The Story of the Amulet

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After dinner, the royals got together for the amazing story behind the Amulet of Avalor.

"It all started 62 years ago," Elena began. "On my 15th birthday, my mother, Queen Lucia, gave me the Amulet of Avalor. She said it would always protect me from harm. The Amulet was ruby red at that time. But one fateful day, Shuriki—a wicked, power-hungry sorceress from the Northern Islands—attacked Avalor. She struck down my parents and then came after the rest of us."

"Shuriki murdered Abuelo and Abuela?" Maria gasped.

"Yes, it was really sad and scary," Elena sighed. "Our royal wizard, Alacazar, knew a spell that could protect Tia Isabel and our grandparents inside an enchanted painting. But he needed time to cast the spell, so I decided to face Shuriki on my own."

The kids were amazed by how courageous Elena was.

"Shuriki tried to strike me down, but the Amulet saved my life by pulling me inside it," Elena revealed. "When the Amulet pulled me inside, it turned purple."

"You were inside the Amulet?" Sabrina gaped.

"Yes, Alacazar found the Amulet and went on a journey to free me until he grew too old to continue," Elena continued. "It took longer than I hoped—41 years."

"You were in the Amulet for 41 years?" Maria gaped.

"Yes, and during those years, I didn't age—I stayed 16 years old," Elena said. "During those years, not only was I inside the Amulet, but Shuriki had been ruling Avalor."

"That's a long time to be crammed in such a tiny space," Sabrina remarked.

"Yes, it is," Elena agreed. "When your mother first moved into Enchancia Castle, I sensed that she would get me out of the Amulet—and she had what it took. After a few years, I signaled her that the time had come to get me out of the Amulet."

"What did you do, Mom?" Eric asked.

"I talked Grand Mum and Granddad into traveling to Avalor, so I could find Alacazar's house and summon his chanul—his spirit animal, Zuzo," Sofia revealed. "Zuzo said that I needed the wand that put Elena in there in the first place: Shuriki's wand."

"Surprisingly, she managed to get Shuriki's wand by getting her to dance," Mateo smiled.

"Then Mateo and I flew to an old Maruvian temple, where I had to wrap the Amulet around the wand and put it on the crown of Aziluna," Sofia continued. "That's when Elena was finally out of the Amulet. When Elena got out of the Amulet, it turned ruby pink."

"It was finally my time to take back my kingdom," Elena smiled. "I rescued my grandparents and sister Isabel from the enchanted painting. With the help of Sofia's family and the brave people of Avalor, I overthrew Shuriki and reclaimed my kingdom."

The kids were very pleased, and Sabrina was amazed that there was a princess trapped in the Amulet years ago.

"You know, I was trapped inside the Amulet when I was your age," Sofia revealed.

The kids gasped in shock.

"Did an evil sorceress invade Enchancia, Momma?" Sabrina asked.

"No, honey, it was Sultana Hildegard who put me in there," Sofia told her. "My family was at a sleepover at Albuquerque Palace, and Queen Clio and Sultana Hildegard accompanied us."

"We were showing my family our sorcery skills, and Sultana Hildegard got so jealous of your mother that she started to show off this spell that could turn anything into gold—and the spell almost hit Grandmamma," Hugo continued.

"Just as the spell was about to hit your grandmother, I pushed her away," Sofia said. "The spell almost struck me down, but the Amulet saved my life by pulling me inside it. When the Amulet pulled me inside, it turned blue, and I got your father to bear the amulet and get me out."

"Daddy wore the Amulet?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes, but it was only until I freed your mother, sweetie," Hugo smiled. "I tried to free her from the Amulet the same way she freed Elena. But despite the procedure being performed correctly, the Amulet wouldn't release your mother."

Sabrina and her brothers started to look worried.

"Yes, it seemed scary, and your father used several magic spells and potions to extract your mother from the Amulet, but nothing worked," Axel continued.

"But then we learned that Junior Academia Royale was being attacked by Hexley Hall pranksters, and they were about to strike Grand Mum and Granddad the same way Shuriki struck Elena's parents," Hugo recalled. "I managed to snatch their wand and break it in half, which destroyed all the magical damage to the school."

"Saving your grandparents was such a good deed that the Amulet blessed your father by releasing me," Sofia smiled.

The kids were very intrigued by this.

"Wow, this Amulet is even more special than I thought," Sabrina declared.

"Yes, it is," Sofia smiled.

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