Long Time No See

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Sabrina, Eric, and Bryan were looking forward to tonight because they were getting together with their aunts, uncles, and cousins for a family get-together.

"This is so exciting!" Sabrina beamed.

"I know—this is going to be even more fun than astronomy club meetings," Bryan smiled.

Suddenly, the trio heard voices downstairs. They went downstairs and saw their relatives. The kids were really excited to see their cousins, aunts, and uncles.

"It's so good to see you," Sofia smiled.

"But wait—we have a little surprise," Amber smiled.

"Someone came all the way from her kingdom just to see you," Axel smiled.

Everyone looked outside to see who it was. Sofia and Hugo couldn't believe it—it was Sofia's old friend, Elena of Avalor. Not only was Mateo with her, but so was a teenage girl who looked just like her.

"Elena!" Sofia beamed.

"Hi, Sofia!" Elena smiled. She and Sofia hugged tightly.

"Elena, it's been a while," Hugo smiled. "Hi, Mateo," he said to Mateo.

"Hi, you've grown," Mateo smiled.

"So have you," Sofia giggled. She turned to the door and called, "Sabrina, Eric, Bryan, come over here please."

Sabrina and her brothers went over to see these strangers.

"Elena, Mateo, these are our sons Eric and Bryan, and this is our daughter Sabrina," Hugo introduced the kids.

"Good to meet you," Elena smiled.

"This is our daughter, Maria," Mateo smiled.

"Good to meet you," Sofia smiled.

"Good to meet you, too," Maria smiled.

"Because I was the wizard of Avalor before we got married, Maria decided she wanted to be a wizard princess," Mateo smiled.

"Oh, I wish we could've been at the wedding," Sofia sighed.

Sabrina was shocked that this royal family was from the kingdom of Avalor. She wondered if this was like the Amulet of Avalor, but she also hoped they didn't know about her amulet. Elena saw that Sabrina was wearing the Amulet of Avalor. "Oh, Sofia, you gave Sabrina your amulet," she smiled.

"Yes, she loves that Amulet as much as I did," Sofia smiled.

Sabrina was a little shocked. "You know about the Amulet?" she gulped.

"I used to wear it over 60 years ago," Elena smiled.

The kids were very surprised that a royal from another kingdom wore the Amulet that long ago. They wondered how it wound up in Sofia's hands. Then Sofia realized one thing.

"Oh, honey, I never told you the story behind the Amulet, did I?" Sofia asked.

Sabrina shook her head.

"I think it's time we told you the whole story how I got the Amulet when I was your age, how it changed color, and how I helped Elena find her way home," Sofia sighed.

"And I don't think I've told Maria the story either," Elena realized. "It's about time I told her what happened."

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