Chapter Eighteen

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The car was dead silent, save for Marinette's quiet sniffling as she sat in the passenger's seat turned away from him. Adrien sighed as he turned his green eyes back to the road in front of him.

With the leftover money he had, they found a cheap used car lot where they bought an old, crummy, but useable, rust covered orange mustang. Not the most discrete vehicle but at least it was something. With the remaining change, they had bought food and drinks including cheese for Plagg. Surprising Adrien, the kwami didn't complain about the fact that the cheese was Cheddar and not Camembert, but was instead sitting on Marinette's open palm as he patted the pad of her thumb comfortingly.

Alya sat in the back awkwardly as she watched the plains surrounding the car race by in a white blur.

"I'm sorry Marinette."

"Yeah. Whatever." Was her clipped reply as she turned her body further away from him. She laid her burning temple on the cold glass of the vehicle as she closed her puffy red eyes, hugging Plagg closer to her body as she tugged her knees to her chest. His heart throbbed painfully as if someone had thrown a dart at it as he studied the upset girl.

"Marinette... I know you loved Granny, but you can't blame Chat for her death. She died because she wanted us to escape." The bluenette's head shot up at a shocking speed as she turned to look at her two companions in disbelief, a look of hurt laced in her bluebell orbs as she stared at them.

"You think I'm blaming Chat?!" The girl gaped at them incredulously before feeling her anger begin to bubble inside of her petite body. "Why the hell would I blame Chat?! This isn't his fault! Or yours! It's mine! Mine mine mine mine mine!" She sank back down into her cushioned seat like a deflated balloon, gripping Plagg tightly to her chest. "I told her, almost everything. And she told me she'd be there to protect me... and yet- and yet..." more tears began to flood her already swollen eyes as she stared down at her dirty sneakers. "... And yet, I couldn't protect her! Two people I've killed now-"

With the shock of having Chat's hand on her chest as he pushed her back into her seat as he abruptly slammed his foot on the brakes, Marinette gasped, cutting off her sentence. The mustang jerked forward from the sudden stop just before rocking back.

"Hey! Precious cargo back here!" Alya huffed as she blew her hair out of her face and readjusted her glasses as she glared at the driver.

"Precious cargo my ass." Plagg snickered before squiggling out of Marinette's grasp, patting her on the cheek twice and flying over to Alya, out of range for her to swipe at him.

"You didn't kill Granny, Marinette." He didn't look at her as his hand left her chest, staring straight ahead at the snow covered street. "Those bastards did. And I'm going to avenge her. So quit blaming yourself and starting blaming them."

Adrien shifted the gears as he began to drive on the untracked snow.

"Cause I sure as hell do."

Short one today! Sorry! I have too much homework to get done T_T next time will be longer, I promise.

Until next time, peace!

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