Chapter Sixteen

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Please follow my Tumblr account, marichat-sins, to request one shots and prompts for FT and ML, or other fandoms! They will be longer, around 3,000-8,000 words! So please check it out!

Song: I Believe In You ~ Michael Bublé

"What do you mean, you 'lost them'?" Marc yelled into the mic, spit flying out of his mouth and his face an angry red. He could imagine his nephew, Tony, flinching at the side of the line.

"We didn't lose them boss, we're still tracking them, but."

"But what?" The room was dead silent as they watched their pissed off leader with a deadly look in his eyes, a vein bulging from the side of his neck, traveling up to his shaved head.

"They've got a new helper boss." Tony winced at the memory, subconsciously rubbing his still slightly irritated eyes, remembering the brat who threw mouthwash in them. He swore to himself that he'd be the one who killed her, followed quickly by the other girl who had repeatedly kicked him in the face. "But no need to worry. I'll kill that brat before she becomes an even greater nuisance."

"You bet your ass you will. Or you won't live to see the next sunrise." Tony gulped as he nodded sheepishly, before realizing that his uncle couldn't see him and responded with a "Yes boss."

The end of the line beeped, signaling that Marc had hung up on him.

"What'd he say Tony?" His friend, Erich, asked as they continued to march through the trail the three brats took.

"He said that it's time we exterminate the bugs."


Marinette knocked on her third door, begging and pleading to herself that someone would answer and let the teens inside their warm house. Her teeth were chattering loudly as she crossed her arms over her chest, huddling into Chat Noir's civilian self for warmth.

Please answer please.

"Yes?" The door creaked open slowly, revealing an aged woman. She had whitish gray hair curled into a messy bun, a few hairs spilling out to frame the sides of her face. She had bright hazel eyes with mic during crinkles, showing she's smiled a lot. "Oh dear! What happened to you, darling? Come in, come in!"

The lady ushered them without a second thought, taking Marinette by the arm and guiding her to a chair in a very homey looking kitchen that held warm yellows and sky blues in it.

"What happened dearies? Oh, you must be so cold, let me get you some blankets and tea."

"N-No, we're okay, really. Thank you so much for letting us in, but I'm just worried about Marinette. She cut her legs, and I didn't want her injuries to get worse." Adrien's had worn off, due to Plagg getting too cold. He was glad he had kept an extra pair of sunglasses in his jacket pocket.

"Oh you're too sweet for a young man! I'll be right back!" She indeed came right back, with two quilts hanging off her arms and struggling to keep three cups of steaming tea from falling through her hands.

"Here, let me help!" Adrien and Alya rushed to her side, each taking a blanket and a cup from her.

"Oh, thank you sweeties." The old woman knelt down next to Marinette, who was previously shoved back into her seat by Alya as she got up to help as well. "May I check your legs, honey?"

The bluenette nodded and the woman set her cut legs on to an empty chair across from her before getting up to grab the first aid kit above the pale yellow fridge and returning to Marinette's side.

"Thank you, really. Thank you so much."

"It's my pleasure sweetie. Though, this might sting. You can hold your boyfriend's hand if you want." Marinette's cheeks flushed a dark red. Before she could respond, Chat's calloused, warm hand slipped into her smooth one, his fingers curling around the back of her hand. "Are you ready dear?"

Marinette nodded, preparing herself for the burning sensation to surround her legs. The disinfectant sprayed onto her injuries, sinking into the semi-deep cuts. She squeezed Chat's hand tightly, feeling the bones in his hand shift beneath her grip.

"Ow! Mari, this hurts me more than it hurts you!" Once the kind lady was done, she wrapped Marinette's calves in white bandages.

"So may I know my guests names? I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Granny." She smiled at her guests, the corners of her eyes crinkling in an undefined excitement.

"Oh! I'm Alya!" The brunette gestured to herself before pointing at Marinette. "That's my best friend Marinette. And his name is Chat." She jerked a thumb towards the tomcat who scowled at her before smiling politely at Granny.

"My my, such pretty names you girls have! Though, Chat is a peculiar name for such a handsome young man." She smiled back at the gentle name. "Excuse me while I make some soup for you. You must be hungry dears."

"Please, let me help." Adrien offered, helping Granny off her knees as she shakily got up.

"Oh, that would be great dear. Alya, honey? Could you help Marinette to the living room? It's right outside the kitchen. The fireplace should be lit. Oh, and take some blankets with you to warm up as well." Alya nodded and did as she was told.

Granny moved around the kitchen, pulling a lot out of her cabinet. "Could you please fill this with some water, dear?" Adrien took the black pita d began filling it in the sink across the room. "So what's your real name, dear?"

"What do you mean? Chat could be my real name, Granny."

"Oh dear, I have been around for a long time. When you get to my age, you learn a few things." She began chopping some carrots on a cutting board, her knuckles pressing against the food. "That's enough water dear."

He shut the faucet off and carried the now heavy pot to the stove, turning the knob to medium high. "So will you tell me?" He bit the inside of his cheek as he glanced at the side profile of Granny.

"Maybe later. I'm in a situation that I really don't want to drag you into Granny. It's bad enough Marinette and Alya are stuck in it, I can't have you be pulled in as well."

"Well at least take the glasses off dear. It's rude, and quite frankly weird to wear sunglasses inside, where there is no sun." The two laughed and Adrien took them off for her, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the bright kitchen light. "My, you have the same eyes as the man I had loved."

She tilted the cutting blared full of chopped carrots into the boiling pot. "Well, let's get some food going for you three."

I'm glad I finally got Granny introduced to the story! One of my favorite characters I created for Safe House.

Until next time, peace!

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