Family Meeting

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At home, the twins told their parents about their concern for their sister. This also concerned the duke and duchess.

"It sounds like we need to have a word with her," Sofia frowned. "Tom, Jerry, can you get Sabrina and bring her down here?"

Tom and Jerry nodded. They went up to Sabrina's bedroom. There was Sabrina, lying on her bed when she saw Tom and Jerry.

"Hi, fellas," Sabrina sighed.

Tom ruffled the fur on his head, and now he had a hairstyle like Sofia. Jerry ruffled the fur on his head, and now he had a hairstyle like Hugo. Seeing Tom and Jerry like this reminded Sabrina of her parents.

"Momma and Daddy want me?" Sabrina asked.

Tom and Jerry nodded. They led Sabrina to the parlor, where her brothers and parents were waiting. She went over and took a seat next to her father.

"You wanted to see me?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes, dear, your brothers have brought into our attention that you haven't been very happy today," Hugo told her.

"They implied that it has to do with Princess Saffron of Tangu," Sofia added. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Sabrina was a little shaken up, but her family deserved the truth. "Well, I tried to join the Royal Astronomy Club, but Saffron wouldn't let me," she revealed.

"What?" Eric and Bryan gasped. They were horrified that Saffron excluded their sister from the club.

"Why would she leave you out?" Bryan asked.

"I don't know, but she kept making excuses to not let me in," Sabrina replied. "First, she said that only princes and princesses were allowed in the club."

"But we're not princes, and we're in the club anyway," Eric pointed out.

"That's what I said," Sabrina declared. "Then Saffron said that the club was full."

"She said the club was full when you asked to join?" Eric frowned.

"Yes, and she said that Cora and I are cousins and they're best friends, but it doesn't mean I can join the club," Sabrina muttered.

Sofia and Hugo were horrified. The twins were furious. They didn't know why Saffron let them in the club when she wouldn't let their sister join.

"That rat!" Eric glowered. "Well, if Saffron won't let my baby sister join the Royal Astronomy Club, then I quit!" He removed his RAC pin.

"Me too," Eric concurred.

The twins went over to Sabrina.

"Come here, Sabrina," Bryan said. He and Eric pulled their sister in for a hug.

"Don't worry, sissy," Eric declared. "We'll talk some sense into that Saffron on Monday."

"Thanks," Sabrina smiled.

Sofia and Hugo were proud that the twins wanted to help Sabrina.

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