Chapter Seventeen

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Adrien's sunglasses were back on the bridge of his nose as he sat with the three women at Granny's dining room table, hot steaming bowls of beef stew in front of them, the aroma of the carrots and meat broth filling their nostrils as Marinette's and his stomach growled in unison, food deprived for days.

After they said grace, the two hungry teens dove into their stew, eating as if there was no tomorrow for them. With our luck, there might not be one.

Granny smiled at the teens, a twinge of guilt in her bright hazel eyes as she watched the young man and woman eat like they've never eaten before. "I'm sorry I couldn't fix this up sooner, dears. If I had known you were this hungry, I would have went with a quicker recipe."

"Don't be sorry! Really, we're just grateful that you're feeding us!" Alya said in between spoonfuls before getting smacked in the arm by Marinette who shook her head in disappointment.

"Don't speak with your mouth full Alya. It's disrespectful and rude." The bluenette turned back to Granny. "Sorry for her manners, but really are grateful that you're feeding us."

"Oh no, dear. It's my pleasure, I'm always glad to help people."

"So what did you do, before you retired? If you're retired, that is." Adrien asked as he set his spoon down in the bowl, looking at her with the curious eyes that he use to wear too often. He always had this insatiable desire to know everything, and constantly asked questions, especially as a child. He had this unquenchable thrive for it, and not even his mother could hold him back from asking random strangers questions about themselves. That is, until she went missing.

"Yes, I am retired child. But when I was still working, I was a nurse at a hospital in Paris. Once my husband had died, and I had retired, I returned here, the small town that I was born in."

"So you've always helped people Granny?" Marinette joined into the conversation before she had another spoonful of stew, the pang in her stomach from her hunger slowly dissipating with every bite. Her sunken eyes looked more alive than it had in days, and her matted hair was pulled back into a messy bun, thanks to a hair tie Alya had given her earlier. Her pale skin was starting to have more color in it as she continued to eat. All in all, she looked more healthy, and for that Adrien was eternally in Granny's debt for helping his princess get back into her prime.

"What can I say? I guess I've always had a hankering in helping those in need. It's my specialty." The group laughed with Granny as she answered Marinette before she began to eat the stew she had made with Adrien, or Chat as the white haired woman had come to know him as.

"Did you and your husband have any children?" The seemingly innocent question Alya had asked caused Granny to quiet, a somber look on her face as she the upturned corners of her lips moved down into a straight line, her gray brows furrowing slightly as if she were in pain.

"I did, but they've stopped talking to me by now. Their spouse, was very busy and constantly moving. Though I wish they'd come by. I had heard that they had kids, and I was hoping to meet my grandchildren before I die."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Oh don't be dear, I know they're happy if they're together." A silence, a mix between awkwardness and solemnness settle upon the group as a unsettling feeling filled the pit of their stomachs. It didn't end until Alya broke it.

"Well, that's good. I'm sure they'll come one day."

"Yeah, me too."


"So, Marinette dear, how are your legs feeling?"

"Oh, they're feeling better now Granny, thanks." Marinette and Granny were sitting in the family room, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she huddled near the fireplace for warmth, trying to thaw her still cold legs.

"So why aren't you in bed like the others?"

"I can't really sleep. I haven't been able to for a couple of days, really. It only helps if I have Chat there, but it still doesn't stop the nightmares I have." Granny looked at her with concern as she settled herself next to the young lady, unwrapping the blood stained bandages that were around her legs.


"Yeah... They've gotten so bad, that I'm afraid to even close my eyes. I just, I can't work up the courage to tell them about them. I know Chat and Alya, and I know they'll feel guilty about my nightmares and blame themselves, but I'm the only one to blame." Marinette winced as the bandage came off one particularly deep cut, causing Granny to unravel it more slowly.

"Oh honey, don't blame yourself for these nightmares, there's nothing you can do about them." Once her legs were bare, Granny had exchanged the dirty cloths for clean ones, covering Marinette's calves once again.

"No, it is my fault. If I hadn't done that one stupid thing, I wouldn't be feeling this. I wouldn't be putting Chat, or Alya, or even you through this."

