Chapter Two

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3rd Person POV (Sometimes, Will Be Chuck's POV)

Sabertooth had gone to a standstill after feeling the temperature of the building drop. Sting looked around the guild hall and yelled out, "Rogue, are you pranking me?"

The blonde hair was approached by a person that had black hair and red eyes, "No, why would I do that?"

"Just making sure. Why is it so cold here and when did it get dark out?"

"I don't know." Rogue frowned, "Where's Frosch?"

"Frosch went out with Lector earlier today. Wonder where they could have gone to."

"Next time warn me of that!" Rogue was about to scold Sting more, but the two men stopped when they saw a bright blue light surround the whole guild hall. As it did, the building started to warm up once more and the moonlight started to flood in.

Sting got up and ran to the door, "Looks like we've got to fight!" Rogue only nodded and followed his partner.

The two Dragon Slayers were about to open the doors when a bright blue creature came in, not breaking the door. It pranced around the guild hall, making all of the members gasp out of shock. Master Jiemma came out of his office at this time and frowned at the ghostly creature, "What the hell is this all about?"

Sting turned around and faced him, "I don't know, but we're about to find out!" He opened the doors quickly, and ran out, but all he saw was the moonlight shining down on three figures: two Exceeds, and a human. The shadows were completely gone.

Sting yelled, "Everyone! The ghosts are gone!" He then went outside and approached the group of cats and the human, yelling out, "Lector! You safe?"

Lector replied back, "Yup! Frosch is safe too!" Sting's exceed then turned to the figure and jumped up, "Lesti, that was amazing! Can you teach Frosch and I how to do that?"

The human nodded, "Maybe, but this is a super tough spell."

Sting yelled back into the guild hall, "Rogue, I found Frosch!"

The black hair Dragon Slayer ran outside and saw his Exceed jumping at a cloaked figure, "Please, Miss Celesti! We'll be able to handle it!"

A female voice answered back, "Alright, but you have to prove that you're worthy of handling such powerful magic."

"We will! Thank you for taking us back home!" Frosch then turned around and saw Rogue running towards him. The Exceed smiled and ran to embrace Rogue, feeling safe.

Rogue picked up the Exceed and smiled slightly, "Where were you at, Frosch?"

"In town, but I got lost."

"Who brought you back here?"

"Lesti did!" Frosch pointed to the cloaked figure, "She saved the whole guild from the shadow ghosts!"

"Lesti?" Rogue picked up Frosch and looked at the petite girl.

Frosch nodded, "Yup! She's the one that brought Lector and me back here, back home! She's lost too."

Rogue approached the girl and was stoic once more. The girl stepped back, her pale blue eyes showing fear. Rogue smiled quickly at her, "Thank you for saving Frosch from being lost. I was wondering where Frosch went off to."

Sting approached the girl and smiled, "Thanks for saving Lector too. Was that you with the bright blue light creature?"

She nodded, becoming stoic once more, "Yes, that was my Patronus. This place was surrounded by Dementors, so I chased them away, but they disintegrated when the spell hit."

"Do you use light magic? I've never heard of this Patronus spell."

"No. There's different elements of magic though? This place is strange indeed."

"You've never heard of Sabertooth?"

She nodded, "Yes, not until today. I'll contact the Ministry about you guys this instant, since there's no record of a Sabertooth! But...erm...does anyone have a spare owl they can lend me? I was fighting a Death Eater that looked similar to..." She pointed at Rogue, "You, and I casted a shield, but the git decided to attack too. I saw my shield being infused with darkness, and closed my eyes to focus on the spell. Next thing I knew, I ended up down here."

Master Jiemma came stomping out, anger pulsing through him over hearing the girl's explanation of what happened. He nodded at the Twin Dragon Slayers and they stepped out of the way, revealing the suspect of the spell. The large, grumpy man looked at the girl and saw her golden blonde hair and blue eyes full of...why he never saw this except in his own daughter, but eyes full of spunk. Strangers would usually coward in front of him, but this girl was different.

He looked at her up and down and grunted out, "Who are you, and why have you not heard of the strongest guild in Fiore?"

She looked him straight in the eyes and said out loud, "I am Celesti Gryffindor, an Auror for the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry doesn't have a record of your guild, least, where I'm from."

