The Tryout Race

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Sabrina and her brothers made it to the starting line, where Alex and Michael were waiting.

"Are you ready for the race, Sabrina?" Michael asked.

"As I'll ever be," Sabrina smiled.

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather flew up above the starting line.

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Royal Prep's flying derby tryout race," Flora announced. "This year for the very first time, there will be not two but three winners. The first two will earn their place on the team, and the third rider will be the substitute."

"So without any delay," Fauna continued. "Riders, on your wings, get set, go!"

The riders took off. Sabrina was taking the lead with her brothers behind her. She was really making progress. As she continued riding, she started to sing to herself.

I'm taking off into something new

There's so much I gotta do

And I'm the only one who thinks I'll make it through

But the only way to win

Is to try and try again

They want to count me out, but I'll make them count me in

I can be anything

I can see anything

You can teach anything

I can reach anything

I can do anything

So can you

Anything that you try

Look and see

You can be anything

And I know with you by my side,

It'll be a better ride

Together we can be each other's guide

With a friend to see me through

There's nothing I can't do

Gonna spread my wings and soar into the blue

I can be anything

I can see anything

You can teach anything

I can reach anything

I can do anything

So can you

Anything that you try

Soon you'll see

You can be anything

And whatever it takes,

I'll learn from my mistakes

I'll get up when I fall

And never stop giving it my all

I can be anything

I can see anything

You can teach anything

I can reach anything

I can do anything

So can you

Anything that you try

Look and see

You and me

We can be anything


Sabrina and her brothers were very close to the finish line, and...

"Lady Sabrina and Marquess Bryan have won the tryout race and made the team!" Sir Andre announced. "Marquess Eric will be the substitute rider."

Sabrina and Bryan stood in the winner's circle. Eric ran over to congratulate his brother and sister.

"Congrats," Eric smiled. The three siblings got into a hug.

"I couldn't have done it without either of you," Sabrina smiled.

Cora looked down at Sabrina. She couldn't believe her cousin won the tryout race. Cora thought about what she did. She started to regret playing that horrible joke on Sabrina. She hoped Sabrina wasn't still angry with her as long as she apologized for her actions.

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