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3rd Person - Annabeth


She stared at Percy's empty shroud, tears streaming down her face silently. Why did he have to push her out of the way?! Gaea was about to crush her under a pile of rocks and dirt, when seaweed brain came to her rescue. He saved her life, condemning his own in the process.

Across the pavilion, Chiron stood stoically, shooting a volley of flaming arrows alongside the Apollo cabin. They saluted the fallen demigod, the one who had saved them more than any others.

Near the back of the pavilion, Nico, Will, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Jason and countless others stood, unwilling to sit for the final goodbye to their friend. Annabeth was one of those people, but the pain of crying and grief sent her to her knees.


3rd Person - Bruce


Bruce walked along in the grass of Central Park, humming a familiar tune under his breath. He watched some kids play a game of soccer, smiling at their childish demeanor. He stopped suddenly as he spotted a figure in a bright orange t-shirt smeared with blood. Bruce ran to the figure, checking its pulse. He rolled the person over and quicky determined it was a boy. A dead boy.

"9-1-1, what is your emergency?" A voice asked as Bruce dialed an ambulance.

"Send an ambulance to Central Park, please. There's a dead boy here, I'm trying to do CPR." Bruce said calmly, a certain urgency to his tone. Once the ambulance was confirmed en route, he hung up and begin rapidly pumping the boy's chest with his hands, sighing in relief as he coughed and sputtered to life.

"Annabeth!" He screamed, choking on his own blood. He reached for his pocket, groaning as Doctor Banner pressed his hands into the dirt.

"Sir, please remain calm. An ambulance is on the way-"


"Who is this kid?" Steve asked Bruce, reading over a medical report.

"No idea. He reminds me of Percy, just a little. But this kid is more fit. He's got a six pack, for God's sake. Not to mention his wounds. Looks like he was in some sort of heavy combat, but in Central Park? It makes no sense."

"Who looks like Percy?" Tony asked, walking in.

"Some kid that Bruce found today. He had to restart his heart."

"Six times." Bruce added.

"Okay. I was hoping someone had found him, Sally's getting more upset every day. She said there was a message that he died, but she can't show me the message for some reason. And there's no messaging app called Iris..." Tony mused, sighing after a moment.

"Well, this could be him. If you schedule an appointment, you could see him and find out." Bruce suggested.

"Just because he has black hair-"

"And sea green eyes, tanned skin, tall and fairly muscular. He fits Sally's description perfectly. Besides, it's better to confirm now and get him moved to a private clinic, if it is him, than let it wait and have him bombarded by reporters and Iron Man fans when he wakes up."

"When he wakes up?" Tony questioned.

"He's in a coma right now. I predict he'll wake up in a few weeks."

"Any other surprises?" Tony asked wearily.

"No idea. If I did, they wouldn't be surprises, would they?"

Hey pals! Sorry for the short intro, but I have a plan for this. Prepare for feels. Like, lots of feels. If you're dead inside, I bet I can make you cry.

Or at least twitch. Maybe blink.

Well if you blink, I win. Maybe.

See ya next chapter!!

~Allunaz (my nickname that I use for websites and shoot)

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