~Chapter 26~

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(Emily's point of View)

Almost a week had past since Harris and Sophie arrived at our apartment unannounced, I was still baffled that they managed to get past Roderick. Whenever I asked him about it he smiled at me before changing the subject, I wasn't sure what exactly that meant and I most likely never would.

Sophie and Harris had been staying in our home since then, everyone had originally been against the idea but with the help of my mum they all came around. The originally empty feeling apartment was now filled to the brim in every room with someone new. Adding two dogs to the mix made things especially hard but everyone adored them.

More than anything I wondered how everything would change after we were all finally out of the grips of our families. Would Sophie and Harris just run off and turn cold towards us again, or would I finally have the little sister I always wanted. If my parents would go and retire on some tropical island and use the rest of their lives to live the one they were robbed of.

Would Nate and I finally have the chance to be together after years of being torn apart with broken hearts.

I felt a finger pressed against the space between my two brows, I opened my eyes to find two shining cobalt eyes staring back at me. A smile graced my lips, the same smile that always appeared for him, and I pressed my own finger to the space between his brows.

"Worrying will only shorten your life Fenice, and I plan on living a very long life with you." My heart skipped in my chest as I watched his amused smirk and eyes light up.

"Worrying is for the wise and the crazy Chimere." I responded with my eyebrows raised wondering if he would say-

"Well you're definitely crazy." I hit him in the arm even though I was still smiling and had fully expected that response.

"Marques and Michael have been working on the plan, but there's no guarantee that it'll all go smoothly." Nate began to lead me from my old bedroom, which I still retreated to for worrying, and into the usual meeting place.

Lizzie was the only member of our team that was missing, but the rest of the dream team were all on their way. Sierra had called Nick explaining the situation and he called the rest of the group. All of them were on the first plan ride to New York saying that it was time for a true reunion anyways.

It had been almost a year since I had seen Martin and Noah, their wedding had probably been the last time. They had a Summer wedding since Martin was born in the fall and Noah was in the spring they thought it was best to go in the middle.

The pair now lived down in Florida while Noah worked on his author career Martin ran his father's company. We all were spaced out more than I liked, but no matter how long we were apart we always fell back into rhythm.

"Good you got the little worry-wart before she stared to worry to death." My dad joked with a soft smile on his face, the two of us had become close fast and had a bond I never had with Sebastian.

"Just barely Marq." Nate joked back as we joined the majority of our group, although Alana and Sophie both were making snacks in the kitchen.

"We have the paper work and thanks to these two new additions we know the key to pulling this off." I raised my eyebrows wondering what information Sophie and Harris had told my father to make him this optimistic.

He must have seen my face because before I could respond he answered my question, "With our new company we're going to buy Richmond Inc. right under Hector Richmond."

Shocked couldn't even describe the feeling that welled up in my stomach, I certainly hadn't expected my father to say that. He laughed slightly at us with a smile, I looked over to find Nate wearing the same expression as me.

"How exactly do you plan to do that Marq?"

"If we take Montgomery Inc. right before Hector signs over the company then the sale won't go through and for a short time it will be for sale." My eyes widened as I understood what he was saying and a grin began to expand over my face.

"Only we will know that the sale didn't go through and before Hector found out we could buy it since our company would have first grabs." He finished off sitting back in his chair with a proud smile at his handy work.

"But how will we know when the sale..." My question fell on deaf ears as all of turned towards Harris who wore his own smirk.

"I told you we could help." He winked at me before heading towards the woman he had chosen to, I glanced around the room seeing all the matches that stood against the odds. All of us had a force against our love, yet even if it took twenty years love prevailed.

"The signing will happen this Sunday." I took in a sharp breath, today was currently Tuesday, which meant I had a little less than five day to prepare.

Nate grasped my hand sensing my uneasiness I looked down smiling with a small blush on my face. He always knew how I felt no matter how hard I tried to conceal it, my steady fast knight who watched over me.

Hours pasted by as my mind continued to spin with all the new information I had been given, the Nick was meeting everyone at the airport and Roderick knew to let them in. Lizzie was still missing dealing with some personal issues and Nate was bonding with the guys.

I had sneaked away Nate's phone needing something to ease my mind, so I unlocked it snuggling into our bed preparing for my favorite past time. Reading his journal.

(Third Year of College, Second Semester, Spring)

Another year has past filled with good and bad times, but I'm still left filled with regret. This past weekend all of us went on a camping trip, which was Emily and Nick's idea. I'm sure you can guess why I went along with the crazy plan, however the others were harder to wrangle.

