Missing Again

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3rd Person - Percy


Percy woke to a dull ache in his... everything. The ache quickly blossomed to a scream-worthy agony, but the demigod gritted his teeth and attempted to figure out his location.

"Right this way, Ma'am." A muffled voice said just before a door creaked open. Percy attempted in vain to open his eyes. He remained laying on the soft bed, wondering where he was. Perhaps he was in the infirmary at camp. Yes, that had to be it.

"That's... He.... It's hard to tell." A familiar voice said softly, and he felt a smooth hand on his cheek. The hand was cold compared to his feverish skin, and Percy managed an involuntary smile.

"Honey, he looks just like your pictures. I think it's him." Another voice said. This one was unfamiliar but kind and welcoming.

"I think it is too... The only concrete way to know is to ask him when he wakes up. Until then, we won't know." The woman reasoned. Percy took a deep breath and forces his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as they attempted to stay open. He saw his mother and an oddly familiar man standing next to him.

"Mom-" He gasped, feeling tired already.

"Percy?" She asked frantically.

"Mom, find Annabeth... Bring her here, she has to-" Before he could finish, the hellish demigod dreams pulled Percy back into the nightmare infested sleep he had know for most of his life.


3rd person - Annabeth °•°


Annabeth stared at her celestial bronze dagger, thinking of all the monsters she'd slain next to the son of Poseidon. She sighed, placing the knife on her bunk. It took her less than a minute to run from the Athena cabin to the lava wall - in light of her friend/boyfriend's permanent absence, she had been distracting herself by training harder, climbing higher, fighting longer, so that she would never have to be saved again. So that nobody would die saving her again.

"Goddamnit, kelp head!" She shouted from the top of the lava rock wall. Hardly any campers noticed, and those that did refused to look up. Of course they understood what she was going through - everyone had lost friends in the war. But Annabeth had lost her world.

"Annabeth, get down from there. Sally has a message for you, it's of the utmost importance." Chiron shouted, his voice amplified by some manner of magic.

"What is it?" Annabeth asked, hopping to the ground a good ten minutes later.

"Come inside. I have an Iris Message set up." The centaur said, and the camper followed him inside to a large and empty table.

"Annabeth!" Sally said from inside a window of water and shifting color.

"Sally." Annabeth replied kindly, trying to be strong. She may have lost a friend and a lover but this woman lost her only son, and soon after, her boyfriend.

"Annabeth, you won't believe this." Sally said happily.

"Won't believe what?" She asked skeptically.

"Percy - he's alive! I don't know how or why, but Tony and I found him in a hospital. He asked me to get you, to have you come to him."

"He's alive?!" Annabeth whispered, unsure of the words spoken by her best friend's mother.

"I didn't believe it either, but then he woke up and spoke to me."

"Woke up?" Annabeth asked fearfully.

"He's... He's in a comatose state right now. But at least he's alive." Sally reasoned, and Annabeth nodded quickly.

"I'm coming tonight. What's your address?" Sally answered and Annabeth wrote it down on a stray napkin, tucking it in her pocket.

I'm coming for you, seaweed brain.


3rd Person - Agent 1307

"Grab the boy. His powers will be impossible to beat."

"Yes sir!" Agent 1307 watched in amusement as his troops ran around with purpose, a single purpose to end all other purposes.

"Heil HYDRA."


Tony's POV


Sally insisted that we visit Percy again, and I didn't want to disagree. The kid seemed like he'd had some rough years, both by his looks and by the way his mom talked about him. As his step father, I wanted to be there for him, so I went too.

"You know the way, right?" The nurse asked, smiling as Sally nodded. She led me back to the hospital room, opening the door quietly.

"Where..." The word left my mouth as confused thoughts raced through my mind. The bed was empty, the sheets were a mess and a blood speckled the otherwise pristine floor. Sally gasped beside me.

"Tony, you need to do something for me." She pleaded suddenly.

"I... Of course." I stuttered.

"Bring me a water bottle."


"Trust me - if there has ever been a time to trust me, this is it." She says in a tone I've never heard before.

"Okay." I leave the room, trying not to show my concern, fear, and confusion.

When I come back with the water bottle, Sally is nervously fingering a coin.

"What exactly is going on? Can you explain while you drink?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"I'm not going to drink this." She states, using the end of an IV to poke the water bottle. She squeezed it, sending a spray of mist into the air. She threw the coin into the mist, then said, "O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering." The spray of water shimmered for a moment before I realized the coin hadn't fallen - it had disappeared in the mist.


"Show me Chiron - Camp Half-blood." She says, and the mist shimmers again. Now a picture of a centaur appears in the air.

"Sally!" He says cheerfully.


"Chiron, this is urgent. Can you send Grover along with Annabeth? Even Tyson, if you can contact him." Sally asks desperately.

"Why? What happened?" The centaur asked.

"Percy is missing. When Percy goes missing..." Sally trailed off.

"Bad things happen." The centaur confirmed.

Sup everyone - this is getting exciting!!! I think.

Lemme take a moment to explain my new story updating process. Basically, between Monday and Thursdays, I will write updates for almost all of my stories. Then they will be published on Monday or Thursday.

Every couple of cycles, I'll write a large amount of chapters for one story so that readers can binge read a few chapters. However, this means that not all stories will be updated evenly. I apologise for that, and wish you a Happy Thursday!

Also season four of Sherlock is on Netflix!!! I'm writing this on Tuesday so you may already know...

Also, a note: I'm only updating this book right now because of school. But expect an update for pretty much every story on Monday! I'm sorry for the sparse updating, but I have made myself a bit of a schedule to help move things along. Anyway, carry on!!

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