Rosy Ruby

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When it was dark, Sabrina was with her brothers in their library, looking at the stars through their telescopes.

"There's the Big Dipper," Eric beamed.

"I can see Leo the Lion," Bryan declared.

"Wow, I've never seen a pink star before," Sabrina declared.

The twins were surprised. They themselves have never seen a pink start before.

"Pink star?" Bryan asked. He look through Sabrina's telescope and found the pink star. The star was ruby pink just like Sabrina's amulet.

"Eric, look at this," Bryan told his brother.

Eric looked through Sabrina's telescope and found the pink star. "Wow, wait until Mom and Dad see this," he beamed.

Before the children knew it, their parents came in.

"Wait until we see what?" Sofia asked.

The kids noticed that their parents had a friend with them.

"Who's that?" Sabrina asked.

"This is Master Josh, an astronomer," Hugo replied. "Since none of you are in the Royal Astronomy Club, we thought you'd like to study with an astronomer tonight."

The kids really liked that.

"Were you just looking at stars and constellations?" Master Josh.

"Yes, and I was wondering," Sabrina spoke up. "I just saw this strange pink star. What kind of star is it? Do you know?"

Master Josh looked through Sabrina's telescope and found the pink star. "Oh, my stars! I've studied all kinds of stars and constellations, but I have never seen a fancy pink star!" he exclaimed. "There has never even been one. Sweetie, you have just discovered a new star!"

Sabrina couldn't believe she just discovered a new pink star. Sofia and Hugo were very proud of their daughter, and the twins couldn't be any happier for their sister.

"Congratulations, Sabrina," Eric smiled.

"Well, angel, you found the star, so you should name it," Master Josh declared.

"Well, honey, if we can make any suggestions, the name should fit your star's rosy, ruby color," Hugo suggested.

Hugo's suggestion gave Sabrina a great idea. "Rosy Ruby? Daddy, I like that," she beamed. She was very proud of herself for discovering a star.

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