"Why are you here?" He admired this girl's courage to stand up to him without fear.

She pointed to the two Dragon Slayers holding their Exceeds, "I was helping them out."

"Sting and Rogue don't need help from a weakling like you. I'm sure you have heard of the power of the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth."

"I haven't, actually. But I was expecting a 'Thank you' from the rest of you for helping out." (Start playing the song here!)

"We don't thank people here."

"That's close enough for me, so you're welcome." She smirked at Master Jiemma while the guild started to laugh at their Master's speechless nature. Sting and Rogue looked at her and saw Celesti smirking.

"You don't mouth off to me, got it, brat? I'm the Master of this guild. In fact, I'll make sure that you'll remember Sabertooth for as long as you live." Master Jiemma snapped his fingers as he barked out, "Sting, Rogue, take her out."

Celesti's eyes went wide as she took in those words. Sting and Rogue put down their Exceeds and got into a fighting stance, shock going through their minds. The two Dragon Slayers turned towards the Master of Sabertooth and saw that he was rather irked at Celesti, or Lesti. Sting found it rather amusing that a girl would stand up to Jiemma, but he had to be careful. After all, Jiemma was the one who let him in the guild and he knew that the Master had a fiery temper.

As for Rogue, he felt grateful that someone had finally stood up to Jiemma, and grateful that she was so kind enough to help out Frosch. At least he now knew why she was wary of him at first. He couldn't help but feel bad for her to be placed in a situation like this.

Celesti took off her cloak, revealing a navy dress that had gold outlining it. She had on combat boots and black pants underneath the dress. Rogue looked at her in awe as she gripped her wand. She nodded at them, "Do what you have to do to please the Head of your House. I've faced worse."

Neither Sting or Rogue could move, shocked at the girl's brash nature. Rogue only turned away when he felt someone tugging his long cape and saw Frosch about to cry, "Don't hurt Lesti, okay? She saved me!"

Rogue winked at the Exceed and nodded, "I have to do what's best for my guild! Shadow Drive!"

Celesti gasped she saw a bunch of shadows racing towards her. She pointed her wand out and shouted, "Lumos Maxim-"

Before she was able to cast it at the shadows, she felt the ground disappear under her feet. She gasped, but it felt like she was...running through the ground. It wasn't hurting her. She looked around and saw the man with red eyes, the one called Rogue, carrying her. Shadows surrounded the two of them, and she was amazed at how it felt...warm, like light.

Rogue made eye contact with her and smiled, "You alright?"

"Thank you. And I'm sorry for opening my mouth. How is this possible?"

"My magic. I'll explain more when we meet again. For now, just stay away from the guild."

"That's easier said than done. I have no home here."

"I've got a plan then." He then jumped up out of the ground into an empty street, and put Celesti on the ground, "Can you walk?"

"Yes, I wasn't harmed. Where do I go?"

He pointed to a building that was the third on the right, "There. It's where Sting and I stay. We'll be there shortly. Wait in the lobby for us."

"Thank you, Rogue. I appreciate your help." Celesti then turned and started to walk quickly towards the building, but she stopped and waved goodbye to him. Rogue saw this before he disappeared once more into the shadows and nodded.

As Rogue traveled back, he tried to calm down his beating heart, not knowing what this foreign feeling was. He felt thrilled that Frosch was back, but he had a feeling that this girl was supposed to come to his guild for a reason beyond returning the lost Exceeds. He composed himself as he reappeared in front of Sabertooth, stating calmly, "The deed is done, Master Jiemma."

"Good. Everyone rest up now, as the Grand Magic Games are coming up soon."

Sting, Frosch, and Lector looked at their friend in shock, thinking that he had done exactly what Jiemma had wanted. Rogue had to act cool and he started to walk back, towards his apartment, pretending nothing happened.

Sting chased after him, shouting, "Hey! You didn't even give me time to hit her with my magic."

The two Exceeds had enough of walking, so they decided to fly next to their dragon slayers, not believing that Rogue had so called 'taken care' of their savior. Once they were out of earshot of the guild, Sting shouted out at Rogue, "What did you do to her?"

"You'll see. Just promise me to keep your trap shut."

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