No More Members

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On Monday, Eric and Bryan were anxious to talk to Saffron. Suddenly, Michael showed up.

"Hey, Eric, Bryan, what happened to you guys this weekend?" Michael asked. "You missed two fun Astronomy Club meetings."

"We quit the Royal Astronomy Club, Mike," Bryan replied.

"Yeah, because Saffron won't let Sabrina join," Eric added.

"What? Why?" Michael frowned.

"We don't know, but we need to talk to Saffron," Eric replied.

"Have you seen her?" Bryan asked.

"She's in the sorcery classroom," Michael told his cousins. "I'm coming with you. If that Saffron isn't going to let my little cousin join the club, then I quit too."

Michael and his cousins went to find Saffron.

In the sorcery classroom, Saffron, Cora, and Fiona were talking about how much fun they had during the weekend.

"That was awesome," Fiona beamed. "Saffron, this Royal Astronomy Club is awesome!"

"I know, Fiona," Saffron smiled.

"Michael and I look forward to hosting the next club meeting," Cora smiled.

Suddenly, Michael, Eric, and Bryan showed up, and they were very unhappy.

"You can host the next meeting yourself, Cora," Michael told his sister. "Count me out."

"Why?" Cora asked.

"Eric, Bryan, where were you this weekend?" Saffron asked. "You missed two fun meetings."

"You think we did, Saffron," Eric glared.

"We quit your club," Bryan chimed in.

"I quit too," Michael frowned.

Eric, Michael, and Bryan returned their club pins.

"Why?" Saffron asked.

"Maybe we should answer that question with a question," Eric replied. "Why won't you let Sabrina join the Royal Astronomy Club?"

Everyone heard that, and they were horrified. Cora, Kerry, and Alex were the most horrified. Saffron couldn't believe that Eric, Bryan, and Michael quit her club because she excluded Sabrina.

"You're quitting my club just because Sabrina isn't allowed in?" Saffron gaped.

"Well, she is our sister," Bryan pointed out.

"And my cousin," Michael chimed in.

"Do you really think it's okay to invite us in your club but not Sabrina?" Eric glowered. "Well, I don't want to be in a club that leaves out my sister."

"Me neither," Bryan joined him. "Why isn't she allowed to join the club, Saffron?"

Everyone glared at Saffron, waiting for an answer.

"Well, Sabrina just can't join," Saffron replied. "She's a Lady, and only princes and princesses can join."

"But we're not princes, and you let us in," Bryan glared.

"A Lady can't be in the club, but a Marquess can?" Michael asked.

"Well, it's my club, and I make the rules," Saffron protested.

"Well, if this is how you want it, Saffron, than I quit your club too," Kerry frowned.

"Me too," Alex chimed in.

Everyone returned their astronomy pins to Saffron, who was upset that everyone quit her club.

"Well, at least I still have you in the club," Saffron told her friends.

"Sorry, Saffron, but I quit too," Cora declared.

"What? Why?" Saffron asked. "You're my best friend, Cora."

"Yes, but Sabrina is my cousin, and you're not very nice to her," Cora pointed out. She returned her pin to Saffron and walked away.

"I don't believe it," Saffron pouted. "I wanted everyone to pay attention to me, and I thought keeping Sabrina out of my club would give me the attention I deserve."

Unbeknownst to Saffron and Fiona, Michael was listening to their conversation. He had a feeling he knew why Saffron excluded Sabrina.

"And you lost all your friends and popularity to Sabrina because you had to stop her from stealing her spotlight," Fiona pointed out.

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