Martin desperately wanted to go but Noah being a Red-head was worried about sun burning. If it had been fall, his favorite season, then he wouldn't have put up much of a fight. But eventually between Martin and Caleb he was worn down.

Caleb originally was only against the idea because it was suppose to rain, thankfully the forecasters prediction changed to sunny. He quickly jumped on board along with Sierra who found no problem with it as long as we brought along Michael, Emily's brother.

Of course she couldn't ask Emily to invite him so she made a deal with Nick pretending like she wouldn't go otherwise. Emily had no idea that Sierra was practically in love with Michael.

Michael was totally against the idea since he had just recently given up his title as heir and was getting a new company off the ground. Eventually after bribing him with free meals until he got his company running he relented.

But none of this was what made this trip memorable, it was the moment Emily and I shared in a tent. We had all decided to go swimming in the river not expecting for anything bad to happen.

Emily tripped twisting her ankle and while she tried to limp back to camp I made my move. I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to the tents. She shivered violently even with the blankets on her and since I was the only one who didn't go swimming I let her use me to warm up.

I held her in my arms while the rest of the group tried to get a fire going, of course the weather man had to be wrong. Caleb had been right all along to be worried, the group quickly scattered into tents trying to avoid the harsh rain.

The whole night Emily was in my arms clinging to me as the earth was washed away of past sins and was provided with the water it longed for.

The camping trip ended with two twisted ankles, Emily's and my own, along with one sun burn and I'm sure you can guess who. A broken arm after Sierra tried to skipped through the woods the day after it rained, needless to say she never lived that down.

Nick and Caleb were the only ones who were unscathed as Michael and Martin both had to care for the two inquired ones.

Even though my ankle still hurts a bit when I walk too quickly I would never give these moments up. No matter how much pain I endure I will always love and protect Emily Abigail Montgomery.

End of Journal Entry...

A small smile was brought to my face as I remembered my time with Allen on that night, the camping trip seemed like a good idea on paper... But I guess I overestimated my friends.

A knock on the door snapped me from my thoughts only providing me a few seconds before a group of people piled onto me. Nate watched from the distance seeing the dream team together again, Noah had finally found a way to tan after living in Florida for almost a year.

"Emma Bear! Em! Baby!" I heard multiple screams at once as everyone dog piled onto the bed. I almost broke out into sobbing laughs from my reality, I hugged all the people I had missed so much.

We all clambered off the bed after hearing the cracking noises underneath us, the last thing I need was for the bed to break with us on top of it. Martin and Nick both wrapped their arms around my waist picking me up and running around.

"Martin! Nick!" I squealed out as I was paraded around the room in front of my family, we all continued to laugh as I was passed on to Caleb and Nate before finally they put me down.

"I can't believe all of you came!" I exclaimed with a smile seeing not only the dream team together, but Dai joining in with everyone. He had been staying off to the side since everything had happened, it brought a smile to my face seeing him back to himself.

"Made anything new bud?" One glance to Sierra and I knew that she hadn't told any of them his role in betraying me. I nodded at her before watching the sight play out in front of me, I glanced seeing my parents wearing their own content smiles.

My mum and I caught eyes for a moment and I could see how happy all of my friends made her. Knowing that despite the way I had to grow up I still had love in my life.

"It's nice to finally see you again Alana." Nick made his way over to my mother and embraced her before promising her after everything was over that she could see her best friend again.

I wasn't sure who started the music playing from the phone, my best guess would have been the party girl. Before I could spend time dwelling on it Noah had grabbed my hand pulling me into a dance with him and Martin.

"How's married life been treating you two?" I asked over the music that played in the background.

"Best almost year of my life." Martin looked over lovingly at his husband and I quickly made my way to dance with Nick before I was caught up in their making out.

"Were you surprised to find out he was Allen?" He questioned with a small smirk settling on his face, and while I wish I could have said no we both knew that wasn't the truth.


"I knew you two would find each other, you chose each other." I smiled remembering how I had used those words to describe Michael and Sierra. I had gotten them from Nick, shortly after Allen disappeared he told me those words.

Saying that if we had truly chosen each other then one day we would be together again. At the time I didn't believe a single word he said discarding it into the dungeon where I had left Allen. The darkest corner of my mind. But now I knew he was right all along.

Oh my gosh guys it's the first new chapter since I finished Reconstruction, can you believe it? The Dream team has finally come completely together and they have a plan to get away from the Montgomery name. My babies have come a long way, oh I'm going to cry.

But their journey isn't over and I have one more trick up my sleeve, and before you go...


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