Wearing His Shirt

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It was a cold night on Attalon. Not the normal heat that makes it wish you were on a different planet. No, a cold night that only comes when the moon isn't out. Everyone at the base was trying to keep warm. Inside the Ghost Hera had the ships heater running but the coldness still found its way into the ship.

Hera was tucked under covers snuggled up to Kanan trying to keep warm. Zeb was kinda getting use to the cold and just slept. Ezra as well was use to it but still was tucked under covers. Everyone was doing fine but Sabine.

Sabine was tossing and turning in the covers but she was still cold. You would think being raised on a snow planet, she was use to the cold but being away from home has made her forget how to get use to it. She was tossing and turning but to no avail. "Ugh. How can the others sleep with this cold weather?" She muttered to herself. She jumped off her bunk to take a walk around the ship. She felt the cold air as she opened the door and she clutched her arms to herself. She looked around to see if she can try to find something to keep warm.

Sabine looked around in the cargo hold for some more covers and blankets but found nothing. She went into the common room to try and drink something warm. It worked for a little bit, but not for long. She was about to give and just try to power through the night hoping she doesn't get sick the next day.

Then her eyes gazed over to Zeb and Ezra's room. Sabine thought for a second about the idea. "Maybe either Zeb or Ezra has something warm for me." She whispered to herself. Sabine quietly opened the door and went inside. As Sabine went inside she saw both Zeb and Ezra fast asleep on their bunks. She rolled her eyes at the sight and shivered a bit. 'How can those two sleep in this cold place?' She thought. She tip toed inside so not to wake them up and looked around.

To no avail, she didn't find anymore blankets. The only warm one there was, Ezra was wrapped in it sound asleep. As Sabine was about to leave, she noticed that Ezra wasn't wearing his orange shirt. It was on his bunk hanging off. Sabine thought for a moment about the idea. 'Ezra won't mind if I use his shirt will he?' She asked herself. Sabine decided to grabbed and left back to her room.

When Sabine went into her room, she examined the shirt. To her luck it was long sleeve. She felt the sleeve and it felt warm. "Well here goes nothing." Sabine slid the shirt over her head and down onto her body. It was big around the neck and sleeves but she felt nice and warm in it. "Wow. That feels good. This thing feels nice, soft and warm. And, kinda snuggly." She said as she wrapped the long sleeves around her. She got a sniff of the shirt. "Huh. It even smells like Ezra.........I like it." Sabine said.  She soon got in her bunk wrapped her covers over her and soon went to sleep wearing Ezra's shirt.

The next day

Sabine woke up feeling nice and warm. She untangled herself from the covers and remembered she was still wearing Ezra's shirt. "I should give it back to him since its not cold anymore.........but maybe I'll just hold on to it a little bit more." She said as she got out of bed.

Sabine walked out of her room feeling tired and decided to go get something to drink. She walked into the common room and saw Hera and Kanan sitting at the table. When Hera looked up and saw her their eyes widened. "Sabine, why are you wearing Ezra's shirt?" She asked.

Before she could answer Ezra walked in. "Guys? Have you seen my shirt? I can't find......Sabine?" Ezra said when he noticed Sabine. Sabine started to blush madly. "Uh...I....it was cold last night and I couldn't find anything to keep warm." Sabine explained. "So you decided to take Ezra's smelly shirt?" Kanan asked joking. "Hey! I don't smell. Not like Zeb." Ezra said. "Actually....I don't mind the smell. I kinda like it." Sabine muttered the last part quietly as she can. "What was that last part Sabine?" Hera asked hearing what she said. Sabine turned even more red. "Uh....nothing." She said turning her head away.

Ezra chuckled. "Well if you still feel 'cold' you can wear it but make sure you give it back." Ezra said and looked at his shirt on Sabine's body. "And by the way, it's kinda big." He added walking in the kitchen. Sabine smiled and still blushed. "I know....but it's so comfortable and snuggly." She muttered as she hugged the long sleeves around her body.

'I can't believe he let me wear this afterwards. I guess he knows I love his shirt. But he probably doesn't know that I love him more than his shirt. Right?'

Wow! It's been awhile!
I'll do another one but you guys give me your ideas too!

Scorch out!

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