Ariving back

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Sorry I hadn't been very active. I just have been having really bad headaches and I still do so ideas are coming in slow. I hope you like this. If anyone can guess what anime I got this inspiration from, I'll give ya a shout out.
A few months ago, Sabine left to go to Japan to sucseed her digree in art, leaving her best friend behind.

Ezra sat in a chair close to the terminals with Chopper, his foster mother's German Shepherd. He hadn't seen Sabine for nearly 3 month's and he missed her alot. He really didn't have anything to do while she was gone, for they did everything togther. Well there was the option to hang out with Zeb, but he soon left to Canada to find work of himself.

Ezra sat there on his phone, looking up from it every once in a while to see if Sabine had arrived. A hour after Ezra had arrived to wait for Sabine, he herd a plane number being called.

"Plane 163 arriving from Japan, arriving now" the speakers spoke. Ezra was filled with exsitment. "Come on Chopper" Ezra told the dog as he grabbed the lesh and walked over to one of the closer seats to the terminal.

Another 10 minutes passed and there was no sign of Sabine. Ezra then started thinking if that was a diffrent flight and not hers. He sighed and continued waiting.

Ezra leanded back in his seat and just sat there, nearly falling asleep for how late it was (1 at night). That was, untill he herd Chopper barking and pulling at the lesh.

Ezra sat up and looked to where Chopper was barking at. Ezra looked over at the terminal to see the person he waited so long for.

It was Sabine. "HEY EZRA" Sabine called as she waved at him. Ezra just got up and waved back. "HEY SABINE" Ezra called with exsitment as he ran to her and gave her a hug, which she returned.

"Its great to see you again" Sabine told him as she hugged a bit tighter. "Same here. Talking to you through Skype isn't the same. I'm glade your back" Ezra replied as he pulled out of the hug. "Same here" Sabine told him with a smile and she patted Chopper's head who was waiting next to her.

"How about we get going now. It's super late and I am exhausted" Ezra told her with a yawn. "Sure thing. Let's go home (*sarcsticly adds in Tokyo Ghoul music*. I'm sorry)".

"Yeah. Let's get going" Ezra said as they made their way out of the airport.

Sorry it's so short

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