Stronger Than You Know

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Meanwhile, Sofia, Hugo, and the twins found Sabrina.

"Honey, why are you here?" Hugo asked.

"I'm not trying out for the team," Sabrina muttered.

"Are you still upset about what happened on the first day?" Bryan asked.

"Maybe," Sabrina shrugged.

"I know—the first day at Royal Prep can make it hard to look at the bright side," Sofia assured her daughter. "But you can do it, Sabrina."

"I don't know, Momma," Sabrina frowned. "Maybe flying derby isn't for girls after all."

Suddenly, the amulet started glowing. There was a jade green flash of light, and a warrior in green armor appeared, wielding a golden sword. The kids were a little frightened, but Sofia and Hugo just smiled.

"Who's that?" Sabrina asked.

The warrior took her helmet off, revealing herself to be...

"Fa Mulan?" Sabrina, Eric, and Bryan gasped.

"The one and only," Mulan smiled. She saw Sofia and Hugo and gasped, "Sofia, Hugo! Long time no see! You've grown."

"And you haven't aged a day," Sofia smiled.

"It's good to see you again," Hugo grinned.

"Mulan, what are you doing here, and you know Mom and Dad?" Eric asked.

"I do, and Sabrina's amulet brought me here," Mulan replied. "It connects all the princesses from the past. Whenever the bearer is in trouble, it'll summon another to help."

"The amulet summoned princesses for me when I wore it," Sofia smiled.

"What's troubling you, Sabrina?" Mulan asked. "You should be out in the race course."

"Well, my cousins told me that flying derby is only for boys," Sabrina replied. "Then my cousin Cora played this joke on me to prove they were right, and now I don't know if I can do it."

"Of course you can," Mulan encouraged her. "It'll be tough, but you'll just have to be tougher."

Sofia and Hugo smiled, remembering how Mulan told them that. They felt a song coming.

"Is that even possible?" Bryan asked.

"Yes, your sister just needs to see that she's stronger than she knows," Mulan smiled. To help Sabrina understand, she started to sing.

I know a lot about overcoming doubt

So many things they told me that I couldn't do

I went and proved them wrong, so now I'll pass along

These simple words I hope get through to you

It doesn't matter what they say

There's only one voice to obey

And it's that little voice inside,

So let that be your guide

Then you'll be on your way

'Cause you are stronger than you know!

Stronger than you know!

You may be small, but give it your all

And you will finally show

That you are stronger than you know!

So much stronger than you know!

Sabrina thought about Mulan's words. If Mulan could prove the men in the army wrong, then she could prove everyone at Royal Prep wrong.

"I guess you're right, Mulan," Sabrina smiled.

"There you go, honey," Hugo smiled.

"Just think about what you can achieve," Eric told his sister. He and Bryan joined in the song.

ERIC: There's only one thing you can do

We know that you can make it through

BRYAN: And you can conquer any maze

A new trail you can blaze

Because it's really true...

Everyone hopped on their flying horses and flew back to the stables as they continued the song.

ALL: ...that you are stronger than you know!

Stronger than you know!

You may be small,

But if you give your all,

It just goes to show

That you are stronger than you know!

So much stronger than you know!

Sabrina landed her horse as she concluded the song.

So much stronger than I know!

"Okay, I'm going to do it," Sabrina grinned. "I am going to show everyone what I'm made of!"

"There you go," Sofia smiled. "Good luck, kids."

Sofia, Hugo, and Mulan watched as Sabrina and the boys rode off to join the other riders.

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