"Putting me through what honey? Through the joy of having three teens that are the closest to having grandchildren I will probably have? I'm sure, if you're this terrified of what you've done, that it's bad. Probably really bad." A downcast look covered Marinette's face as she bunched up the quilt covering her with tightly closed fists. "But I'm also sure that no matter what you did, you still have Chat and Alya, who seem to be staying by your side through it all, even after what you did that is so bad. And you'll have me too, because I'm Granny to all." When Granny looked up, she was met with glittering blue eyes that was holding unshed tears in them staring at her with such sorrow and admirability. "Oh come here dear." Granny grabbed Marinette by the shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug, squeezing her with a loving warmth as the teen cried into her shoulder, clutching at the back of her nightgown as if she were terrified that if she let go that it would all be a dream.

And she probably was.

Loud sobs filled the family room, filled with hoarse cries and hiccuping as she buried her face into the frail shoulder of Granny's as Granny held her up.

After several minutes of openly weeping to the older woman, Marinette calmed down, running out of tears to cry. Granny rubbed soothing circles on her back, muttering nonsense words as she held the petite girl.

"It's alright now, darling. Go to Chat, and get a goodnight's rest. You don't need to worry about those nightmares, because you have the three of us here to protect you. That I can promise you."

Marinette nodded as she numbly got up, helping Granny up as well. "Aren't you going to bed?"

"No, I still have some sewing I'd like to get done dear. But you don't need to worry, alright?" Marinette nodded again and this time began to head for the room Granny had designated as Chat's and hers. Slipping through the door and closing it behind her, she softly padded over to the sleeping teen, dipping the bed as she crawled into it and cuddled up to his clothed side.

"Princess?..." A tired yawn escaped Adrien's lips as he felt a pressure against her rib cage. Hearing Marinette mumble in reply, he wrapped an arm loosely around her torso, kissing the top of her head subconsciously as he felt her snuggle into his chest.



"Shut up. I'm tryin' to sleep here." Alya mumbled from the opposite side of the room.

"Ok-" Marinette was caught off by the sounds of pots and pans clattering together, followed shortly by a shrill scream.


"Granny." Marinette got up, followed by Chat and Alya in pursuit as they began to head to the door.

"Where are they?"

"Where are who?"

"You know who. The two girls and the boy. Where are they?"

"They're not here anymore." Marinette lunged for the door, followed by Chat, opening the door a crack before they caught Granny's hazel eyes look at them as if saying 'no, don't come out.'

"We need to save her-" Chat held her back by her waist and held a pained look in his eyes as he watched the scene unfold before them. Granny was being held in a brutal position, a pistol pressed to her temple by Erich.

"I know he will protect Marinette and Alya. I have no doubt in that. That's why I told him to take them and leave as far as they could to get away from you guys. Because I love them as if they were my own grandchildren." Marinette flinched as she heard the cock of the gun, Chat pushing her and Alya away.

"Chat, we need to save her!"

"We can't."

"What?" Alya and Marinette looked at him in genuine confusion and surprise as they heard his answer.

"She wants us to get away. We have to listen to her." Alya nodded in understanding but Marinette began to put up a fight.

"No! We need to save her! I have to!" Alya clamped a hand down on Marinette's mouth to cease her talking as Chat looked at her with sad eyes, his heart wrenching and twisting as painfully as he'd ever experienced.

"Go out the window. I'll follow."

"I'll never forgive myself if she dies because of me!" Marinette's muffled cries came from Alya's hand as she was dragged to the window and the two teens fell out into the powdery snow.

Chat looked down at them before he heard Erich speak again to Granny. Returning to the door he saw Granny grinning at Erich.

"Any last words you old hag?"

"I know my grandson Adrien will find my daughter Marie. And my soon to be granddaughter Marinette, will have beautiful children with him." Adrien's heart leapt to his throats and he felt all oxygen escape his lungs as he stared hauntingly at Granny- his Granny smile at the face of death, no trace of fear in her eye as she stared down Erich, having the power to make him feel belittled.

Granny Dupois? She's Granny Dupois?

His heart dropped as he heard the echoing sound of a shot, the bullet exiting from the back of her white head as she collapsed into a heap on the floor, lifeless. Completely and utterly lifeless.


Tears filled his eyes as he backed away to the window, Plagg's body in his jacket pocket as he stared at his holder in sadness and worry.

I can't let her death be for nothing. I will kill him, and save Marinette and mom. But, Plagg isn't charged yet... Dammit!

Adrien was forced to retreat out the window with the girls, a thrashing Marinette in Alya's grip as she screamed her throat raw into Alya's hand, tears streaming down her face.

I will protect them Granny. I swear on my life, that I will.

Sad depressing chapter for you. But this leads to a whole new can of worms, even though I'm so upset she died.

What were your thoughts on Granny? Favorite moment of her?

Until next time, peace!

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