, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!"

A blinding blue light came out of my wand, making the two creatures gasp. I could barely hear them as I focused on my spell, making sure that all of my heart and soul went into it.

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