Part 2

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None of us said a word once Chat scooped me up and head off to who knows where. Once we finally landed, I finally worked up enough courage to speak up and say what has been on my mind.

"Chat?" I asked, lifting my face off of his shoulder. He looked at me as if saying 'yes?'

"Are you scared of me?" I asked. He stared at me with confusion etched onto his face.

"What? Why would I be scared of you?" he asked.

"I mean do you believe that it was an accident, or are you scared that I might you know..." I explained. I looked down to my hands as I said "...kill you?"

"I don't know should I?" He teased, trying to lighten the mood. He released me from my grasp and I dropped down out of his arms. My eyes drifted around the unfamiliar area.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Can't tell you." He replied and walked into the yard of a large building. It looked like a mansion that hasn't been lived in for a long time. The grass and other plants were growing wildly everywhere and the rickety porch looks like it would shatter once any of us stepped onto it, but it was still a very nice place. Once he stepped onto the porch - which luckily did not break - I quickly ran to catch up.

My jaw dropped at the beautiful scene as I stepped into the house. It was a breathtaking view.

I heard a light chuckle, followed by a "You like the view?"

I looked over to Chat who was flexing his... arms. I would say muscle, but I don't see anything.

"Chat, this is beautiful." I said quietly.

"So' I was thinking we cou-"

"Look Chat, I've had a pretty long day and I would really just like to get some rest, so if you could please show me my room." I interrupted him.

"Well, first I think we need to take care of that cut on your arm." Chat suggested.

"Oh, right." I replied. I lightly touched the large gash on my arm with my other hand. It burned once my hands made contact with it and I hissed in pain.

"Come on, follow me." He said with a genuine, comforting smile. I followed him up the large, twisting, marble stairs. I ran one hand along the marble banter and the other on the gray wall beside me, like a little kid. I listened intently to the sound of my bare feet against the cold stairs. Uncomplete memories ran through my head. Why is this place, this noise, this feeling, why is it all so familiar.

"Mari?" A voice called, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up a few steps to see Chat with a concerned face. I haven't even noticed that I stopped walking. I flashed a small, fake smile and continued up the stairs. Chat lead me to a bathroom and instructed me to sit on the counter and I did as I was told. The room was silent as he searched for a first aid kit. Once he put something to clean the blood off on my arm, I hissed from pain and jerked back. He looked at me with concern and I concentrated my attention to the beautiful tiled floor.

"S-sorry, it just b-burns." I stuttered.

"It's ok." He chuckled. He put the cloth back on my arm and I bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming.

The rest of the cleaning and stitching up was silent, but my lip was sore from my teeth digging into it.

"Thanks Chat." I said as I hopped off the granite counter top. "Can you show me to my room now?" I asked. He nodded and walked out. I followed Chat close behind to a large room. It held a twin bed against the back wall, and many dressers lining the other walls. I took a seat next to him on the large, plush bed. The bed squeaked under my weight.

"Goodnight Princess." Chat purred before leaving a kiss on my forehead and leaving. I blushed at the feeling of his lips on my skin. I layed down on the large bed and tucked myself into the silk sheets. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander off to whatever it wanted to. Suddenly a small red and black spotted creature popped into my vision and my eyes shot open. Tikki.

I hopped out of the bed and quietly made my way out of the room and to the large marble stairs. I walked down them slowly, trying my best to not wake Chat. I watched the stairs intently, trying to figure out why they were so familiar, then it hit me.
"It's not fair you're way faster then me with those long legs!" The blonde boy yelled as I raced up the marble stairs, laughing a joyful laugh. I had one hand on the banister and the other brushing against the gray wall. Once I got to the top I ran to the nearest room.

There was a twin bed against the back wall and many dressers along the other walls. I looked out the doorway once I heard the light tapping of shoes running along the tiled floor.

"Adrien?" I asked. He caught up with me quickly and frowned once he saw which room I was in. "Who's room is this?" I asked.

"It's my mom's." He muttered quietly.

"What happened to-"

"I don't want to talk about it." He cut my off harshly. "Let's go get something to eat." He suggested.

"Ok." I agreed.
My eyes widened in realization. That's why this place seems so familiar.

My body tensed at the sound of feet running on the tiled floor. "Marinette?" A voice called out to me.

I turned around to see the boy claud in a black leather suit.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated this book in like forever bc I didn't know what to write next, but I suddenly got a surge of inspiration at 3 A.M lol.

I wrote this whole chapter in around 50 minuetes and I stayed up way longer then I wanted to tonight JUST FOR YOU GUYS.

I hope yall love me bc I wrote this chapter really quickly just for you guys

Also any of you want to make me a new cover? Cuz I made this one but I really hate it

Ilysssssssssssssssssssssm- Lizzy

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