Echos of a Jedi Master

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Ezra slowed his pace. He was nearing his hideout. He glanced at Sabine, asleep in his arms. She had mud on her face and her newly cut hair was dirty, but he still thought she looked beautiful.

Of course, if he ever told her that, she would probably slap him across the face - but it was nice to dream.

He reached his hideout. He had found this house there already, but it was the tiniest house he had ever seen. He had built it taller and bigger, so half of the house was the original stone, and the other half was wood and other materials. It looked shabby, but it served its purpose.

He slowly carried Sabine through the door, careful not to wake her. He made a move to set her on his bed, but she made a sleepy sound and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck. He smiled gently and tried again, but her grip was strong, and he had a feeling that if he woke her up, she would be very mad at him.

Ezra gave up and sat on a wooden rocking chair he had constructed, Sabine still cradled in his arms. He gently rocked back and forth and stared at her. Out of the entire Ghost crew, he had definitely missed her the most. He had missed her attitude, her art, her laugh.

When he was younger, Ezra had a huge crush on Sabine. She obviously didn't like him back and made that very clear. But after Kanan became blind, Ezra lost those feelings, along with himself. In the few days between Kanan's death and the attack on Lothal, he had regained them stronger than ever, and Sabine had even seemed to be warming up to him. But then he was gone.

There were some days during his isolation when Ezra wondered what would have happened if he hadn't left with Thrawn - but he never regretted his decision.

Ezra sighed and used the Force to bring an old book to his hand. He had found this book inside the house. It was a book on Jedi techniques and stories. He suspected that an old Jedi or Force-Wielder had once lived in this house.

Ezra opened the book to his favorite chapter. It was about Force-healing - where a Jedi could heal someone else using their life energy. Ezra hoped he'd never have to use it, but it was still a good trick to learn.

He started to read but was interrupted by Sabine. She was still shivering violently from the rain and was shaking the rocking chair. Ezra again used the Force, this time to receive his favorite old orange jacket from his days in the Rebellion. It was too small to fit him now, but it would definitely fit Sabine. He gently took off her armor, leaving her in her plain black jumpsuit, and slid her arms into the arm holes. She sighed in her sleep and stopped shivering.

Ezra went back to reading. He had a feeling everything would change.

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