Dance Lesson

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Takes place in season 3

It was a quiet day on Attalon for the rebels. Nothing really to do for them. Zeb was helping around the base, Kanan was meditating, Hera, Ezra and Sabine was on the Ghost.

Ezra was in his room laying down on the bed using the force to levitate his lightsaber in his hand. He was lost in thought until he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened and Sabine was standing there. He smiled. "Hey Sabine." He said. "Hey Ezra. Can I ask you something?" She asked. "But you just did." Ezra said and they both chuckled. "For real Ez." She said smiling. "Sure what is it." Ezra said. Sabine's face went red. "I...just wanna know if you want to come listen to music with me?" Sabine asked. Ezra went red too. "Uh...sure." He said with a smile and Sabine smiled back.

They both were outside the Ghost on a hilltop over viewing the land of the planet. They had a radio with them and they set it down on the ground and turned it on. They sat down next to each other watching the birds fly by. They were talking and laughing while listening to the all their favorite songs.

One song that Sabine liked came. "Oh I love this song." Sabine said excited and Ezra smiled at her. She got up and reached her hand down to Ezra. "C'mon. Wanna dance?" She asked. Ezra's face went red. "I...uh....don't really know how to dance." Ezra nervously admitted. Sabine smiled and grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Hey. I'll teach you. It's easy." She said and Ezra nodded.

Sabine grabbed his hand and put it on her waist. Ezra went really red and Sabine just laughed. They started slow taking little steps at a time going back and forward. Ezra was learning really good and Sabine was happy. They were smiling and laughing and Ezra twirled her around and spined.

Hera walked into the cockpit to check on something but then was side tracked by what she saw. She saw Ezra and Sabine outside the Ghost dancing. She smiled and them and continued to watch them. Then Kanan and Zeb came in. "Hera what are you looking at?" Zeb asked. Hera point outside and Zeb saw Ezra and Sabine. "Hehe. Those two." Zeb said with a smile. "I knew that this would happen." Hera stated. "How?" Kanan asked. "Because I'm the one who told Sabine Ezra didn't know how to dance and suggested her doing this with him." Hera told them.

After the song went off they stopped dancing and smiled at each other. "Thanks for teaching me how to dance." Ezra said. Sabine smiled and kissed his cheek. Ezra's entire face went crimson. "Thanks for giving me a good dance." She said also red. They took each others hand and walked back to the Ghost together.

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