Q & A

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While all of you are waiting for my next chapter I figured I would answer some basic questions about my story and my process. Feel free to ask me any questions as well as I would love to answer them and communicate to all of you lovely readers.

1) Whose your favorite character and why?

- Of course I love all my characters and it would be like choosing a favorite child. I won't include Emily and Nate in this because they are the main characters so of course I love them the most. Besides them I would probably have to say Alana and Marques or Nick. Nick has been with Emily her entire life and he's just a fun character to write. Alana has a fire inside of her even though she's been through so much, like being separated from her love. Marques is the father Emily never had and his love for his family is beyond sweet.

So the short answer everyone but especially Marques, Alana, and Nick.

2) Do you see yourself in Emily?

- Emily's personality is much like my own: we both can't dance to save our lives and we are both extremely stubborn people. However her backstory is entirely her own and is nothing like my own family.

3) How did you come up with the story's plot?

- Honestly? No clue, I just started writing and the plot unfolded before me the more I wrote. I plan less and edit more than anything else.

4) Tell us some random facts about Emily.

- Well let's see, while she majored in Business for College she had free reign of her minor. So she decided to study French for her minor.

- Her Favorite Ice Cream Flavor is Red Velvet and her Favorite Candy is a Snickers. Chinese food is her favorite kind of food but Italian is always good to. She doesn't drink much, which is mostly how she got into this mess, but her first alcoholic drink was a Pina Colada.

5) Ship Names?

- Nate and Emily would be Nemily

- Sophie and Brandon is Brophie

- Marques and Alana could be Malana? No clue if you guys have some ideas then it would be appreciated.

- Sierra and Michael, this one I really don't know maybe Mierra? That's the best I have.

6) Tell us something about yourself!

-Well my favorite color is Royal Blue and my favorite food is Chinese food (Can you guess why Emily's is to?). I'm majoring in Chemistry and Minoring in Statistics in College, from this you can try to guess my age. I've only lived in one town my entire life which will most certainly change one day.

Again if You Guys have any more questions let me know but a small update I should have my edits done at the end of this week. Love you all and have a happy happy day!

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